Styles Are Part of The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Standard

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1) What is Style?

Styles are part of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) standard.

2) What is CSS?
CSS is a style language that defines layout of HTML documents.
CSS can add:
3) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used for many of the attributes we have discussed in this lesson
(font characteristics, layout, and more).
4) CSS gives you a wide range of consistent formatting properties that you can apply to any HTML
5) Types of style
A) Inline style sheet
B) Internal style sheet
C) External style sheet
6) Creating Inline Style Sheets
<p style=”background:blue”>welcome to</p>
7) Creating Internal Style Sheets
<html> <head> <title>example</title> <style type=”text.css”>
</head> <body><p>welcome</p> </body></html>
8) What Are Master Pages?
A master page is a page template that can be applied to give many web forms a consistent

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