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FAN COD a0 sere sDS Toll Free: 1-800-579-8088 Web: nev 041415 CETL T. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT: Hydraulic Oil PRODUCT USE: Hydraulic Fluid PRODUC! CODE: OILS SUPPLIER TELEPHONE NUMBERS ; Emergency Number 1-800-661-7378 Patol INET COP. je CANUTEC 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER 1-613-996-6666 Dba Zinko HydrulicJack or general information: 1-800-661-1600 4221 East Brickell St. Ontario, CA 91/61 909-230-4100 [2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Physical Description: Liquid Lightly Coloured _ Hydrocarbon Odour Routes of Exposure: Exposure will most likely occur theaugh skin cantact ar from inhalation of mechanically ‘or thermally generated oil mists. Hazards: this product 1s not expected to be iitating and has a low level of toxicity under normal use, Inhalation of oil mist or vapours kom hot ol may cause irritation ofthe upper respiratory tract Fer furthor information on health affocte, coo Section 11 [3. COMPOSITION 7 INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A WHMIS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. See Section 8 for Occupational Exposure Guidelines [a. FIRST AID MEASURES Eyes: Flush eyes wih water for atleast 15 minutes while holding eyelids open. Irritation occurs and persists, obtain medical attention. skin: Wipe excess from skin. Wash contaminated skin with mild soap and water for atleast 15 minutes. If irtation occurs and persists, obtain medical attention, If material is injected under the kin, get medical attention pramplly to prevent ceriqus damage; da not wait for symptoms to develop, Ingestion: Not normally required; obtain medical attention if large amounts have been ingested. Do not induce vomiting. if vomiting occurs spontaneously, Keep head below hips to prevent cspiration of liquid into the lungs Inhalation: Remove vitim from furher exposure. Additional frst id treatment is not ordinarily age | of 4 required In general, lubricating cls have low oral toxicity. High pressure injection under the skin may have serious consequences and may require urgent treatment Notes to Phys 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media: Dry Chemical Carbon Dioxide Foam Water Fog Firefighting Instructions: Caution, spilled materials slippery. Meterial will not burn unless preheated. Product wil float and can be reignited on surface of water. Do not use a direct stream of water as it may spread fire. Use water to cool fire exposed containers Water may be used to Aush spills away from exposure, Do not enter confined fre space without adequate protective clothing and an opproved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparalus Hazardous Combustion Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and unidentified organic compounds may be Products: formed upon combustion [6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Eliminate all ignition sources Isolate hazard area and restric access. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin, Wear appropriate breathing apparatus (if applicable) and protective clothing, Stop leak only if safe to do 4. Spilled material is slippery. Dike and contain land spills; contain spills to water by booming. For large spills remove by mechanical means and place in containers. Adsorb reside or small spills wih adsorbent material «and remove to non-leaking containers for disposal. Notify appropriate environmental agencylies). After area has been cleaned up lo the satisfaction of regulatory authoriies, Aush area with waler to remove trace residue. Dispose of recovered material as noted under Disposal Considerations [7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Avoid excessive heat, formation of ol mist, breathing of vapours and mist of hot oil and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Wash with soap and water prior to eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or using tele facilities. Launder contaminated clothing prior lo reuse. Storage: Store ina coal, dry, wall vnflated area, away from heat and ignition sources, [8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION The following information, while appropriate for this product, is general in nature. The selection of personal protective equipment will vary depending on the conditions of use. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS (Current ACGIH TLV/TWA unless otherwise noted): The exposure limit listed here are provided for guidance only. Consult local, provincial and territorial authorities for specific values. Mineral cl, pure, highly and severely refined, excluding metal working fluids: 5 mg/m3 (inhalable fraction} Mechanical Not normally required. Local ventilation is recommended if ol mst i present or if exposure Ventilation: limits exceeded. Make up air should always be supplied to balance air exhausted [either generally or locally PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Eye Protection: No special eye protection is routinely necessary. Wear safety glasses as appropriate, Page 2of 4 Skin Protection: Not normally needed, Chemicclly-esistant gloves should be worn for frequent or prolonged contact wih this product. Respiratory Not normally required under intended conditions of use. IF airborne concentration is high Protection: {e.g. when product is heated), use a NIOSH-approved chemical cartridge respirator with corganie vapour cartridges in combination with a P95 particulate filer [9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Physical State: Liguid ‘Odour: Hydrocarbon Odour ‘Appearance: Lightly Coloured ‘Odour Threshold: Not available Pour Point j<-24°C Boiling Point Notevailable Vapour Pressure [<0.5Pa_@20°C ‘Vapour Density fair= 1] > | (absolute: Density: B7Olg/ma _@ 15°C Flash Point COTS 200°C Specific Gravity (Water|0.87 Tower Flammable Umit |Not available ri Not available Upper Flammable limit [Not available Viscosity: 32mm2/s @ 40°C ‘Auto-ignition Not available Temperature: Evaperation Rate (n- | Not available Partition Coeficient [Tog | Not available Bue = 1): Kowl: Water Solubily: [Insoluble [Molecvlar Weight: 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemically Stable: Yes Hazardous Polymerization: No ‘Sensitive to Mechanical No. Sensitive to Static Discharge: No Impact: Hazardous Decomposition Hazardous decomposition products are not expected to form during normal Products: storage. Incom Avoid strong oxidizing agents Conditions of Reactivity: ‘Avoid excessive heat, formation of vapours or mist TI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Routes of Exposure: Exposure will mos! kely occur through skin contactor from inhalation of mechanically cot thermally generated cil mists Irritaney: This product isnot a primary skin irritant after exposure of short duration, is nota skin sensitizer and is not irritating to the eyes. ‘Acute Toxicity: This product is not expected to be irritating and has a low level of toxicity under normal use Chronic Effects: Prolonged and repeated contact wit skin can cause defatting and drying ofthe skin resubing in kin irvitation and dermatis. Long term intensive exposure to oil mist may cause benign lung fibrosis. [1 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ] Environmental Effects: The immediate elfect ofa release is the physical impaitment of the environment from the coating of surfaces, resulting in the disruption of oxygen, water an light to flora «and fauna. Do not allow product or runoff from fire control fo enter storm or sanitary sewers, lakes, rivers, streams, or public waterways. Block off drains and ditches Not readily biodegradable. Page 3 of 4 Biodegradabi 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ‘Waste management priorities (depending on volumes and concentration of waste] are: 1. recycle (reprocess), 2 energy recovery 3. incineration, 4, disposal at « licenced waste displ facility. Do not etfempt to combust woste onsite 14, TRANSPORT INFORMATION ‘Canadian Road and Rail Shipping Classification: This pric is ot regulated under he Cancion Transportation of Dangerous Goods Rouaions for anspor by 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A WHMIS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. DSL/NDSL Status: This produc, oF all components, are listed on the Domestic Substances Lis, os required under the Canadian Environmental Protection Ac). This produet and/or dll components are listed on the U.S. EPA TSCA Inventory Other Regulatory Status: The regulatory information is not intended to be comprehensive. Other regulations may apply to this material 16. OTHER INFORMATION Revisions: This is a new SDS, Poge 4 of 4

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