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Chemistry Homework: Oxidation and Reduction

I- State the Oxidation Number of each of the elements that is underlined.

a) NH3 __-3___ b) H2SO4 __+6___

c) ZnSO3 __+4___ d) Al(OH)3 __+1___
e) Na __0___ f) Cl2 __0___
g) AgNO3 __+5___ h) ClO4- __+7___
i) SO2 __+4___ j) K2Cr2O4 __+3___
k) Ca(ClO3)2 __+5___ l) K2Cr2O7 __+6___
m) HPO32- ___+3__ n) HClO __+1___
o) MnO2 __+4___ p) KClO3 __+5___
q) PbO2 ___+4__ r) PbSO4 ___+2__
s) K2SO4 __+6___ t) NH4+ __-3___

II- What is the oxidation number of carbon in each of the following substances?
a) CO __+2___ b) C ___0__
c) CO2 __+4___ d) CO32- __+4___
e) C2H6 ___-3__ f) CH3OH __-2___

III- For each of the following reactants, identify: the oxidizing agent, the reducing
agent, the substance oxidized and the substance reduced. Write the two half
a) Cu2+ (aq) + Zn (s) → Cu(s) + Zn2+ (aq)
Cu: 2+ __> 0 Zn: 0 __> +2

Oxidizing agent/substance reduced: Cu since oxidation number decreased

Reducing agent/substance oxidized: Zn since oxidation number increased

the two half reactions:

Oxidation: Zn 0 __> Zn 2+ + 2e-

Reduction: Cu 2+ + 2e- __> Cu 0

b) Cl2 (g) + 2 Na (s) → 2 Na+ (aq) + 2 Cl- (aq)

Cl: 0 __> -1 Na: 0 __> +1

Oxidizing agent/substance reduced: Cl since oxidation number decreased

Reducing agent/substance oxidized: Na since oxidation number increased

the two half reactions:

Oxidation: Na 0 __> Na 1+ + 1e-

Reduction: Cl 0 + 1e- __> Cu 1-

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