Day Care

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Main article: Child development

Independent studies suggest that good day care for non-infants is not harmful.[22] Some advocate that
day care is inherently inferior to parental care.[23] In some cases, good daycare can provide different
experiences than parental care does, especially when children reach two and are ready to interact with
other children. Bad day care puts the child at physical, emotional and attachment risk. Higher quality
care was associated with better outcomes. Children in higher quality child care had somewhat better
language and cognitive development during the first 4½ years of life than those in lower quality care.
They were also somewhat more cooperative than those who experienced lower quality care during the
first 3 years of life.
The National Institute of Health released a study in March, 2007 after following a group of children
through early childhood to the 6th grade.[24] The study found that the children who received a higher
quality of child care scored higher on 5th grade vocabulary tests than the children who had attended
child care of a lower quality. The study also reported that teachers found children from child care to be
"disobedient", fight more frequently, and more argumentative. The study reported the increases in both
aggression and vocabulary were small. "The researchers emphasized that the children’s behavior was
within the normal range and were not considered clinically disordered."
As a matter of social policy, consistent, good daycare, may ensure adequate early childhood education
for children of less skilled parents. From a parental perspective, good daycare can complement good
A 2001 report showed that children in high-quality care scored higher on tests of language, memory
and other skills than did children of stay-at-home mothers or children in lower-quality day care.[25]
A study appearing in Child Development in July/August 2003 found that the amount of time spent in
day care before four-and-a-half tended to correspond with the child's tendency to be less likely to get
along with others, to be disobedient, and to be aggressive, although still within the normal range.[26]
Tiny Toes is a pre-school, child care, and daycare center in Thimphu designed specially to help your
child develop the skills and attitudes most important to future learning.
We understand that for many children this is their first time away from mom and dad. That is why we
have taken great care in providing an environment your child can feel safe, secure and loved.
Our carefully selected and trained staff, some of who come qualified from the West, will guide your
child through our carefully planned day.
Our program includes a variety of fun and educational activities designed to meet the needs of your
child’s growth – emotionally and physically. We stress a great deal on building verbal skills, self-help
skills and social skills including sharing and taking turns. A sample of our program is available upon
request at the school.
If this sounds like something your child would enjoy then come and join the fun at Tiny Toes.

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