【稿子】20151019 AE by Shirley& David

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Authentic English

By Shirley & David

S: Hello, everyone! You’re now listening to RUC Radio English Big Bang. Here’s Authentic
English with fun and knowledge. This is Shirley.
D: And this is David. Shirley, I’ve been feeling quite upset these days.
S: Why? What’s the matter with you?
D: The National Holiday was over and it’s been school time for a week! I just wanna hang out
with my friends for a few more days. There are loads of stuff I have to do once getting back here.
S: Well, tell me about it. I do feel the same. However, I think we can always find a way to enjoy
ourselves during those busy days. Let’s say, the ball for the freshmen that were held or to be held?
D: Ball? 你是说最近这段时间举办的新生舞会吗?Wow,我的确是很期待啦,但是我不大
会跳舞耶, 我觉得我的双脚很笨拙,所以还不确定要不要去呢。 I don’t want to embarrass
myself in front of the audience.
S: Just relax. It doesn’t really matter. After all, the ball provides us with an excellent chance to
meet new people or even start a new relationship. And that’s enough. 不过,刚刚你讲到脚步笨
拙,在英语中的确有一个十分生动形象的说法来形容一个人不善舞步,你知道是什么吗 ,
D: 嗯,这我还真不知道,那么你说来听听。
S: 那就是 two left feet.
D: Two left feet? 两只左脚?这样走路不会很别扭吗?How strange is it?
S: 所以用来形容某人不会跳舞再好不过了,不是吗?Two left feet means to be very awkward
with one’s feet. Here’re some examples for you to chew up.
-May I have the honor to have this dance, my lady?
-oh, I’m afraid I have two left feet.
You wouldn’t have kept a partner with two left feet around for very long. 我如果不善舞步,是很
难留住我的舞伴的。Quite easy, huh?
D: Yes, of course. And you know what, I just come up with a similar expression to describe
someone who is clumsy. 我刚刚也想起了一个词儿,用来形容一个人笨手笨脚的呢。
S: Well, what is it?
D: It’s all thumbs. Just imagine your ten fingers are all thumbs, haha.
S: 十根手指头都是拇指,那画面真是太恐怖了,吓死宝宝了呢。
D: 没错。All thumbs means someone is lack of physical coordination, skill or grace. 就是指某人
不灵活,做事笨手笨脚的。For examples,” When my secretary first came to work for me, she
was all thumbs.”我的秘书刚来我这儿工作的时候,笨的不行。Or, “I’d wrap it, but I’m all
thumbs when it comes to that kind of thing.”我本来想把这份礼物包起来,可是包装这方面我
S: I see. These two expressions do have some resemblances, but two left feet can only be used in a
dance while all thumbs can be applied to many circumstances, describing the way how people do
some things.
D: Wow, you really are a fast learner, Shirley.
S: Indeed I am. Thanks David.
D: So do you get the picture? I’m sure you all do. Two left feet 基本只用于舞会当中,而 all
thumbs 适用的范围更广一些,用来形容人们做事时不敏捷、不协调。那关于笨拙的其他说法,
Shirley 你知道些什么吗?
D:哈哈,是的啊,除此之外还有 awkward; stupid;  clumsy; slow-witted;unskillful
S: Yep. By the way, David, what will you do if you go to that ball and a lady insists you have a
dance with her after you turning her down?
D: Well, I’m not sure that’s actually gonna happen. What do you say?
S: I’d say she may have a crush on you. Why not give both of you a chance and I’m looking
forward to seeing the sparks.
D: Wow, I hope you do. This is English Big Bang. Thank you for your listening. See you next
S: See you next time. Have a nice day!

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