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Name : Putri Andayani

Zahirah Rahmadian Budiman

NIM : P17320320028


Class : 2A

Task 6. Problems With Anxiety Listening and Writing

Answer the following questions

1. What is anxiety ?
2. Mention some of the symptoms of anxiety
3. What is the cause of anxiety ?
4. What action should a healthcare worker take ?
5. What should the healthcare do to the patient with anxiety attack ?
6. What should the healthcare don’t do to the patient with anxiety attack ?
7. What are the important points to remember in facing the patient with anxiety attack ?
8. Write at least 5 vocabularies which are new to you, that you hear or read from the video
then write its meaning in Bahasa Indonesia

1. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, apprehension, nervousness or unease, typically about
a stressful situation, an imminent event or an uncertainty.

2. a. feeling detached from her surroundings

b. expressing fear of dying, losing control or going crazy
c. expressing feelings of apprehension or dread
d. having trouble concentrating
e. feeling tense or jumpy
f. acting as if her mind has gone blank
g. heart palpitations or chest pain
h. hot or cold flashes or sweating
i. shortness of breath or hyperventilation
j. numbness or tingling sensations
k. dizziness or feeling faint
l. frequent urination or diarrhea
m. nausea
n. muscle tension or headaches
o. tremors, twitches or shaking
p. fatigue

3. although the exact causes are unclear, life experiences such as traumatic events can trigger
anxiety disorders in people who are already prone to becoming anxious.

Medications & medical conditions can cause anxiety :

a. pregnancy
b. alzheimer’s disease
c. any heart issue
d. hyperthyroidism
e. hypoglycemia
f. stimulant use
g. medication withdrawal
h. urinary tract infections
i. hormone changes

4. rule out a medical cause

if the patient is in the midst of an attack :
a. find out what symptoms the patient is experiencing
b. try to comfort them by letting them know you’re there to help
c. remove the cause or take the patient to an open and calm area
d. keep the patient cool. Patient can experience warmth around the neck and face
e. a. ask “are you reacting tho what’s going on right now or to something else?”
f. ask the patient to remain still, but if she doesn’t or can’t, don’t think of it as non-
compliance; it’s adrenaline!
g. Wait it out. The episode will pass. Panic attacks tend to peak at around 10 minutes and
get better from there

5. a. Teach the patient ways to manage their anxiety, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation or
self-soothing visualizations can help
b. communicate with the physician about the anxiety attack
c. follow up with reassurance and encourage the patient to seek help after discharge

6. a. dismiss their fears

b. pressure the patient
c. leave the patient alone
d. never grab, hold or even gently restrain a patient
e. ensure the safety of the patient, staff and others in the area
f. be directive an empathetic
g. understand what they’re going through
h. speak calmly
i. help the patient manage and regain control of their behavior

7. a. a panic attack can occur even though there’s no trigger present

b. patients can become distressed and frightened by the attacks
c. see him or her as a real person, not as a “disorder”
d. a panic attack on its own is not life threatening
e. patient need reassurance, compassion and someone to help them through it

8. a. warmth : kehangatan
b. dizziness : pusing
c. numbness : mati rasa
d. tingling : perasaan geli
e. palpitations : jantung berdebar
f. imminent : dekat
g. uncertainty : ketakpastian
h. reassurance : kepastian

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