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Microdegree 3

Your Passions

Your Private Playbook

With Microdegree Mentor
Roger Hamilton

Use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business and connect to your new global mentor

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Welcome to the Passion microdegree
How can you align your life to your passions? With this microdegree you will
gain clarity about how to align your life to your most important passions.
Learn how to redesign how you learn, live, earn and give in a way that that
sparks your passions. Find out how to connect your team and customers to
their passions in a way that creates powerful, lasting impact. Take the free pas-
sion test.

On GeniusU we are partnering with the world renowned experts and New
York Times bestselling authors of the book "The Passion Test", Janet Bray Att-
wood and Chris Attwood.

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Microdegree 3 Your Passions

1. The Story Behind The Passion Test
Watch the video of Janet Bray Attwood to hear the story of how the Passion
Test was created. By being clear about your top passions, and then aligning
your life to these passions, you will find your level of energy, enthusiasm, fulfil-
ment, joy and sense of purpose grow.

When you combine your results from the Passion Test with your results from
the Genius Test, you are on your way to designing a life that fits your pas-
sions and your talents by combining the things you love with the things you
do best.

To make the most of this microdegree, we highly recommend you get a copy
of the New York Times Bestseller, The Passion Test book here

2. The Five Frequencies

We each have personal passions (what we love most) and personal talents
(what we do best).

The strongest teams are built when people share the same passions and have
different talents that compliment each other.

The Genius Test uses the four seasons and five Chinese elements to explain
how we learn, lead, live and love most naturally. When studying a wide cross
section of people taking the Passion Test, we found that all their passions fit
into the same 30 broad categories, and these fit into the same five frequen-
cies. Knowing the natural frequencies that align to your passions, allows you
to create the right environment, community and set of activities to live your
passions most naturally.

Match your Top 5 Passions from the Passion Test with the Passion Elements
by ticking the box underneath the passions and learn...

Spirit Passions

Awareness Spirit Service Religion Connection Balance

Spirit passions include spirit, awareness, connection, balance, religion and

service. It has the energy of 'water' - the desire to 'flow'. People with strong spirit
passions love activities that link them to the 'why' - a sense of purpose and con-
nection to a greater whole. They will be energized and fulfilled in environ-
ments and around people that let them bring out their love of giving and con-
necting to spirit. They will be exhausted in environments that are overly busy or
seem full of meaningless mayhem.

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Spring Passions

Achievement Art Creativity Learning Teaching Sport

Spring passions include learning, teaching, creativity, art, sport and achieve-
ment. It has the energy of 'wood' - the desire to 'grow'. People with strong
spring passions love activities that link them to the 'what' - a uniqueness in
their creativity and achievement. They will be energized and fulfilled in envi-
ronments and around people that give them freedom to create and go their
own way. They will be exhausted in environments that tie them down to rou-
tine and anonymous existence.

Summer Passions

Fame Friends Fun Leadership Freedom Community

Summer passions include fun, friends, community, leadership, fame and free-
dom. It has the energy of 'fire' - the desire to 'glow'. People with strong summer
passions love activities that link them to the 'who' - building relationships and
connecting with people. They will be energized and fulfilled in environments
and around people that bring out their sense of fun and freedom. They will be
exhausted in environments that require too much analysis, detail and monoto-
nous measures.

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Autumn Passions

Family Partner Health Enviornment Travel Relaxation

Autumn passions include family, partners, health, environment, travel and

relaxation. It has the energy of 'autumn' - the desire to 'slow'. People with
strong autumn passions love activities that link them to the 'when and where'
- in harmony with their health, their loved ones and their surroundings. They
will be energized and fulfilled in environments that keep them grounded and
connected. They will be exhausted in environments of constant disruption and

Winter Passions

Control Career Business Wealth Productivity Intellect

Winter passions include control, intellect, wealth, business, career and produc-
tivity. It has the energy of 'metal' - the desire to 'know'. People with strong
winter passions love activities that link them to the 'how' - gaining an under-
standing of structure and systems. They will be energized and fulfilled in envi-
ronments and around people that enable them to grow clarity and control.
They will be exhausted in environments of chaotic crowds and constant

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

3. Score Your Passions
List your top 5 passions and how you rated them when you took the test. Go
through these passions and rate each one on a scale of 0 to 10. Zero means
you’re not living this passion in your life at all, whereas ten means that you have
fully integrated it into your life.

If your attention is on all the things you can’t have and can’t do, then you won’t
have them and you won’t be able to do them. If your attention is on the bene-
fits, blessings, and good fortune flowing into your life, then you will find more
and more of those things showing up.

If you are really honest with yourself, you will discover that the subject of your
attention is what you create as an experience.

The great news is that where you place your attention is primarily a habit. Given
about twenty-one days of consistently applying a new behaviour, you can
change any habit. All that is required is the will to make the change. Or has
your attention gone to all the bills you have to pay? Or how unreasonable some
customers are? Or how little you have left over at the end of each month? Or
how deeply in debt you are?

When we say, “What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life,” we
don’t mean that putting attention in some generalized, fuzzy, nonspecific way
will make the things you want appear in your life. We mean what you give
attention to, every moment of every day, day in and day out, determines what
is created in your life.

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Passion 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Passion 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Passion 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Passion 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Passion 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Check over these five scores again. What would you have scored them at a
year ago. Are they lower? Higher? The same? We have the power to redesign
our life to score higher in all our passions. Imagine where you would want
these scores to be a year from now. In the coming steps of this microdegree
we’re going to see how to make that happen.

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

4. Create your Markers
How do you increase the scores for each of your top 5 passions? By knowing
what your life would look like and feel like when you were living each passion
at a 10 out of 10.

Your markers are your personal indicators of what you will be doing or have
achieved when each passion is at a 10 out of 10. For example: If one of your pas-
sions was:

I am a world renowned concert pianist

Your markers might be:

∙ I have performed for heads of state all over the world

∙ I have performed with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra
∙ I earn over $1 million a year from my performances
Or if one of your passions was:

I am living in the moment and trusting my intuition

Your markers might be:

∙ I am fully present with each person I meet and with whom I spend time
∙ I experience every day as perfect, and the days seem to flow effortlessly
∙ I have a clear internal sense about what action is best for me at every

Others remark on my confidence and how wonderful it is to be around me

Markers give you clarity. When you write out your passions in a way that excites
you, when your markers are lofty but achievable, when your vision is aligned
with your heart’s deepest purpose, then these things will draw you naturally to
them. When you feel down, you’ll be drawn to reviewing them because they
will pick you up again.

Now it’s your turn. Right four markers for each of your Top 5 passions. What will
you be having, doing or being when each passion is at a 10 out of 10?

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Passion 1

Marker 1

Marker 2

Marker 3

Marker 4

Marker 5

Passion 2

Marker 1

Marker 2

Marker 3

Marker 4

Marker 5

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Passion 3

Marker 1

Marker 2

Marker 3

Marker 4

Marker 5

Passion 4

Marker 1

Marker 2

Marker 3

Marker 4

Marker 5

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Passion 5

Marker 1

Marker 2

Marker 3

Marker 4

Marker 5

5. The Passion Formula

It often happens that people think that they are on the road to success and
hold on tightly, trying to control the outcome of their journey. This is exactly
what will break their flow.

The real miracle happens, once you let go of the outcome that you are trying
to achieve. Set an intention and give attention to the intention that you have
set. We call it intention because it is what you intend to do - it may differ from
the real outcome. And often the outcome is much better than we could have
possibly imagined. That is why we say that ‘no tension’ is absolutely. necessary
in order to stay in flow.

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

6. Your Passion Ritual
To dive deeper into your passions and how to align your life to them through
rituals, get your copy of Janet and Chris's two New York Times bestselling

The Passion Test

We each have things we love the most (our passions) and things we do the
best (our talents). When you combine your results from the Passion Test
with your results from the Genius Test, you are on your way to designing a
life that fits your passions and your talents.

When you learn the passions and talents of those around you, you can serve
them better and build your ideal team - where you share the same passions
but different talents.

Read the reviews, and buy the ebook on Amazon here

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

Your Hidden Riches
Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood’s latest NY Times bestseller, "Your
Hidden Riches, Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and
Purpose" will show you how to make your passions real.

To dive deeper into your passions and how to align your life to them through
rituals, get your copy of Janet and Chris's two New York Times bestselling

Get your copy of "Your Hidden Riches" here

Microdegree 3 Your Passions

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