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English Grammar A1 Level Have and Have got Interrogative | English ...

- English Grammar A1 Level -


Have and Have got Interrogative

Have/have got is a verb used to express states like possessions, relationships, illnesses and
characteristics of people and things.

When expressed in its interrogative form, it is used to ask questions about the possession of

The present simple tenses of have and have got are:

To have
Its structure, in the interrogative form, is:
Do/Does + subject + have + object + …?

Do/does: in the interrogative form, the third person singular changes from do to does:
Do/Does Subject have Question Mark
Do I have …?
Do you have …?
Does he have …?
Does she have …?
Does it have …?
Do we have …?
Do you have …?
Do they have …?
To have got
Its structure, in the interrogative form, is:
Have/Has + subject + got + object + …?

Have/has: in the interrogative form, the third person singular changes from have to has.
Have/Has Subject Got Question Mark
Have I got …?
Have you got …?
Has he got …?
Has she got …?

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English Grammar A1 Level Have and Have got Interrogative | English ...

Has it got …?
Have we got …?
Have you got …?
Have they got …?

To have:

Do you have regrets?

Does he have a successful life?
Do we have somethng for him?
Do they have a role in that film?
To have got:

Have I got pasta for my lunch?

Has she got a boyfriend?
Have you got a mobile phone?
Have they got a new computer?

We use Do I have…? and Have I got…? when we ask whether someone possesses
someone/something. We use them also to express relationships, illnesses and characteristics of
people and things. However they’re not completely interchangeable.

To have:

can be used to express actions;

can be used to express past, present and future.
To have got:

cannot be used to express actions;

can only be used to express the present.

Have and have got in its interrogative form is used to ask something about possessions,
relationships, illnesses, and characteristics of the subject. We can also deny something in
Negative form [1] and ask something in Interrogative form [2].

In English, you can use to have [3] in intimate communications.

At A2 level, you can learn more about have [4] as an auxiliary model verb.
At B1 level, you can learn about have [5] as an auxiliary verb.

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English Grammar A1 Level Have and Have got Interrogative | English ...

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[1] Negative form:

[2] Interrogative form:
[3] to have:
[4] have:
[5] have:

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