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% How to get starting with SIMSEN-Hydro v1.3 %
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% read_me.txt SIMSEN-Hydro v1.3 Demo version
% date: 14.04.2008
% author: Christophe NICOLET
% Simulation software developed by the LME of the EPFL
% with collaboration of the LMH
% EPFL: Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
% LME: Laboratory of Electrical Machines
% LMH: Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines

File content and description:

- binder: contains the binder pdf files
- doc: folder with the documentation of the electrotechnical version
- examp_e: folder with electrotechnical examples ready to be simulated
- examp_h: folder with hydraulic examples ready to be simulated
- exe: folder with executable applications (the software)
- license: contains the license generator
- pshop: folder with Paint Shop pro software for printing the layout
(to convert wmf => bmp)
- template: VSH templates for Francis, Pelton and Kaplan turbines
- tuhydro: folder with hydraulic tutorials and related pdf files
- work: folder to work in
How to start SIMSEN-Hydro:
- open the folder exe
- double click on simsen23.exe
- insert the password
- click in the middle of the grey figure
- SIMSEN-Hydro is ready to be used!!!
To simulate the hydraulic tutorial 1whammer:
- Select File/open
- click [..] to go up
- select tuhydro
- select 1whammer
- double click on 1whammer.stm => the simulation example opens
- select Simule/Sim
- press Yes
- at the end of the simulation press any Key to exit without updating
initial conditions, or press "s" to save the initial conditions (press bar spa
- select edit to come back to edition menu
To modify the simulation model:
- press the right mouse button
- select "parameters"
- then click on any of the element to open the parameter window
- modify the parameters and select "Ok"
To open the help file:
- general help: select in the menubar on the right hand side "Help"
- element help: open the element parameter window (right click/parameters
and left click on the element) and click "Help"
Mouse functions:
- left button click: selection click
- right button click: menu with parameters, wire, crossing, delete, move, etc
To printout the layout:
- select in the menu: edit/configure and change YELLOW for NONE and press ok
- select File/Print and insert filename and press ok
- then open the wmf file with PSHOP (specifying enough pixels) and convert it to
bmp format
The followings are not supported:
- stm file name with more than 8 characters
- folder path with more than 75 characters
Content and description of the folder exe:
The folder exe contains:
- Simsen23.exe: SIMSEN main application (to be launched)
- SIMSEN Help: folder with SIMSEN Help files
- Visual_Help: Folder with Visual Help files
- edisim23.exe: Graphical User Interface, SIMSEN editor
- Inisim23.exe: Electrical Load Flow calculation
- qdelaunay.exe: Triangulation
- Sim23.exe: Simulation
- SimAux.exe: SIMSEN editor extension
- SimPars.exe: Parser
- Visual.exe: Simulation results visualisation
- edi23dll.dll: SIMSEN editor extension
- vssimlic.dll: License manager
Users interact only with these two applications:
- Simsen23.exe, to launch edisim and start to built simulation model => my_file.
- Visual.exe, launched from edisim23.exe interface to visualize simulation resul
ts (read results.vis)
The SIMSEN-Hydro tutorials 1-10 pdf files are available in the folder tuhydro.
It is advised:
1) to read the electro tutorial 1 to have an overview of the structure of SIMSEN
2) to do the electro tutorial 5, to learn how to use SIMSEN
3) to follow with either the hydraulic tutorial 1 (1whammer) for hydraulic purpo
ses or with the electro
tutorial 6 for electrical purposes.
In case of problems, please contact:
CH-1015 Lausanne
Fax : +41 21 693 2687

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