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My Tran

Grade: 10th | Block : 3

“ Edward Hopper and the House”

There is a family that has just been moved to a new house, which looks very bright in the sun.
Their children go looking for and look at their bedroom, while their parents clean and install new
tools for the house, making the house splendid. The floor is shiny because it has been
renovated it has the color of pieces of wood, looks very luxurious. Everything about it is
perfect, everyone cares about the very house they have chosen. Four years later, as their children
gradually mature into young people, the house also becomes collapsed and damaged, no
longer new, when they have just moved in. The once shiny floor is now covered with
scratches on the floor. The walls are almost about to turn from a pure white to a gray one
in the house. The roof, after many years it also cannot stand but change, making the lead house
worse. After all these years of fun and playing in this house, it's time. Their parents are also old,
and as their children grow up, they have their own jobs. The days when the children returned
home gradually became sparse, the house gradually became lonely, the large house was not
repaired, dilapidated when the couple began to think about the future of their living area. The
last children moved out. His wife is no longer in this world. However, the house is now dull
and depressed, the house is filled with laughter, and it is no longer coming back. He decided to
give up his beloved home, had been with his wife and children for many years, difficult,
happy together, going through many things that others may not know, he decided to buy a
small house. Now the house is empty, the surroundings and the sky are empty. The house
has nothing left. The house was destroyed as before. Now the man, like the house, is empty
and lonely. The man walks like a shadow on an empty road, unnoticed and alone, looking
for a better place. He will always stare and be ashamed to be alone.

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