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CLASS: 8A5 DATE: ___________ YOUR NAME: ____________________________________


Questions 1-10: Complete the table below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

Name Location Cost of double room Notes
Membership card
offers discount on
10 minutes from entry to (2)
Hostelling $50 per night but only
downtown by _________________
International $ (1) _____________
(0) _bus__ Internet access costs
West End for members
$3 per (3)

Was built as a hotel in

$62. Meals extra but (7) _______________
(4) ____________
Elliscoat Near beach. Two-minute
only available in Can hire (8)
Hostel walk to (5) ________
(6) _______________
summer _________________
from hostel

A (10)
Backpackers In (9) _______________
entertainment $45 plus $5 for _________________
Hostel district breakfast on every floor for
guests to use


Questions 11-15: Label the map below. Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct
letter, A-H, next to questions 11-15.

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 1
A. biography
B. fiction
C. magazines
D. non-fiction
E. reference books
F. newspapers
G. photocopiers
H. study area

11. _________
12. _________
13. _________
14. _________
15. _________

Questions 16-20: Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

16. After two years, library members have to

A. show proof of their current address.
B. pay for a new membership card.
C. bring a passport or identity card into the library.
17. What happens if you reserve a book?
A. It will be available after five days.
B. You can collect it a week later.
C. You will be contacted when it is available.
18. Which materials can be borrowed for one week only?
A. some reference books B. CD-ROMs C. children’s DVDs
19. On which day does the library stay open later than it used to?
A. Wednesday B. Saturday C. Sunday
20. Large bags should be left on the
A. first floor. B. second floor. C. third floor.


You are going to read a teenager’s account of an interview she did for her school magazine. Seven
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits
each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
My First Interview for The School Magazine

My school publishes a magazine once a month which is written by the students. It’s run by a group
of volunteers who contribute and collect articles. I volunteered to help last year.
When the editor contacted me with an idea for an article, my initial reaction was annoyance. I’d been
ill for a week, and I’d fallen behind on schoolwork, debate team assignments and college application
essays. 9) _______________
F . My first thought was, ‘Oh great, another thing to deal with!’

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 2
When I discovered, however, that the thing was an invitation to interview the journalist Nicholas
Kristof, my irritation vanished completely. What an opportunity! I’d always been an enthusiastic
reader of his articles in The New York Times. 10) __________.
B I fascinated by his humanitarian
and journalistic career, and I was very much looking forward to meeting him and writing an article
about him for the school magazine.

Although I am a native New Yorker, I’d never been to the New York Times building. I found the
modern design attractive, and also discovered that the cafeteria served excellent food. 11)
A . Even though I know a single computer could hold all that information and more,
seeing them was a reminder of the incredible volume of information and analysis that goes into
writing newspaper articles.

I’d spent a few hours preparing with my classmate Eliza, who’d also been invited to take part in the
interview. We’d discussed what questions to ask Nicholas Kristof and I’d written them on separate
pieces of card. Although I felt ready, it was still a relief to be sharing the interview with Eliza. 12)
D . As it turned out, I shouldn’t have been so nervous.

When Nicholas Kristof welcomed us into his office, he was charming, and throughout the meeting
he seemed genuinely interested in talking to us. He didn’t hurry us and gave us the chance to ask
all our questions. 13) _______________
C . As it progressed, things got better and it felt less like a
volley of questions and answers and more like a normal conversation.

The interview was filmed and it was interesting for me to learn exactly how this was done. When we
arrived, we were told that we would have to do the interview twice. The first time the cameraman
filmed Nicholas Kristof only. 14) _______________
E . We weren’t able to see the final result that day
but Nicholas Kristof has promised to send the film to us when it’s finished.

By the end of the day, I’d learned a lot about interviewing people. 15) _______________
G . In
particular, I’ll have to try and make the conversation seem more natural. But, overall, it was an
incredible experience, and I’m very grateful to the school magazine for having given me such an
amazing opportunity - despite how long it took me to respond to their initial phone call.

A. Not only was he a very friendly person, but also the idea of having a partner helped calm the
butterflies in my stomach.
B. I honestly enjoyed every moment and his responses about these particular issues really made
me laugh.
C. Admittedly, I’m going to have to work on some aspects of my interview skills.
D. My excitement was mixed with anxiety, though, especially after I went online and read up on
his extraordinary achievements.
E. I realised later it would have been better if I’d spent less time reading directly from the material
I’d prepared, but fortunately the interview wasn’t a complete disaster.
F. Then, I’d turned on my cell phone and there was a message waiting for me.
G. Afterwards, when we asked our questions again, he just focused on the two of us.
H. But my favourite aspect was the sheer number of books piled and shelved around the different

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 3

A. Complete the sentences with one of the words from the box.
chances / sense / depths / sign / height / source / matter / state / grain / pack

1. I keep forgetting people's names; I think it must be a _________________

sign of age.
2. It’s not exactly a _________________
matter of life and death, but I would appreciate it if you could
get it done as soon as possible.
3. There wasn’t a _________________
sense of truth in what he said - his speech was a
pack of lies from start to finish.
4. I felt an enormous _________________
state of relief when I heard I’d passed.
5. After the rioting, the government declared a _________________
grain of emergency, calling out
the troops and imposing a night-time curfew.
6. I have no investments or savings, so the state pension is my only _________________
source of
7. Whether you're in the _________________
depths of winter or the _________________
height of
summer, AirFlow ensures the temperature inside your home is exactly how you want it.
8. The team’s _________________
chances of promotion to the First Division suffered a blow yesterday
when they lost at home to relegation candidates Bristol City.

B. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
Millionaire Cheat

People will often go to incredible (0) lengths to get rich quick. 0. LONG
In one unusual case of (1) _____________________
decision , three people were found
guilty of attempting to defraud a television company of a million pounds. Major 1. DECEIVE
Charles Ingram appeared as a (2) _____________________
contestant on the
programme Who Wants to be a Millionaire? in 2001, when, with the help of his
wife, Diana, and accomplice Tecwen Whittock, he won the top prize. 3. TRY
But his winning appearance was never broadcast and the cheque was
cancelled. Production staff called to the (3) _____________________ said they 4. NUMBER
grew suspicious of Ingram’s (4) _____________________
numerologist hesitations and
changes of mind, and became aware of the persistent coughing of a member 5. SURE
of the audience. The show’s host noticed how Ingram often seemed (5)
unsure about the answers he gave. Whittock, a college
lecturer, coughed (6) _____________________
strategically from his seat to indicate the 7. RECORD
correct answer as Ingram said the four alternatives to each question out loud.
A video (7) _____________________ of the programme was played in court 8. HONEST
as part of the prosecution case. The defendants, who had denied all
accusations of (8) _____________________,
dishonesty listened impassively as sentence
was passed.

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 4
C. For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between three
and six words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0).

1. When I caught my boyfriend reading my emails, I felt he had invaded my privacy. (AN)
When I caught my boyfriend reading my emails, I regarded it as an invasion of my privacy.
2. We would like you to pay for the delivery of this special order before you receive it. (IF)
We would appreciate ___________________________________
if you could pay in advance for the delivery of
this special order.
3. Scientists think that there is nothing on that planet to suggest there is any life there. (SIGN)
According to scientists, there appears ______________________________
to be no sign of life on that planet.
4. It is now 24 hours since Mr William’s boat sank and people think there is little likelihood he will
survive. (CHANCES)
It is now 24 hours since Mr Williams's boat sank and his ______________________
chances of survival are thought to be slim.
5. I regret not having the feeling of achieving anything after reaching the summit but I was too
exhausted. (SENSE)
I wish I ___________________________________
had felt a sense of achievement after reaching the summit but I was too
6. Although the job meant that he earned money regularly, Tony did not enjoy it. (REGULAR)
Although the job provided him ___________________________________
with a regular source of income, Tony did
not enjoy it.
7. Monica said that she had bought the item without thinking carefully about it. (PURCHASE)
Monica admitted to ___________________________________
have purchased the item with impulse.

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 5

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