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Ultrasound Cases


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Bladder tumors
Bladder tumor

Bladder tumors
Bladder tumor with a lobulated mass causing hematuria

Bladder tumors
Bladder transitional cell carcinoma with a vascularized bladder mass

Bladder tumors
Vascularized bladder tumor
Bladder tumors
Transitional cell carcinoma with a vascularized tumor in the bladder

Bladder tumors
Transitional cell carcinoma with a large irregular bladder mass

Bladder tumors
Transitional cell carcinoma with a small irregular bladder mass with fine calcifications

Bladder tumors
Large bladder carcinoma with bladderwall invasion

Bladder tumors
Bladder transitional cell carcinoma with a vascularized invasive mass arising from the anterior bladder wall

Bladder tumors
Bladder tumor with superficial echogenic foci representing calcifications causing acoustic shadowing mimicking a bladder
Bladder tumors
Multifocal transitional cell carcinoma with 2 vascularized polypoid lesions in the bladder

Bladder tumors
Multiple bladder tumors

Bladder tumors
Multifocal transitional cell carcinoma with multiple polypoid lesions in the bladder

Bladder tumors
Multifocal bladder carcinoma with multiple vascularized polypoid lesions. One lesion infiltrates the prostate.

Bladder tumors
Calculus in the distal ureter unable to pass to the bladder because of an obstructing small transtional cell carcinoma

Bladder tumors
Obstructing transtional cell carcinoma with hydronephrosis
Bladder tumors
Bladder transitional cell carcinoma with an invasive mass arising from the posterior bladder wall with bilateral urinary tract

Bladder tumors
Bladder tumor infiltrating the anterior aspect of the uterus and causing obstruction of the urinary tract on the right side

Bladder tumors
Transitional carcinoma with a tumor in the bladder and right ureter with a dilatated right kidney

Bladder tumors
Bladder tumor with vascularity and dilatation of the left ureter and kidney

Bladder tumors
Large bladder carcinoma with liver metastases and urinary tract obstruction

Bladder tumors
Bladder tumor with obstruction caused by ureteric invasion
Bladder tumors
Transitional carcinoma extending in the ureter

Bladder tumors
Bladder mass that could be mistaken for bloodclots in a patient with an 8 cm renal cell carcinoma. Color doppler confirms that
the mass is also a tumor.

Bladder tumors
Large bladder tumor and retroperitoneal lymph nodes

Bladder tumors
Bladder diverticula with a vascularized tumor mass (transitional ca.) in a diverticulum

Bladder tumors
Malignant tumor in a large bladder diverticulum. The tumor is vascularized thus excluding sludge

Bladder tumors and blood clots

Bladder tumor (transitional cell) with a vascularized mass and bloodclots in the bladder
Bladder tumors and blood clots
Bladder tumor (transitional cell) with bloodclots

Benign tumors
Endometriosis in the bladder

Bloodclot in the bladder mimicking a tumor

Bloodclots in the bladder mimicking a bladder tumor. The hematuria is caused by a small renal cell carcinoma in the left kidney

Large bloodclot in the bladder that could be mistaken for a tumor in a patient with dissiminated prostate cancer invading the

Abdomen and "


1.1 Liver

1.2 Gallbladder and bile ducts

1.3 Pancreas

1.4 Spleen
1.5 Appendix

1.6 Gastrointestinal tract

1.7 Peritoneum mesentery and


1.8 Various intra-abdominal


1.9 Retroperitoneum and great


1.10 Adrenal glands

1.11 Abdominal wall

1.12 Miscellaneous

Urinary Tract and male +

reproductive system

Gynaecology +

Head and Neck +

Breast and Axilla +

Musculoskeletal Joints and +


Musculoskeletal, bone, +
muscle, nerves and other
soft tissues

Thorax +

Pediatrics +

Peripheral vessels +

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