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English Grammar A1 Level Comparisons with Adjectives and Adverbs |...

- English Grammar A1 Level -


Comparisons with Adjectives and Adverbs

The comparison of adjectives and adverbs is used to compare things, people or actions,
expressing the equalities or inequalities between them.

The comparison can be formed by using adjectives or adverbs.

When we want to compare one thing with another we use the word than after
the adjective or adverb.

The structure of the sentence is:

Subject + verb + comparative adjective/adverb + than + object + …

The comparative adjective or adverb is obtained differently depending on its number of

syllables and on its suffix.

One syllable:

adjective/adverb: we add -er (clean ⇒ cleaner);

adjective/adverb with suffix -e: we add -r (simple ⇒ simpler);
adjectives ending with one vowel and one consonant: we double the final consonant before
adding -er (big ⇒ bigger).
Two syllables (with suffix -y):

adjective/adverb ending in -y: change -y to –i and add –er (friendly ⇒ friendlier).

Two syllables (without suffix-y) or more syllables:

adjective/adverb not ending in -y: more + adjective/adverb (without changes) +

than… (beautiful ⇒ more beautiful).

My apartment is nicer than yours.
My friends are taller than yours.
We need a bigger car.
The estate agent is friendlier than the last one.
This garden is prettier than ours.
We should get up earlier tomorrow.

1 de 2 23/01/2022, 17:16
English Grammar A1 Level Comparisons with Adjectives and Adverbs |...

I am more popular than you.

This game is more boring than the other.
This book is more exciting than the last one I read.

We use the comparison of adjectives/adverbs when we want to compare two or more
things, people or actions.

There are situations in which you can omit than depending on the context:
“I am feeling better today.” (I was not feeling well yesterday, therefore I am comparing
yesterday and today.)

In English, beside comparative, which compares two or more things, people or actions, we have
show the highest level of a particular quality with Superlative [1] and express the equalities with
Comparative of equality [2].

For better understanding, you can learn more about adjectives and adverbs with irregular
comparative and superlative. [3]

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[1] Superlative:

[2] Comparative of equality:
[3] irregular comparative and superlative.:

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2 de 2 23/01/2022, 17:16

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