The Great Ordovician Biodiversification

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The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event

(GOBE): The palaeoecological dimension

Article in Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology · August 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.05.031


114 552

5 authors, including:

Thomas Servais David A.T. Harper

French National Centre for Scientific Research Durham University


Björn Kröger Axel Munnecke

University of Helsinki Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-N…


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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 294 (2010) 99–119

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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p a l a e o

The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE):

The palaeoecological dimension
Thomas Servais a,e,⁎, Alan W. Owen b, David A.T. Harper c, Björn Kröger a,d, Axel Munnecke e
FRE 3298 du CNRS (Géosystèmes), Université de Lille1, SN5, F-59655 Villeneuve-d'Ascq Cedex, France
Department of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Gregory Building, Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK
Statens Naturhistoriske Museum (Geologisk Museum), Øster Voldgade 5-7, DK-1350 København K, Denmark
Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-10115, Berlin, Germany
GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Fachgruppe Paläoumwelt, Loewenichstraße 28, 91054 Erlangen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The ‘Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event’ (GOBE) saw a spectacular increase in marine biodiversity at all
Received 15 January 2010 taxonomic levels largely within the phyla established much earlier during the so-called ‘Cambrian Explosion’. The
Received in revised form 5 May 2010 diversification was probably the result of a combination of several geological and biological processes and the
Accepted 20 May 2010
positive feedbacks resulting from them. The present paper reviews the palaeoecological dimension of the GOBE. It
Available online 1 June 2010
involved major increases in α, ß and γ biodiversity largely associated with the rise of the Paleozoic Evolutionary
Fauna dominated by suspension feeders and involving a greater occupation of ecospace and more complex
Ordovician ecological structures in the Ecological Evolutionary Units P1 and P2. In the benthos, these include more complex
Biodiversification food webs than those of the Cambrian, greater tiering, especially above the sediment–water interface, and the
Palaeoecology development of guild structures indicating increased competition between taxa for particular resources. The
Palaeoenvironment Ordovician is characterized by a profound change in reef composition, with a switch from microbial-dominated
reefs in the Early and Middle Ordovician to metazoan-dominated reefs in the Late Ordovician. Increases in
complexity of deep-water trace fossil assemblages began in the Early Ordovician and mark the increasing
exploitation in that environment and the development of hardgrounds permitted bioerosion and encrusting
strategies together with the appearance of cryptic communities.
Within the water column, the GOBE involved a significant increase in the diversity of the phytoplankton and the
development of a diverse zooplankton (including planktotrophic larvae from a range of invertebrate clades). This
revolution in the plankton enabled the establishment of a diverse fauna of pelagic vertebrates, molluscs and
arthropods and promoted the rise of suspension feeders in the benthos. An escalation amongst predators and thus
community evolution may also have been a major driver of biodiversification.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction successive rises to dominance of what he termed the ‘Cambrian’ and

‘Paleozoic’ Evolutionary Faunas. In addition, a major crash in diversity
1.1. The International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) n° 503 ‘Ordovician took place close to the end of the Ordovician Period. This is the oldest
Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate’ and second largest of the ‘Big Five’ Mass Extinctions and has been widely
linked to the Hirnantian glaciation, and thus to an episode of major
Two sustained rises in the biodiversity of marine organisms took climate change (e.g., Brenchley et al., 1994; Sheehan, 2001b).
place during Earth history. The first is recorded during the Early The highly successful International Geological Correlation Programme
Palaeozoic and the second started at the beginning of the Mesozoic (e.g. (IGCP) project n° 410 ‘The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event’
Benton, 1995; Sheehan, 2001a; Crame and Owen, 2002; Stanley, 2007). extended from 1997 to 2002, and resulted not only in the generation of
The Early Palaeozoic radiation of life in the oceans includes both the biodiversity curves for all Ordovician fossil groups (Webby et al., 2004a)
‘Cambrian Explosion’ and the ‘Great Ordovician Biodiversification but also in the development of an improved globally-integrated
Event’, or GOBE (Webby et al., 2004a; Harper, 2006). Based on diversity biozonation for graptolites, conodonts, chitinozoans and other fossil
counts, Sepkoski (1978, 1979, 1981, 1984) not only identified these groups (Webby et al., 2004b). Miller (1997a, 1998, 2000, 2004) argued
events, but also described their taxonomic content in terms of the that global Ordovician biodiversity curves are a summation of patterns
that differ from palaeogeographical region to region and from clade to
⁎ Corresponding author. FRE 3298 du CNRS (Géosystèmes), Université de Lille1, SN5,
clade. He emphasised the importance of dissecting global biodiversity
F-59655 Villeneuve-d'Ascq Cedex, France. curves to reveal these underlying patterns and significant progress was
E-mail address: (T. Servais). achieved in this respect in the individual chapters in Webby et al. (2004a),

0031-0182/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

100 T. Servais et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 294 (2010) 99–119

compiled by teams of experts on each major clade. Moreover, while the during the latest Proterozoic and Early Cambrian with only a few
Ordovician diversification of some fossil groups was spectacularly rapid, making their appearance earlier or later in Earth history (e.g. Eble,
other groups evolved progressively over a longer period of time. It also 1998). Knowledge of the Lower and Middle Cambrian faunas is greatly
became clear that different methods of quantifying diversity (e.g. see enhanced by several exceptionally preserved assemblages (e.g. the
Cooper, 2004) or the time bins within which the data are grouped (e.g. Chengjiang, Sirius Passet and Burgess Shale biotas), which can be
Alroy, 2000) strongly affected the diversity curves, and therefore their considered as ‘taphonomic windows’ that allow a more complete view
possible interpretations (Servais et al., 2008, 2009a). of the body plans that appeared since the latest Precambrian. Such
After the closing meeting of IGCP 410 in 2001 a successor project ‘Konservatfossillagerstätten’ are well known in the Cambrian, but are
was proposed to attempt to find the possible physical and/or chemical rare in the Ordovician (e.g. Aldridge et al., 1994; Van Roy et al., 2010).
causes of the Ordovician biodiversification, the end-Ordovician The extensively studied Cambrian ‘Fossillagerstätten’ are dated to
extinction, and the Silurian radiation. This new project, IGCP n° 503 constrain the ‘Cambrian explosion’ to a time interval that had ended
‘Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate,’ ran from 2004 to by about 530 Ma. After this ‘explosion’ of animal phyla, over 40 myr
2008, and continued ‘on extended term’ in 2009. occurred before the start of the Early and Middle Ordovician
A wide range of factors has recently been postulated to have caused or diversification (ca 485 to 460 Ma) that can be considered largely as
at least promoted the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Trotter an ‘explosion’ of diversity at lower taxonomic levels. For several fossil
et al. (2008), for example, considered global cooling as the main trigger of groups, this expansion of diversity at the order, family, genus and
the Ordovician biodiversification, while Achab and Paris (2007) and Paris species level occurred during a relatively short time span of only some
(2008) related the diversification to sea-level changes, volcanic events 10 or 20 myr, and hence the Ordovician biodiversification is
and climate change. Miller and Mao (1995), for example, discussed the considered by some authors as the most rapid diversity increase in
relation between the Ordovician biodiversification and orogenic activities, marine life during Earth history. Thus, for example, the brachiopods,
while Barnes (2004b) related it to a possible superplume event. In show a dramatic increase of diversity during a relatively short time
contrast to all these terrestrial processes Schmitz et al. (2008) and Parnell interval in the Floian–Darriwilian (Early and Middle Ordovician) (e.g.
(2008) linked the biodiversification to an asteroid breakup event and its Harper et al., 2004; Harper, 2006). Others such as corals diversified
consequent high meteorite flux. The present review paper is focused on later, but also very rapidly, during the Sandbian Stage, in the Late
the palaeoecological dimension of the radiation and is part of a thematic Ordovician (Webby et al., 2004c). In contrast, yet other groups show a
set of papers on Early Palaeozoic palaeoenvironments (Servais and Owen, continuous and long-term biodiversification that in some instances
this issue) arising from what was originally intended to be the final started in the Cambrian. Such groups include some echinoderm
meeting of IGCP project 503 organised in August 2008 in Lille (France). It subphyla (e.g. Lefebvre and Fatka, 2003; Nardin and Lefebvre, this
draws on an extensive recent literature including earlier thematic sets of issue) and the phytoplankton (e.g. Servais et al., 2008).
papers arising from the project (Munnecke and Servais, 2007; Owen, The Ordovician biodiversification is seen both in terms of
2008) and more broadly based reviews (Harper, 2006; Servais et al., individual clades and in regional biodiversity curves (e.g. Miller,
2009a). A second special issue of the journal arising from the Lille meeting 1997b, 1997c, 2004). Hammer (2003) for example calculated the total
is focused on climatic evolution and its impact during the Ordovician and mean standing diversity of all fossil groups recorded from Baltica (the
Silurian(Munnecke et al., this issue). most extensively studied palaeocontinent in terms of Ordovician
faunas) indicating a clear diversity increase with highest values
1.2. What is the ‘Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event?’ reached at the base of the Upper Ordovician. An obvious Ordovician
biodiversification is also recorded for all fossil groups from the South
There is a long history of the production of diversity counts of fossil Chinese Yangtze Platform (e.g. Chen et al., 2006).
organisms in order to understand the evolution of life through On the other hand, the ‘Cambrian explosion’ and the ‘Ordovician
geological time (e.g. Miller, 2009). As indicated in the review by diversification’ can be viewed as belonging to a single ‘Cambrian–
Harper (2006), one of the first attempts was that of Phillips (1860), Ordovician radiation’. Droser and Finnegan (2003), for example,
who, the year after Darwin's publication of the ‘Origin of Species,’ considered the Ordovician biodiversification to be rooted in the
produced a semi-quantitative analysis of the biodiversity of Phaner- Cambrian explosion and the Ordovician phytoplankton radiation was
ozoic life. The curve compiled by Phillips (Harper, 2006, Fig. 1) was part of a diversification that clearly started in the Cambrian (Servais et al.,
divided into three stratigraphically-based marine faunas, the first of 2008). The distinction between separate diversification steps in the
them corresponding to ‘Palaeozoic life.’ More than a century later, the Cambrian and the Ordovician may in some instances be a sampling
diversity counts of Sepkoski (1978, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1991, 2002) artefact: Nardin and Lefebvre (this issue) consider that the relative lack
confirmed the major radiations of marine diversity during the of extensive investigations in the Upper Cambrian may be responsible
Phanerozoic, and clearly pointed out that the most spectacular for the apparently separate pulses in the Early Palaeozoic diversification
increase of marine animal diversity at the family level took place of blastozoans. The lack of Upper Cambrian studies on blastozoans is
during the Ordovician, today known as ‘The Great Ordovician possibly related to the absence of sedimentary rocks suitable for the
Biodiversification Event’. Not only was the rapid increase of diversity preservation of this fossil group, in particular in the ‘peri-Gondwanan’
clear, but also the dramatic changes in palaeoecology, with the rise of areas that have been extensively studied for the lower and middle
the ‘Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna’ in the Ordovician progressively Cambrian together with the Ordovician.
replacing the ‘Cambrian Evolutionary Fauna’ (e.g. Sepkoski and Similarly, the most recent diversity curve at the genus level by the
Sheehan, 1983; Sepkoski and Miller, 1985; Sepkoski, 1995; Sheehan, researchers working on the Paleobiology Database (Alroy et al., 2008)
1996; Droser and Sheehan, 1997). suggested that the Cambrian and Ordovician events cannot easily be
The terms ‘Cambrian Explosion’ and ‘Great Ordovician Biodiversi- distinguished, and that both the Cambrian explosion and the
fication Event’ are currently used to designate the two major events in Ordovician biodiversification belong to a single, large-scale radiation,
the evolution of marine life during the Early Palaeozoic. While many that started in the Precambrian and that was only halted at the base of
authors consider these events to be separate, others believe that they the Devonian (e.g. Alroy et al., 2008, Fig. 1).
belong to a single, long-term radiation. The widely used (but
increasingly debated) term ‘Cambrian Explosion’ reflects the sudden 1.3. Diversity counts: methods and results
appearance of numerous organisms in the fossil record during the
Early and Middle Cambrian (e.g. Bottjer et al., 2000, 2001; Butterfield, Data through the Ordovician biodiversification event have been
2001; Zhuravlev and Riding, 2001). Almost all animal phyla appeared assembled and analyzed in a variety of ways. The major global signal has
Author's personal copy

T. Servais et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 294 (2010) 99–119 101

been recognized on the basis of fossil range data culled from literature, Avalonia and China. Most recently, Bergström et al. (2009a) have
principally the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (e.g. Sepkoski, published a chart correlating the main regional chronostratigraphical
1979, 1981, 1995, 2002) and the Fossil Record (e.g. Benton, 1993, 1995). schemes with the international Series and Stages (Fig. 1). They also
These compilations are, however, based on range-through data, a valid compiled a composite δ13C curve for the entire Ordovician. The new
assumption but one that fails to identify Lazarus taxa. international stratigraphical framework comprises three Global Series
Interpretation of such curves, however, has been open to criticism. (Lower, Middle, Upper) and seven Global Stages (successively: Trema-
For example Raup (1972) cited some nine important filters that could docian, Floian, Dapingian, Darriwilian, Sandbian, Katian, Hirnantian)
bias the fossil record and later (Raup, 1975) noted that the Phanerozoic (Bergström et al., 2006a). Finer scale correlation is facilitated by 19 Time-
diversity curve may reflect merely the amount of available rock volume Slices (TS) and 20 Stage-Slices (SS) defined by Webby et al. (2004b) and
for any one time interval (see also McGowan and Smith, 2007) or the Bergström et al. (2009a), respectively (Fig. 1). The latter units allow a
efforts of taxonomists on selected intervals. Raup (1975) thus concluded precise correlation in both carbonate and shale facies, and are tied to the
that the Phanerozoic biodiversity was probably saturated and in a state composite δ13C curve through the entire Ordovician. While this composite
of equilibrium for much of its duration. More recently Peters and Foote global curve will doubtlessly be refined by further detailed regional
(2002) have again emphasised the correlation between diversity and studies (e.g. Ainsaar et al., this issue), chemostratigraphy holds the
numbers of available rock formations and Smith (2001) noted the prospect of being a major correlation tool in the Early Palaeozoic as well as
correspondence between high sea level and high diversity. a key to global environmental changes (Cramer et al., this issue).
Nevertheless, Peters (2005) has suggested that there might be a The bases of the Global Stages are defined at the base of either a
common cause for all three phenomena, rather than conclude that the graptolite or a conodont biozone of wide correlative value. Many of
Phanerozoic record is a mere artefact of geological processes. Plate the ‘time slices’ (Webby et al., 2004b) and ‘stage slices’ (Bergström et
tectonic processes and eustatic changes in sea level for example would al., 2009a), however, are of greater temporal extent than a single
help accelerate diversity during intervals of high sea level, when platforms biozone. The ‘stage slices’ (Bergström et al., 2009a) are intended to
were flooded also providing a much larger volume of sedimentary rocks, replace the ‘time slices’ introduced by Webby et al. (2004b) and used
generating a true biological signal. This is particularly relevant for the in the compilation of biodiversity curves for many groups of
GOBE, indicating that the accelerating diversity trends are real and not organisms (Webby et al., 2004a).
simply a function of an increased area and volume of Ordovician rocks. Some biodiversity databases were established long before the
By contrast, the curves of Alroy et al. (2008) are based on locality- compilation of Webby et al. (2004a) and were based on Ordovician
based counts stored in the Paleobiology Database. Hammer (2003) subdivisions with boundaries that do not precisely match those of the
applied a similar strategy in the assembly of data from the Ordovician more recently defined units. Problems of correlation between
of the Baltic province, demonstrating the unambiguous track of the diversity trends are therefore possible and must be borne in mind
event, while deconstructing the curve into patterns and trends for when biodiversity curves are compared and analyzed. Future
individual taxonomic groups. All these curves, however, are not free interpretations of biodiversity trends must thus be based on an
from error. The global Phanerozoic curves developed by Alroy et al. accurate stratigraphical correlation, and the work of Webby et al.
(2008) are, for example, subject to sampling bias. Localities in older (2004b) and Bergström et al. (2009a) are important steps towards
formations are possibly less numerous and thus the high levels of this.
diversity seen in the Modern Evolutionary Fauna may simply reflect
that localities within this unit are more accessible and numerous. 2.2. Ordovician palaeogeography
Nevertheless, when the curves are standardized against sample
size, the GOBE stands out as a massive hike in biodiversity rarely Progress made during the last 25 years in understanding Ordovi-
equalled again throughout the rest of the Phanerozoic. cian palaeogeography has resulted from the integration of tectonic,
stratigraphical, palaeoclimatological, palaeomagnetic and palaeonto-
2. The Ordovician world logical evidence (e.g. Fortey and Cocks, 2003). After the benchmark
publication of Scotese and McKerrow (1990) numerous palaeogeo-
2.1. Ordovician stratigraphy graphical reconstructions have been published including those of
Harper et al. (1996), Torsvik (1998), Cocks (2001) and Cocks and
The objective of IGCP 503 was not to revise the stratigraphy of the Torsvik (2002, 2004, 2006). There is currently a general agreement on
Ordovician System in detail, although the programme was based on a the position of the major palaeocontinents: Laurentia (North America,
strong interaction between the participants in IGCP 503 and the Greenland and slivers of crust in Norway and the British Isles) and
Subcommission on Ordovician Stratigraphy (SOS). However, in order Siberia, both found in equatorial positions, Baltica, located at
to understand the diversity trends during the Ordovician and to intermediate latitudes in the southern hemisphere, the microconti-
compare not only different trends from individual fossil groups, but nent of Avalonia that drifted from the high latitude margin of
also to correlate trends from different palaeocontinents, a precise Gondwana towards the tropics, and Gondwana (Fig. 2). This
stratigraphical correlation scheme is essential. supercontinent Gondwana was by far the largest continent. It
The marked faunal provincialism of the Ordovician has long hindered included South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, India and other
international correlation. Although the British Ordovician series and marginal (micro-) continents, amongst them North and South China.
stages acted more or less as a sort of standard, especially in western, Gondwana extended from the South Pole to the Equator and remained
southern and central Europe, the definition of these historical subdivisions separated from Laurentia throughout the Ordovician. Numerous other
of the Ordovician System in the British Isles did not fulfil the microcontinents and terranes were present, and the precise positions
recommendations of the ICS (International Commission on Stratigraphy) of many of them are widely discussed (e.g. Bassett, 2009).
and of the IUGS (International Union of the Geological Sciences) for the The detailed analysis of the palaeobiogeographical distribution of
definition of global stratotypes. New Series and Stages have therefore different fossil groups was a major research objective of IGCP 503 and will
been defined in the last decade or so. be the subject of a special publication currently under preparation. Suffice
Based on the extensive work of numerous biostratigraphers, and it to note here that at least to some extent the diversification of marine
within the framework of the SOS, Webby et al. (2004b) published a organisms during the Ordovician was most probably related to the
detailed Ordovician stratigraphical chart showing the correlations palaeogeography of the Period. The Ordovician was a time of maximum
between the main graptolite, conodont and chitinozoan zonal sequences dispersal of the continents between episodes when they were amalgam-
from the major palaeocontinents, including Laurentia, Gondwana, Baltica, ated in the supercontinents of Rodinia in the late Proterozoic and Pangaea
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102 T. Servais et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 294 (2010) 99–119

Fig. 1. The modern stratigraphical scheme for the Ordovician (Global Series, Global Stages, time slices, stage slices; Bergström et al., 2006a, 2009a; Webby et al., 2004b) plotted
against δ13C isotopes (Bergström et al., 2009a), sea level (Haq and Schutter, 2008), strontium isotopes (Shields et al., 2003; Shields and Veizer, 2004; Young et al., 2009), the reef
development (Webby, 2002), the climate signal (greenhouse–icehouse).

in the late Palaeozoic. Nearly four decades ago, Valentine and Moores preceded by one of the most substantial plate reorganizations in Earth
(1972) recognized a strong correlation between the position of the history.
palaeocontinents and biological diversity at a large (Phanerozoic) The Ordovician is not only considered to have been the Palaeozoic
temporal scale. They argued that during periods when continents were period with greatest continental dispersal, but the distribution of the
fragmented there were more opportunities for allopatric speciation and continents together with high sea levels also led to the greatest
biological diversity was high. In contrast, when the continents were flooding of the continental shelves (Algeo and Seslavinsky, 1995) and
grouped together with few geographical barriers and more limited the greatest tropical shelf areas in the Phanerozoic (e.g. Walker et al.,
opportunities for allopatric speciation, diversity was low. The two major 2002). Regions of high diversity are common in the tropics today and
radiations of marine life during the Phanerozoic can thus be related in it is reasonable to assume that such areas existed on the extensive
general terms to the breakup of the supercontinents of Rodinia during the tropical shelves of the Ordovician oceans.
latest Proterozoic and early Palaeozoic and Pangaea in the Mesozoic
leading to the creation of more numerous and increasingly widely
separated continental platforms, new oceans and abundant new diversity 2.3. Ordovician geology: sea-floor spreading, volcanism, superplume
biodiversity foci. Miller and Mao (1995) and Owen and Crame (2002), for hypothesis
example, also noted that the Ordovician biodiversification corresponded
to a period of time of major plate tectonic change. The same applies to the The very dynamic Ordovician palaeogeography with numerous
Cambrian radiation, which Liebermann (2004) considered to have been moving continents, terranes and island arcs, subduction zones and
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Fig. 2. Early Ordovician reconstruction with a view on the South Pole (based on Cocks and Torsvik, 2002), illustrating the debated palaeogeographical position of the Ordovician
palaeocontinents. The Gondwana supercontinent with its numerous marginal terranes extended from the South Pole to low latitudes in the northern hemisphere. The
microcontinent Avalonia drifted off Gondwana during the Early Ordovician to collide with Baltica during the latest Ordovician. Other major continents of the Ordovician include
Siberia and Laurentia at intermediate and low latitudes near the equator.

orogenic belts most probably had significant impacts on global development of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna, and in particular
geochemical cycles and also on climate and palaeobiodiversity. the development of reefs and carbonate build-ups (Fig. 1). Recent work
Together with the Cretaceous, the Ordovician Period had the greatest by Young et al. (2009) has linked the major rapid drop in 87Sr/86Sr to
amount of volcanism of the Phanerozoic (e.g. Stillman, 1984; Bergström basalt weathering. Lefebvre et al. (in press) have argued that associated
et al., 2004). Thick and very widespread volcanic ash falls, possibly the with the postulated superplume event (Caldeira and Rampino, 1991;
largest in the Phanerozoic, have been recorded in the Ordovician Condie, 2001; Pavlov and Gallet, 2005; Courtillot and Olson, 2007), the
including the Millbrig and Kinekulle K-bentonites (Huff et al., 1992; emplacement of a basaltic province at low latitudes, hypothetically
Kolata et al., 1996; Bergström et al., 1995, 2004). The intense volcanic placed between Baltica and Laurentia, could have been responsible for
activity most probably had important consequences for climate change, important climate changes. Such a basaltic province would have
sea level and the creation of many, relatively short-lived oceanic and impacted on the global atmospheric pCO2, with a temperature rise
marginal basins with volcanic islands and archipelagos. Moreover, in during the Late Ordovician, followed by an important temperature fall as
addition to providing habitats for many groups of organisms, and the consequence of the erosion of basaltic rocks, changing dramatically
increasing γ biodiversity (see Section 3.4), volcanic environments could the global carbon cycle. The impact on the global carbon cycle of a
also favour the exceptional preservation of biotas (e.g. Botting, 2002), superplume event could thus have been a possible trigger for the short
while generating local biodiversity peaks. global warming event (‘Boda Event’ of Fortey and Cocks, 2005) and the
A postulated driver for the GOBE is a putative Middle Ordovician Hirnantian glaciation (see below).
superplume event (Barnes, 2004b) that may have induced major marine
transgression, high carbon dioxide levels together with a super 2.4. Ordovician climate, CO2, sea level, sea-water chemistry and oceanic
greenhouse effect, extensive (non-felsic) volcanism, widespread black circulation patterns
shales and a strontium isotope excursion indicative of increased mantle
input. The drastic change of the strontium isotope values (Shields et al., It is beyond the scope of the present paper to discuss the climate
2003; Shields and Veizer, 2004), in particular, correlates roughly with and sea-level changes of the Ordovician in detail. Recent studies
the Darriwilian–Sandbian boundary, an important interval in the focused on these aspects are grouped elsewhere (Munnecke et al., this
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104 T. Servais et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 294 (2010) 99–119

issue). Here, only a short summary of the palaeoclimatic conditions is logical changes at this period including a shift in reef composition (see
provided in order to place them within a palaeoecological context. below).
Understanding of the climate in the Early Palaeozoic has increased The physical and chemical changes in the Ordovician oceans, with
significantly in the last decade or so. Munnecke et al. (2003), for high sea levels and warm temperatures, and also with more abundant
example, demonstrated that the Silurian was not a climatically nutrients available (as a consequence of high tectonic activity and
monotonous period, but an interval with intense climate changes volcanism), were probably responsible for the increase in primary
resulting in isotopic excursions, which are still not fully understood or production. This would have accompanied the increased diversity of
explained. The latest Ordovician (Hirnantian) has long been recognized primary producers, although the relationship of biomass production and
as one of the few intervals of the Phanerozoic when ice sheets covered diversity of the phytoplankton are difficult to quantify (see below).
the poles of the Earth (e.g. Hambrey and Harland, 1981; Caputo, 1998).
The relationship between carbon isotopic excursions, sea-level fluctua- 2.5. Ordovician cooling and the Hirnantian glaciation
tions and climate change is widely debated (e.g. Holmden et al., 1998;
Veizer et al., 2000; Joachimski et al., 2003; Tobin and Bergström, 2002; The impact of the Hirnantian glaciation on the ecosystem has been
Munnecke et al., 2003; Fanton and Holmden, 2007). However, extensive discussed in many studies dealing with the Late Ordovician mass
documentation in recent years of carbon isotope changes has not only extinction (for a summary, see Sheehan, 2001b). While the glaciation
thrown light on the details of the Hirnantian glacial event but has also was once thought to represent a very short cold interval in an otherwise
provided evidence for cooling beginning much earlier in the Ordovician greenhouse climate (e.g. Brenchley et al., 1994) most recent work points
than was thought only 15 years ago (see Section 2.5) (e.g. Hatch et al., to cooling beginning much earlier in the Ordovician (Saltzman and
1987; Ainsaar et al., 1999, 2004; Kaljo et al., 2001, 2003; Saltzman and Young, 2005; Trotter et al., 2008; Vandenbroucke et al., 2009, this issue)
Young, 2005; Young et al., 2005, 2008; Bergström et al., 2006b; Schmitz with the Hirnantian representing the most intense phase of a ‘long-lived
and Bergström, 2007; Bergström et al., 2009b). glaciation’ (Saltzman and Young, 2005) possibly starting in the Middle
The Ordovician was a period of extremely high sea levels (Fig. 1), Ordovician (Fig. 1) and lasting well into the Silurian (Grahn and Caputo,
considered by some scientists as the highest of the Palaeozoic, if not the 1992; Díaz-Martínez and Grahn, 2007). The decrease of biodiversity in
entire Phanerozoic (e.g. Haq et al., 1988; Hallam, 1992; Barnes, 2004a; many fossil groups following the early Late Ordovician (see Webby et al.,
Miller et al., 2005; Haq and Schutter, 2008). Documentation and 2004a; Servais et al., 2008) may reflect a global cooling of the climate. A
understanding of Ordovician sea-level change is still at an early stage. short warming event in the Late Ordovician (the ‘Boda Event’ of Fortey
Regional sea-level curves have now been proposed for some palaeo- and Cocks, 2005, but see also Cherns and Wheeley, 2007) also had a clear
continents, including Baltica (e.g. Dronov and Holmer, 1999, 2002; influence on the fossil record (e.g. Fortey and Cocks, 2005; Owen, 2007;
Nielsen, 2004, 2007), Laurentia (e.g. Ross and Ross, 1992, 1995; Landing, Jiménez-Sánchez and Villas, this issue).
2002) and China (e.g. Su, 2001). However, international correlations of Several causes of the Ordovician glaciation have been postulated
sea-level fluctuations are still problematical and will continue as a major (see Armstrong, 2007). Changes of pCO2, palaeoceanography and sea
research objective in the coming years (Munnecke et al., in press-b). levels, palaeogeographical models including continental uplift and its
Similarly, models of oceanic circulation during the Ordovician are related weathering, movement of the Inter-tropical Convergence
also at best preliminary. Parrish (1982, 1987) and Parrish et al. (1983) Zone and the impact of a hypothetical superplume event have been
discussed Early Palaeozoic oceanic circulation patterns in the context of invoked (e.g. Kump et al., 1999; Gibbs et al., 1997; Herrmann et al.,
upwelling zones and the research of petroleum source beds. In the early 2004a,b; Lefebvre et al., in press; Armstrong et al., 2009). As with the
1990s Jeppsson (1990) discussed an oceanic model for the Silurian, Ordovician biodiversification, global cooling and the glaciation in the
whereas Wilde (1991) postulated climate zones and oceanic currents Late Ordovician were probably not triggered by a single abrupt factor,
for the Lower, Middle and Upper Ordovician, plotted on the palaeogeo- but by the complex interplay of several drivers.
graphical base maps of Scotese and McKerrow (1990). Subsequently,
Christiansen and Stouge (1999) proposed an oceanic current model to 3. Palaeoecology of the GOBE
explain faunal exchanges during the Ordovician. Most recently
Armstrong et al. (2009) have used oxygen isotope curves to track the 3.1. Historical overview
changing positions and influence of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone
in the build up to the Hirnantian glaciation. Many palaeontologists have Interrogation of Phanerozoic diversity patterns and trends has
also proposed scenarios to explain the evolution of the palaeogeo- indicated that life is characterized by long intervals of stasis separated
graphical distribution of their fossil groups, but rarely with fully justified by shorter intervals of change and reorganization (Sheehan, 1996).
circulation patterns (see also Fortey and Cocks, 2003). Sepkoski's (1981) visionary studies divided Phanerozoic marine life into
On the other hand, it has become increasingly evident that the sea- three evolutionary faunas (EFs), the Ordovician biodiversification
water chemistry changed significantly during the Ordovician, and these forming the basis for his Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna (Fig. 3). This
changes are currently discussed and debated (e.g. Stanley and Hardie, fauna was populated by communities of intermediate diversity,
1999; Saltzman, 2005). In particular, the precipitation of CaCO3 and sea- dominated by suspension feeders and some detritivores and carnivores,
water saturation states must be considered in the context of the where tiering was common, and a plankton-based trophic structure, of
development of carbonate build-ups and reefs during the Ordovician intermediate complexity, had already developed.
(e.g. Riding, 1993, 2000, 2002, 2006a, b; Riding and Liang, 2005; Palmer There is a clear and graphic distinction between sea-floor reconstruc-
and Wilson, 2004). tions of the Cambrian and Paleozoic evolutionary faunas (e.g. McKerrow,
xMost importantly, in the last decade numerous papers have been 1978), indicating a change in dominance from loosely-structured and
published regarding the modelling of atmospheric carbon dioxide. variable communities of trilobites, phosphatic brachiopods, early echino-
Besides the GEOCARB models of Berner and his colleagues (e.g. derms and molluscs to the more predictable community structures,
Berner, 1994; Berner and Kothavala, 2001), other authors have dominated by suspension feeders, in the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna.
proposed models for the Early Palaeozoic carbon cycle (e.g., Goddéris However, Phanerozoic life can be further dissected into Ecologic
et al., 2001). The strontium isotopic ratio of sea water has also been Evolutionary Units (EEUs) (Boucot, 1983; Sheehan, 1996; Fig. 3): the
discussed in several papers (e.g., François and Walker, 1992; Veizer et Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna containing four such intervals (P1–P4). Of
al., 1999; Shields et al., 2003, Shields and Veizer, 2004; Young et al., particular importance are the P1 and P2 intervals that cover the GOBE,
2009), indicating a dramatic shift at the beginning of the Late during which many new animal groups with new adaptive morphologies
Ordovician (Fig. 1), that can probably be correlated with palaeoeco- generated increased complexity and diversity within communities during
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Fig. 3. The classical ‘Sepkoski’ diversity curve of marine invertebrate families through Phanerozoic time, documenting the Cambrian, Paleozoic and Modern Evolutionary Faunas, the
Great Ordovician Biodiversifiation Event (GOBE), and the ‘Big Five’ mass extinctions of marine invertebrates, plotted against the diversity curve of the Paleobiology Database (Alroy
et al., 2008). Note that in both datasets the GOBE stands out as a massive hike in biodiversity rarely equalled again throughout the rest of the Phanerozoic. Ecological-Evolutionary
Units (EEUs) after Sheehan (1996): C1–C2: Cambrian; P1–4: Palaeozoic; M1–3: Modern. Geological periods, from left to right: C: Cambrian, O: Ordovician, S: Silurian, D: Devonian,
C: Carboniferous, P: Permian, T: Triassic; J: Jurassic, C: Cretaceous, T: Tertiary.

unusual periods of biotic change (Sheehan, 1996). Subsequent studies diachronous onshore–offshore change from trilobite and ‘inarticulate’
involving the development of the palaeoecological architecture of brachiopod-dominated palaeocommunities typical of the Cambrian
Phanerozoic life (Droser et al., 1997; Bottjer et al., 2001) have noted Evolutionary Fauna to the rhynchonelliformean brachiopod-domi-
important changes at virtually all levels of ecological structure. A series of nated Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna and ultimately, in shallow-water
more focused papers has demonstrated that the taxic dominance of settings, the mollusc-dominated Modern Evolutionary Fauna. The
communities and shell concentrations changed markedly from trilobite to process may even have begun in the Cambrian. Bassett et al. (2002),
brachiopod-dominated assemblages within the early part of the Ordovi- for example, traced the origins of the brachiopod-dominated faunas of
cian (Droser and Finnegan, 2003; Finnegan and Droser, 2008a). Trilobites the Ordovician in Cambrian shallow-water carbonate environments of
remained an important part of the Ordovician benthos, but there was a Gondwana and its marginal terranes.
spectacular increase in abundance, biomass, diversity and body size of the As with so many aspects of biodiversity change, the overall onshore–
Brachiopoda. offshore pattern of community change needs to be teased apart to be
fully understood. Thus, for example, Westrop et al. (1995) and Westrop
3.2. The rise of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna and Adrain (1998a) (see also Westrop and Adrain, 1998b; Miller et al.
(1998) have shown that trilobite alpha diversities remained remarkably
The Ordovician marks the rise to dominance of the Paleozoic constant through the Ordovician across a range of shelf settings in
Evolutionary Fauna identified by Sepkoski (1981, 1984) in a multivariate Laurentia. This, they argued, indicates that rather than trilobites being
analysis of his marine biodiversity curves. It superseded the Cambrian displaced oceanwards as the changing onshore–offshore pattern might
Evolutionary Fauna and established the broad pattern of marine life that superficially suggest, their contribution to the total α diversities of shelf
lasted until the end of the Permian. The Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna was palaeocommunities was simply being ‘diluted’ by that of the more
dominated by a different set of phyla and classes than had typified the rapidly radiating groups (but see Finnegan and Droser, 2008b). Those
Cambrian, including a major expansion in epifaunal suspension feeders. It trilobite families that diversified during the GOBE within the “Whiterock
involved a significant increase in diversity at all levels (α, ß and γ) and Fauna” of Adrain et al. (1998, 2004) were part of the Paleozoic
much greater ecological complexity including more complex food webs, Evolutionary Fauna and include the groups that survived the Late
greater tiering both above and below the sediment–water interface, an Ordovician extinction. Adrain et al. (2000) also demonstrated that
expansion of the plankton and greater occupation of the water column Silurian trilobite α diversities across the shelf were comparable to those
(see Sheehan, 2001a for summary). of the Ordovician despite the marked drop in global clade diversity
Jablonski et al. (1983) and Sepkoski and Sheehan (1983) documen- during the end-Ordovician extinction event; emphasising the decou-
ted a pattern of nearshore innovation and offshore expansion of pling between different levels in the hierarchy of biodiversity metrics.
communities during the Ordovician (see also Sepkoski and Miller, Ecological change through the GOBE cannot be numerically assessed in
1985; Sepkoski, 1991; Harper, 2006). In gross terms this meant a the same way as taxonomic data. To date many ecological analyses have
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been both qualitative and subjective. A more structured and testable recognized guild structures indicating competition between taxa for
approach to ecological change involves the analysis of changes in particular resources (Bambach, 1983).
palaeocological architecture during the event. The hierarchical ecological The expansion of predators both in terms of taxonomic groups and,
framework, developed by Droser et al. (1997) and Bottjer et al. (2001), for skeletal groups at least, ecospace occupation (Bambach et al., 2007)
helps to elucidate the magnitude of both diversifications and extinctions; during the GOBE probably had a significant effect on the overall ecology
both can commonly be decoupled from taxonomic fluctuations and of the marine realm. Kröger and Landing (this issue) attribute major
provide more causal and fundamental models for diversity changes in changes in the disparity, body size and biomass of cephalopods in the
deep time. Droser et al. (1997) established four palaeoecological levels Early Ordovician of northeastern Laurentia to an escalation amongst
together with their defining characteristics. Although it could be argued predators and thus community evolution which they consider a major
that the possible colonization of the land by tracheophytes and the deep driver of the early phases of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification
sea by benthos are first level changes, the majority of ecological changes Event. Bush et al. (2007) considered that the increase in predation from
took place at the second, third and fourth levels. At the second level, new the middle Palaeozoic to the late Cenozoic may have had a major effect
Bambachian megaguilds (Bambach, 1983) evolved. Bambach (1983) on suspension feeders by driving trends towards increased motility and
introduced ‘adaptive strategies’ as a means of evaluating palaeoecological greater infaunalisation.
changes through time and ‘megaguilds’ to decipher large-scale shifts in The effect of the GOBE was to create marine communities that were
the nature of ecospace utilisation. The Ordovician displays major changes markedly different from those of the Cambrian in terms of both their
in its palaeoecological communities, from dominance by trilobites to that ecological architecture and composition. Although the resultant overall
by brachiopods, reflected also in changes in the composition of shell ecological patterns were very stable, Patzkowsky and Holland (2003)
concentrations, together with the establishment of Palaeozoic hard- have demonstrated that Late Ordovician communities in Laurentia were
grounds permitting bioerosion and encrusting strategies and the not ‘saturated’ with species. They showed that local diversities were
development of cryptic communities (see also Wilson and Palmer, strongly correlated with regional ones and thus there was a much stronger
1992, 2002). Third level changes included the appearance of new influence of regional oceanographic controls on species numbers than
community types, particularly in deeper water and associated with local inter-species competition. The latter should lead to some sort of
carbonate build-ups, an escalation in tiering complexity, both above and equilibrium, an upper limit on diversity. On a regional scale, Owen (2007)
below the substrate, and the further filling of already existing Bambachian documented a peak in the diversity of trilobites in Avalonia in the late
megaguilds to approach maxima for the Palaeozoic. Numerous, more Katian, against the global trend. It was largely the result of immigration of
minor, changes took place at the fourth level with the appearance and loss taxa from lower latitudes and not a burst of evolutionary originations.
of communities. Although the late Katian marked the first appearance, locally, of pure
carbonate depositional settings in Avalonia, much of this immigration was
3.3. Ecospace utilisation, competition and community saturation into shelf environments that were long established and thus the
immigrants must have been able to insinuate themselves into existing
An important aspect of understanding the palaeoecological context communities. Armstrong and Owen (2002a, b) recognized a similar
of the GOBE is the analysis of ecospace utilisation (e.g. Bambach, 1983; process in the conodont faunas. The process of insinuation rather than
Bambach et al., 2002, 2007). Late Ordovician skeletal organisms show a displacement of existing taxa indicates that the ‘host’ communities were
marked increase in the occupation of ecospace compared to those of the not saturated. Patzkowsky and Holland (2003) raised the pertinent
Early and Middle Cambrian. They occupied 30 of the 216 theoretically question as to whether communities were ever saturated with species
possible modes of life depicted in the 6 × 6 × 6 grid developed by during the remainder of the Palaeozoic. They considered the Late
Bambach et al. (2007) and Bush et al. (2007) to show the basic Ordovician as the start of the Palaeozoic plateau of diversity in the
categories of topographical location relative to the sea floor, motility and diversity curves of Sepkoski (2002 and references therein) and therefore
feeding mechanism. Early and middle Cambrian organisms with argued that unsaturated communities did not support Sepkoski's (1979)
mineralised skeletons occupied 19 modes of life on this scheme coupled logistic model for global biodiversity change but favoured the
(Bambach et al., 2007). The addition of information from Konservat- hierarchical niche model of Walker and Valentine (1984).
Lagerstätten increased the Cambrian figure to 30 and it is reasonable to
assume that were such data available for the Late Ordovician, the 3.4. α, ß, γ diversity
inclusion of soft-bodied organisms would significantly increase the
figure for that time interval. The main increases in ecospace utilisation The concepts of α (intra-community), ß (inter-community) and γ
by skeletal organisms in the Late Ordovician are those identified in (inter-provincial) diversity have been widely used in biological studies
earlier, qualitative, studies namely the range of surficial feeders, the since the early 1970s (see Whittaker, 1972; Owen and Crame, 2002). The
greater tiering both above and below the sediment–water interface and components of biodiversity can be deconstructed into increases within
the distribution of predators. Similar analyses of the occupation of individual communities, those apparent between adjacent communities
ecospace are needed for the Late Cambrian, Early and Middle Ordovician and those demonstrable between adjacent provinces. Sepkoski (1988)
to determine when the changes took place. Recent organisms with applied these concepts to the GOBE, noting that only about 50% of the
regularly preserved hard parts occupy 62 fields in the ‘ecospace cube’ increased diversity during the event could be accounted for by α and ß
(Bambach et al., 2007, Fig 7B); a doubling of the late Ordovician figure. diversity; the remaining increase was probably hidden in γ diversity and
As Bambach et al. (2007, p. 4) have stressed, the concept of ecospace possibly associated with hardground and reef communities, themselves
does not include any assessment of competition between organisms forming important aspects of ecological change during the event. Many
within or between particular modes of life or of other limiting factors on elements of the diversity increase can be modelled in terms of these three
the distribution of species. The question then arises as to whether the overlapping components that can both elegantly explain some of the
Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event was simply a passive filling increase and frame testable models (Harper, 2006). In many groups such
of ecospace or whether competition determined the structure of the as the brachiopods (Harper, 2010) increases in diversity proceeded a pace
increasingly diverse communities. In demonstrating a considerable with the high levels of provincialism, generated by the dispersal of the
constancy of trilobite α diversities in different shelf settings through the major continents and a high frequency of microcontinental fragments and
Ordovician, Westrop and Adrain (1998a) argued that this indicates that volcanic arcs, providing γ diversity (Harper and Mac Niocaill, 2002;
direct interactions between the members of the Evolutionary Faunas Harper et al., 2009). The migration of taxa into deep water and the
were very limited and that the radiations were largely non-competitive. occupation of carbonate build-ups and reefs provided many possibilities
For the brachiopods, however, various authors (e.g. Waisfeld et al., 2003) for new community types and ß diversity (e.g. Sepkoski and Sheehan,
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1983; Bassett et al., 2002), whereas new guilds and the filling of (2008), illustrating the evolution of the global diversity of the
established guilds created new niches in existing community structures Ordovician acritarchs (see Fig. 4 herein).
and consequently increases in α diversity (Waisfeld et al., 2003; Harper, Katz et al. (2004) noted that there is an empirical relationship between
2006). long-term sea-level change and diversities in the three modern-day
phytoplankton groups, in particular the calcareous nannoplankton and
the dinoflagellates. In addition, Katz et al. (2004) indicated that marine
4. A plankton revolution in the Ordovician? invertebrate faunal diversity is highly correlated with phytoplankton
diversity and community composition. For example, diatom genera
4.1. Evolution of the phytoplankton richness is highly correlated with Cenozoic invertebrate richness, and the
combined diversity of calcareous nannoplankton and dinoflagellates is
In modern oceans, the abundance of fish and marine mammals, strongly correlated with Mesozoic invertebrate diversity (see also Stover
occupying the higher levels of the trophic chain, depends greatly on the et al., 1996). For the Palaeozoic, Katz et al. (2004, Fig. 6) noted only a weak
presence of bloom-forming phytoplankton. Food chains are very correlation between the diversity of marine invertebrates and the
complex, but the link between the phytoplankton at the base of the diversity of the acritarchs. Servais et al. (2008), however, considered
food web, and sharks and whales, for example, on the top of the food that phytoplankton diversity should probably correlate strongly with that
chain, are relatively short, with diverse metazoan zooplankton groups of the marine invertebrates, but that complete datasets for Ordovician
being the intermediates. acritarchs are still not available for most parts of the world. Servais et al.
Three major groups build up the modern-day marine phytoplankton. (2008) tentatively correlated the diversity of acritarchs with that of
All three groups diversified during the Early Mesozoic radiation: (1) the several groups of the zooplankton (see also Fig. 4). While some of these
organic-walled dinoflagellates first appeared during the Early Triassic; (2) correlations remain hypothetical, the complete dataset of Ordovician
the calcareous nannoplankton (coccolithophores) originated in the Late acritarchs from the palaeocontinent Baltica by Hints et al. (this issue)
Triassic; and (3) the diatoms, representing the major part of the silicious allows a more obvious correlation between the diversity of the acritarchs
phytoplankton, emerged during the Early Cretaceous (e.g. Falkowski et al., and that of all marine invertebrates, as calculated by Hammer (2003). It
2004). The presence of calcareous nannoplankton in the Palaeozoic is still can therefore be assumed, that similar to the Mesozoic, the diversification
debated: some calcitarchs (Versteegh et al., 2009) may possibly be the and abundance of phytoplankton was most probably linked to the
ancestors of calcareous microplankton (Munnecke and Servais, 2008), increase of the sea levels and the extension of flooded areas, and that the
including the calcareous dinoflagellates (Servais et al., 2009b). Diatoms presence of abundant phytoplankton possibly had a major impact on the
have no known Palaeozoic equivalent so far. The only elements in the diversification of the zooplankton and the suspension feeders that feed on
fossil record of Palaeozoic (and Precambrian) phytoplankton are therefore the phytoplankton.
the acritarchs, a group of organic-walled microfossils of unknown, but A major problem with the phytoplankton fossil record is the fact that
most probably varied, biological affinities (Evitt, 1963). palaeopalynologists usually only analyze the larger fraction (N20 µm) of
Although acritarchs are, by definition, of unknown biological affinity, the organic-walled microfossils. The fossil record thus only includes
many of the acritarchs from the Precambrian onwards, with size ranges relatively large cysts, although much smaller acritarchs are present in
below 100 µm, are considered to be the cysts of diverse marine algae, most assemblages. Munnecke and Servais (1996), for example, recorded
although other morphotypes may not be marine, nor part of the numerous very small acritarchs from the Silurian of Gotland, often less
microplankton (see Servais et al., 1997, for a review). Dinoflagellates than 5 µm in diameter. This smaller fraction of a few µm is usually
possibly first appeared in the Precambrian, as suggested by comparative attributed to the picoplankton. An even smaller fraction, attributed in
ultrastructure, molecular biology and biogeochemical studies, but modern oceans to the bacterioplankton, is not present at all in the fossil
microfossils displaying all morphological parameters of modern record, although it is highly probable that it was also present in the Early
dinoflagellate cysts only appear in the Mesozoic (Fensome et al., Palaeozoic oceans. The picoplankton and the bacterioplankton repre-
1996). Nevertheless, many Palaeozoic palynologists now agree that sent a major part of the primary production in modern oceans and both
most acritarchs probably represent the cysts of marine phytoplankton, constitute a major part of the food of many invertebrate organisms,
including the ancestors of the dinoflagellates, because acritarchs not including the zooplankton and the suspension feeders. Future studies,
only have a very similar size and morphology (Servais et al., 2004b), but both palaeontological (palaeopalynological) and biogeochemical, are
also have similar palaeoecologial and palaeogeographical distribution needed to analyze the fossil record of the picoplankton and the
patterns to those of modern dinoflagellates (e.g. Servais et al., 2003; Li bacterioplankton in the Palaeozoic oceans in order to understand their
et al., 2004; Vecoli and Le Hérissé, 2004). impact on the marine trophic web and also the primary production and
Diversification curves for the acritarchs have been presented since the the available biomass that also includes the cyanobacteria and other
early 1970s, when Tappan and Loeblich (1973) reviewed the acritarch organisms.
literature and published a first ‘phytoplankton’ curve. This showed an Although it is evident that the biodiversity of phytoplankton increased
increase of acritarch species diversity in the Cambrian and a peak in the significantly during the Ordovician, it is difficult to establish a relationship
Ordovician. The dataset of Downie (1984), also used by Strother (1996) between an increase in primary production and biodiversity. The
and Servais et al. (2004a), confirmed the increase of acritarch diversity important palaeoecological changes require a large increase of primary
since the Late Precambrian with a peak in the Ordovician. Subsequently, producers, in particular to trigger the abundance and size increases of
several authors (e.g. Katz et al., 2004, Fig. 3; Martin et al., 2008; Strother, most organisms, such as the brachiopods, cephalopods and corals. Some
2008) used a curve that was based on unpublished data (and personal animal groups most probably specialized in feeding on specific groups of
communication by R.A. MacRae). This curve, based on the ‘Palynodata’ primary producers, including the phyto-, pico- and bacterioplankton.
database (Fensome et al., 1996), used the information from the ‘acritarch
catalogue’ of Fensome et al. (1990a,b), building on a dataset of a 4.2. Evolution of the zooplankton
consortium of several oil companies.
A more recent re-evaluation of Palaeozoic acritarch diversity was Although some planktonic, and even nektonic organisms are known
presented by Mullins et al. (2006) in the frame of the ‘PhytoPal’ project, from the Cambrian (Butterfield, 1997, 2001) and although most animal
from which Servais et al. (2008) showed that the phytoplankton phyla were present since the ‘Cambrian explosion’, marine life was mostly
diversity continuously increased from the Precambrian to reach the limited to that of marine invertebrates near the sea floor, in shallow-water
highest levels of the Palaeozoic during the Middle Ordovician. Kröger environments. Some of the major planktonic groups were absent in the
et al. (2009) have drawn a curve based on these data of Servais et al. Cambrian and only originated in the Ordovician which may be considered
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Fig. 4. Changes in the diversity of the major fossil groups in the water column (plankton, mobile benthos and predators) during the GOBE. Phytoplankton: acritarchs (redrawn from Kröger et al., 2009, based on Servais et al., 2008);
zooplankton: chitinozoans (redrawn from Paris et al., 2004), graptolites (redrawn from Cooper et al., 2004), radiolarians (redrawn from Noble and Danelian, 2004); mobile benthos: ostracodes (redrawn from Braddy et al., 2004), trilobites
(redrawn from Adrain et al., 2004); pelagic predators: orthoceritid and lithuitid cephalopods (redrawn from Kröger et al., 2009).
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as a ‘revolution in the oceanic trophic chain’ or an ‘Ordovician plankton important component of the plankton. The evolution of larval
revolution’ (Servais et al., 2008). Interpretations of the patterns of development probably dates back to the late Precambrian. Signor and
diversity and the proportional abundance of demersal organisms, Vermeij (1994) had already assumed that planktonic feeding larvae
plankton and nekton in the Palaeozoic oceans clearly indicate the arose during the Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician and that plankto-
‘plankton revolution’ in the Ordovician and the ‘nekton revolution’ in trophy was an escape strategy from an increasing predation pressure
the Devonian (Klug et al., in press, Fig. 1). resulting from the appearance of benthic suspension feeders. With an
One of the major planktonic groups, the graptoloids, evolved in the increasing diversity and abundance of phytoplankton in the water
Early Ordovician. Although graptolites appear in the Middle Cambrian, column, not only the zooplankton developed, but also the suspension
planktonic forms only radiated in the Ordovician (Chen et al., 2006) and feeders that filtered the phytoplankton (or picoplankton) out of the
occupied different pelagic zones. The graptolites show increasing water column at increasing heights above the sea substrate (develop-
diversity in the Early and Middle Ordovician (Cooper et al., 2004), ment of tiering, see below). The development of larval stages and
with a peak in the Darriwilian, similar to that of the acritarchs (Servais planktotrophy would not only allow the escape from shallow-water
et al., 2008, Fig. 2; Fig. 4). levels where predation was high, but also enable a wider distribution of
Another group with a clear planktonic distribution is the chitinozoans. taxa, with larval stages being able to be transported over longer
They are interpreted to be possibly the eggs of a planktonic organism, but distances, possibly even crossing oceans to settle on other continents.
the ‘chitinozoan animal’ still remains unknown. Their distribution and Nützel and Frýda (2003) and Nützel et al. (2006) found the first
diversification are well known. The group first appears in the Tremadocian evidence for the origin of planktotrophy in gastropods at the Cambrian–
and diversified rapidly on the three major palaeocontinents, Gondwana, Ordovician transition, confirming previous assumptions by Chaffee and
Baltica and Laurentia (Paris et al., 2004; Achab and Paris, 2007). The global Lindberg (1986) and Signor and Vermeij (1994). Nützel et al. (2006) also
Ordovician diversity trends of the chitinozoans partly mirror those of the considered that planktotrophy may have played a role as an escape
acritarchs (Fig. 4), but clearer correlations can be seen at the regional level, strategy from the benthos, and they indicated that the expansion of the
in particular in the dataset from ‘northern Gondwana’ (southern Europe suspension feeders and the development of planktotrophy were
and North Africa), as documented by Vecoli and Le Hérissé (2004), but a most probably based on a higher nutrient supply and an increased
correlation is also observed on Baltica (Hints et al., this issue). As with the palaeoproductivity.
graptolites, the food and the feeding behaviour of the ‘chitinozoan animal’ Direct evidence for planktotrophy seems to be absent from the
are not clearly understood. However, it can be suggested that these Cambrian (e.g. Runnegar, 2007) and recent molecular clock data seem
organisms fed on the smaller parts of the phytoplankton, possibly also on to corroborate the assumption that it developed only during the late
the picoplankton (b5 µm). Cambrian. Peterson (2005) plotted the different types of plankto-
Two of the major microfossil groups occupying the pelagic realm of trophic metazoan larvae on a phylogenetic tree and noted that
modern oceans are the radiolarians and the foraminifers. In modern- planktotrophy has evolved several times between the latest Cambrian
day marine environments, radiolarians represent a major part of the and the Middle Ordovician.
smaller zooplankton. Some of them have dinoflagellate (and/or Several major developments thus took place during the interval
foraminifer) symbionts, while others feed on the phytoplankton between the late Cambrian and the Middle Ordovician. Based on the
(and/or the foraminifers). Records of foraminiferans from the Lower available phytoplankton, planktotrophy developed in several inver-
Palaeozoic are lacking or problematical but the radiolarian fossil tebrate clades and an increasing number of marine invertebrates
record indicates that few taxa are present in the Cambrian and a probably developed planktonic larval stages. The development in the
diversification took place during the Ordovician (Noble and Danelian, Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician of the new feeding strategies
2004). The diversity curves, although preliminary, show similar would thus have had a major impact on the trophic chains.
trends compared to the graptolites and also reflect the peak of the
phytoplankton in the Darriwilian (Fig. 4).
A major part of the modern-day zooplankton is constituted by 5. The invasion of the pelagic realm
small crustaceans, which form the major food of fishes. In modern
oceans, one of the major groups of smaller crustaceans is the 5.1. Development of motility
copepods, which appeared in the Miocene. The caryocaridid arthro-
pods (phyllocarids) may constitute a possible Early Palaeozoic The successively increasing complexity of the pelagic food chain is
equivalent, representing a major zooplankton group and an important indicated by the development of a diverse fauna of pelagic Ordovician
zooplanktonic component in Ordovician ecosystems, where they vertebrates, molluscs and arthropods. Based on the increase of the
developed and radiated (Vannier et al., 2003; Whittle et al., 2007). available phytoplankton, it seems reasonable to assume that zoo-
Possibly some of the ostracodes, that rapidly developed during the plankton developed during the Ordovician and constituted the
Ordovician (e.g. Braddy et al., 2004) also constituted a part of the foundation for freely swimming animal groups that became predators
zooplankton. The diversity of this group also increased continuously in the open seas of the pelagic realm.
during the Ordovician (Fig. 4). Most of the Ordovician ostracodes can Very rare in pre-Ordovician assemblages (Schoenemann et al.,
probably be attributed to the mobile benthos, the earliest known 2008), pelagic trilobites developed during the Ordovician and fairly
pelagic ostracodes are only recorded in the Silurian (Perrier et al., diverse mesopelagic and epipelagic trilobite communities were
2008). established by the Tremadocian (e.g. Adrain et al., 2004; Racheboeuf
The information from various fossil groups thus clearly indicates that et al., 2009). As is noted above, another group of arthropods, the
a major change in the trophic structure of the Ordovician oceans took caryocaridids, is also considered to have occupied the pelagic realm
place with the rise of the zooplankton, confirming the observation of from the earliest Ordovician and to have diversified significantly
Sepkoski in the 1980s. during the Middle Ordovician (Vannier et al., 2003; Whittle et al.,
4.3. The development of planktotrophy With cephalopods as likely predators of these pelagic arthropods the
Ordovician can be considered as the time of the initial establishment and
A census of the larval stages of marine invertebrates was not directly diversification of widespread pelagic ecosystems with large macro-
present in the diversity curves of Sepkoski's (2002) compendium or in predators. However, little or no evidence for the occurrence of fish in the
the dataset of the Paleobiology Database (e.g. Alroy et al., 2008). open seas is known today and cephalopods appear to have been the
However, the larvae of many benthic organisms today represent an largest animals in the open seas of the Ordovician.
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5.2. First fishes Kröger et al., 2009). Kröger et al. (2009) argued that the timing and
regional pattern of the occupation of the pelagic realm by cephalo-
Apart from the feeding apparatuses of conodonts, some of which pods partially contradicts the idea of an invasion by simply an escape
belonged to taxa with distributions indicating a pelagic mode of life from benthic competition and predation (Signor and Vermeij, 1994).
(Rasmussen 1998; Armstrong and Owen, 2002a), the fossil record of They suggested that possibly an increasing complexity and sustain-
Ordovician vertebrates is scattered, and its incompleteness leaves ability of the Ordovician pelagic food chain itself was a major factor in
many open questions. Nonetheless, large-scale patterns of Ordovician driving the diversification.
vertebrate evolution and palaeobiogeography are becoming clearer The foci of the Ordovician cephalopod diversification, however, were
for the earliest skeletal vertebrates (e.g. Blieck and Turner, 2003; in the shallow-water carbonate platforms of the palaeotropics. There,
Turner et al., 2004). The earliest dermoskeletal vertebrate remains are cephalopod faunas changed drastically over the epoch and reached a
known from arandaspids in Floian siliciclastic sediments of Australia diversity climax during the Katian (Fig. 4). Additionally, Kröger et al.
(see review in Young, 2009; Davies and Sansom, 2009). Because Early (2009) demonstrated that the diversification of some of the most
Ordovician occurrences are restricted to Gondwana, an ‘out of diverse Ordovician cephalopod groups paralleled the diversification of
Gondwana’ scenario for the evolution of these early vertebrates was reef builders and their associated fauna.
suggested by Elliott et al. (1991). Smith et al. (2002) proposed an
alternative ‘out of Laurentia’ model. Conversely, Young (2009) 5.5. Radiation of trilobites into the water column
contended that the poorly understood fossil record of the earliest
vertebrates means that such scenarios are very provisional. He argued Trilobites are one of the key components of the Cambrian
that a primitive cosmopolitanism at higher taxonomic levels contrasts Evolutionary Fauna and thus one of the main elements of the mobile
with a marked endemism at genus, and species level. The endemism, benthos prior to the Ordovician. Setting aside the agnostids, whose
which is one of the prominent features of the Ordovician vertebrate mode of life has been greatly debated (see review by Fortey and
record (Blieck and Turner, 2003), can be explained by the very Owens, 1999, pp. 455–458) but which might have been planktic in at
shallow marine habitats of Ordovician vertebrates (Sansom and least some taxa, few trilobites lived in the water column during the
Smith, 2001; Allulee and Holland, 2005; Davies and Sansom, 2009). Cambrian (see Fortey and Rushton, 2007; Schoenemann et al., 2008).
The marked endemism contrasts with global patterns of Ordovician A substantial number of trilobite clades diversified during the Great
vertebrate evolutionary and diversity trends. Arandaspids and an array Ordovician Biodiversification Event along similar trajectories to those
of other primitive vertebrates diversified strongly worldwide during the of other invertebrate groups that typify the Paleozoic Evolutionary
Darriwilian–Katian and Turner et al. (2004, p. 334) considered that all Fauna (Adrain et al., 2004). As a result of this diversification, trilobites
major vertebrate clades seem to be present by the Caradoc. The reached a peak of morphological disparity during the Ordovician
tendency of a strongly increasing number and diversity of armoured (Foote, 1991; Fortey and Owens, 1999). Fortey and Owens (1990,
vertebrates indicates that such armour against predators played a major 1999) identified sets of recurring morphotypes that they linked to the
role in the diversification process. autecology of the trilobites concerned (see also Adrain et al., 2004).
The vast majority of species were members of the benthos but wide
5.3. Swimming eurypterids palaeogeographical distributions (e.g. Servais et al., 2005), the
development of extremely large eyes and, in some instances, a highly
The appearance and diversification of swimming eurypterids early in streamlined shape, indicate a pelagic mode of life in some Ordovician
the Late Ordovician roughly corresponds to the first radiation of armoured clades (Fortey and Owens, 1987, 1999). These comprise both
vertebrates (Braddy et al., 2004; Tetlie, 2007; Tetlie and Cuggy, 2007; epipelagic taxa, typified by the Telephinidae, and mesopelagic groups
Tollerton, 2003). Ordovician eurypterids occur most commonly in near especially the Cyclopygidae and related families (see Adrain et al.,
shore marine deposits (Tetlie, 2007) and thus their habitats overlap with 2004; Owen and Bruton, 2008). Such groups appeared in the
those of early vertebrates. Trophic interactions between eurypterids and Tremadocian and reached a peak of generic diversity in the
Ordovician fishes may therefore have taken place. Additionally, co- Darriwilian. The epipelagic trilobites included the most widespread
occurrences of cephalopods in Ordovician fish localities (e.g. Sansom et al., of all trilobite species (McCormick and Fortey, 1999) and many of the
2009) may indicate trophic interactions between fish and nautiloids. cyclopyid trilobites were both widespread and morphologically very
conservative over long periods (Adrain et al., 2004). Despite this
5.4. Evolution of the cephalopods success, none of the pelagic clades survived into the Silurian and the
water column was never occupied by post-larval trilobites again.
Based on actualistic comparisons, nautiloids seem to have been Chatterton and Speyer (1989) showed that not only did trilobite
carnivores from the beginning, but direct evidence of Ordovician groups with pelagic modes of life in the holaspis stage become extinct
buccal apparatuses is lacking. Large slit-like shell injuries in by the end of the Ordovician but so did the majority of those benthic
Ordovician cephalopod shells (Kröger, 2004) and fossil assemblages taxa that had entirely planktic protaspides. These too began to decline
(Frey, 1989) suggest a durophagous habit for at least some nautiloids. after the Darriwilian and Chatterton and Speyer (1989) suggested that
Changes in the fossil assemblages from the Beekmantown Group, New there was a link between susceptibility to extinction in the Late
York, USA, show evidence of increasing competition and levels of Ordovician and dependence on planktic food. They considered that
predation in the mollusc faunas since the Early Ordovician (Kröger the start in the decline in diversity of pelagic trilobites and taxa with
and Landing, 2007, 2008, 2009, this issue). Kröger and Landing (this wholly planktic larval stages coincided with the onset of the Late
issue) argued that an increasing competition and habitat differenti- Ordovician glaciation. While evidence for the latter was at the time
ation may not have been restricted to Lower Ordovician tropical limited to reports of glacigenic rocks older than the unequivocal
shallow-water environments, but potentially were an important Hirnantian deposits (Hambrey and Harland, 1981), their comments
aspect of the Ordovician diversification in general, including the are remarkably prescient both in the light of the more recent isotopic
successive invasion of the open water by larger swimming animals. evidence for a much earlier initiation of global cooling (e.g. Trotter
Nautiloids were restricted to the palaeotropical carbonate plat- et al., 2008; Young et al., 2008) and also in the light of the new
forms during the earliest Ordovician, but soon expanded their habitats diversity curves for the phytoplankton and zooplankton.
and occur in distal, deep-water sediments in the middle Tremadocian Fortey and Owens (1999, p. 453) suggested that not only did
(Kröger et al., 2009). The pelagic cephalopod diversification peaked microplankton form a food source for pelagic trilobites but some taxa
during the Darriwilian (Frey et al., 2004; Kröger and Zhang, 2009; may have fed on smaller plankton feeders, such as phyllocarid
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crustaceans. The occupation of pelagic environments by trilobites benthic communities both above and partly within the sea bed. They
undoubtedly can be seen as part of the ‘revolution in the oceanic also provided a substrate for attaching and encrusting epifauna,
trophic chain’ (Servais et al., 2008). providing support, protection and a source of food through inhalant
and exhalent currents. Few detailed bed-by-bed studies of brachiopod
6. “The booming of suspension feeders”—transition in the benthos diversity through the event are available, although Rasmussen et al.
(2007) and Rasmussen and Harper (2008) have provided data for the
6.1. Evolution of tiering Darriwilian phase of the diversification in the East Baltic and Zhan
et al. (2006) have provided data from South China.
Tiering strategies were essential to develop the complex community Another major group of lophophorate suspension feeders is the
structures of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna (Ausich and Bottjer, 1982; Bryozoa, the fossil record of which is now known to extend back to the
Bottjer and Ausich 1986). Tiering took place below the sediment–water Upper Cambrian (Landing et al., 2010). These colonial suspension feeders
interface but during the GOBE changes above the substrate were most are a major component of some Ordovician sea-bed communities, in
marked. The basal levels (0–5 cm) were occupied by sponges, corals, particular in the Upper Ordovician of the American mid-continent, where
bryozoans, rhynchonelliformean brachiopods, bivalves and both diplo- they are present in rock-forming abundance (Taylor and Ernst, 2004),
poran and rhombiferan echinoderms. The higher levels (5–20 cm) were commonly also forming mound-like structures. A major radiation of the
characterized by sponges, corals, bryozoans, and diploporan echino- phylum occurred during the Ordovician, with the rapid appearance of
derms, together with crinoids. Whereas the levels at 20–50 cm were many Phanerozoic orders of marine bryozoans, principally within the
populated by diploporan echinoderms and crinoids, the highest tiers at stenolaemates, rapidly occupying and in some cases dominating the low-
50–100 cm only hosted crinoids. Secondary tiering was also important level filter-feeding benthos. The increase was exponential from the Floian
with for example brachiopods attaching to bryozoans (Harper and to the Katian, followed by a diversity decline in the Late Ordovician
Pickerill, 1997) and crinoids (Sandy, 1996). This tiering structure (Taylor and Ernst, 2004; Fig. 5). During this interval a number of ecological
remained more or less stable until the end of the Cretaceous (Ausich changes associated with the diversification of adaptive colony types,
and Bottjer, 1982). By contrast there was a much more limited escalation together with the taphonomically favourable conditions of the Calcite
in the depth and complexity of infaunal tiering during the GOBE perhaps Seas enhanced the spectacular pattern of radiation through the middle
reflecting the lack of intense predation pressure (Bottjer and Ausich, part of the Ordovician.
1986). However, as indicated by Sheehan and Schiefelbein (1984), the Although already well established in the Cambrian, sponges
appearance of Thalassinoides galleries during the GOBE was a major diversified markedly during the Ordovician with continuous diversity
event. Late Ordovician Thalassinoides galleries penetrated 2 m into the increases from the earliest part of the Period and a more pronounced
sediment, while prior to the GOBE Thalassinoides-like burrows were diversification in the Late Ordovician (Carrera and Rigby, 2004; Fig. 5). In
confined horizontally. Trace fossil data indicate bioturbators had reached contrast to the Cambrian sponge faunas dominated by archaeocyathans
the deep sea during the event (see below). An obvious interpretation of and thin-walled weakly fused spiculate demosponges and hexactinel-
the development of epifaunal tiering could be the increasing presence of lids, the Ordovician sponge fauna is more typically dominated by the
highly diverse phytoplankton (but also bacterioplankton and picoplank- heavier, thick-walled demosponges in carbonate environments where-
ton) in the water column, that allowed the different suspension feeding as the siliceous hexactinellids were more prominent in siliclastic facies.
organisms to filter their food out of the water in increasing heights. During the period, however, demosponges became less important as
rugose and tabulate corals and especially stromatoporoids began occupy
6.2. Evolution of benthic suspension feeders these types of benthic niches.
The stromatoporoids diversified only from the middle Darriwilian
A key characteristic of the GOBE was the marked diversification of onwards, forming some of the first extensive metazoan reef structures
the suspension feeding benthos, extensively documented across a prior to becoming much more diverse and widespread (cosmopolitan)
range of animal phyla. During the GOBE a complex, tiered network of in the Silurian (Webby, 2004; Fig. 5).
suspension feeders was established for the first time and dramatically The first appearance of the corals is still debated, although current
altered not only the composition and structure of many sea floors but evidence suggests that the tabulates appeared first in the Early
also trophic feeding webs and possibly hydrographic conditions at the Ordovician, with simple cerioid growth modes, lacking septa and mural
substrate–water interface. Nevertheless, different fossil groups show pores and possessing only occasional tabulae. The rugose corals
different diversity patterns and trends, indicating the absence of a apparently appeared later during the Middle Ordovician developing
single external driver. For some groups, explosive radiations at several heavy, robust skeletons. These two major Palaeozoic groups, however, the
intervals were the norm, and for others, a more progressive and Rugosa and Tabulata, diversified rapidly during the Ordovician with an
steady increase in diversity was more typical. ‘explosion’ of diversity early in the Late Ordovician (Webby et al., 2004c).
The evolution of benthic suspension feeders is particularly well The diversity patterns of the echinoderms differ markedly across
documented by the brachiopod fossil record. Brachiopod diversifica- the different groups (classes). Following an important radiation in the
tion was stepwise but sustained during the GOBE. The global curve for Cambrian (when the early members of the phylum were an important
the rhynchonelliformeans (Harper et al., 2004; Fig. 5) indicates four component of the Cambrian Evolutionary Fauna) and a decline in the
phases of radiation, during the late Tremadocian, the Darriwilian, the late Cambrian, echinoderms diversified again significantly during the
Sandbian and the Katian. The initial radiation was associated with Ordovician, to become one of the dominant faunal elements in
holdovers from the Cambrian and early Tremadocian, commonly Palaeozoic benthic marine environments for the next 200 Ma (e.g.
occupying inshore carbonate environments, whereas the second, Sprinkle and Guensburg, 2004; Lefebvre and Fatka, 2003; Rozhnov,
Darriwilian, pulse was associated with the establishment of the 2007; Nardin et al., 2009; Nardin and Lefebvre, this issue). In
Ordovician brachiopod fauna dominated by orthides and strophome- particular stalked crinoids dominated the Ordovician echinoderm
nides. Deeper-water taxa, associated with offshore migrations, fauna, generating widespread, crinoidal limestones commonly in
contributed to the third phase while the fourth phase is linked to shallow-water environments. Blastozoans, including the cystoids,
diversifications in warm, carbonate environments. During the GOBE diploporites, and rhombiferans often formed higher tiers but were
brachiopods generally increased in size, developed a complex set of generally less abundant than the crinoids. Their biodiversification has
onshore–offshore community spectra and established a range of recently been analyzed in detail (Nardin and Lefebvre, this issue;
morphotypes that, with the exception of a few aberrant Permian Fig. 5) and shows a continuous increase of diversity to a peak in the
forms, typified the subsequent history of the phylum. They dominated Sandbian.
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Fig. 5. Changes in the diversity of the major benthic fossil groups during the GOBE. Sessile benthic suspension feeders: stromatoporoids (redrawn from Webby, 2004), bryozoans (redrawn from Taylor and Ernst, 2004), blastozoan
echinoderms (Nardin and Lefebvre, this issue), sponges (redrawn from Carrera and Rigby, 2004), brachiopods (redrawn from Harper et al., 2004); detritus and suspension feeders: bivalves (redrawn from Cope, 2004) and gastropods
(redrawn from Frýda and Rohr, 2004).
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A number of molluscan groups, for example the Pteriomorphia, uncertain for many reefs because graptolites, the main stratigraphical
contain suspension feeding taxa, but to date their trends have not index fossils, are rare in reefal deposits.
been isolated from those documented in these molluscan groups as a The early Tremadocian reefs were small (mostly b1 m) and
whole. The radiation of the bivalve and rostroconch molluscs is not consisted of stromatolites and thrombolites with abundant calcifying
presently understood in the same detail as for example the cyanobacteria of the Epiphyton and Renalcis groups (Wood, 1999).
brachiopods, with peaks in the diversity curves resulting mostly Associated metazoans are rare and consist of lithistid sponges and the
from important monographic bursts. Nevertheless, despite this small tabulate coral Lichenaria (Webby, 2002; Carrera and Rigby,
potential bias, the diversification of the bivalves clearly also follows 2004; Webby et al., 2004c). Reefs of this type are reported from North
the general increasing trend of the Ordovician biodiversification America and Argentina (Kiessling, 2002). In the late Tremadocian
(Cope and Babin, 1999; Cope, 2004) but with peaks in the Floian, reefs became larger, they occupied a greater range of environmental
Darriwilian and Katian (Fig. 5). In general terms the Pteriomorphia settings, and the diversity especially of microbial reef-building biotas
together with the Anomalodesmata (Cope, 2004, Fig. 20.6) markedly increased. For the first time both Calathium (receptaculitalean) and
increased in diversity through the Sandbian and Katian interval, lithistid sponges became associated with the microbial reefs (Nitecki
marking their migration to low-latitude carbonate platforms. et al., 2004). This trend continued into the Floian but with addition of
Frýda and Rohr (2004) summarized the Ordovician diversification the first metazoan-dominated reefs consisting of up to metre-sized
of the gastropods, which is as complex as that of the brachiopods with skeletons of the probable stromatoporoid Pulchrilamina (Webby,
different diversity trends for the different gastropod groups. However, 2002). In the Dapingian and early Darriwilian no significant changes
a clear increase from the basal part of the Ordovician up to the middle are observed in the composition of the microbial reefs although it
Late Ordovician is also observed in this clade (Novack-Gottshall and seems that the sponge–Calathium associations became more impor-
Miller, 2003a, 2003b; Frýda and Rohr, 2004), punctuated by tant at the expanse of the microbial associations (Webby, 2002).
origination events in the Floian, early Darriwilian and early Sandbian However, few new reef types were developed: large stromatactis-
(Fig. 5). The group is dominated by detritus feeders and statistically bearing mud mounds are reported from North America, and mud
forms a part of Sepkoski's Modern Evolutionary Fauna although it was mounds as well as small bryozoan reefs from Russia (Kiessling, 2002).
an intimate part of many shallow-water, suspension-dominated A major turnover in reef composition is observed in the late
communities during the Ordovician. Darriwilian, and the newly developed reef types became the basis not
only for the Late Ordovician reef ecosystems but also for those of the
entire Silurian and Devonian. During the Middle and Late Ordovician,
6.3. Colonization of the deep sea floor
thrombolites as well as calcifying cyanobacteria such as Epiphyton and
Renalcis disappeared, because these forms obviously lost their ability to
In his review of Cambrian to Carboniferous deep marine trace fossils,
calcify (Webby, 2002; Riding, 2006b). Labechiid stromatoporoids,
Orr (2001) identified the Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician as a crucial
solenoporacean algae, tabulate corals, and bryozoans start to play a
interval in the evolution of communities in that environment. He
major role as frame-builders. Sponges and bryozoans developed a variety
attributed the major restructuring of deep marine communities to the
of growth forms (Taylor and Ernst, 2004) and many reefs contain a
offshore displacement of ichnotaxa resulting from increased competi-
diverse epifauna of trilobites, brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, and
tion in shallow marine environments (see also Droser and Bottjer, 1993;
ostracodes (Webby, 2002). Whereas stromatoporoid-dominated reefs
Mángano and Droser, 2004). Most recently, Buatois et al. (2009) have
occupied shallow subtidal environments, bryozoan-dominated reefs
documented an upper Tremadocian deep marine ichnofauna from
seem to favour somewhat deeper-water conditions. In the Sandbian,
Argentina that is intermediate between the Ediacaran–Cambrian low
reefs become even more diverse, and depending on the palaeo-water
diversity matground faunas and the more diverse and morphologically
depth different reef types are observed with stromatolitic and/or tube
much more varied deep-water trace fossils that have been widely
worm-dominated intertidal reefs, patch reefs of different size in subtidal
documented from the subsequent Ordovician. The Argentinian fauna
environments consisting of corals, stromatoporoids, bryozoans, and
includes traces indicating the trapping of microorganisms and bacterial
sponges (in varying amounts), and large bryozoan-dominated reefs in
farming and thus indicates that the Agronomic Revolution (see Seilacher
shelf-edge environments (Webby, 2002). In the Katian, the metazoan
and Pflüger, 1994) had started in the deep sea by or during the late
reefs became more widespread around the globe, with stromatoporoid-,
Tremadocian. Graphoglyptid traces, however, are much rarer and
coral- and Solenopora-dominated reefs occurring for the first time on
geometrically simpler than later in the Ordovician.
Baltica, and pelmatozoan–bryozoan mud mounds on the peri-Gondwana
platform (Vennin et al., 1998). As indicated by Sheehan (1985) there was
7. Development of carbonate build-ups and reefs a long interval between the Middle Cambrian (decrease in archaeocyathid
reefs) and the start of the GOBE lacking colonial animals with massive
The Ordovician is characterized by a profound change in reef skeletons, and thus an absence of colonial animals in reefs. The
composition, with a shift from microbial-dominated reefs in the Early development of colonial animals with massive skeletons during the
and Middle Ordovician to metazoan-dominated reefs in the Late GOBE was therefore a major new lifestyle shared by several phyla.
Ordovician. The most comprehensive summary of the reef development As a result of the glacio-eustatic sea-level drop in the Hirnantian, gaps
is provided by Webby (2002). In this review the Ordovician reefs are are observed in shallow-water successions, and consequently reports of
subdivided in five constructional types: (a) true reefs, built in situ by reefs are rare. In the Hirnantian a major positive δ13C and δ18O excursion
metazoans that produce a rigid framework, (b) biostromes, similar to is reported from several palaeocontinents (see review in Bergström et al.,
(a) but without significant topographic relief, (c) reef mounds, con- 2009a). It is interesting to note, however, that in favourable settings reefs
structed by skeletal organisms but with very limited framework rigidity, occur even during intervals of maximum δ18O values (Long, 1993; Kaljo
(d) carbonate mud mounds, composed mainly of micrites with sparse et al., 2001, 2004; Ernst and Munnecke, 2009), which commonly are
skeletal organisms, and (e) microbial reefs, stromatolites and thrombo- interpreted as proxies for maximum cooling and/or volume of ice
lites. Because of the high sea level at least 40% (possibly 60%) of the shields. The latest Ordovician extinction event terminated reef growth
continents were flooded (Walker et al., 2002), and these large epeiric seas globally, and it took several million years before the first reefs
provided in many areas suitable habitats for reef growth. Similar to reappeared in the Silurian (Yue and Kershaw, 2004; Copper, 2001a,b).
modern reefs, most of the Ordovician reefs occur in palaeolatitudes The controlling factors of the Ordovician reef development,
between 30°N and 30°S in shallow-water settings (Webby, 2002, 2004). It especially for the major faunal turnover in the Darriwilian, are still a
is important to note that the exact stratigraphical position is somewhat matter of debate. Most likely a combination of several factors must be
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considered, e.g., tectonic setting and sea-bed topography, temperature, succession’, nor did the end-Ordovician extinction or Silurian recovery.
salinity, climate conditions and weathering on land, CO2 and O2 content Rather, in the latter publication, the diversification and extinction is
of the atmosphere, ocean circulation, and sea-level development disguised in a gradual taxonomic increase of Early Palaeozoic life that
(Munnecke et al., in press-b). Oolites, precipitating directly from sea continued until the end of the Era. Nevertheless we recognize now that
water, are more abundant in the Lower Ordovician (Wilkinson et al., the GOBE is one of the turning points in the history of life (Sepkoski, 1981;
1985) compared to the Middle and Upper Ordovician, which indicates Sheehan; 1996; Droser and Sheehan, 1997) signalling the most intense
elevated calcium carbonate saturation states of the sea water. The high phase of species radiation of the Palaeozoic Era (Webby et al., 2004a,b,c),
abundance of microbial carbonates in the Lower and Middle Ordovician prompting irreversible changes in the biological composition and
might be the result of elevated water temperatures (see discussion in structure of the planet's oceans (Harper, 2006). The impact of this event
Webby, 2002), which seems to be supported by new δ18O data (Trotter was immense. The sea floors were populated as never before, together
et al., 2008). In contrast to metazoans which secrete calcium carbonate with tiers above and within the substrate, the water column was filled
intracellulary (biologically controlled), calcifying cyanobacteria secrete with diverse phyto- and zooplankton (Servais et al., 2008) and heavily
calcium carbonate outside their cells (biologically induced by photo- skeletalized benthos contributed to a major carbonate factory that would
synthesis; Riding 2006b) in more or less direct contact to the ambient have consequences for long-term climate change on the planet (Pruss et
sea water, and thus higher water temperatures and the resulting lower al., 2010). This hike in diversity was, however, punctuated by a major
CO2 content in sea water would favour cyanobacteria calcification (and extinction and a relatively rapid recovery during the Late Ordovician and
oolite precipitation). However, the reconstructed atmospheric CO2, Early Silurian and diversifications and extinctions continued through the
which was 14 to 18 times present day level (e.g., Berner, 1994), is subsequent part of the Silurian.
somewhat problematic because even the comparatively low increase of There is currently no single explanation that can account for the GOBE
pCO2 observed in modern oceans has strong effects on calcium (Servais et al., 2009a), but rather a coincidence of biological and geological
carbonate precipitating organisms especially those secreting aragonite factors combined to help drive and promote the biodiversification.
(Kleypas et al., 1999; Guinotte et al., 2006). So why didn't the Ordovician Irrespective of its causes, the diversification changed the oceans forever
carbonates dissolve? Ridgwell (2005) suggested that due to the lack of and set a new agenda for marine life (Harper, 2006). Similarly there are a
pelagic calcareous plankton in the pre-Mid-Mesozoic oceans the sea number of hypotheses for the cause of the end-Ordovician glaciation and
water in general reached much higher states of saturation with respect the subsequent warming event and a strong research focus on the precise
to calcium carbonate. relationship of the glaciation and its effects, on extinction. Nevertheless,
the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna that became established during the
8. Food and biomass GOBE was relatively stable, surviving the end-Ordovician and late
Devonian extinctions and continuing for some 200Ma. The end Permian
There has been relatively little exploration of the importance of the extinction event destroyed its suspension feeding structures and a new
impact of bioproduction on the radiations and extinctions of marine life, marine ecosystem, based on the detritus feeding ecosystem of the
although it appears evident that the diversification of the marine Modern Evolutionary Fauna, diversified during the Triassic.
biosphere is not only linked to the biogeochemical cycles (carbon, During the last decade, IGCP 410 and 503 have established without
phosphorus, etc.), but also to the availability of nutrients and the levels doubt the reality and broad importance of the Ordovician biodiversi-
of bioproductivity. Valentine (1971) attempted to understand the fication but we are only beginning to understand its significance.
diversity patterns in relation to the nutrient and food supply, while Global biodiversity curves are only an aggregation of local and
Bambach (1993, 1999) started to analyze the changes in biomass and regional signals (Miller, 1998). The GOBE was diachronous across
productivity in the marine ecosystems. More recent papers on this topic different environmental and geographic zones whereas diversifica-
include those by Martin (1996, 2003) and Martin et al. (2008). It can be tions and extinctions in biotic groups were rarely coincident. Many
assumed that increasing nutrient availability in the Early Palaeozoic more careful local and regional studies, based on sound taxonomy and
accelerated primary production (bacterio-, pico- and phytoplankton high precision stratigraphy, are required to accurately document
biomass), and thus food for marine organisms. The observed increasing biotic change through these key intervals. These systematic studies
diversity of the acritarchs (e.g. Servais et al., 2008) is not in itself a are being aided by better descriptive and statistical techniques based
measure of the abundance of phytoplankton in the ancient oceans, on a new generation of equipment and software. The increasing use of
however. It is very difficult to speculate about the quantity of GIS software to enable the present locations of samples to be
phytoplankton and of fresh dead organic matter in the oceans. converted into their positions on palaeogeographical maps is enabling
Geochemical proxies can be indirect evidence for the changes in the the spatial distribution patterns of Ordovician organisms to be readily
sea-water chemistry and nutrient fluctuations (e.g. Saltzman, 2005). assessed. Major advances are also expected in our detailed under-
In order to understand radiations and extinctions, and in particular standing of changes in climate and environment during the
the Ordovician biodiversification and its possible links to the ‘Cambrian Ordovician and Silurian signalled by sea level and geochemical
explosion,’ future studies are needed to understand the relationship changes (Munnecke et al., in press-b); the latter detected by a new
between the nutrients in the water column and the development of the generation of analytical machines and techniques. The next challenge
marine trophic chains. Work within IGCP 410 and IGCP 503 has mostly we face is to assemble all our local and regional biotic and proxy data,
focused on the geological parameters (e.g. sea level, climate change, construct better global databases and achieve much better syntheses
sedimentology, geochemistry, etc.) of the Ordovician biodiversification. of our biological, chemical and physical data. In this way we may yet
To understand how diversity at the species and genus level ‘exploded’, come closer to identifying the more primary causes of the Early
the palaeoecology of each fossil group must be better understood. Palaeozoic diversification and extinction events.
Feeding strategies must be more widely characterized and trophic
structures more wisely explored. Acknowledgments

9. Future perspectives This paper is a summary of many of the activities of IGCP n° 503 that
ran from 2004 to 2009. We acknowledge all the participants of the project
The most major diversification of marine life, the Ordovician Radiation who discussed aspects of the present work with us, and in particular the
or Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) warranted little two co-leaders LI Jun (Nanjing, China) and Peter Sheehan (Milwaukee,
mention in either Darwin's ‘Origin of Species’ (in 1859) or more Wisconsin, USA). We are particularly grateful to the two referees who
importantly a year later in John Phillip's ‘Life on Earth: Its origin and provided very valuable comments to improve the manuscript (Arnie
Author's personal copy

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