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English Grammar A1 Level Demonstrative Pronouns | English Gramma...

- English Grammar A1 Level -


Demonstrative Pronouns

Pronouns are words used to avoid repetitions of a noun.

Demonstrative pronouns are determiners used instead of nouns to refer to things and identify
their position and distance from the speaker.

Demonstrative pronouns are used to avoid repetitions of nouns. We do not use articles or
other determiners before pronouns.

Demostrative pronouns are:

Singular Plural
Near This These
Far That Those

This tastes good.
This is funny.
These are beautiful days.
These are expensive clothes.
That is my sister’s house.
That smells amazing.
Those are very nice.
Those are cheap snacks.

We use demonstrative pronouns to replace a noun and avoid repetitions.

Near: we use this (singular) and these (plural) for things and people that are near to the
speaker (here).
Far: we use that (singular) and those (plural) for things and people that are far (there).

In English, besides demonstrative pronouns, which are used in place of nouns and identify
their position, we can also identify the position of objects with Demonstrative adjectives [1] .

1 de 2 23/01/2022, 17:21
English Grammar A1 Level Demonstrative Pronouns | English Gramma...

For better understanding how to use demonstrative pronouns, you can learn singular and
plural nouns [2].

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[1] Demonstrative adjectives:

[2] singular and plural nouns:

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