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Rubina saigol and nida usman define the new wave of feminism as it demands an 

equal rights, but also to challenge the private spheres of lives where patriarchy
The present fourth wave, signified a tectonic change in Pakistan's feminist
landscape, ushering in an altogether new era in feminist efforts by confronting and
deconstructing the family, community, and society's sacred private spheres. Non-
binary people, non-reproductive, and alternative sexual expression were formerly
marginalised ideas that became mainstreamed.
The new wave feminists dismantled the illusory dichotomies of the public/private,
productive/reproductive, and personal/political realms by reclaiming public places
and placing the personal into the heart of the political.
Fourth wave feminism strives to break the artificial public-private binary built by
patriarchy to organise production and reproduction in different domains, whereas
the new wave of feminism in various hues remained focused on the public and
politico-legal arena. 
On the one hand, young feminists reject established private-sector conventions,
while on the other, they wish to retake their pub spaces.

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