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Result and Discussions

Total 5 Ayurvedic medicines- Katujarishta, Dasamoolarishta,

Tribhuvan kirti ras, Triphala, Drakshasava were taken to study, and they
were tested in combination of antibiotics against which test organisms are

Table-1) Standard Zone Evaluation Table

Diameter of zone of
inhibition (mm)
Resistant 10 or Less than 10
Intermediate 11-15
Sensitive 16 or more

Bacterial responses to each medicine both alone and in combination with

antibiotics were evaluated by using-

Clinical isolates of pathogenic microorganisms- E. coli, K. pneumoniae,

P. aeroginosa, S. aureus were tested with ayurvedic medicines both alone
and in combination with antibiotics by well diffusion method and results
were note down

Activity of Katujarishta with Antibiotics

The results of bacterial response to Katujarishta in presence of
antibiotics is given in Table-2

Table-2) Activity of Ayurvedic medicine- Katujarishta in presence of

antibiotics against drug resistant bacteria

Bacterial Zone of inhibition in mm

Culture Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin Katujarishta Katujarishta + Katujarishta +
Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin
E. coli - - 7 26 34
P. aerginosa - - 28 17 34
K. - - 19 14 14
S. aureus - - 28 38 43

E. coli, was found to be resistant to Katujarishta, however K.

pneumoniae, P. aeroginosa, S. aureus were found to be susceptible against it.
When it was combined with antibiotics against which test organisms were
resistant, all of them showed different responses.

It was interesting to note that E. coli , in combination of antibotics

showed considerable increased in sensitivity, although E. coli was resistant
to both antibiotics and Katujarishta.

P. aeroginosa, in combination of both antibiotics was sensitive,

however with Ampicillin it’s sensitivity found to be decreased than simply
Katujarishta and with Ciprofloxacin, it’s sensitivity was decreased.

K. pneumoniae, although sensitive to Katujarishta, their sensitivity

pattern was decreased with both Antibiotcs, and K. pneumoniae showed
intermediate sensitivity to combination of antibiotics.

S. aureus, in combination of antibiotics showed considerable

increased sensitivity.

Comparitive results of different combinations against test organisms

are graphically explained in fig.1
Graph- 1: Activity of Katujarishta with Antibiotics
against clinical isolates of drug resistant bacteria
E. coli P.aerginosa K.pneumoniae S. aureus
34 34
28 28 26
19 17
14 14
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

lin cin ta lin cin

cil xa ish cil xa
pi o jar pi o
Am ofl tu Am ro
pr Ka + ip
Ci ta + C
si h ta
ar ir sh
Ka ja

Activity of Dasamoolarishta with Antibiotics

The results of bacterial response to Dasamoolarishta in presence of
antibiotics is given in Table-3
Table-3) Activity of Ayurvedic medicine- Dasamoolarishta in presence of
antibiotics against drug resistant bacteria

Bacterial Zone of inhibition in mm

Culture Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin Dasamool- Dasamool- Dasamool-
arishta arishta + arishta +
Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin
E. coli - - 9 24 37
P.aerginosa - - 23 21 31
K.pneumoniae - - 26 24 28
S. aureus - - 24 14 28

E. coli, was resistant to Dasamoolarishta however K. pneumoniae, P.

aeroginosa, and S. aureus were found to be susceptible against it, however
when it was combined with antibiotics against which test organisms were
resistant, all of theam showed different responses.

It was interesting to note that- in combination of antibiotics E. coli

showed considerably increased sensitivity although E.coli was resistant to
both antibiotics and Dasamoolarishta.

P. aeroginosa, in combination of both antibiotics was sensitive,

however with Ampicillin it’s sensitivity found to be decreased than simply
Dasamoolarishta and with Ciprofloxacin it’s sensitivity was increased.

K. pneumoniae, as like Dasamoolarishta also sensitive to it’s

combination with both antibiotics, however slight changes in it’s pattern of
sensitivity was observed.

S. aureus, in combination of Ampicillin it’s sensitivity was found to be

decreased, and it was intermediately sensitive to it, however in
combination of Ciprofloxacin sensitivity of S. aureus was considerably

Comparitive results of different combinations against test organisms are

graphically explained in fig.2
Graph- 2: Activity of Dasamoolarishta with Antibiotics
against clinical isolates of drug resistant bacteria
E. coli P.aerginosa K.pneumoniae S. aureus
26 24 28 28
23 24 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

lin in ta lin in
icil x ac ir sh i cil x ac
p flo l-a p flo
Am pro oo Am ro
Ci m + ip
sa ta C
Da ir sh ta+
l-a r ish
oo l-a
m o
sa o
Da sam

Activity of Tribhuvan Kirti Ras with Antibiotics

The results of bacterial response to Tribhuvan kirti ras in presence of
antibiotics is given in Table-4
Table-4) Activity of Ayurvedic medicine- Tribhuvan Kirti ras in presence
of antibiotics against drug resistant bacteria

Bacterial Zone of inhibition in mm

Culture Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin Tribhuvan Tribhuvan Tribhuvan
Kirti ras Kirti ras + Kirti ras +
Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin
E. coli - - 17 30 40
P.aerginosa - - 26 - 32
K. - - 26 28 28
S. aureus - - - - 21

E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeroginosa, were sensitive to Tribhuvan kirti ras

however S. aureus was found to be resistant against it, however when it
was combined with antibiotics against which test organisms were resistant,
all of theam showed different responses.

E. coli showed considerable increased sensitivity, when Tribhuvan

kirti ras is combined when both types of antibiotics.

P. aeroginosa was sensitive to Tribhuvan kirti ras but found to be

resistant, when combined with antibiotc Ampicillin. However P. aeroginosa
against combination of Tribhuvan kirti ras, combined with Cirofloxacin
showed increased sensitivity.

K. pneumoniae showed sensitivity to both Tribbhuvan kirti ras and it’s

combination with antibiotics to which bacteria are resistant.

S. aureus was found to be resistant to Tribhuvan kirti ras, and also

when it is combined with antibiotics- Ampicillin, however interestingly
when tribhuvan kirti ras was combined with antibiotic Ciprofloxacin then
S. aureus showed sensitivity against it.

Comparitive results of different combinations against test organisms are

graphically explained in fig.3
Graph- 3: Activity of Tribhuvan kirti ras with
Antibiotics against clinical isolates of drug resistant
E. coli P.aerginosa K.pneumoniae S. aureus
30 28 32
2626 28

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

lin in s lin in
cil ac ra cil ac
p i ox rti i x
ofl Ki p flo
Am pr n Am ro
Ci uva s+ ip
h ra s +C
Tr rti ra
Ki rti
v an Ki
hu an
ir b huv
T ib

Activity of Triphala with Antibiotics

The results of bacterial response to Triphala in presence of antibiotics is
given in Table-5
Table-5) Activity of Ayurvedic medicine- Triphala in presence of
antibiotics against drug resistant bacteria

Bacterial Zone of inhibition in mm

Culture Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin Triphala Triphala + Triphala +
Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin
E. coli - - 21 21 24
P. aeroginosa - - 10 12 26
K. - - 8 14 29
S. aureus - - 10 18 29

E. coli was found to be sensitive to Triphala, however P. aeroginosa, K.

pneumoniae, and S. aureus were resistant to it.When it was combined with
antibiotics against which test organisms were resistant, all of theam
showed different responses.

E. coli was also sensitive to Triphala when it was combined with

antbiotics against which organism were resistant.

P. aeroginosa, was intermeditely sensitive to Triphala combined with

Ampicillin, however it was interesting to note that, P. aeroginosa showed
remarkable sensitivity to it, when Triphala was combined with

K. pneumoniae was intermeditely sensitive to Triphala, when it was

combined with Ampicillin, it was interesting to note that, K. pneumoniae
showed remarkable sensitivity to it, when Triphala was combined with

S. aureus was intermeditely sensitive to Triphala combined with

Ampicillin, but interestingly when Ciprofloxacin was combined with
Triphala, P. aeroginosa shows remarkable sensitivity to it.

Comparitive results of different combinations against test organisms

are graphically explained in fig.4
Graph- 4: Activity of Triphala with Antibiotics against
clinical isolates of drug resistant bacteria
E. coli P.aerginosa K.pneumoniae S. aureus
29 29
24 26
21 21
10 8 10 12 14

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

lin cin la lin cin

cil xa ha cil xa
pi o ir p pi o
Am ofl T Am ofl
i pr + ipr
C ala +C
ip ala
Tr ip

Activity of Drakshasava with Antibiotics

The results of bacterial response to Triphala in presence of antibiotics is
given in Table-6

Table-5) Activity of Ayurvedic medicine- Drakshasava in presence of

antibiotics against drug resistant bacteria
Bacterial Zone of inhibition in mm
Culture Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin Drakshasava Drakshasava Drakshasava +
+ Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin
E. coli - - - 29 35
P.aeroginosa - - 9 17 18
K. - - - 18 34
S. aureus - - - 11 27

All 4 clinical isolates of test organisms viz. E. coli, P. aeroginosa, K.

pneumoniae, and S. aureus were resistant to Drakshsava, however when it
was combined with antibiotics against which test organisms were resistant,
all of theam showed different responses.

Triphala when combined with antibiotics Ampicillin and

Ciprofloxacin. It was interesting to note that all test organisms showed
sensitivity to these combinations, except S. aureus showed intermediate
senstivity to combination of Drakshasava and Ampicillin.

Comparitive results of different combinations against test organisms are

graphically explained in fig.5
Graph- 5: Activity of Drakshasava with Antibiotics
against clinical isolates of drug resistant bacteria
E. coli P.aerginosa K.pneumoniae S. aureus
35 34
29 27

17 18 18
9 11

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

lin cin va lin cin

cil xa sa cil xa
pi o sh
a pi o
Am ofl ak Am ro
pr r + p
Ci D
va + Ci
asa va
sh a
ak as
Dr ksh

Fig. 1) Photos of plate showing Antibiotic resistance of Test

organisms to Antibiotics- Ampicillin and Ciprofloxacin
E. coli K. pneumoniae

P. aeroginosa S. aureus

Fig. 2) Photos of plates showing Antimicrobial activity of

Katujarishta with Antibiotics, Ampicillin and Ciprofloxacin
against Test organisms.
E. coli K. pneumoniae

P. aeroginosa S. aureus

Fig. 3) Photos of plates showing Antimicrobial activity of

Dasamoolarishta with Antibiotics, Ampicillin and
Ciprofloxacin against Test organisms.
E. coli K. pneumoniae

P. aeroginosa S. aureus

Fig. 4) Photos of plates showing Antimicrobial activity of

Tribhuvan Kirti Ras with Antibiotics, Ampicillin and
Ciprofloxacin against Test organisms.
E. coli K. pneumoniae

P. aeroginosa S. aureus

Fig. 5) Photos of plates showing Antimicrobial activity of

Triphala with Antibiotics, Ampicillin and Ciprofloxacin against
Test organisms.
E. coli K. pneumoniae

P. aeroginosa S. aureus

Fig. 6) Photos of plates showing Antimicrobial activity of

Drakshasava with Antibiotics, Ampicillin and Ciprofloxacin
against Test organisms.
E. coli K. pneumoniae

P. aeroginosa S. aureus

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