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`` Name often referred to as a word or set of words by which a person is called or

identified. But a name plays a much more significant part in a person’s life and also to a
parent’s life as they are mostly the ones naming the new born children. In mostly all
cultures a new born often gets a name right after he/she is born. Usually in today’s
world a person on an average has two to three names. The most important name being
the first name and the last name in most countries is the family name. A family name or
surname is the name that a person gets from his or her dad. For decades, different
cultures have had different ways of naming children. However, the naming patterns are
changing too as the times are changing. Historically in most societies the naming
patterns are mainly influenced by religious and cultural norms, however as globalization
is striking the naming patterns are changing too and people prefer names which sound
modern and are easy to pronounce.

In India the naming patterns are mainly based on religious norms and also caste plays a
huge part in the naming of Hindu children in India as the last name of the child usually
symbolizes the caste they belong to. An average person in India may have up to three
names and an individual’s name may act as a status symbol if he/she is from an upper
caste. Although as times are changing ,people are being more flexible about naming
their children and are not following the old fashioned techniques of naming children
according to religion or names of gods. However this only refers to the first names but
mostly the last names of the children tend to remain the same as the last name usually
represents a whole family and its legacy. Also nowadays people may even tend to
name their children before a great person such as a famous movie star or sports
legend. For example in India a lot of parents name their children “Sachin” who is said to
be the “God of Cricket” in India.

In Bangladesh the naming of children has also been historically by religious norms,
Islam being one of the most practiced religion in the country. Therefore most people in
the country tend to have Arabic names which is chosen by from the Holy Quran as this
symbolizes the last Prophet’s name. In Bangladesh most people tend to have three to
four names. The first name being formal name, second name is usually the surname for
people who have three names but most people have a nickname or pet name which is
only used by the loved ones or family members. Although historically the naming
patterns has always been influenced by religious norms but in recent few years it can be
seen that the first names of children are changing and people are starting to either give
Bengali names or English names to children.

In Nigeria, the parents like to be very descriptive when naming their children. Although
the naming of children may vary according to ethnic groups. But it mainly influenced by
the emotions, joy or expectations that the child has brought upon the family. As Nigeria
has more than 250 Ethnic groups each symbolizing their own cultures and beliefs, the
most influential and populous groups being Yoruba, Igbo and ljaw. Some of these
groups have their own naming patterns such as the Christian Ijaw group may have
surnames which are passed down from the Colonial era and may have started out
initially as the name of their ancestors but now may act as a last name. In the Ibo
groups a child’s name is mainly determined by the circumstances he/she was born in.
The names also tend to have a strong message to god. Lastly the Yoruba groups are
also like the Ibo in terms of the circumstantial naming systems. Also naming children
after the day of the week in which he was born is also a common practice among this
group. However other groups may such as the Hausa where majority of the population
are Muslims tend to have Arabic first names.

Historically it was never appropriate for a person to change their names especially their
first names as in most cultures it was considered as a blessing from your elders. But
nowadays people tend to have more flexibility to changing their name if they don’t like it.

As I belong to a Muslim family from Bangladesh I have four names the forst three
names are including my surname and my first name are Arabic names. However I have
a Bengali nickname. My first name ‘Ahnaf’ in English means Upright or the one that
follows however my nickname which is a traditional Bengali name ‘Shuddho’ means
‘clear’. I think if I ever have a chance to change my name,I will not change it because it
it has a very nice meaning and as it is a very common name in my culture its not very
hard for people to pronounce.

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