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Name: Moral, Rica May J.

Section: B2020
Professor: Maria Joy Resultay IE-E3 IOM
Direction : Make an Essay what you learn about Topic#2 : Functions, Roles, And Skills
of a Manager ( 2 to 3 Paragraphs ) Submission until Sunday Dec 19 2021 12 midnight

Quiz #2 : Functions, Roles, And Skills of a Manager

Functions have three levels. The first is the Top management. They are the ones who
have the biggest scope in responsibilities and accountability because they are the ones
who make the decisions and strategies that will bring success across the company, not
just in one department. Next is Middle level managers. They are the managers who
manage or supervise the other managers and other members of the organization and to
maintain the coordination. Lastly, the Lower level of managers are the supervisory
levels. They pass on the instruction to workers and report to the middle level
management and they are responsible for maintaining discipline among the workers.

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