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Hamdard University,

Task: Assignment “01”
Subject: OOP LAB
Class: “BCS”
Semester: 3rd/ Fall 2021
Submission to: Ma’am Nafeesa
Submission by: Ali sher
CMS ID: 2055-2020
Date: 08 Nov, 2021

Object Oriented Programming Page 1

Lab Tasks
Task # 1

Write a program that asks the user to input marks of five courses and then computes the average,
variance and standard deviation of them. The formula for variance is; S2 = [∑ (xi - a)2]/n

Where S2 is the variance and a is the average of the five scores x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5. The standard
deviation is the square root of variance.

The program must have at least 3 functions to compute average, variance and a display function
that displays these values. Your program should ask the user to exit or input the scores again.

Task.1: Program;

//Student: Ali sher 2055-2020

//Task: OOP Lab No.1

#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

Int main()

Float Phy, Chem, Bio, Eng, Math, total, average, percent;

// Phy, Chem, Bio, Eng, and Math are the five subjects

// Phy = Physics

// Chem = Chemistry

// Bio = Biology

// Eng = English

// Math = Mathematics

Cout<< “Enter Physics Marks: “;


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Cout<< “Enter Chemistry Marks: “;


Cout<< “Enter Biology Marks: “;


Cout<<” Enter English Marks: “;


Cout<< “Enter Maths Marks: “;


// Calculate total, average and percentage

Total = Phy + Chem + Bio + Eng + Math;

Average = total / 5.0;

Percent = (total / 500.0) * 100;

// Output

Cout << “The Total marks = “ << total << “/500\n”;

Cout << “The Average marks = “ << average << “\n”;

Cout<< “Your Percentage is: “ << percent<< “%”<< endl;

Return 0;

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Task # 2

1. void populate_array(int *array, int N);

// this initializes an array of size N with random values.
2. void print_array(int *array, int N);
// this function prints the entire array.
3. void sort (int *array, int N)
//sort the elements of array

4. bool find (int *array, int x);

//find the element in the array:

Task.2: Program;
//Student: Ali sher 2055-2020
//Task: OOP Lab Assignment 01

#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;

Void populate_array(int* arr, int n);

Void print_array(int* arr, int N);
Void sort(int* arr, int n);
Bool find(int* array, int x);

Int main()

Int* arr = nullptr;
Populate_array(arr, 8);
Return 0;

Void populate_array(int* arr, int N)

Arr = new int[N];
For (int I = 0; I < N; i++)
Int num = rand() % N + 1;
Arr[i] = num;

Print_array(arr, N);
Cout << endl;
Sort(arr, N);

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Cout << endl;
Int x;

Cout << “Please Enter a Number and Let’s See If It Exists or Not: “<<endl;
Cin >> x;
If (find(arr, x))
Cout << “Hey! Your Number Does Exists”;
Cout << “Opps! Your Number does not exists Sorry”;

Void sort(int* arr, int N)

Int x, y, min, temp;
For (x = 0; x < N – 1; x++)
Min = x;
For (y = x + 1; y < N; y++)
If (arr[y] < arr[min])
Min = y;
Temp = arr[x];
Arr[x] = arr[min];
Arr[min] = temp;

Print_array(arr, N);
Void print_array(int* arr, int N)

For (int I = 0; I < N; i++)

Cout << arr[i] << endl;

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Bool find(int* arr, int x)
Int size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
For (int I = 0; I < 6; i++)
If (arr[i] == x)
Return true;

return false;

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