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1. APH
2. Septic abortion
3. CS indications
4. i. A case on prolong pregnancy ( post date) , causes, complications, treatment
ii. IOL: what drug is used for IOL
5. i. Uterine fibroid, complications, differentials.
ii. How to differentiate ovarian cyst from uterine fibroid
6. Fetal distress, management.
7. Abnormal uterine bleeding causes and management
8. A 28yr old presents to you with intense heavy vaginal bleeding.
i. what will you ask her?
ii. what is your diagnosis?
9. i. What do you understand by G4P2+1 and how will you book this patient for antenatal
ii. complete history taking
10. Obese, DM, HTN menopause comes with uterine bleed.
i. Name your first diagnose and the second most likely.
ii. How will you confirm ur diagnose.
iii. What will you do if there's a lesion on the cervix on speculum exams
11. Treat DM in pregnancy
12. Shoulder dystocia
13. All about PID
14. i. All about PPH , causes and management
ii. When will you transfuse
15. ANC:When do you start and
The tests you do at the booking visit?
How to prevent malaria during pregnancy? How you give sp.
Why are pregnant women more likely to infected with malaria
16. Anemia in pregnancy diagnosis and its effects on mother and child?
17. How to calculate EDD and the names and rational behind the methods?
18. Spontaneous miscarriages and how to manage them.
Complications of their management.
19. How to do bimanual examination
20. Where is the SFH be in 6 and 8 weeks pregnancy
21. Types of miscarriages and how to differentiate them.
22. Endometriosis n its theories
23. Cervical cancer: causes, How will u prevent it. Risk factors.
Examination of a patient with cervical cancer & findings, peculiarities in the history.
Which type do you operate.
24. A woman booked for elective CS tomorrow, how will you prepare her
25. Complications of CS
26. After treatment, patient comes after 6months, UPT+, ultrasound investigation
unremarkable. What will u be thinking
27. What is infertility (primary and secondary)
Is someone who has had a miscarriage but hasn’t been pregnant again also secondary
28. What is eclampsia and pre eclampsia
How would you manage someone with eclampsia as a house officer?
And if she's 7cm dilated, what would you do?
29. A lady of 20 years come to your consultation holding her stomach.. DDX
30. Obstetric complications
How will you diagnose obstructed labour -using a Partograph
Long term Complication of obstructed labour - ( Fistula)
31. Gynaecological emergencies
How will you diagnose cervical cancer
32. Talk about Ectopic Pregnancy. Ruptured and Unruptured. Questions you will ask and
33. Patient of BP 170/110 and urine of 1+... how would you manage?
34. MgSO4 regimen
35. Sign of MgSO4 toxicity
36. Active third stage of labour (ATMSL).
37. Eclampsia ( management and complications, HELLP )
38. A 36weeks pregnant woman present with high BP with proteinuria, how will u go
about it
39. Abortion everything
40. A woman at 7 month gestation tells you she has is leaking fluid how will you manage
41. Diagnosis of Incomplete Abortion. You did Speculum n find vesicles what are u
On follow up Beta HCG very very high what is the Diagnosis now?
42. What is Abruptio, signs and Complications
43. IUD side effects
44. A woman with previous PHH comes to the ANC. What will you do for her
45. Anemia in pregnancy ( definition)
46. Vaginal Discharge, diseases
47. As a house officer, how will you prep a patient for C-section
48. 2nd stage of labour
49. Causes of obstructed labour, management of obstructed labour
i. After managing the obstructed labour, and delivering the baby, the woman starts
bleeding profusely. What do you think is the cause and how will you manage?
50. What are the causes? How do you do secondary prevention for Cervical Ca? How will
you do primary prevention?
What are the histological types and which is most common?
51. How will u make a 32 gestation with eclampsia, when will deliver the baby (now,
tomorrow or next week)
52. DDx of bleeding PV in 60 y/o; In 25 y/o; In 7 y/o
53. All about ANC(history, PE, labs)
54. demonstrate how u do the cord traction and why.
55. What is your favourite in gynaecology?


1. Public health

2. Census

3. Cholera

4. Water purification

5. How to collect data

a. Types of data with examples

6. Malaria: prophylaxis, current malaria program at northern Ghana, what is child welfare clinic ,
how will u educate mothers on malaria prevention

7. Vaccine vial monitor

8. Breastfeeding

9. What micro nutrients are of public health importance and measures taken to prevent it.

10. Talk about Epidemiological studies

11. Disease of PH that can be acquired walking barefoot

12. Transmission cycle of hook worm

13. Diseases that can be diagnosed on the eye. Signs of the eye. What do u see with the slit lamp

14. Onchocerciasis, treatment

a. Control of onchocerciasis

b. Management

15. Diseases that can occur in the forest

16. What public health matter of importance have you read in the papers

a. How will it be managed

17. How do you introduce and what food do you introduce at the various stages of child growth

18. How will you tell if one is over weight: BMI. How will u advice to loss eight practically .What are
the units of BMI

19. An HIV infected mother what are you scared of.

20. Number of ambulances that was recently distributed

21. How will you diagnose TB on Meat inspection?

a. What will happen if a human eats a TB infected animal?

b. What do TB and leprosy have in common?

22. What diseases do we use multi drug therapy in Ghana for?

23. What are the importance of multiple drug therapy.

24. Signs and symptoms of leprosy?

a. How do you diagnose leprosy from where do you take your samples?

25. What organism causes buruli ulcer? And what accounts for its low prevalence these days?

26. Name 5 diseases transmitted by mosquitoes?

27. What are the differences between health promotion and health education?

a. What are the components of health education?

28. What is social marketing and state its importance.

29. How is water related to health?

a. Bradley Classification of water diseases.

30. What vaccines are administered at 9 months

a. What is cold chain?

b. What are the components of cold chain?

31. Protective measures to take to eliminate spread of disease

32. Demonstrate how to do proper hand washing.

33. Medical journals read recently and whether is a case study and if yes how different is it from
cohort studies.

34. A ship comes to dock .What must the captain communicate with the port health officer

a. Know your flags and what they mean

35. Who is cicely Williams?

36. Who is John Snow?

37. How can vitamin A be improved in children?

38. How will u go about organising a case study?

39. Total fertility rate? How will u reduce TFR?

40. Diseases earmarked for eradication, for elimination.

41. Difference between Eradication & Elimination.

42. Meningitis belt. Describe it. What are the latitudes?

43. Why do we need a consent form in clinical trials

a. What are the principles that guide clinical trials

44. Cervical cancer screening is well publicised, why do we spend so much time on it.
45. Causes of TB

a. How do we get the zoonotic tuberculosis

b. How does it manifest in humans

c. How do we diagnose zoonotic Tb

d. What is BCG

e. How will you diagnose abdominal form of TB

46. How will you elicit weight loss of more than 10% in a man from Zabulugu

47. what is the form pts sign before surgery

48. what are the principles of ethics and where does the form fall under?

a. what does justice(under the principle) mean

49. why do we do multidrug therapy, and in which conditions?

50. Which drugs are used in HIV and their classes

51. Define Liquid and solid wastes and the best ways to treat them.

52. You were given a land near the lagoon, what will you look out for or ask for the safety of your
house you want to build?

53. Problems of the aged

a. How to rehabilitate them

54. What can the comm health do and why should they be concerned

55. Test for association between two Values

56. Causes of deafness in kids

57. Perinatal mortality, formula plus significance

58. A ship is in a port and you're the port HO. How are you going to communicate with each other?

a. Which colours and what does every flag mean?

59. What would you see on a 6 year old child

60. What would you see in the classroom?

61. What is household?

62. Components and definitions of infant mortality

a. Common causes of infant mortality

63. Risk factors of a child acquiring pneumonia

64. What measures are being put in place to control pneumonia

a. What Vaccines help prevent pneumonia( she asked of the viral ones too)

b. What vaccines do you give on the 6th week?

65. What environment problems causes diseases in Ghana (waste and water disposal related

66. How do you conduct an research ?

67. Methods of data collection

68. What is Focused Group Discussion?

69. Qualitative Research?

70. Causes of child mortality in Ghana

71. Schistosomiasis epidemic, what will you do

72. Type of sampling

73. Attributes of KVIP

74. what is test of association

75. Incidence and prevalence and their relationship

76. A 2 year old who can’t talk and walk what in the history will you ask

77. Hazards
78. COM

79. Research, consent form and how many copies will I need


81. Who is a neonate?

82. Who is an infant?

83. Who is an adolescent?

84. Child under 5, What will you tell a woman who is not educated to make dehydration at home?

85. What do we use to measure case control

86. When you enter into a community, what will influenced your decision to choose cohort or case

87. Benefits of family planning for the mother

88. What's quarantinable Anchorage.

a. How long can a ship be quarantine.

89. Obesity in children. Causes, things they eat in school that make them obese. How to prevent it
as a parent and as a teacher.

90. what is Ghana’s plan for Malaria

91. tell me about meat inspection

a. how will someone know if the meet has been well inspected

92. Malnutrition: how to assess, MUAC the reference values and what they mean?, Shakir tape

93. What is Stunting, how will you measure height?

94. You visit a market which areas will you assess as an environmental health officer.

95. what is vaccination?

96. Cohort studies

97. How do u transport a vaccine from a place

98. Effects of cultural practices on our health

99. ÉPI

100. Diseases of the forest belt and savannah belt . eg Meningitis

101. What is population distribution? Talk about Ghana’s own.

a. I should compare it with that of a developed country.

102. What are Plumpy nuts?

103. What are the types of malnutrition and features?

a. a child is presented to you with history of diarrhoea, manage.

b. what types of ORS do you know? What are the components?

c. a woman has passed 3 loose stools, how would you advice her? When does she come to the

104. Types of diarrhoea

105. Who’s an adolescent, changes in adolescent, problems of adolescent, problems of adolescent

with chronic diseases

106. conduct a case control study of stomach cancer

107. What will you use in calculating case control?

108. Sampling; types and how is systematic sampling done

109. Mention Anthropometric methods u know and what they measure

110. Which people are rehabilated

111. How do you rehabilate the examples given

112. You are given 60 women to study those who have anemia. how will u report the findings to me
scientifically (prevalence and incidence)

113. I am doing a cohort study and u are doing a cross sectional what will we do differently.
114. Everything about sustainable developmental goal

115. Folk media

i. components of folk media

116. control Schistosomiasis

117. A 28 yo woman who has a 2montha old baby doesn’t want to have babies now, what
contraceptive methods will you offer her?

118. A 38 yo woman doesn’t want to have any more babies, what contraceptive methods will you

119. You conduct a clinical trials and I carry out a cohort study, will you do that I cannot do?

120. What type of study is a cohort study?

121. Everything on climate change.

122. Rising sea levels and why

123. global warming and the major human activity that leads to it,

124. contribution of deforestation to global warming and how?

1. Cellulitis and DVT

2. Blood transfusion

3. A case on pelvic abscess

4. What’s a sinus

5. What’s an abscess

6. Differentials of bleeding per anus

7. What is surgical site infection

8. A patient had perforated ulcer and was operated on and one week later had a right upper
quadrant pain

9. What will be the results when there is perforated Peptic ulcer

10. Ulcers: causes

11. Difference btw basal cell and squamous cell cancer

12. 60 yr old with urine retention for the past 24 hours. Diagnosis?

Difference between acute and chronic urinary retention.

13. Masses of the breast.

14. Differentials of vomiting in a 30 yr old.

Difference between GOO and intestinal obstruction.

How will you treat it

15. Left hypochondriac swelling and pain, no fever for two day. Differentials

16. Groin swelling and pain, differential.

Complications and pathophysiology of each of a Groin hernia.

17. Classification of jaundice

18. Humerus: Pathologies

19. How to differentiate acute septic arthritis and chronic septic arthritis. Causes

20. A lady presented to the emergency with severe leg pain, it’s relived when seated on the bed
with the leg hanged, Diagnosis.

Peripheral artery disease, every thing about peripheral artery disease

21. Surgical site infection and classifications

22. Male patient with a history of fever, right hypochondriac pain and a palpable mass in that
quadrant. Differentials.

23. How will you differentiate an amoebic abscess from a gall bladder empyema?

24. How will you diagnose a patient who come to the emergency room with Bleeding per rectum?

25. Differences between upper and lower GI bleeding.

26. Differentials for bleeding per rectum and investigations?

27. X-ray of the thorax and abdomen

28. Wound

29. Lymphoedema praecox. DDx of Lymphoedema praecox, causes.

30. A post-op patient, wasn’t pyretic before the surgery, day 6 becomes pyretic. Differentials.

31. What is a surgical site infection

Classification of surgical site infections

Which people are at risk of surgical site infections

32. What is a stoma

Typea of stomas I know

Where can we create stomas in surgery

33. Which part of the large intestine is used for colostomy

Why do we use the sigmoid colon and transverse colon for colostomy
34. Femur bone. Name the parts

Blood supply to the head of the femur

Why is the neck classified into intracapsular and extracapsular

35. Excrutiating pain in the perineum ddx

what causes anorectal abscess

36. A 29 year old comes to the A&E with a rectal bleeding intermittently for a year.

What questions will u ask to get differentials and discuss the management of one.

37. Wound dehiscence

38. Woman diagnosed with breast Ca with difficulty in breathing, Ddx.

Questions to ask

39. Effusion, treatment.

An xray of Pleural effusion

Causes of Pleural effusion. Most common cause.

How do you know it's pleural effusion?

40. Differentials of scrotal pain,

how to differentiate between the two diagnosis

anorectal abscess, types

41. What is PUD? Pathogenesis? Signs?

42. Talk about Cellulitis. Complications

43. Patient presents with a hand swelling, DDX

44. What is shock, everything about it

45. Chest injury, tension pneumothorax

46. Parotid enlargement differentials

47. How will you differentiate a benign parotid enlargement from malignant

Which nerve will be affected in case of parotid enlargement

48. A 50 year old obese woman for gastric surgery what are you worried about

DVT prophylaxis before she goes on admission

49. Femoral bone parts

50. Spiral fracture of the femur what will be my concern and what will I do?

51. Epigastric mass

52. Infections of the hand

53. 12yr old boy, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting all of 2days duration. ddx

54. Jaundice everything

55. What is embolism

56. shock and path physiology cellular changes in shock

types of shock

57. Bleeding diverticulosis

58. Patient 60 years with diarrhoea with severe bleeding per rectum ddx

59. Approach to Dehydration. History, Physical Examination, management.

Acute causes and chronic causes

60. shock and path physiology cellular changes in shock

61. types of shock

62. A 39 year old with dyspepsia, differentiate PUD & Ca of Stomach

63. Exam findings

64. Investigations

65. What do u call the process of preparing a patient for surgery

How do you prepare a patient for surgery

66. Radius and ulnar

67. Colles fracture.

68. Post op day 7 , fever .

69. Pelvic abscess, how will you confirm the dx and management.

70. Acute Abdomen

71. Management of Abscess

72. A case was given to identify(koilonychia)

73. What types of staphylococcal organisms do you know?

Examples of skin infections caused by staphylococcus.

What are the most common staphylococcus skin infections in DM patients?

74. All about differentiating between a breast mass that is fibroadenoma or breast Ca(with follow-
up questions)

75. Entero-cutaneous fistula, How will examine such patient

76. Femur bone, what makes it right or left, pathologies of femur bone ,types of osteomyelitis

77. All about Head injury, minute injury to brain, most severe injury to head,

Presentation of ICP

78. Urinary retention, how will u go about it.

79. I performed surgery for typhoid perforation, i placed NG tube, urinary catheter and abdominal
tube, as a house officer, how will u hydrate post op day 1.

80. What's the name of the chart the nurses record the out put and input and what do they write on

81. Types of surgical incisions

82. A case of caecal carcinoma and asked why the patient will be lethargic if there is no bloody stool
and other questions relating Amoeboma

83. X-Ray findings of intestinal obstruction

84. A 28 yo came to you with a complain of testicular pain, DDX

How do you differentiate testicular torsion from epididymo-orchitis from history?

Causes of the epididymo-orchitis

85. IWhat type of fracture would lead to necrosis of the head and how is it treated. How to treat a
transverse fracture of the shaft.

86. What is hypoxia

types of hypoxia

causes of hypoxia,

87. a patient with gastrectomy who the nurse came complaining that he is having breathlessness
what are you thinking and how do I manage such a patient.

1. 9 months old with Dehydration.

Questions to ask the mother


What’s shock

How to rehydrate the child, investigations to do and the findings.

What will u look out for in the mother’s house.

2. Sickle cell anaemia

3. Jaundice
4. A 9 month old presents with diarrhoea. How will you go about it. complete physical exams

5. 1yr with convulsions: Questions you will ask

If convulsions recur, management

What will u do if the first and second line fails?

What advantages does the anaesthetic have in ICU and what can he do for the child.

Differential of convulsions

6. How will you confirm Meningitis

CSF findings in Bacterial Meningitis

Management for Bacterial Meningitis

7. Severely pale child: Differentials ,diagnosis ,when do you transfuse a patient

8. CNS manifestations

9. How will the liver function test be

10. 1 yr old fast breathing: Questions you will ask the mum.

Diagnosis , investigations, complication, treatment.

Diagnostic test for one of the complication

11. What is down syndrome? Mechanism, Epidemiology.

What are the Physical features of down syndrome?

What characteristics are always constant in down syndrome?

What malformations are associated with down syndrome?

What are the common heart malformations and what will you find on Physical exam and investigations?

Why do they have obesity and how will you manage that?

How will you manage the disease and what investigations must be carried out?

12. 2 months baby with severe pallor. what will u do as a HO.

13. Jaundice: Causes of pathological jaundice

Causes of obstructive jaundice

Biliary atresia, it's peculiarities; When to operate a case of Biliary atresia.

14. 1yr with difficulty breathing. Differentials, Signs to observe.

Signs of Bronchiolitis. Cause. Management.

15. Were jaundiced babies just lying in the cots?

Tell us about jaundice in a neonate, what would you like to know from history.

What tests will you order

History and presentation of a child with ABO incompatibility and Rh incompatibility

What does phototherapy do

When will you know you can stop phototherapy

How does phototherapy help reduce jaundice

If you do phototherapy and it doesn’t help what will you do

Have you seen exchange transfusion being done?

How does exchange transfusion reduce jaundice?

Why would you do an LFT? What will you look for?

Why are doctors worried about jaundice?

16. Pneumonia; signs & symptoms, objective/physical exam : inspection, palpation, percussion,

what are the accessory muscles of respiration

on the chest muscles, what do you see

what will the mother complain about

17. Discuss Asthma and the management

18. Dehydration and management

19. TOF

20. Ddx of a coughing child and fever. He went with bronchiolitis. History, signs and symptoms

Management. Fluid formula for bronchiolitis (he said you'll give 2/3 of the calculated fluid you want to

21. A child with severe dehydration.

Signs and symptoms. Management.

How would you know if he came with hypokalemia.( she says abdominal distention. )

22. How a child with pneumonia present.

23. Management of pleural effusion

24. Foreign body aspirations- clinical exams, treatment.

25. Neonatal jaundice -pathological , causes

26. Called to receive a baby at deliver, what will you take along with you.

27. Newborn Examination

28. Neonatal Jaundice. Phototherapy indications, mechanism

29. Croup, Ddx

30. Laryngomalacia

31. Differentials for stridor

32. Malaria and cerebral malaria: management .

33. Management of hypoglycemia

34. Talk about Iv fluids

Blood transfusion which type will I give

35. Do u know Rubella. What is the organisms causing it and what is the effects on the fetus.
36. Immunization schedule.

37. 4yr old boy vomiting. Ddx

38. UTI. presentation. Urine c/s component

39. Acute paralysis

40. Nephrotic syndrome

Give a case of nephrotic syndrome you know

41. how did you go examining the limb of the child

42. Malnutrition: examination, laboratory tests for malnutrition.

When will you give iron supplements.

43. Immunization for rubella at what age for a child ?

When is tetanus toxoid given?

44. Croup

45. Epiglottis

46. Transient Tachypnea of the new born

47. Birth Asphyxia

48. Tetralogy of Fallot. physical exam, how would they present in the emergency

49. Differentiate between nephrotic and nephritic syndromes with clinical features/presentation.

How was the patient managed?( they kept asking the reasons for the management choices)

How would you go about managing the case of nephritic?

50. How do u Examine a 7 Day-child

51. Bronchial Asthma and Acute gastroenteritis with dehydration and their management

52. Tonsillitis, presentation and complications

53. neonatal Tetanus everything

54. Examination of the neonate

55. A 6 yo is rushed to the ER with severe vomiting and diarrhoea he’s in shock, what is shock?

mgt of this child?

After giving your bolus what will you do

If he is not improving

Types of shock

What type of shock?

56. Neonatal seizure causes,

How to identify neonatal seizures,

What is a seizure and how do you confirm a seizure?

How would you manage a neonate with seizures,

What medication would you use to abort the seizures and what route?

How to confirm meningitis in neonate, how long to treat, complications

which electrolytes can cause seizures in neonates

what vitamin serves as diagnostic and therapeutic for neonatal seizures

1. DM and drugs,

2. Heart sounds

3. Chest x-ray ( pleural effusion)

findings in percussion

difference between effusion and consolidation on percussion,

Demonstration of percussion.

Chest X-ray with massive right pleural effusion and describe it.

What features of pleural effusion differentiates it from a lung abscess?

The trachea and mediastinum are displaced to the left, how will you clinically examine the trachea to
confirm a deviation.

What will your clinical findings be in a patient with pleural effusion.

4. Right heart failure presentations, left heart failure presentation, signs you will elicit.

5. What are the causes of Dyspnoea in a 55 yr old. Heart failure. talk about the presentation and

6. HIV prophylaxis. Drugs used in HIV prophylaxis and side effects.

7. Meningitis. Clinical presentation of meningitis

8. X-ray: TB investigation and treatment

9. Meningitis, Clinical presentation of meningitis

Signs of meningism

How to elicit neck stiffness on dummy

Ddx of meningism

Procedure to confirm diagnose.

causes that mimic meningism

complications and the man asked me to examine the trachea on the toy and

How to use a pentouch, demonstration on dummy.

10. Complications of Lumbar Puncture

How will prevent post puncture headache

11. Ddx of chest pain

MI, confirmation and Management

If ECG doesn't show ST elevation what will u think

12. Ddx of LVH

13. High BP with chest pain, DDx

14. Physical examination of the apex beat (demonstrate on dummy)

15. Pathologies that can affect the apex beat

16. EKG of MI (treatment )

17. EKG of hyperkalemia

18. Causes of AF

Uses of digoxine

19. How to examine ascites

Causes of ascites

Complications of ascites

20. X-ray signs of cardiomegaly.

Causes of cardiomegaly

21. Identify neurological Hammer and its uses.

22. What are the types of reflexes you know?

Give me 2 examples of superficial reflexes?

Name all the deep tendon reflexes and in the upper and lower limbs and give their nerve roots?

What is the babinsky reflex and demonstrate how it is done.

What is the normal and abnormal Babinsky response and how can you interpret your findings?

23. 55 year female with weakness over the past year has diarrhoea n weight loss. On physical exams
she has pallor .What is your likely diagnosis?

24. What is the cause of the anemia?

25. 2.16 year old boy went to play football and was kicked in the abdomen. What will you do?

26. What is the use of pulse oximeter?

Demonstrate how you would put it on?

Normal levels of O2 saturation n what u will do if it’s pathological

Causes of decreased O2 saturation

27. How do u confirm PE, what are the EKG findings?

How will I diagnose DKA

How will the person present

Complications of DKA

28. A patient comes to me with palpitations, differentials.

If I check the pulse and it’s irregularly irregular, differentials.

ECG findings of atrial fibrillation

Complication of A-fib

How will I prevent it

29. What advice will I give someone taking Warfarin

If patient can’t stop eating ayoyo, is there any drug you will give?
30. Palpate the cardiac apex (on a dummy)

If the apex beat is shifted to the left what can be the cause

How will you confirm it is the apex beat that is displaced.

31. On percussion what will you elicit over the pneumothorax

32. Can there be a loss of cardiac dullness?

33. Woman with yellow sputum, fever, Diagnosis.

34. Examine the chest of the mannequin.

35. Causes of consolidation.

Signs of consolidation.

Complications of pneumonia.

36. Hepatomegaly ddx

Tender hepatomegaly ddx

nodular liver ddx

37. What test will u do in hepatitis?

38. A patient with splenomegaly, upper gi bleed, hepatomegaly...what will u be thinking?

39. Upper GI bleed, management

40. Name the types of sphygmomanometer; name the parts of the manual sphygmomanometer.

How to take the BP of a patient.

41. Stigmata of chronic liver disease

42. How to ellicit ascites and when to use fluid thrill and when to use shifting dullness

43. Demonstrate shifting dullness

44. Nephrotic syndrome.

Causes and complications

Value for Hypoalbuminemia.

45. Examination of the Chest

46. X-Ray: pneumothorax (what would you find on Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation)

47. Causes of Abdominal Pain

48. Woman with breathlessness, DDx

49. RBS of 18, what are u thinking about

Principles of management of DKA

50. Differentials of dyspnea

51. How to palpate liver, spleen and kidneys

52. Auscultation of lung sounds on a dummy

53. How do we palpate the spleen and what will you find on palpation

54. How do we confirm Diabetes mellitus

55. Demonstrate palpation for thrills

56. Patient with cough and sputum, Ddx.

57. Determine the severity of pneumonia.

Chest findings on pneumonia.

What other pathology will present with dullness to percussion.

Differentiate between effusion and consolidation.

CURB 65 scoring

58. Case of 27 yr female with obesity and 170/90mmhg

59. Mitral regurgitation

60. Woman gave me a boy with huge eyes and ask me what is was( thyrotoxicosis)

61. Cardiovascular effect of hyperthyroidism

62. An obese woman hypertension and hypokalemia slightly hypernatrenia. Dx

What are other causes of hypoglycemia

If the patient presented with slight hypernatremia , increased urea but normal creatinine what will you
be thinking about

63. MI in a diabetic, why will a diabetic not have pain in an MI,X-Ray, EKG

64. Examine the carotid

65. A 35yr old presents with increased frequency of and painful micturation, manage.

66. A patient presents with jaundice and bone pain with a 10year history of recurrences. How will
you go about it?

What in the history shows a hemolytic crisis?

67. 26 year, hx of allergies and eczema, dyspnoea, productive cough and polyphonic wheeze.

Ddx and management.

68. Auscultate the mitral valve, how will u report the heart sounds.

69. Tuning fork, uses ( in which people did u assess vibration)

70. What is hypertension, Hypertensive emergency examples

71. You have a case of pneumonia examine the dummy.

72. What is the first cranial nerve 2nd, 3rd

What does 3rd do(function)

73. They gave me a pentouch to explore the ocular movement

74. Signs of Heart failure, how do measure JVP(demonstrate on dummy)

75. Nephrotic syndrome, complications, investigations

76. Percussion on a case of hyperinflated chest

77. Cranial nerves/ the muscles of some

78. How to clinical Diagnose of heart failure

79. Examination of JVP

80. X-ray, what is the radiological dx(cardiomegaly)

81. Where will the apex beat be located , demonstrate on the dummy

82. GI causes of clubbing?

What is clubbing?

83. What are the causes of testicular infarction

84. A 63 yr old with MI without chest pain, investigation, management

What would you see on EKG,

X-ray with cardiomegaly, causes of cardiomegaly

Difference between pericardial effusion and tamponade.

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