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1.1. Overview

1.1.1. All-in-one professional/ educational optical mark reader

Read or evaluate any kind of OMR sheet that is it may be admission form or test paper answer
sheet or psychometric tests or survey/ feedback forms, Yomark reads everything for you.

Yomark gives you an amazing experience of working on it. It helps you think over various
parameters of analysis and provides results and reports according to your point of view. Now
user of Yomark can enter into the mind of its respondents.

1.1.2. Varity Of Response Collection Type:

Yomark is the only software of its kind providing you the maximum number of options to decide
yourself how you want to collect the responses. As per your requirement you may collect filled
OMR bubbles or ticked rectangular boxes or crossed squares. You may also collect data as
cropped image form or even hand written text (in caps or numbers only) read by Yomark’s
intelligent OCR module.

1.1.3. Highest degree accuracy (ZET–zero error tolerance mechanism)

Just read your files through YOMARK and prepare reports. Forget about errors in the reports.
YOMARK ensures 99.99% accuracy on sample of ten thousand sheets chosen randomly and
100% accuracy on 1lac uniform sheets.

(Test case was conducted on……

1.1.4. Type free OMR sheet compatibility

Design yourself (in paint brush, Corel draw, photo shop or even in ms word!) an OMR sheet on
the basis of just one line guideline and take print outs on simple A4 pages - your OMR sheets are
ready! And YOMARK is ready to evaluate! Now carry on taking responses on these sheets i.e. No
specific paper type or No specific color or die or No specific printing is required.

1.1.5. Easy to use

Well Organized, uncluttered, consistent, and easy to use screen layout of YOMARK gives you a
pleasurable experience when you work on it. YOMARK ensures that all the international norms
and standards have been followed while developing it hence even icons, along with layout and
ways to use the software are virtually close to the way you think and is consistent throughout
the software. A very less requirement of concentration and precision of users of YOMARK make
it possible that a beginner can learn it in just half an hour.
1.1.6. Extra ordinary and innovative reports
Get reports in just a single click! The software provides you the never before options to create
or generate reports as per your requirements. It not only contains lots of default patterns of use
full reports but also provides you the flexibility to create your own indices and parameters to
customize yourself text, tabular and graphical reports of your requirements. Various innovative
meters like Accuracy meter, Status o’ meter, Speed o’ meter, Latent o’ meter etc. are never
before available tools for you to help you analyze the progress, performance and psyche of your

1.1.7. Support to any type of marking / evaluation pattern

The software provides various options to set marking scheme for the test papers to be
evaluated. Single correct, multiple correct, negative marking, partial marking, weighted
marking; match the column (matrix type) with row or item based marking are few to
mention. In fact marking scheme can be set for each question or each option of a
question independently.

1.2. Features

1.2.1. Create Your Own Template:

This Feature enables its users create their own OMR template that is template for the OMR
Sheets to be read. Actually user designs their OMR sheets as per their requirement and gets it
printed and then a blank OMR sheet is scanned and imported in this module of the software
then on the basis of this scanned sheet user creates a template. Creating template means to
indicate on the OMR sheet, the position and the location of various types of fields with their
character such as -Name, Roll No., Questions, Question type, Location or class code and their
equivalent response etc. Whenever there is a change in your OMR sheet, you need not run to us
/supplier each time you make changes in you OMR Sheet. Creation of an OMR template takes
hardly ten minute of an average DTP operator.

1.2.2. Multiple Pages Processing:

If your OMR form has more than 1 page then you need not worry about processing of this form
because Yomark allows process OMR forms with multiple pages simultaneously in one go and
gives complete information in one table. Even information on one page can be clubbed with that
of on the other pages and combined result or report can be obtained.

1.2.3. Get Images:

This feature allows you get different types of images for different purpose. This helps
get student photograph, student signature as image. There are many more important
things which cannot be treated because of the limitation of size of OMR sheet and
special characters using OMR technology or very cumbersome for respondents to fill so
many bubbles such as address or e-mail id etc. Such type of information can be taken as
image and these Images can be used for future references as they can be retrieved in
excel in separate columns.

1.2.4. Read/ Write Barcode:

You may get printed the bar codes on your OMR sheets. Yomark will read these bar codes for
you and provide the corresponding encoded data. This is very a useful tool to locate misplaced
OMR sheet or to point out erroneous or incomplete OMR sheets and rectify the errors. It can
also create bar codes for the information you want to encode.

1.2.5. Hand written text and OCR:

There are lots of important information which cannot be collected as filled bubbles or
ticked/crossed boxes because of their type or limitation of paper size of OMR sheet. You
may collect data as hand written text (in caps or numbers only) and get it read by Yomark’s
intelligent OCR module. Yomark reads these data for you and converts into typed editable text.

1.2.6. Dictionary Options:

This feature provides the facility to encode information into numbers or alphabets. For example
if user wants to collect data of the locations of their respondents, user can ask to fill the pre
defined codes only and store the corresponding actual location as dictionary in this module the
result or report will automatically contain the corresponding locations of the respondents. This
can be done for any type of information such as codes against collages, university, states,
subjects, etc.

1.2.7. Link Additional Information to the Results/Reports:

This is a very power full feature of the software. When user is collecting data of its regular
respondents (for example for a school or coaching institutes it may be its regular students) he
/she just need to assign a unique code (in case of students it may be roll no.) to each
respondent. Now using this feature add any number of information against this unique code
such as name, phone no., e mail Id etc. The result of the responses will contain all these
information. This feature is very useful if user don’t want to use or purchase any data base as
this feature does not require any data base to store information.

1.2.8. Accuracy watch:

This is a unique feature of Yomark and makes it miles ahead of its competitors. While reading
responses user can be assured of file being read correctly or not. Just by a click user can view
the actual response of any sheet or any region of the OMR sheet and can match with the
response read by the software. This is why Yomark is considered as highest accurate OMR
response reader. While reading files the software not only informs you about incorrectly
bubbled or incorrectly scanned files but also allows you to make the corrections then and there
only. For example if while scanning a file is rotated through 90 or 180 degrees it informs and
warns about this erroneous file and allows you to rotate the file in the desired direction!

1.2.9. Innovative marking / evaluation schemes:

The soft ware handles almost all type of conventional and in use practices of marking patterns
used for conventional MCQ tests and different type of psychometric tests. Some of the
references are- MCQ with multiple correct and partial marking, negative marking, positive
marking, marking of linked questions that is marks or evaluation of one question depending on
the response of the previous question, matrix type or match the table type question in such type
of question marks can be set on row basis or even on the basis of each cell. Some time an
erroneous question paper may contain an MCQ for which only one option is set for answer but
the question contains more than one correct or neither correct options, the software give you
freedom to evaluate such questions on the basis of either/or/neither/ all that is you can choose
any of the response type to evaluate such questions. It is worth mentioning that Yomark helps
you set the marking scheme for complete question paper as well as individually for each question
and even each option of an MCQ independently.

1.2.10. Generate Reports as per demand:

The software provides you a never before option of generating results or creating reports as per
your requirement. There is option for result or report pattern where you can choose fields you
want in the report / results or even you can club the various fields under one header like under
the header - Personal Info, you can club the columns containing name, date of birth, Phone No.,
Gender etc. This feature makes you tension free at least for publishing results and reports as it
does not require to export the responses in excel and then prepare results and reports. The
software itself gives you facility

1.2.11. Create or design your own graphical report:

The software provides you an option of designing graphical reports as per your requirement.
You may feel thrilled while working on this module of Yomark. Even if a single parameter is
changed conclusions of analysis of responses may changes drastically. Here using this feature
you can have the most realistic and relevant analysis with graphical representation and that too
with different point of view, such as Student’s point of view, Faculty’s point of view, Directors
point of view, parent’s point of view, Institute’s point of view etc. Various innovative meters like
Accuracy meter, Status o’ meter, Speed o’ meter, Latent o’ meter etc. are never before available
tools for you to help you analyze the progress, performance and psyche of your respondents.
1.2.12. Generate Admit card / Identity card:
The creation of admit card or identity card for any institution is essential but a very tedious task
as there are too many variable information for each card and we require to put them together
after collecting from various places or enter manually. Now you just need to get OMR sheets
filled by your students or employees with photograph and signature on it and Yomark will
generate the admit/identity card for you with options to decide the places for photo or
signature or any other information to be or not to be there. In fact the design and layout of
admit/identity card can be customized in just few clicks. You can also create a bar code on
admit/identity card encoding any unique information of student or employee in it. This can be
used to record study material distribution or any kind of interaction or attendance using bar
code guns.

1.3. FAQ
1.3.1. Is it very costly to adopt OMR solution for evaluation or processing of data

collected on OMR sheets?


At the time of implementation it seems to be costly i.e. Natural thinking for

converting any Manual process to Automated. Complete OMR solution can be

implemented by spending merely 30 thousand (INR) and more than one billion

results/reports can be generated in a year. Manual work as compared to omr

solution is not only inefficient but also much costlier than the cost of

implementation of omr solution.

1.3.2. Is it required a very good software skill to use OMR software?


Any computer savvy who can operate his email account can easily operate

Yomark (OMR software) with little assistance. It takes just half an hour to train

a beginner on Yomark.

1.3.3. Do we require any special type of paper for OMR sheets


Any type of paper can be used for OMR sheets. In fact you can use your copier

pages which you use normally for getting print outs.

1.3.4. What is the size (dimension) of an OMR sheet?

Generally A4 size is used for OMR sheet, but our software is not dependent on

the size of sheet. You get designed omr sheet as per your requirement or

compatibility with your scanner and either get it offset printed or take print outs

hence the size of omr sheet depends on the compatibility of your printer or

scanner or your decision of sheet-size if you out source printing.

1.3.5. Do we require any special type of printing for OMR sheets?

NO! But while printing precaution should be taken so that the uniformity of all

the omr sheets are maintained i.e. OMR region, Image, bar code should be

uniform and similar on each sheet for same lot. For better result we advise

either take print out from an ADF printer or get printed by an offset machine but

not by screen printing.

1.3.6. As we have seen the OMR sheets are generally in a pinkish red color. Do we

require any special type of color for printing OMR sheets?


It can be of any color, but it is advised that the respondents should fill the omr

sheet with different color than the sheet color. Actually for better and accurate

result you are advised to use drop color facility where you can drop the printed

color and only respondent’s marks (optical marks!) remains to be read. Hence

you can get your omr sheet printed in any color of your choice or company


1.3.7. What is the difference between OMR scanner and OMR software?

1) Omr scanner is 10 to 20 times costlier than Omr software.

2) Omr scanners generate report in fix format we can’t customize it according to

our needs. Even most of the omr scanners provide raw data which further

needs to be analyzed by either manually or by further customized software

3) Omr software like Yomark is designed as per the end user requirements and

hence able to provide results and reports as user wishes to generate. Naturally
omr scanners being more or less hard ware devices are less scalable then the

omr software like Yomark!

4) omr scanners perform the process of scanning and reading simultaneously

hence produce results a bit faster than the omr software as omr software

requires scanned files.

1.3.8. Can we use back to back printed OMR sheet? Or how many maximum pages an

OMR sheet can contain?


We can use back to back OMR sheet. OMR sheet can contain maximum two


1.3.9. What is the normal speed of the OMR software?

It depends on template size, Scanned file size, Number of region on template &

on system configuration. But for standard OMR sheet we can expect the normal

speed is 50 to 60 pages per minute.

1.3.10. Does the OMR software produce complete reports or how much manual work

required preparing final reports, after getting data processed by OMR software?


With few clicks our software provides complete report of processed data for

Education, Banking, Logistics & Demography (Survey reports).

1.3.11. Does the software provide the analysis of the data processed?

And our software provides facilities to customize your report according to your

needs i.e. we can select or discard or group various fields of the response sheets

under one header according to our needs.

1.3.12. Does the software provide the graphical analysis of the data processed?


Yomark – Yoctel’s optical mark reader is the only software of its kind in the

world which provides infinite open space of getting graphical analysis of the

responses collected on omr sheets. You can compare the data by dividing the

data as per your requirement. Comparison between cities or zones, between

batches or centers, between gender or categories, between faculty or family

back ground etc. are few to mention.

1.3.13. Does the software recognize the characters as well?


All types of character & Special characters are recognized as image.

1.3.14. Does the software recognize the bar codes or litho codes?


Different types of bar code is recognize by our software are.


(Only binary) litho code is recognized by our software.

1.3.15. Does the software create reports which contain characters and images both like

admit or identity cards?


More over Yomark provides you a facility to design Admit card or Identity card

as per your company’s requirement. Get information of your respondents on

omr sheets and just few clicks will provide the required admit / Identity card –

ready to distribute!

1.3.16. What happens when an OMR sheet is not printed or scanned correctly?

1.3.17. Is there any limitation on data type to be captured on OMR sheet?

NO there is no limitation on data type to be captured on OMR sheet.

1.3.18. What happens when the bubbles are not filled completely or properly?

You are provided the facility to set thresh hold that is you can set the bubble

area you want to accept for reading. There is a facility for setting bubble size to

be read that is if the bubbles are under filled or over filled then you have liberty

to decide for such responses to be taken or to be discarded.

1.3.19. What happens when an OMR sheet reversed in orientation while scanning?

It can be properly arranged by our software & response can be generated without

any error.

1.3.20. What are the formats in which the reports are exported?

Reports can be exported in .pdf & all different formats of Excel.

1.3.21. Can we take the printouts of the reports directly from the software without

exporting it?

YES! .We can take print outs of our report without exporting it.

1.3.22. What is the importance of pivots or timing marks (the bar code type lines or black

rectangular or oval shapes)

1.3.23. As there are various type of MCQ and with various type of marking schemes. How

does software support it?

ALL types of MCQ are Supported by our software are

1) Single correct

2) Multiple correct

3) Matrix match

4) Integer Type

Exact option match & Partial option matching marking is supported by our


1.3.24. Is it possible to discard certain question/questions or marked as not to be



We can uncheck the question evaluation criteria check box while feeding the

answer, OR predefine the number of bubbles to read while defining the marks

for question.
1.3.25. In some erroneous MCQ, more than one option are correct where as students

are directed to bubble only one option how software handles such situations?

Either or option is there to handle this type of culprits’. In this type of evaluation

A full mark is allotted to any of matching option or all the option.

1.3.26. Does it evaluate and prepare reports for psychometric test papers as this paper

may contain multiple choice questions with all correct options but with different

weights attached to each option?


It handles this type of questions.

1.3.27. Does it read only bubbles or check box or tick as well?

Bubbles are read in current version, check box & tick will be covered in next


1.3.28. Does it use data base if yes then which data base it uses?


In coming version we will support MS Sql, ORACLE, MYsql, and Sybase.

1.3.29. How the software produces information against a code filled for some list of

centers, district, zone subject etc.?

Our software supports list size up to ten thousand. For this purpose user has to

Pre define label to display with code while creating template.

1.3.30. What to do if I want to buy now?


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