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1.The weight of air is _____ at sea level
a. lighter b. heavier c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B
2.1013.2 hPa. Is equal to
a. 14.7 PSI b.29.92 “ Hg. C. either of it
Correct Answer. C
3.At 40000 feet,the atmospheric pressure is
a.4 PSI b. 2.7 PSI c. 5 PSI
Correct Answer. B

4.As an A/C ascends

a.atmp. pressure drops b. temp. drops c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

5.When the C.G. of the A/C is going too far forward

a.a/c stalls b. a/c glides steeply c. a/c glides at flatter angle
Correct Answer. B

6.Density varies _____ with temperature

a. directly b. inversely c. either of it
Correct Answer. B

7.Air at high altitude is ____ dense

a.high b. less c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

8.An A/C fly _______ at high altitude

a.faster b. slower c. at constant speed
Correct Answer. A

9.The density of air varies ___ with humidity

a.directly b. inversely c. no relation
Correct Answer. B

10.An a/c requires ___ runway for takeoff on damp day than on dry days
a.shorter b. longer c.remains constant
Correct Answer. B

11.In which region of atmosphere, Temp. starts increasing upto 0 degree C.

a. troposphere b.stratosphere c. mesosphere
Correct Answer. B

12.Newton’s ____ is normally referred as law of inertia

a.first law b. second law c. third law
Correct Answer. A
13.Newton’s ___ states that if a body moving with uniform speed is acted upon by an
external force
a.first law b. second law c. third law
Correct Answer. B

14.If an a/c is flying against a headwind,it is

a. a/c travels faster b. a/c slowed down c. a/c travels at constant speed
Correct Answer.B

15.When the fluid flow through a tube reaches a constriction

a. the speed of flow decreases b.the pressure of flow increases
c. . the speed of flow increases
Correct Answer. C

16.The boundary layer is thicker in case of

a. laminar flow b. turbulent flow c. transition layer
Correct Answer. B

17. Which boundary layer has higher kinetic energy in the airflow next to the surface
a.laminar b. turbulent c, either of it
Correct Answer. B

18.Which of them have low friction drag

a. laminar flow b. turbulent flow c. transition flow
Correct Answer. A

19.Laminar skin friction is _________of turbulent flow

a. one half b. one third c. one fourth
Correct Answer. B

20.While airfoil generates lift,pressure below the wing is________ than atmp.
a. equal to b. more than c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

21.As angle of attack increases

a. lift increases b. drag increases c. both lift & drag increases
Correct Answer. C

22Air flowing over the top surface of wing must reach the trailing edge of wing
In _____ amount of time as air flowing under the wing
a. same b. different c. either of it
Correct Answer. A

23.Thin wing corresponds to

a. low fineness ratio b. high fineness ration c. medium fineness ratio
Correct Answer. B

24.Wing with high fineness ratio produces large amount of

a. skin friction b. turbulence c. either of it
Correct Answer.B

25.High lift wing have

a. positive camber on lower surface b.negative camber on upper surface
c. positive camber on upper surface
Correct Answer. C

26.Lift coefficient is a function of

a. shape of wing b. angle of attack c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

27.Aerofoil efficiency is determined by

a.D/L B.L/D C.W/L
Correct Answer. B

28.At high angle of attack,small changes in angle of attack causes

a. slight changes in drag b. significant changes in drag c. drag remains constant
Correct Answer. B

29.Stalling angle is
a. 10 degrees b. 15 degrees c. 20 degrees
Correct Answer. B

30.At the time of stall

a. lift drops b. drag rises c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

31.When stall happens,nose of a/c

a. rises up b. comes down c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

32.Form drag can be reduced by

a.surfaces should be streamlined b.using flush rivets c.using surface coatings
Correct Answer. A

33.The lift generated induced drag is inclined slightly

a. forward b. backward c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

34. Due to wash out,which portion of wing generates more lift

a. root b. tip c. mid section
Correct Answer. A

35. Due to wash out,which portion of wing generates more induced drag
a. root b. tip c. mid section
Correct Answer. A

36..Winglets prevents___ of induced drag

a.10 % b. 20% c. 40%
Correct Answer. B
37.During cruising speed induced drag is less than __ of total drag
a.20 % b. 70% c. 10 %
Correct Answer. C

38.Induced drag always _____ with aircraft weight

a.decreases b. increase c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

39.Shock wave are usually associated with

a.supersonic speed b.a/c travelling at less than speed of sound
c.either of it
Correct Answer. C

40.Shock wave induces

a. boundary layer separation b.buffeting occurs c. as in (a) & (b) & also includes
loss of control
Correct Answer.C

41. Airspeed at which drag is minimum is the

a.minimum range speed b.maximum range speed c. endurance
Correct Answer. A

42.For stable flight maximum range is achieved at a speed

a.above minimum drag speed b. below minimum drag speed
c.minimum drag speed
Correct Answer. A

43.In order to retain flight equilibrium

a.C.G. located behind C.P. b.C.P. located behind C.G. c.both C.G. & C.P. together
acts in same position
Correct Answer. B

44.When lift force is more than weight

a.a/c loses ltitude b. a/c gains altitude c. a/c remains in constant altitude
Correct Answer. B

45.Lift is proportional to ___ of velocity

a. cube b. half c.square
Correct Answer. C

46.An a/c travelling at 200 knots has _______ the lift as the same a/c travelling at 100
a.2 times b. 4 times c. 8 times
Correct Answer. B

47. As the a/c is slowed the decreasing velocity requires ____ AOA to main lift
sufficient to maintain flight
a.decreasing b. remains constant c. increasing
Correct Answer. C
48.For every AOA there is corresponding ____ to maintain altitude in steady
unaccelerated flight
a.pressure b. airspeed c. density
Correct Answer. B

49.Since the a/c stalls at same AOA when the weight of a/c is
a. decreased b. remains constant c. increased
Correct Answer. C

50.In order to maintain lift at higher altitude,an a/c must fly at ___ airspeed for any
given AOA
a. more b. same c. less
Correct Answer. A

51.On hot humid day,a/c must be flown at ___ airspeed for any given AOA than on
cool dry day
a. . more b. same c. less
Correct Answer. A

52.Wing with planform area of 200 sq. feet lifts _____ as much at same AOA as a
wing with an area of 100 sq. feet.
a. thrice b. twice c. same
Correct Answer. B

53.If the wing area is doubled,lift & drag

a.twice of it b. doubled c. half of it
Correct Answer. B

54.The motion of propeller blades through the air produces lift similar to wing which
acts in
a. vertical direction b. horizontal direction c. at an angle
Correct Answer, B

55.If thrust is greater than drag,a/c

a. accelerate b. deaccelerate c. remains at same constant speed
Correct Answer. A

56.If an a/c travels at 10000 ft. forward while descending 1000 ft., the glide ratio is
a. 1 to 10 b. 10 to 1 c. 10 to 10
Correct Answer. B

57.With a tailwind, a/c will glide farther b’cos of _____ groundspeed

a.slower b. higher c. constant
Correct Answer. B

58.Variation in weight do not affect the glide angle provided the pilot uses the correct
a. pressure b. airspeed c. density
Correct Answer. B

59.The heavier the a/c,_____ the airspeed must be to obtain the same glide ratio
a.lower b. higher c. remains same
Correct Answer. B

60.The heavier a/c gliding at higher airspeed will arrive at same touchdown point in a
a. longer time b. shorter time c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

61.Since power is not used durin gliding,the _____ attitude must be adjusted as
necessary to maintain a constant airspeed
a.pitch b. rolling c. yawing
Correct Answer. A

62.The best speed for glide is one at which the a/c will travel the ______ forward
distance for a given loss of altitude in still air
a.lowest b. greatest c. constant
Correct Answer. B

63.The best glide speed corresponds to an angle of attack resulting in

a. less drag b. greater drag c. drag remains constant
Correct Answer. A

64.Any speed other than best glide speed results in

a. less drag b. more drag c. constant drag
Correct Answer. B

65.When descending at a speed below the best glide speed

a.parasite drag increase b. induced drag increase c. induced drag decrease
Correct Answer. B

66.When descending at a speed above best glide speed

a. parasite drag increase b. induced drag increase c. induced drag decrease
Correct Answer. A

67.Never attempt to stretch a glide by apply _____ elevator pressure & reduce the
airspeed below the a/c recommended best glide speed
a.forward b. back c. constant
Correct Answer. B

68.Best glide angle determines the

a.minimum sink rate b. best glide ratio c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

69. The best glide ratio is_____ than glide ratio for minimum sinl
a.steeper b. flatter c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

70. The force of lift during turn is split into ___ components only b.two c.three
Correct Answer. B
71.Which component of lift pulls the a/c from a straight flightpath to make it turn
a. horizontal component b. vertical component c.either of it
Correct Answer. A

72.Which control surface is used to correct any deviation between straight track of
nose & tail of a/c
a.aileron b. spoiler c.rudder
Correct Answer. C

73.If no rudder is used in a turn,the nose of a/c yaws ______ of turn

a. inside b. outside c. controlled turn
Correct Answer. B

74.To prevent the a/c from loses its altitude during turning,increase initially
a. AOA b. velocity c. span area
Correct Answer. A

75.Which component of lift decreases as the bank angle increase

a. horizontal component b. vertical component c.either of it
Correct Answer. B

76.As the angle of bank increases which increases the horizontal component of lift
which ___ rate of turn
a.decrease b. increases c. remains same
Correct Answer. B

77.Large angle of bank results in ______ in airspeed

a. increase b. reduction c.same
Correct Answer. B

78.To compensate for additional lift due to airspeed increase during turn
a.AOA decreased b. angle of bank increased c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

79.If the angle of bank is held constant & AOA decreased,the ROT
a. increase b.decrease c. remains same
Correct Answer. B

80.In order to maintain a constant ROT as airspeed is increased

a.AOA remains constant b.angle of bank increased c.either of it
Correct Answer. C

81.An increase in airspeed results in _____ of turn radius

a.increase b. decrease c. remain same
Correct Answer. A

82.In a correctly executed turn the horizontal component of lift must be _______ to
centrifugal force
a. equal b. more c. less
Correct Answer. A
83.Increae in radius of turn ___ the centrifugal force
a. increase b. decrease c. remains constant
Correct Answer. A

84.Horizontal component of lift is increased by _______ angle of bank

a. increase b. decrease c. remains constant
Correct Answer. A

85.In a slipping turn the a./c is banked ________ for ROT

a. more b. less c. constant
Correct Answer. A

86. In a slipping turn the horizontal lift component is _______ than centrifugal force
a. more b. less c. remains same
Correct Answer. A

87.To reduce skidding turn

a.reduction in ROT b. increase in bank c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

88.Stall can occur at any

a. pitch attitude b. airspeed c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

89.In straight wing ,wing root stalls by

a. wing twist b. using stall strips on wing LE c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

90.If an a/c is allowed to be operated outside of C.G.,the pilot may have

a. recover from stall b. difficult to recover from stall c. either of it
Correct Answer. B

91.A/C can stall in straight & level flight by flying

a. too fast b. too slowly c. maintains constant speed
Correct Answer. B

92.The stalling speed of an a/c _____ in level turn than in straight & level flight
a. higher b. lower c. remains same
Correct Answer. A

93.In a turn the extra lift is acquired by using

a. elevator b. rudder c. either of it
Correct Answer. A

94.After the a/c stalls,a/c nose goes

a. up b. down c. remains constant
Correct Answer.B

95.Load factor of 3 means total load of an a/s structure is 3 times of

a. drag b. weight c. thrust
Correct Answer. B

96.Increase load factor _____ the stalling speed

a. increase b. decrease c. remains constant
Correct Answer. A

97.Shock wave drag formation results in

a. buffeting b. control difficulties c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

98.AT 40000ft. the atmp. Temp. is

a.15 deg. C b. -55 deg. C c. -40 deg. C
Correct Answer. B

99.At higher altitude which of them is the major concern

a.compressiobility effect b. flutter c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

100.The loss of lift due to airflow separation results in _____ of downwash

a. gain b. loss c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

101.At flight speed approaches the speed of sound,the shock wave moves near
a. leading edge b. trailing edge c. mid section of aerofoil
Correct Answer. B

102.Increase in downwash _________ the horizontal tail pitch control effectiveness

a. increase b. decrease c. remains constant
Correct Answer. B

103.Sweep back reduces the magnitude in change of

a. drag b. lift & pitching moment c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

104.Which flap when fully extended produce high drag with little additional lift
a. plain flap b. split edge flap c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

105.Flap results in
a. nose up moment b. nose down moment c. either of it
Correct Answer. B

106. The axis that extends crosswise from wingtip to wing tip is
a. lateral axis b. pitch axis c. both are correct
Correct Answer. C

107._______ is the characteristics of an a/c to be directed along a desired flight path

& to withstand the stresses imposed
a.atability b. manoeuverility c. controllability
Correct Answer. B
108._________ is the quality of response of an a/c to the pilots command while
manoeuvring the a/c
a.atability b. manoeuverility c. controllability
Correct Answer. C

109.The initial tendency of the a/c to remain in a new condition after its equilibrium
has been disturbed
a. positive static stability b. neutral static stability c. negative static stability
Correct Answer. B

110.Which stability refers to the a/c response over time when disturbed from given
a.static stability b. dynamic stability c. neutral stability
Correct Answer. B

111. Over time the motion of displaced object decrease in amplitude, this is
a. neutral dynamic stability b. positive dynamic stability c.negative dynamic
Correct Answer. B

112.Longitudinal stability is the quality that makes an a/c stable about

a. longitudinal axis b. lateral axis c. vertical axis
Correct Answer. B

113.A longitudinal unstable a/c has a tendency of

a.dive & climb b. stall c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

114.Longitudinal stability is depend on

a.location of wing & HS w.r.t. C.G. b. area of tail surfaces c. either of it
Correct Answer. C

115.By moving the C.P. forward,it lift the

a. trailing edge b. tip section c. leading edge
Correct Answer. C

116.Compensation for nose heaviness is provided by setting the HS at slight ___

a. positive b. negative c. either of it
Correct Answer. B

117.The ______ force of HS holds the tail down counteracting the heavy nose
a.downward b. upward c. either of it
Correct Answer. A

118.The faster the a/c is flying,_______ the downwash

a. greater b. lower c. either of it
Correct Answer. A

119.The greater the downwash, _______ the downward the downward force on HS
a.lower b. greater c. either of it
Correct Answer. B

120.Due to less downward force on HS causing a/c nose to ______ more

a. pitch up b. remains constant attitude c. pitch down
Correct Answer. C

121.Due to wing dihedral,air strikes the _________ at much greater AOA

a. outer wing b. inner wing c. either of it
Correct Answer. B

122.Due to sweep back design which wing acquires more lift

a.lower wing b. higher wing c. either of it
Correct Answer. A

123.Latersl stable a/c are constructed so that the greater portion of keel area is above
& _____ the C.G.
a. ahead b. behind c. either of it
Correct Answer. B

124.Which of them contributes to directional stability

a.vertical fin b.sides of fuselage aft of C.G. c. either of it
Correct Answer.C

125. A longitudinal stable a/c is built with the C.P. _____ of C.G.
a. aft b. forward c. either of it
Correct Answer. A

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