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Impacts of Leadership Styles on Employee’s

Motivation at Workplace and Job Performance -

Empirical Study of Privately Owned Companies
An Internship Report on

Impacts of Leadership Styles on Employee’s Motivation at

Workplace and Job Performance -Empirical Study of Privately
Owned Companies

Submitted To

Department of International Business

University of Dhaka

Submitted By

Md. Mahbubul Islam

ID: 801826032

EMBA Program

Department of International Business

University of Dhaka

Date of submission

October 17, 2021

Letter of Transmittal

October 17, 2021

Department of International Business

University of Dhaka.

Subject: Impacts of Leadership Styles on Employee’s Motivation at Workplace and Job

Performance -Empirical Study of Privately Owned Companies

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that, it is a great pleasure for me to submit the thesis
report as per requirement of the completion of EMBA program. I have tried my level best to
make the thesis a comprehensive one. Any sort of suggestion regarding the thesis report will be
greatly acknowledged and I will be gratified if the report serves its purpose.

I therefore, request you to accept this report and give me proper suggestion to work in my
professional life and I pray and hope that the mistakes, the thesis paper may have will be kindly
excused. Lastly, I beg your kind consideration for evaluating this thesis report.

Sincerely Yours

Md. Mahbubul Islam

ID: 801826032

Department of International Business

University of Dhaka.

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Declaration from the students

I, Md Mahbubul Islam, an EMBA program student at University of Dhaka state that this
internship report titled “Impacts of Leadership Styles on Employee’s Motivation at Workplace
and Job Performance -Empirical Study of Privately Owned Companies” was prepared by me.
The study includes 63 pages (not including the cover) along with 16,030 words. The report does
not contain content that was copied from any second-hand source without proper citations and

Sincerely yours,

Md. Mahbubul Islam

ID: 801826032

Department of International Business

University of Dhaka.

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Executive Summary

The study entitled Impacts of leadership styles on employee’s motivation at workplace and job
performance- empirical study of privately owned companies is undertaken to evaluate the
motivation, job performance and satisfaction of employees based on different leadership styles
followed in the corporate environment. The study contains descriptive and qualitative research
data analyses based on the responses collected from 100 respondents of Dhaka city. The
respondents are full time employees and belong to entry and mid-level employee category. This
paper includes 5 chapters which are Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology,
Analysis, Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion.

Chapter one, presents a detailed background of the study, objectives of the study, scope,
rationale and contributions and limitations of the study. In the objectives, the specific objectives
of the study were mentioned.

Chapter two, represents the past literature there reviewed to find out previous researches
related the subject of the study. This part of the study contains the types of leadership styles,
characteristics of leaders, leadership timelines, leadership roles, leadership in govt vs private
sector, leadership styles such as laissez faire, transformational, transactional, transactional vs
transformational and autocratic. Different motivational theories such as McClelland’s Need
theory, Argyrias motivational theory, Vrooms expectancy theory, Porter and Lawler’s
expectancy theory has been discussed in relation with the motivation and satisfaction aspects that
are usually followed in the corporate sector. The needs and requirements that needs to be
followed and will have positive impact are discussed here in details.

Chapter three discusses the research methodology of the study which is adopted for
targeted research and includes approach of the study, data collection method, data sources, target
population and sample size, data analysis technique, and research design. This part of the study
consists of qualitative study with sample data collected from 100 respondents. The data has been
collected through survey questionnaire. Trend analysis data of 5 years changing pattern of

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leadership style has been included which has also been collected from the same questionnaire

Chapter four describes the analysis part of the thesis study. It contains the demographic
profile of the respondents. It contains the questionnaire data and its analysis. The trend analysis
data has been analyzed and the information has been included alongside the questionnaire

Chapter five includes the Findings which has been gathered according to the data analysis
discussions. The findings give a clear concept of how the data has been helpful to determine the
leadership styles and their impact on employee motivation, commitment and satisfaction level of
employees. This part of the study also contains the recommendations and conclusions. The
recommendations discuss of what actions and strategies that can be undertaken for the
development of the organization and the implications that can be taken for improving the leaders
and employee behaviors. The conclusion part of the study illustrates the needs for leadership
changes and the favorable conditions that can be initiated with the best leadership approaches
within the organization.

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Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES........................................................................................................................ VII

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the study ..........................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Objectives of the study ............................................................................................................................................2

1.3 Scope of the study....................................................................................................................................................2

1.4 Rationale of the study ..............................................................................................................................................2

1.5 Contribution of the study .........................................................................................................................................3

1.6 Limitation of the study.............................................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Definition .................................................................................................................................................................4

2.1.1 Types of leadership styles ................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Characteristics of leadership ............................................................................................................................5
2.1.3 Timelines of leadership ....................................................................................................................................6
2.1.4 Role of leadership.............................................................................................................................................6
2.1.5 Leadership in Government VS Private sector ..................................................................................................8

2.2 To identify the major characteristics used by corporate leaders in Bangladesh ......................................................9

2.3 Impact of leadership towards Employee Motivation and commitment ................................................................. 17

2.4 Overall employee satisfaction towards workplace................................................................................................. 23

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................25

3.1 Approach of the study ............................................................................................................................................ 25

3.2 Data Collection Method ......................................................................................................................................... 25

3.3 Data Sources .......................................................................................................................................................... 26

3.4 Target Population and Sample Size ....................................................................................................................... 26

3.5 Data Analysis Technique ....................................................................................................................................... 26

3.6 Research design ..................................................................................................................................................... 27

CHAPTER FOUR: ANALYSIS ...............................................................................................................................28

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4.1 Demographic Presentation of Respondents ........................................................................................................... 28

4.2 Does the leader’s characteristics create positive impact in your job? .................................................................... 30

4.3 Do the superiors communicate effectively with the subordinates? ........................................................................ 31

4.4 Do you feel motivated to work as hard as possible? .............................................................................................. 33

4.5 Does the organizational training opportunities motivate you to perform better? ................................................... 34

4.6 Do you have the opportunities to utilize your capabilities in the job? ................................................................... 35

4.7 Are you satisfied with the actions undertaken by your supervisor?....................................................................... 37

4.8 Are the superiors supportive towards subordinates even when they make mistakes? ........................................... 38

4.9 Are you committed to work with your supervisors in the organization? ............................................................... 40

4.10 Does work make the best use of your abilities? ................................................................................................... 41

4.11 Are you satisfied in working with your organization? ......................................................................................... 42

CHAPTER FIVE: FINDINGS .................................................................................................................................44

5.1 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................................. 47

5.2 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................. 48

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................................49

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................................53

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List of Tables and Figures


Table 01: Demographic data of sample


Figure 01: Does the leader’s characteristics create positive impact in your job?

Figure 02: Do the superiors communicate effectively with the subordinates?

Figure 03: Do you feel motivated to work as hard as possible?

Figure 04: Does the organizational training opportunities motivate you to perform better?

Figure 06: Are you satisfied with the actions undertaken by your supervisor?

Figure 07: Are the superiors supportive towards subordinates even when they make mistakes?

Figure 08: Are you committed to work with your supervisors in the organization?

Figure 09: Does work make the best use of your abilities?

Figure 10: Are you satisfied in working with your organization?

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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Leadership styles have various impacts on employee performance and overall growth.
Employees play active role in the workplace and their contributions depend on the utilization of
skills and expertise based on relevant field of work. Motivation is necessary to boost
organizational performance and leaders are assigned with the responsibility to get the job done.
The main purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate the impacts of leadership style on employee
motivation and performance in the workplace. From early period of time, leadership has gone
through extensive debate and controversy on how the different leadership styles stimulate
various kinds of responses from employees or followers. Corporate culture determines leaders
and their guidance as the fundamental initiative for future development of the organization. The
Thesis provided with information regarding the methods and sequences which causes changes in
response, behavior and overall effect. The quantitative data provided is based on analysis of
speculative relationship of leaders and employees working in organizations. The global
pandemic has caused financial crisis and unpredictable obstructions in terms of economic and
political situations in various countries all over the world. Work activities tend to be organized
and companies require motivation and assurance of better days. Leaders of various organizations
have displayed patience and empathy and with their proficient abilities kept the employees
confident to meet organizational goals and objectives. Leadership can be defined in various ways
as a term of influence or based on a person’s interpersonal qualities and characteristics that
reshape people’s overall perception and stimulate performance. In different research studies,
leadership has also been described as the individual who creates changes through influencing
others so that they voluntarily and eagerly direct activities and efforts to obtain roles and
responsibilities as assigned accordingly for meeting organizational needs and necessities.

The Thesis consists of various leadership styles utilized by Leaders all over the world. The
impact of these various styles and ways of response and reaction of employees based on
employee attitude and conduct. Leadership has a major history which has shaped and
reconstructed an organization. Leadership roles can also create biasness and diversity changing
the model of the organizational hierarchy and creating negative impacts for the organization.
Companies initiate training programs, mentorship and coaching to enhance the skills and abilities

of the employees but due to diversified lead roles played by managers or leaders of the
organization, the result or outcome may somewhat be dissatisfactory in nature. Key issues arise
when leaders of the organization have a complex relationship with the employees and are more
concerned with commanding objectives rather than fixing the issues with joint efforts. All the
factors and circumstances have been discussed thoroughly throughout the thesis paper.

1.2 Objectives of the study

General Objective: The objective of the study is to evaluate the leadership traits, styles which
create an overall impact on employee motivation and commitment and also to provide a brief
overlook on implementation of these styles in the corporate sectors of Bangladesh.

Specific Objectives:

• To identify the major characteristics used by corporate leaders in Bangladesh.

• To evaluate the impact of leadership towards Employee Motivation and commitment
• To evaluate the impact of performance towards Employee Satisfaction.
• Overall employee satisfaction towards workplace.
• Evaluate changing pattern of leadership style practiced in 5 years in the corporate sector
of Bangladesh.

1.3 Scope of the study

The thesis study is focused on different personnel of the organization and is mostly based on full
time employee’s performing different functions and operations as instructed by the
organizational leaders. The thesis study will assist in gathering suitable knowledge about the
working procedures and levels of relationship in workplace. Information from low grade
employees have also been gathered to ascertain and assess the different management style of
supervisors and leaders in the workplace.

1.4 Rationale of the study

The purpose of conducting the thesis study is to determine the impact of various changes in
workplace based on leadership styles and attributes and how employees of different background,

skills and expertise respond in these circumstances. The results and outcome of the study will
assist in determining which leadership style will be more effective in influencing motivation,
commitment and enhance engagement in organizational activities. Appropriate leadership style
initiation will expand loyalty and trust factors among employees of the organization and boost
individual performance. The potential advantage of the study can assist in acquiring proper ideas
regarding the different levels of commitment, satisfaction of employees while working with the
leaders or managers of the organization.

1.5 Contribution of the study

The study contributes in various ways by providing data and information regarding the current
scenario of leadership styles followed by different organizations. The study will assist in
understanding the leader and employee relations in workplace and how each style of leadership
create impact in employee commitment and work activities. The study also helps to determine
what type of leadership styles are effective for the corporate organizations. The approaches that
are preferable by the employees of the organization and what steps can be taken to resolve issues

1.6 Limitation of the study

The study has a few limitations. Some of the data utilized in the study have been derived from
questionnaire survey collected from various employees working in different organizations. There
is a possibility of biasness in the responses based on likability or dissatisfaction from the job.
The time span is approximately short. Appropriate and longer time duration for the thesis would
help to acquire broader perspective of the employee conditions in different privately owned
companies. Besides, the relationship between leadership styles could be elaborate in more
extensive ways. Funding could assist in interviewing corporate leaders by visiting various
locations of the country and the data could be more structured and informative.

Chapter Two: Literature review

2.1 Definition
Leadership can be defined as a process to direct, supervise, motivate the behavior of others to
achieve a common goal. Leaders have the capability to activate employee confidence and boost
overall morale and performance to conduct every objective as per organizational requirements.

Social leadership can be defined as the leadership style followed by leaders who dedicate their
life and creative abilities to develop the society despite of all social differences or diversity and
privilege issues (Hryniewicz and Vianna, 2018). Corporate leaders consist of skilled and
experienced managers who are entitled with the responsibility to oversee the overall functions
and operations of the organization. The planning, execution and judgements taken by such
managers are referred as corporate leadership practice.

The main difference between social leadership and corporate leadership is the ways they are
organized and emphasized among the employees of the organization. A corporate leader focuses
more on accomplishment of organizational objectives and tends to judge employees based on
their success factor (Hryniewicz & Vianna, 2018). Social leaders on the contrary focuses on
group and teambuilding efforts and is more concerned on problem solving issues among the
employees (Doyle, 2020).

2.1.1 Types of leadership styles

Leaders and their styles are of different types contributing to the overall development of the
organization as well as the employees involved. Democratic leadership style defines the type of
leadership style where both leaders and employees have the independence in decision making
process required for the development of the organization. Autocratic leadership style is
concerned with leader’s individual control over all the organizational decisions and less input
from the employees. Laissez Faire leadership style is described as the leadership style which
enables reluctance to employees and is considered as hands off approach from the leaders giving
opportunities in decision making. Strategic leadership determines a leader or manager’s strategic
vision for the potential future development of the organization and ways to influence and

stimulate employees to fulfill that vision. Transformational leadership is quite similar to strategic
leadership which intends to motivate, encourage, inspire employees towards innovative
approaches and assist in interpersonal growth and future development initiatives of the
organization. Transactional leaders follow specific set of structures, regulations, values, orders
and sets clear goals and objectives for the employees of the organization. This leadership style is
more concerned with formal structure and maintains reward and punishment system to encourage
compliance system within the organization. Bureaucratic leadership style is referred to leadership
role based on chain of commands, strict rules and procedures, severe regulatory measures for
employees of the organization.

2.1.2 Characteristics of leadership

Autocratic leadership characteristics include leader’s role in making all decisions, less
independence of employees in making decisions, creative opportunities are discouraged. More
structured environments. Democratic leadership offers collaboration and motivates team efforts.
Employees are provided with the opportunities for planning and taking creative decisions as a
team. Democratic leaders are fair in setting clear guidelines and ensures greater communication
and feedback. Laissez- Faire leadership characteristics involve hands off approach qualities of
the leaders. Leaders encourage employees and pardon mistakes, freedom loving and decision-
making capability is provided. Strategic leaders are loyal in nature providing clear and concise
vision, have greater perspective, compassionate, higher self-awareness and reliable.
Transformational leader qualities involve motivation towards positive development, enhances
moral standards and ethical work environment, builds an effective corporate culture and allows
employees to take lead on organizational tasks. Transactional leader’s characteristics involve
structured policies and procedures. Hostility towards changes and less flexibility is illustrated in
Transactional leadership style. Bureaucratic leadership characteristics involve well organized
management structure, hardworking and task-oriented attitude. These types of leaders have
greater courage and represent strong commitment towards employees.

2.1.3 Timelines of leadership
Scholars, politicians, military generals, organizational leaders, observers in both traditional and
modern times have been involved in leadership practices. The concept and practices of
leadership has been defined by different scholars in many ways. Leadership has traditional roots
and worldwide practice that has been going on for long period of time. Leadership and its studies
can be compared with ancient art (Tremayne, 2008). Examples of leadership can be found in
Roman and Egyptian civilizations. In 1974 reputed scholar and researcher Stogdill described
leadership of having as many definitions as that of number of people involved in defining the
term (Van Seters & Field, 1990).

The distinctive differences between concepts of leadership varies based on complexities of

different generations and their utilization of leadership as a means of getting the job done.
Lassey, one of the prominent leaders of women empowerment discussed about leadership in
1976 and stated that there is no appropriate agreement on the meaning of leadership (Denmark,
1993). Social Psychologist Martin M. Chemer’s stated leadership as a procedure of social
influence where an individual has the ability to assist and support others for fulfillment of
various tasks (Chemers et al., 2000).

During the early 20th century leadership was evaluated and researched as a scientific study.
American Scholar Bernard Bass (1981) argued that early researchers and scholars described
leadership through academic approach. Various researchers in the traditional period were unable
to create sufficient theories based on employee and leader interactions based on various
circumstances. Scholars in various time period acknowledge the distinctions between leader and
manager but have disagreements between the exact differences. Mangers are engaged with the
responsibility to manage the overall organization and also lead the employee to attain
organizational objectives (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). The leaders or managers need to be
judged based on the ways they lead or manage the organization.

2.1.4 Role of leadership

Managers are involved in planning, organizing and coordinating work activities whereas leaders
are involved in motivating and creating influence among employees to purse organizational
objectives. Outstanding managers are anticipated to have strong leadership attributes. Managers

have the tendency to push and supervise whereas leaders pull and anticipate on employee

Scholar Bernard Bass (1985) mentioned that leadership is not only management and
management alone cannot be called as leadership (Vera & Crossan, 2004). Theorist and
researcher Hunt (1991) stated that the distinctions between manager and leader is quite similar to
transactional or transformational leadership (Waldman & Yammarino, 1999).

Leadership can be considered as the most crucial part of the organization. It determines the
guidance of a team, communicates ideas and information, promotes and inspires employees to
voluntarily contribute for achieving the goals of the organization. Leadership needs to be applied
in strategic ways and higher emphasis is required for the appropriate behavioral techniques to
create trust and commitment of the employees within the organization (Grossman, 2019).

Elements of effective leadership can be complex and it varies based on specific circumstances.
The leader’s interpersonal abilities, commanding principles, the subordinates responses, behavior
and overall skills vary within the organization and it affects the styles and techniques of the
leader’s best suited for the organization. Leaders have the primary responsibility for managing
and supervising employees towards organizational objectives (Toor and Ofori, 2008). If
leadership styles are ineffective it causes mass effect on employees as well as the organization
(Sonmez Cakir and Adiguzel, 2020). Different leadership styles impact organizational
performance (Ibrahim and Daniel, 2019). Managers need to be familiar with the strengths and
weakness of the employees and establish areas for improvement to preserve organizational
performance and maintain stability of organization. Companies need to recruit effective
managers with the ability to take complex decisions smoothly and cope up with the global
competitive environment (Sageder & Feldbauer-Durstmüller, 2018).

Leaders maintain admirable relationship with the employees to boost performance. Being an
effective leader can be complex and challenging but it also assists the team management to reach
new goals and excel in achieving target profit on behalf of the organization. Leaders have to
adapt with the generational differences and diverse workforce in the modern context. The styles
of leadership change based on the employees experience level and background (Asrar-ul-Haq &
Kuchinke, 2016). Entry level employees have less experience and require proper guidance and
direction from the leaders or managers of the organization. Experienced employees have the

sufficient skills and are more accustomed with the organizational principles. Organizations of
private sector attempt to provide best suited leaders with vast experience to guide entry level
employees in the appropriate path of learning and build team work opportunities (Horváth &
Szabó, 2019). Scholars David and Newstrom perceive leadership as a section of management.

Leadership is not based on any singular culture but a universal aspect and its practices are being
conducted all over the world from different timelines (Glauner, 2018). Extensive research studies
have been done on various leadership styles. The perceptions and viewpoints on leadership styles
have been written and revised chronologically based on the provided circumstances (Peña-
Acuña, 2017). In spite of the leadership efforts, effectiveness measures of the employees may
still have issues (Nilo, 2021).

Leadership has been used and collaborated mostly in the 19th century but there are still lack of
proper approaches to evaluate the cause and effect of leadership (Litz, 2011). Scholar James
MacGregor Burns (1978) described leadership as the most observed but least understood in the
global world (Long & Thean, 2011).

2.1.5 Leadership in Government VS Private sector

In Bangladesh, leadership is practiced as Democratic, Autocratic and Participative styles. The
social welfare organizations such as Grameen Bank, BRAC provides opportunities for the
employees to participate in decision making process.

Teletalk Bangladesh maintains socialization process and Transformational leadership style to

encourage employees and assist them with proper training facilities. Transactional leadership
style approach has also been evaluated with formal and strict maintenance of rules and
regulations in this government organization.

Biman Bangladesh Airlines maintains Transactional and Bureaucratic leadership styles with
strict rules and regulations to be followed within the workplace. Violation of laws are punishable
by law. Strong hierarchy is followed within the organization.

Government owned Sonali Bank follows transformational and Transactional leadership style.
The employees have to maintain organizational regulations strictly but also encouragement,

motivation, appraisal and friendly relationship is maintained throughout the organization.
Change management situation of corporate sector within the country has received positive

In corporate sector, Banglalink follows Directive, participative and achievement oriented

leadership style within the organization. Greater focus is provided on standard of work, schedule
and performance. Employees are given liberty for taking decisions and sharing views or
perceptions, creative ideas for the development of the organization.

PRAN- RFL group of Bangladesh follows mixed leadership style which includes participative,
free reign leadership and allows democratic decision making for greater communication,
determination and loyalty of the employees.

Abul Khair group follows Participative leadership Style and values teamwork and joint efforts.
The leaders motivate on goal-oriented strategy and lead the employees accordingly. Contribution
of employees are met with attractive rewards and remuneration.

2.2 To identify the major characteristics used by corporate leaders in

High tech advancement and development of Information and technology sector, mix economy
system, greater workplace values, better workplace environment, evolution of knowledge
economy, higher competition in the global levels have created major obligations for companies
in Bangladesh. In order to cope up with the present challenging situations, vast number of
corporate firms and organizations are moving forward to corporate transformation for future
development and sustainability of the organizations. Certain transformations most certainly
involve changes in the overall corporate culture of the organizations. Alterations in the corporate
culture compels the corporate employees of the organizations to adopt with new ideas and
concepts, utilize new decisions, introduce new visions which will cause development impacts for
the organizations operating in different regions of the country. Corporate leadership generally
prepares an emphasis, creates velocity and progress for employees during the transformation
process and assists in employee empowerment and engagement.

Bangladesh has a mixed economy system (Rahman, 1990). Various organizations such as
welfare institutions, private corporations, banking institutions have universal style of organizing.
All the three major worldwide leadership practices are followed effectively in the region. It
includes Authoritarianism, participate and delegative leadership styles. Majority of the public
sector offices, banking institutions and private corporations are guided by political personnel.
Decisions are undertaken by the top management within these organizations and orders are given
to coordinate work activities. The autocratic leadership style is varied based on organizational
criteria and the standards of principles each of them follows. The social welfare organizations of
the country work in an equivalent way compared to the government institutions and such
organizations are well structured and formed. BRAC, Grameen Bank are examples of such
organizations which follow participative leadership style in their organizational practices. The
employees of such organizations are engaged with decision making and have the opportunities to
share their own ideas, views and perceptions which will have a positive impact for the
development of the organization. Leaders of the organization are entitled to explain their
subordinates regarding the general working procedures and assist them to take creative ideas
which will be beneficial for the organization as well as help in smooth operations.

Laissez faire leadership

Laissez- faire leadership or commonly known as delegative leadership style is a hands-off

approach towards organizational practices that assists the employees to make appropriate
decisions based on meeting the needs and objectives of the organization effectively. This type of
leadership indicates that the people involved in leadership roles for this kind does not engage
directly in the overall responsibilities rather takes on the purpose of encouraging the subordinates
to undertake meaningful decisions and creating a bond. This type of leadership style dictates a
situation where the leader does not believe in his/her own supervisory capacity and has
limitations in clear goals. This type of leader does not particularly assist in decision making
rather leaves majority of the burden to the subordinates. Laissez- faire leadership provides
information for the employees but no appropriate direction to the staff and does not participate in
directional activities. This type of activities causes issues in task organization as well as
frustration among the employees of the organization. As a result, quality of work becomes low

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and performance is greatly hampered with incurring losses for the overall organization. Due to
less active participation of the managers or leaders of the organization, control of employee tasks
and activities is not possible. This causes many unethical issues which lead to legal lawsuits
which the company has to go through because of the inability of controlling the employees and
giving excessive freedom. Laissez faire leaders give freedom to the employees when they
observe that the employees are competent enough to work together in an organized way and
allows them to take the liberty of proper action (Ahmed Iqbal et al., 2021).

Although this leadership style has less leadership barrier, more freedom, communication and
opportunities for expression of views, this kind of leadership style is not followed in Bangladesh.
Majority of the corporate organizations provide nowadays provide freedom of speech and
opportunities of taking part in decision making. But, the concept of Laissez faire is not accepted
because it has more demerits than opportunities in a developing country like Bangladesh.
Moreover, Managers or leaders of the organizations are less reluctant in this type of leadership
practices. They participate in decision making and formulate order and control procedures to
ensure smooth organizational practices and coordinate hierarchy based organizational structure.
Leaders avoid this kind of leadership style to give more focus on the employees including
coaching, training, and paying more detailed attention to employee needs and necessities.
Leaders in the corporate environment also tend to focus on skill development programs of the
employees and assist in building a supportive environment. These initiatives assist to achieve
better performance standards of the organization. Leaders can act as the ethical role model for
employees by actively participating in decision making and appropriately leading and
influencing employees can improve the employee’s commitment towards the organization.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership style can be defined as a leadership style where leaders motivate,
encourage, inspire employees for innovation and changes that help initiate positive changes for
the organization and shape future prospective changes for smooth growth of the business in the
competitive business environment. This type of leadership creates a strong corporate culture and
institutes employee independence within the workplace which helps in future development
prospects. Moreover, transformational leaders trust the trained employees based on their decision

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making and authoritative decisions of the assigned tasks and activities (Chen et al., 2018). This
builds a sense of confidence and workflow which becomes fruitful and also sets an example of
the profits earned through trust and workmanship. This type of leadership is also defined as a
management style which provides more room for creativity of employees and look for solutions
to problems utilizing different methods and technology to stay ahead of the competition.

Transformational leadership style is being implemented in the corporate sectors of Bangladesh.

With the change of technological trends and digitalization, majority of the organizations are
being evolved and freedom in work as well as creative implementation of activities are being
undertaken. The local companies are following this type of practices too. Majority of the
organizations are following this approach to perform work activities effectively and guiding team
members effectively with the objective to earn profit. The organizations are in the verge of
transformation. Many corporate firms in Bangladesh including Bkash, Grameenphone, Akij food
and beverage have gained brand recognition and best brand awards for their corporate practices
and transformational leadership practices. Evolution has become imminent in technology
utilization and incorporating management system practices competing with the developed
nations of the world. Openness in sharing opinions and excellent corporate cultural practices
have become noteworthy and is being followed in the recent years according to various research
and development reports as well as the annual fiscal reports of the global news medias. The
corporate banking sector of Bangladesh has evolved in an amazing manner not only from the
technological and service-based initiatives but also from the overall corporate based practices.
Transformational leadership practices are being utilized by some government-based institutions
too. Nagad, a digital financial service operated nationally under the authority of Bangladesh Post
Office inspires young and talented employees according to the transformational approach for
creative innovation. The organization has reached nationwide customers and provided efficient
services gathering positive word of mouth and greater customer attraction within a short span of
time. Transformational approach in this circumstance has played a greater role and various
corporate and local companies are utilizing this approach for greater development and profit of
the business. Bangladesh has a cost advantage of selling goods and products at lower price in the
international market. Due to effective utilization of transformational leadership practices in some
organizations, the companies are reaching the brink of profits. Some of the sectors are thriving
due to lack of proper exposure and leader’s efficiency in dealing with the workplace employees.

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Lack of proper guidance, opportunities, training facilities and poor delivery of managers have
caused this development initiatives to slow down. Majority of the garment sectors employees
are thriving due to poor management system and traditional method implementation.
Promotional attributes and hire of skilled human resource will enable greater development and
ensure proper use of capabilities in comparison with international standards attraction more
foreign investments and ensuring greater economic flow much needed for the country’s overall

Transactional leadership style

Transactional leadership style promotes supervision and compliance putting higher emphasis on
attaining goals and objectives. This type of style follows rewards and punishment system.
Management of the organization puts an all-out approach defining a common goal and keeping
the employees motivated towards achieving objectives. This type of leadership approach also
focuses on short- and long-term orientation of objectives. Transactional leadership practices
enable a manager or leader to carefully monitor an employee’s performance and take corrective
action if the employee is unable to meet certain standards or objectives as fixed by the
organization (Cherry, 2020).

Multinational corporations such as Augmedix is a solely performance-based organization and is

operating in Bangladesh for the last 5-6 years. The company follows transactional leadership
style whereas the employees are set with certain instructions by the management team These
ideas are defined, communicated and clearly ascertained what is to be done based on the
company standards. Failure to follow the rules or low performance leads to punishment and
termination of employee from the respective position. In terms of Bangladesh, this type of style
is not fully operational. The rewards and benefits are provided based on employee performances
but failure to do so does not result to immediate termination or loss of job. On the other hand, the
punishment procedures are structured based on any disciplinary issues of breaking company’s
law or code of conduct. Moreover, the companies somewhat following this kind of leadership
practices are active transactional leaders. These types of leaders monitor and supervise employee
performance and activities and take corrective actions whenever needed. Managers or leaders of
major corporate firms supervise and monitor performance standard and motivate employees to

13 | P a g e
boost performance and point out the errors with proper feedback and ensure better workflow.
Multinational companies like Unilever, British American Tobacco, Daraz, Nestle, Avery
Dennison, local companies Bkash operate in employee performance reward system. Employees
get recognition and benefits for better performance and are encouraged to meet the target sales of
specific time limit. These companies generally follow the transformational leadership style and
encourage employee performance through motivation and rewards. This generates greater profit
for the business as well as attracts employee commitment towards the overall job.

One of the critical disadvantages of Transactional leadership is elimination or innovation and

creativity. The companies under this leadership style follow the specific regulations and
guidelines as fixed by the company instead of exploring for better opportunities or instituting
openness. The ineffective reward system destroys employee morale and slows down the pace of
work. Employees are more concerned about termination or punishment due to workflow issues
and it hampers work activities greatly causing immense loss for the business itself. The
transactional leadership might have passive leaders who only fix tasks of employees making
mistakes by providing feedback. Employees may have confusions or issues while determining
the actual goal or gist of the task and may continuously fail due to lack of proper assistance of
the leader or supervisor. This is a very costly mistake and will cause huge loss for the company.
Due to lack of proper motivation employees are often dissatisfied with the job and this causes a
direct impact in the overall job activities. Turmoil among subordinates is a common phenomenon
in this type of leadership approach. This happens because of lack of team efforts and employees
have a knack of going against one another to keep individual performances at high level only to
save themselves from termination. This brings about unethical practices and causes major issues
in the long run.

Transactional VS Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership gives more emphasis on the motivation and encouragement of

employee’s institutes teamwork within the company for fulfilling the necessary objectives as per
company policy. Transactional leadership in contrast is more focused on the task itself rather
than employee motivation and puts more focus on the task only. Transformational leadership
promotes innovation and creative ideas for greater profitability of the organization. Transactional

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leadership does not promote creativity rather only focuses on the tasks and duties assigned by the
company without instituting any changes which might have positive impact for future.
Transformational leadership motivates interpersonal growth, emotional stability and professional
growth in addition to the performance awards for greater employee satisfaction.
Transformational leadership is utilized for the excessive benefits and positive impact it has over
employees. Transactional leadership is utilized mostly in nations where employees are not the
heart of the organization (Litz and Blaik-Hourani, 2020). Employees are used as a means of
earning profit but their well being in not much adhered to. The modern business and corporate
principles follow transformational leadership approach. The upper management always follows
transformational leadership to meet the vision of the company. Transactional leadership
approach may be utilized by middle management at times just to fulfill a short-term target for the
companies. Transactional leadership might have the reward opportunities for the best performers
but it is not feasible compared to that of transformational leadership.

Autocratic leadership style

Autocratic leadership style can be defined as a style where the manager or leader has the
individual control over all the decisions and takes no input from the employees of the
organization. In this type of leadership approach, the leaders rely on their own decisions, ideas
and judgments and gives no emphasis on advices from the employees. The decisions taken by
them are the final decisions for the organization without taking any opinions from the
employees. This type of leadership style causes demotivation and dissatisfaction among the
employees of the organization. Employees cannot utilize their interpersonal skills, creativity and
out of the box methods which could be beneficial for the company’s overall profitability. The
group input or tasks are completely discouraged which disables group tasks and overall
confidence of making a valuable change together as a team.

Bangladesh has a high-power distance culture (Shahriar, 2020). The cultural features have the
tendency to follow seniors, old generation, experienced people and respect the superiors in
decision making process. Due to high-power distance culture, the work culture in the country is
highly bureaucratic and dominant. Employees have less authority to work with initiatives,
decision making is centralized and organization gives less emphasis on performance orientation.

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This kind of leadership is termed as autocratic or authoritarian leadership and most of the
organizations follow this kind of structure in the country. The organizational hierarchy is strictly
formal in nature and centralized giving no options or opportunities to the low-level management
to take any sort of decisions for the organization. Employee promotions are based on seniority
level and communication with the low-level employees is most certainly in downward position.
Moreover, feedback for employees is never done causing time constraints for the organization to
operate in smooth manner. The government institutions and organizations are completely
organized in autocratic leadership style. Employees are bound to follow instructions with no
questions asked. They are compelled to follow the management decisions and can only
participate in consultations or advices to the managers or leaders instead of directly taking part in
any of the decision-making process and hierarchy. According to McGregor theory Y determines
the types of employees who are self-motivated and have the opportunities to undertake wide
range of responsible decisions. Again, theory X determines capable, inspirational and highly
innovative employees who have the opportunities to exercise their creative skills in an open
environment and creative successful ventures for the organization. In terms of Bangladeshi
culture, the management system is completely different and opposite. Self-motivational decision
making and actions fall under non compliance standards of the public organizations operating in
the country. The management policies of the country controls, restraints and prohibits the
employees to take any action without prior permission of the authority and each activity are
monitored and screened through various channels before arriving to any sort of decision making.
The micro finance institutions of the country are still run in centralized and autocratic manner.
The planning and decision making is greatly influenced in the top, mid and low-level
management. The headquarter manages all the decision-making process and the other branches
are not involved in the decision making instead they are compelled to follow the regulations and
standards set by the organization. For example, Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of the
country which has the full authority to undertake all the management decisions and discard any
activities related to financing or planning without taking into account any of the branch’s
decisions that may or may not be fruitful. This type of decision making is also constant in some
corporate organizations. Although, the corporate sector has moved towards a more progressive
standards and they are moving towards a more progressive or transformational mode of
leadership approach that allows freedom and opportunities of decision making that will

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contribute to organizational profitability. But the local organizations or domestic private
corporations still follow this autocratic management style which is considered as the standard
mode of approach for running the organizations.

Bangladesh has a low-risk tolerant culture. Employees have to abide by the bureaucratic rules
and regulations. Taking decisions without prior permissions may lead to termination, demotion
or punishments. These types of autocratic regulations cause fear and psychological stress which
eliminates the possibilities of creative and essential efforts which may have been fruitful for
future development of the organization. On the other hand, due to high individualism the culture
of the organizations is structured in prioritizing own concerns instead of giving priority to the
entire organization. In context of the multinational corporate organizations, the situation varies
because such organizations try to retain the employees and provide the necessary facilities and
incentives. The local corporate firms as well as the govt organizations are more concerned with
the fulfillment of objectives instead of looking forward to employee well-being. Employees have
to work for long period of time which beyond their work period to satisfy management team and
to maintain survival in the organization. There is no work life balance in most of the cases.
Moreover, poor salary and work environment and lack of adequate jobs create manipulation and
employees are forced to abide by these regulations to maintain a standard living. The main
objective is to satisfy customer or client needs and gain market position swiftly within a shorter
period of time which in result sacrifices the welfare of organizational employees. High
individualism society creates anxiety and relationship gaps between managers and employees.

2.3 Impact of leadership towards Employee Motivation and commitment

Employee motivation can be defined as the commitment level, energy level and the innovative
practices that the employees can perform with ease within the workplace. Employee motivation
is an important aspect and it helps determine whether the organization will have successful
interventions in near future. Satisfied and motivated employees create an important impact and
play vital role in securing the specific objectives of the organization effectively. Lack of proper
motivation can cause mass effect on the overall productivity of an organization. Providing
challenging jobs and appreciation after successful completion influences motivating factors
among the employees of the organization. It is the urge that makes a person perform willingly

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based on the prescribed instructions and work harder to achieve with some little encouragement.
Financial rewards and salary are the major factors that influence employees to perform in the
organization (Manzoor, Wei and Asif, 2021). It helps them to maintain a decent life and fulfill
the daily necessities to lead a standard life in the society. In order to continue smooth
productivity and company profits managers also utilize non-monitory benefits which are equally
important and vital towards achieving organizational goals and objectives. Appraisal,
acknowledgement, performance feedbacks play important role in improving skills and expertise
of the employees as well as create necessary developments for the organization because
motivated employees give higher emphasis on developing standard of work and fulfill objectives
and tasks smoothly and effectively. Higher motivation and morality can be earned through
proper cooperation and management by the leaders of the organization. Trusting employee
decisions and actions improves confidence among employees and creates enthusiasm that
enables them to perform better than before as well as breaking the boundary of fear and anxiety
while taking essential risks for the organization which may turn out to have suitable outcomes in
the long run. Advanced high-tech measures have opened up new horizons for development but
without key employee engagement, the organization will be unable to move towards progressive
development. Employee training, coaching and proper correspondence between leaders and
employees create motivation and boost the overall performance of the organization. Both
intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation as their specific goals and objectives to be fulfilled and
has impact on employee well-being and performance. The intrinsic form of motivation generally
focuses on employee’s personal interests and challenging goal fulfillment satisfaction. Extrinsic
goals primarily focus on the incentives and verbal word of mouth from the supervisors or leaders
of the organization who create a major impact on employee encouragement and positive
feedback enable such employees to perform in the most effective manner. The intrinsic
employees have the capability to take on tough challenges and are deliberately taking tasks and
activities at hand for the fulfillment of objectives. Minimal motivation, fixing certain goals and
rewarding based on performance can accelerate such employee tasks and performance in the
long run. Employees are segmented based on their level of achievements and the tolerance level
of stress and huge number of tasks are being undertaken by the employees either intentionally or
based on their level of expertise and endurance tests. The skilled employees are motivated based
on the variety of tasks and activities assigned and the huge learning opportunities. Both the level

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of employees whether weak or strong are provided appropriate motivation and task allotment
based on their individual performances and goal assortment initiatives. Leader’s segment each of
these individuals and provide necessary rewards or feedback based on their needs to get the best
efforts out of each employee’s during fulfillment of specific objectives as assigned by the

Motivation Theories

McClelland’s Need Theory

Employees with intrinsic motivation can be compared with McClelland’s Need Theory
(Rybnicek, Bergner and Gutschelhofer, 2017). It is a theory of motivation which deals with the
employee’s inherent need-based motivation. These employees strive for success and break
boundaries and gain or achieve success through series of competitions and standards of
excellence. Leaders who provide performance feedback for such employees constantly get the
best form of performances from these definite employees. These employees have personal
desires to search for creative solutions for tasks that are difficult to accomplish. Proper
motivation, trust and proper opportunities provided by employees to utilize creativity by leaders

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assist such employees to make the best use of their capabilities and move forward towards
success. The need for affiliation is an extremely important motivating factor that enables the
employees to grow within the workplace. The leader’s effective behavior, acceptance and
approval for employees create a strong bond and commitment towards the organization.

Argyrias Motivation Theory

According to Argyrias Theory of motivation, management practices and behavior has a greater
impact on employee performance and interpersonal growth.

Figure: Chris Argyrias Immaturity-Maturity personality

Argyrias point of view of motivation is defined in two dynamic dimensions. According to

Argyrias, the employees fall under immaturity if they are bound by strict organizational setting,
tough management practices, complicated and autocratic management practices. Reduction of
strict measures, participative and flexible leadership approaches help the employees to be more
confident and increases strong bond with the organization. Implementation of such practices will
enable the employees to make potential use of their capabilities. The physiological and safety
needs of the employees will be fulfilled creating a more suitable environment for the employees.

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Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

Victor Vroom discussed about the theory of motivation in a cognitive process (Oliver, 1974).
According to this theory, employees are motivated to work and provide effort if there is an
assurance and belief that there are positive outcomes, rewards and feedback on achievement of
goals and objectives.

Figure: Victor Vroom Expectancy Theory

Victor Vroom described in his motivation theory in clear means stating the importance of
employee satisfaction due to encouragement. Motivated employees give more effort and perform
based on their expectancy from the organization. The intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as well as
the probability of positive outcomes influence greater work productivity. The reward expectancy
may vary from employee to employee such as, some employee may choose salary or bonus as
part of their reward and some prefer feedback and appraisal more in terms of overall
performance of objectives.

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Porter and Lawler’s expectancy theory

Porter and Lawler described a different mode of motivation theory. They devised a multi-variate
model which describes the complex relationship between performance and satisfaction of
employees. According to these researchers, motivation is not only the reason for better
performance but employee abilities, proper training initiations, traits and perceptions are also
responsible for overall success of the employee within the workplace.

Figure: Porter and Lawler’s expectancy theory

Employees put efforts on tasks that has rewards and the performances varies based on the reward
system. The perception of the award and effort probabilities are determined based on these
circumstances. The employee’s performance standards are measured based on his/her level of
work or the roles and responsibilities in which the person is assigned to. In this circumstance, if
an employee is unable to perform based on his ability and is fails to fulfill his role or

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responsibilities it will be an unsuccessful matter despite of hard work or excessive work load the
employee undertakes as means of effort for the organization.

Manpower or employees are the most vital resources of the organization. The employee
performances are classified analytically by some organizations on the nature of their productive
measures in the organization. Employee performances are based on different situations and the
necessary accessories at hand. The quality of work, coordination, healthy accommodation,
flexibility, freedom have greater impact on overall performance of the employees in the
organization. Leaders who understand their employee preferences, direct and plan initiatives
based on employee capabilities can get the best performances from their employees. Objectives
which are ambivalent reduce work productivity and complications among employees and it
becomes quite impossible for the employees to cordially maintain work motives. The
organizational performance standards are judged based on various techniques and achievements,
accomplished tasks, and the ability to undertake their job responsibilities as per organizational
standards for a specific period of time.

2.4 Overall employee satisfaction towards workplace

Effective performance leads to satisfaction. The rewards that employees receive from the
organization has a large impact on their performance (Manzoor, Wei and Asif, 2021). Apart from
proper motivation, leaders also fix the reward system for employee engagement and meet overall
expectations leading to satisfaction from organization as well as the managerial decisions taken
by the leaders or supervisors. Proper working condition and employee status within the
workplace increases the motivation to work and creates satisfaction which gradually improves
towards a more sophisticated process of development for the organization and its overall
productivity measures. According to Porter and Lawler’s motivational theories, motivation is a
complex concept which is measured in various ways. Their research suggests that motivation of
employees can be classified by possible reward variables, reward perception probabilities, and
the appropriate role management by the leaders which provide satisfactory measures. The study
focuses on the entry-level and mid-level employees of the organization and the factors of their
satisfaction towards the workplace has been evaluated effectively.

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Research Gap

The corporate sector of Bangladesh has earned much appraisal and contributed in different ways.
Customer service, CSR activities and various development initiatives are noteworthy and has
gained international recognitions. The leadership styles followed in the corporate sector has
achieved satisfactory recognition and potential candidates are attracted towards job
opportunities. The Government sector has considerable contributions too. But the leadership
practices are not always praiseworthy. Political affiliations, influence and corruption has
disrupted work ethics and standards. Hierarchy is strictly maintained and employees have less
opportunities to illustrate creative ideas or share perceptions. The banking and financial sector of
the government has gained digitalization initiatives but the personnel involved with the process
has lacking’s in knowledge and communication procedures are slow paced. There are not many
studies regarding the leadership practices of the government sector. Due to Bureaucratic,
Autocratic leadership styles followed in the regional government offices, lack of motivation is
clearly visible. This similar situation is prevalent in the corporate sector too. Lack of appropriate
assistance, motivation and less coordination among the employees is evaluated. Proper
monitoring of government and strict measures can ensure proper coordination among the people
and assist the government agencies to contribute in greater development of the country.

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Chapter Three: Research Methodology

3.1 Approach of the study

The nature of the study is explanatory. The purpose of the study is to determine the traits, styles
of leadership which create impact on employee motivation and commitment and also to provide
an outlook of the styles in the corporate sector of Bangladesh. The study has been done using
qualitative approach. The various characteristics used by corporate leaders in Bangladesh will be
evaluated by analysis and research. Models of satisfaction level will be illustrated to determine
the levels of employee commitment and satisfaction employee have towards work activities
within the workplace. Discussion of different models and motivational theories will be utilized to
evaluate the impact of performance levels of employees working in different organizations of
Dhaka. Trend analysis will help to assess the changing patterns and styles practiced within the
corporate sector of Bangladesh. The impact of leadership towards employee motivation and
commitment is discussed in details and evaluated. The impact of performance towards employee
satisfaction is elaborated with examples in comparison with various secondary data collected.
The overall satisfaction of the employees is discussed in details. changing pattern of leadership
style practiced in 5 years in the corporate sector of Bangladesh. The changing pattern of
leadership style practiced in 5 years in the corporate sector of Bangladesh is elaborately

3.2 Data Collection Method

Survey Questionnaire has been utilized for data collection. The questionnaire was prepared based
on the various objectives of commitment level, leadership styles and satisfaction of employees.
Majority of the respondents received their questionnaire via email and few received through
phone calls. Face to face interview was not conducted due to pandemic issues. Open ended
method was used and the respondents had the opportunity to choose multiple answers based on
their perception and views on the specific matter. The questionnaires included a cover letter
containing statements assuring the respondent of anonymity and confidentiality.

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3.3 Data Sources
Primary Data

The Primary data sources involved use of survey data collected from questionnaire and the
interviews and information collected from phone calls to the respondents.

Secondary Data

Secondary data sources involve data collected from various research papers, journals,
newspapers, website links and studies and organizational data based on the recent years.

3.4 Target Population and Sample Size

The study is conducted within the premises of Dhaka. The target population of the study was
based on full time employees of corporate sector. Both multinational and local corporate firms
were selected as part of the target population. The employees were involved with support
functions and Operation and are exposed to management studies and researches of similar kinds.
The population size selected is 100 considering the limited number of organizations selected. It
is complicated to choose a greater number of population size because of the pandemic situation
and majority of the employees undergoing home office protocols.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

The survey technique was used to collect data from the respondents and understand and predict
some aspects of the behavior of the population of interest. Trend Analysis, Models related to
satisfaction level of employees will be utilized analysis techniques to determine the overall
condition of commitment levels of employees working within the organizational premises as
well as the impacts created by leaders in the workplace.

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3.6 Research design

Approach of the study

This is an explanatory study aims to determine the traits, styles of leadership which
create impact on employee motivation and commitment and also to provide an outlook
of the styles in the corporate sector of Bangladesh.

Data Collection Method

Survey Questionnaire has been utilized for data collection. Open ended method has been
used to collect the appropriate data.

Data Sources
Primary Data Primary data sources involved use of survey data collected from
questionnaire and the interviews and information collected from phone calls to the

Secondary Data Secondary data sources involve data collected from various research
papers, journals, newspapers, website links and studies and organizational data based
on the recent years.

Target population and Sample Size

The population size selected is 100 and the organizations selected are based in Dhaka

Data Analysis Techniques

Trend Analysis (last 5 years changing pattern of leadership discussed based on survey),
Models related to satisfaction level
Chapter 4: of employees
Data Analysisare used in the study.

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Chapter Four: Analysis

4.1 Demographic Presentation of Respondents

Table- 01: Demographic data of sample (N=100)

Demographic Variables Percentage (%)

Gender Male 63%
Female 37%

Age 27-29 years 65%

30-32 years 35%

Education Graduation 55%

Post-Graduation 45%

Marital Status Single 47%

Married 53%

The total number of respondents for the survey was 100. The employees belonged to entry level
and mid-level employees working in different corporate sector organizations within the capital
city, Dhaka.

In terms of gender, the survey data indicates that out of 100 respondents, 63% belongs to the
male category and 37% is female. So, the number of males is comparatively more than that of
the female respondents.

In terms of age the survey data indicates that out of 100 respondents, 65% of the respondents
belong to the age group of 27-29 and 35% of the respondents belong to the age group of 30-32.
This clearly indicates that the number of respondents having age between 27-29 is the entry level
employees who have given their experiences and interactions of the organization. The age of
limit of these respondents also illustrates a clear understanding of the current pattern of

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leadership traits and behaviors that is being currently followed and these respondents are getting
the first-hand experiences based on their organizational hierarchy and structure.

In terms of education level of respondents, the survey data indicates that out of 100 respondents,
55% of the respondents are graduated and 45% of the respondents have their post-graduation
done. This indicates that as majority of the respondents belong to the entry level age group, these
respondents are the ones who belong to the graduated group of respondents. These respondents
gave a detailed idea of the organizational principles and the various merits and demerits of the
day-to-day experiences they are facing in their regular jobs.

In terms of Marital Status, the survey data indicates that out of 100 respondents, 47% of the
respondents are single and 53% are married. The age limit based on the survey suggests that the
number of married respondents are more compared to that of the single respondents. The age
limit of the employees is set to 27-32 and for this reason, the majority number of respondents fall
under the married category.

The data provided is based on the survey questionnaire collected from different respondents
based on their level of satisfaction within the workplace. The impact of the leadership behavior
of the corporate leaders. The performance and overall satisfaction of employees towards the
organization. The education level of the respondents of the survey are mostly Graduates and post
graduates and the gender are both male and female. The majority of the respondents are male and
all of the respondents have participated in the survey. The employee satisfaction lies on various
measures and standards. Organization plays a major role in shaping an organization’s employees
towards a progressive form of achievement and skill development initiatives. The survey data
collected from the 100 respondents illustrates the details of the different commitment,
satisfaction and motivation levels of employees.

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4.2 Does the leader’s characteristics create positive impact in your job?

Figure 01: Does the leader's

characteristics create positive impact
in your job?
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied



Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 1 questionnaire survey, 23% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 7%
are dissatisfied, 40% are neutral, 16% are satisfied, 14% are highly satisfied.

The major characteristics of corporate sector employees of Bangladesh involve employers who
follow the traditional autocratic style of leadership and management coordinates work based on
hierarchy of order and execution system standards. Although there have been certain changes in
the multinational corporate firms and it has moved towards a transformational form of practices
providing employees with freedom and creative practices and decision making. The corporate
local firms operating in the country has leaders who are stricter and adheres to protocols giving
more emphasis on the organizational objectives rather than employee emphasis. Transactional
leadership characteristics are also followed in this region.

According to the survey, majority of the employees working in the corporate sector are looking
for chances to switch their jobs because of poor pay and work life imbalance. The survey
conducted shows only a minimal number of people who are satisfied with the employment and
believe that it is steady. Due to the covid situation, majority of the employees working in the
corporate sector lost their jobs, salary was decreased, employees were terminated in large
number causing a havoc in the global economy and also disruptions in the standard life of

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people. The unemployed youth generation in Bangladesh are more focused on getting
government jobs instead of corporate level jobs because of stability. The employees who are
employed are attempting to switch for a better alternative instead of the company already
working in. The number of neutral candidates is more because the employees are yet to figure
out what other complications may still arise from the pandemic situation.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The survey data of year 2020 indicates that only 13% of the respondents
were satisfied with the changing trends of corporate leadership practices in the local corporate
firms situated in Dhaka. In 2020, the survey indicated that 35% of the respondents were
dissatisfied with the changing pattern as most of the leaders of the organization were more
focused in achieving organization objectives and less emphasis on employee well-being and
development. This caused the wide ranges of dissatisfaction. The characteristic perception of the
employers was not undertaken as positive by the employees of the organization. The pandemic
situation derailed the situation in more drastic ways because of the high turnover and
terminations followed by different corporate firms.

4.3 Do the superiors communicate effectively with the subordinates?

Figure 02: Do the superiors

communicate effectively with the
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied

13% 20%

13% 35%

Source: Based on survey data

31 | P a g e
According to Figure 2 questionnaire survey, 20% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 35%
are dissatisfied, 13% are neutral, 19% are satisfied, 13% are highly satisfied. In this part of the
survey, it clearly shows that majority of the respondents are dissatisfied with the communication
process of supervisors or leaders. This situation can prevail for various reasons. The culture
system of Bangladesh follows autocratic system in majority of the public and private sector
organizations. The decision-making process arises from the senior authorities and leaders with
very little or no coordination from the lower or entry level management. The decisions taken by
the upper management is considered the final decision and this kind of traditional practices is
being done for a long period of time. Even though multinational corporations or some private
institutions provide necessary freedom and value creativity of employees but majority of the
corporations are more engaged in decision making without proper prior communication with the
management. This creates a sense of dissatisfaction among the employees as they are unable to
assist the organization in terms of need or decide some alternative strategies which may have a
positive future impact for the organization in future prospects. There is often biasness involved
in decision making and the senior experienced employees have the total responsibility of
undertaking decisions. The probability of consultation with the entry or mid management team
occasionally does not take place based on the higher authority regulations.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The number of satisfied employees based on the survey data indicates
that 60% of the employees were satisfied during the year 2017. Gradually the satisfaction level
decreased in the following years 2018 and 2020 which was 28% and 17%. The reason being that
the employees faced frequent changes in management style and leaders who adhered to the
regulations of the organization more than that of the positive communication practices among the
employees which could have served better solutions to the problems faced by the organization.

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4.4 Do you feel motivated to work as hard as possible?

Figure 03: Do you feel motivated to

work as hard as possible?
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied

19% 13%



Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 3 questionnaire survey, 13% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 23%
are dissatisfied, 27% are neutral, 18% are satisfied, 19% are highly satisfied. The survey
illustrates that the number of employees who feel motivation at work are less in comparison with
satisfied employees working in the corporate environment. Motivation is one of the primary
factors that assist an employee to perform in the most effective way by fulfilling all the
organizational goals and objectives. The role by leaders in the corporate environment needs to be
friendly and cooperative as well as ensue a congenial work environment. Apart from salary
incentives, employees also seek a standard work environment and inspiring leaders who create
an impact in the organization. The highly satisfied employees according to the survey belong to
multinational corporations who have provided positive feedback about their work environment.
The work pressure may be high but the leaders in some organizations inspire and encourage
employees by providing performance appraisal and also demonstrate employee activities and
achievements creating a sense of gratitude and means of satisfaction for the organization. The
employees who are dissatisfied are unable to perform goals as instructed by the organization due
to lack of proper motivation. The local corporate firms put extreme work pressure with less pay
and salary scheme which ultimately reduces the interest or motivation to give the best efforts for
the organization.

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The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The period 2019-2020 according to survey responses indicate that only
8% and 5% of the corporate firms were motivated to work as hard as possible. The survey
indicates that the percentage of job switch increased in those time periods. Employees searched
for better job rewards and incentives because of the long-term work schedules and the leader or
organization pressures that caused dissatisfaction.

4.5 Does the organizational training opportunities motivate you to perform


Figure 04: Does the organizational

training opportunities motivate you
to perform better?
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied



Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 4 questionnaire survey, 8% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 10%
are dissatisfied, 5% are neutral, 60% are satisfied, 17% are highly satisfied. The survey illustrates
that the training facilities have created a better motivational factor for the employees to perform
well in the organization. It is a positive factor for the organization as the employees can put
excellent efforts and become well established with the rules and regulations of the organization
and follow them effectively. Organizational training opportunities initiate expert understanding
and innovative and creative ideas for the employees which can be utilized by the employees if
required based on the organization’s criteria or the freedom provided by the employers. It is an
excellent opportunity for the employees if they receive proper from the organization in terms of

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training and other coaching applications. Employees remain motivated for other external reasons
too. The training facilities and opportunities can be used in future career prospects following
organizations with similar services. The number of dissatisfied employees is less because the
employees in training receive all the related trainings needed. Moreover, the possibilities of
termination from training are also low. So, the facilities provided by the organization motivates
employees ultimately and creates a positive impact in employees to perform in better ways
within the organization and succeed for future prospects.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The survey data indicates that 30% of the respondents were dissatisfied
with the leader’s behavior but satisfied with the overall training facilities provided by the
organization. The range of satisfactory respondents was 24% based on 2019 data survey. The
result of the 2016 trend analysis determines the percentage to be 25%. So, the overall satisfaction
level was comparatively high.

4.6 Do you have the opportunities to utilize your capabilities in the job?

Figure 5: Do you have the

opportunities to utilize your
capabilities in the job?
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied
3% 7%


Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 10 questionnaire survey, 3% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 7%

are dissatisfied, 5% are neutral, 20% are satisfied, 65% are highly satisfied. According to this

35 | P a g e
survey question graph, majority of the employees have provided a positive review based on the
fact that the opportunities provided by the organization has assisted the employees to improve
their capabilities and utilize in the job they are working on. This demonstrates a positive
overview of how the organizational employees can improve their skills and experiences in the
job and also move forward for better future career prospects within the organization. The
interpersonal abilities as well as the facilities and opportunities provided by the organization can
create a horizon of development initiatives which if utilized by the employees in due time have
an effective result for the future profit of the organization. The employees working in corporate
environment has to go through a series of challenging tasks and activities and it is based on
performance. The employees are engaged in multitasking activities and are involved in various
work activities that enable them to perform in various ways. The capabilities and space to utilize
the learned ideas and innovative principles in the job sector ensures satisfaction level of
employees in the long run.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The survey data reveals that the satisfaction levels in the period 2016-
2018 was comparatively very low. The range reduced from 25%-7%. But the recent year data of
2020 shows that it has increased slightly to a percentage of 34%. Utilization of the capabilities
within the job has been progressive in the last year. This data gives a clear idea regarding the
change management factors and the advantages that the employees will have in the near future.

36 | P a g e
4.7 Are you satisfied with the actions undertaken by your supervisor?

Figure 06: Are you satisfied with the

actions undertaken by your
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied

20% 18%

Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 6 questionnaire survey, 16% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 16%
are dissatisfied, 18% are neutral, 20% are satisfied, 30% are highly satisfied. The number of
respondents satisfied is higher for this question due to the changing work patterns for
organization in the present circumstances. The employees get satisfied with the supervisor’s
actions if proper congenial environment as well as freedom is provided for employees in the
workplace. The supervisors need to strict in applying instructions but also understand employee
needs and capabilities up to the point to which they can tolerate and uphold. Majority of the
employees have the knack of supporting supervisor’s decisions based on his/her capability to
handle employee relations and meet their objectives appropriately. Trust and assurance for better
work environment and understanding employee symmetric is a greater attribute of the
supervisors and creates greater impact for the organization. Although the organizations were
mostly in closure, but due to the extreme need of jobs and employment people still chose for
low-level despite having higher potentials and organizations remained operational. The garments
industry was operational most of the time and supervisor’s actions and instructions were still
abided by meeting the economic needs of the country.

The employees become satisfied with the organization based on the manager or leader’s
initiatives, cordial relationship, coordination, opportunities provided for utilizing creative ideas

37 | P a g e
and alternative solutions to creative ideas. The employee satisfaction and commitment towards
the organization increases in an effective manner creating horizons of development that proves to
have an overall development impact within the organization.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. Based on the data survey, 47% of the respondents provided positive
feedback in the year 2019. The consecutive years 2016, 2017 and 2018 data show the percentage
to be 25%, 45% and 35%. The dissatisfaction level in 2020 was only 20%. So, in terms of
supervisor actions towards the employees in the previous years, the result was quite satisfactory
and in the positive employee perspective.

4.8 Are the superiors supportive towards subordinates even when they make

Figure 07: Are the superiors

supportive towards subordinates
even when they make mistakes?
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied

15% 19%

Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 7 questionnaire survey, 19% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 9%
are dissatisfied, 13% are neutral, 44% are satisfied, 15% are highly satisfied. The number of
employees responding to supervisor’s support shows positive even after making mistakes.
Supervisors or leaders are assigned with the most important tasks in the organization. The
responsibilities and actions taken by the leaders have a direct impact on employee performance.

38 | P a g e
Employees have the probability to make mistakes while performing in the organization. The
interpersonal attributes and cordial behavior of supervisors as well as motivate clear and strait
cut directions to employees motivate employees. Leaders in the present context put more
emphasis on employee learning and motivate for better performance. Encouragement of workers
with slight mistakes enable the employees to put high efforts and minimize risks of failure or
mistakes as much as possible. The leaders have maintained an effective way to encourage
employees to smoothly work within the workplace. The employees are provided with
opportunities to rectify their mistakes and keep sequentially falling instructions as guided by the
trainers or coach. The level of efforts is coordinated from both employee leader perspective to
expand the network of work principles and create an effective work environment. The corporate
firms especially the multinational firms utilize various strategies and structure their training
module in ways where the employees can acquire ideas, information and the requisite skills and
expertise needed to perform the tasks and activities in the shortest possible time.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The survey data reveals that 33% of the respondents in the year 2019
were satisfied with the employee handling techniques utilized by the leaders or managers of the
organization. The data also reveals that during the period (2016-2018), the percentage of
satisfied employees were 25%, 60% & 35% consecutively. The year 2020 reveled a satisfaction
percentage of 37% which is more than all the years combined. The percentage of respondents
dissatisfied were 10-12% in the last 5 years. The data clearly indicates that the number of
employees satisfied is comparatively more than that of the satisfied and that the managers or
leaders of the organization has taken initiatives to assist the employees of the organization to
some extent to rectify their mistakes and create important role in fulfilling the goals and
objectives of the organization.

39 | P a g e
4.9 Are you committed to work with your supervisors in the organization?

Figure 08: Are you committed to

work with your supervisors in the
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied

14% 14%
19% 13%


Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 8 questionnaire survey, 14% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 13%
are dissatisfied, 40% are neutral, 19% are satisfied, 14% are highly satisfied. The respondents
were mostly neutral about the commitment to work with the supervisors of the organization. The
supervisor’s actions and supervision vary from organization to organization. Majority of the
leaders working in the corporate sector believe in autocratic form of leadership. This practice has
been ongoing for long period of time. This kind of practices create complications for the
employees in terms of utilizing creativity and innovative practices. The employees sometimes
keep working accordingly abiding by the rules of the organization because of lack of proper
strategy initiation and fear of termination from the job. The opportunities for utilizing different
form of unique ideas which may have a beneficial impact for the organization becomes dull due
to the supervisor’s mode or orderly conduct. This reduces the commitment level of employees
and reduces overall productive work. An employee without proper motivation or commitment
towards the job will not be able to perform with highest standards and will definitely switch to
better options which may have a favorable impact for him in the long run.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The data survey revealed that in the recent year 2020, the respondents
satisfied was only 10%. In the previous years, (2016-2019) the percentage of satisfaction level

40 | P a g e
reduced from 25-11%. This data suggests that the number of employees committed to work with
the supervisors of the organization has reduced at a greater extent. The number of organizations
accustomed with the changing patterns of leadership styles is comparatively less. The number of
dissatisfied employees is more in between the years 2018-2019 which is 28 and 32%. This high
rate of dissatisfaction has reduced the commitment level of employees working in the

4.10 Does work make the best use of your abilities?

Figure 09: Does work make the best

use of your abilities?
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied

14% 7% 9%



Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 9 questionnaire survey, 7% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 9%

are dissatisfied, 10% are neutral, 60% are satisfied, 14% are highly satisfied. The corporate
employees working in different organizations are segmented into different functional activities.
Based on the corporate organizations operating in Bangladesh, many employees from different
backgrounds are employed in different sectors in which some have specialization and some need
additional training and knowledge-based coaching for deeper understanding of the work
activities. Among them 60% believe that they are enriching their capabilities and actions
required for the organization. There is a lack of proper training and initiation of capabilities
which mostly occur due to the incapability of the leaders or the training managers to

41 | P a g e
appropriately convey the message or organizational objectives to the employees. Lack of proper
resources or materials as well as the necessary time required for the skill development programs
can cause time constraints for proper initiation. Development of skills require appropriate
training and mentoring. The survey results illustrate that in the present circumstances, a lot of
employees still believe that better training and mentoring are still required to enhance work

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The data reveals that in year 2020, 33% of the respondents provided
positive feedback regarding the best use of their capabilities and skills within the organization.
The percentage of satisfaction level was also high from 2016-2019. This illustrates that the
employees had ample opportunities to utilize their abilities within the organization effectively.

4.11 Are you satisfied in working with your organization?

Figure 10: Are you satisfied in working

with your organization?
Highly Dissastisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied

20% 17%

43% 10%

Source: Based on survey data

According to Figure 5 questionnaire survey, 10% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 17%
are dissatisfied, 10% are neutral, 43% are satisfied, 20% are highly satisfied. The data
demonstrates the satisfaction level of employees working in different corporate organizations.
Most of these employees belong to multinational corporations belonging to entry, mid and high-
level hierarchy of employees. These employees are provided with necessary skill development
programs, training and coaching facilities, intrinsic and extrinsic reward facilities based on

42 | P a g e
performance. The level of satisfaction becomes high and the employees are willing to put much
effort for the organization and meeting the necessary objectives as needed. The number of highly
satisfied is comparatively less based on the reason that majority of the organizations do not
provide the same level of rewards and there is gender biasness involved. The number of
employees dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied is not comparatively too low. The local corporate
firms operating in the country are not following the same level of standards as compared to the
multinational corporations. As, the survey has been conducted for local and multinational
employees working in different sectors mostly in the entry or mid-level hierarchy, there are some
comparisons between them. The employees in the local corporate sectors do not receive the same
facilities, benefits or rewards compared to that of the large multinational firms operating within
the country. Moreover, the number of working hours and poor pay also is consistently causing
depression and dissatisfaction among the employees of the organization.

The 5-year trend analysis (2016-2020) of changing pattern of leadership based on the survey
questionnaire was done. The survey data indicates that 28% of the employees responded
positively and added that they are satisfied with the organization. In comparison to the data from
the years 2016-2019 which includes 25%, 20%, 24%, 26% it has increased in the last year. The
employees have a positive perception towards the organization and believe that the organization
will definitely provide better opportunities in the long run. On the other hand, the number of
respondents dissatisfied with the organization includes has also increased to 17% but it is
comparatively less compared to the number of employees satisfied in the year 2019 and also the
recent years show that the percentage of employees dissatisfied with the organization is less. The
number of neutral respondents from the period (2016-2019) illustrate that it has been reduced
from (20%-15%). The employees working in the multinational corporate firms are much
satisfied due to the work incentives and rewards being provided by the organization.

43 | P a g e
Chapter Five: Findings

The findings revealed that majority of the organizational employees are satisfied to work with
the organization based on the leaders or managers effective pattern of leadership style followed.
A large portion of dissatisfied employees with less percentage of neutral employees were found
due to the ill managed practices of some corporate firms were illustrated according to the survey
responses which changed the perception, satisfaction level and overall commitment level of
employees towards the organization. According to the trend analysis data collected from the
survey, there has been vast changes in the leadership styles practiced in the last 5 years in the
corporate sector of Bangladesh. There has been a huge impact in the motivation, satisfaction and
commitment level of employees due to the leader’s behavior and leadership styles followed
while operating the organizational objectives. The study has provided valuable data to ascertain
the needs and requirements of the employees while working in a corporate firm and the
necessary encouragements needed to keep performing for the welfare of the organization.

According to the data analysis it has been ascertained that majority of the respondents are male
and they belong to the age group of 27-29. The percentage of this age group is 65% providing
data that these employees mainly belong to the entry level employees of the organization. These
respondents have the first-hand experiences of working in a corporate firm and are facing various
challenges due to the changing work pattern, trends and variety of leadership attributes as
displayed by the present leaders of the organization. There has been significant comparisons
between employees working in the multinational corporate firms and the employees of the
corporate firms working in the locally. According to the respondents, the employees working in
the multinational corporate firms generate better services based on the transformational
leadership style followed by majority of the leaders of the organization. It creates confidence,
freedom and overall willingness, commitment of employees to contribute to the organizational
development. On the other hand, respondents have dissatisfaction for autocratic leadership
practices followed by the firms operated within the domestic region. It generally eradicates the
work flow and causes huge dissatisfaction among the employees of the firm.

44 | P a g e
The data analysis survey revealed valuable information regarding the impact of motivation and
commitment of employees working within the organization. Majority of the employees are
motivated and encouraged to work with the leaders and supervisors based on the intrinsic and
extrinsic reward systems. The corporate organizations have evolved and maintained superior
communication with the employees in order to get the job done. In terms of performance
evaluation and utilization of capabilities within the organization positive changes has been
notified. This occurred due to change management and the strategies changes for improving the
overall productivity of the organization.

The study gave a clear understanding regarding the leaders or organization’s contribution
towards employee training and coaching. About 65% of the respondents both entry level and
mid-level employees gave a positive overview regarding the way training and mentorship
programs has enhanced employee motivation towards the workplace. The employees have
acquired much knowledge and their skills have enriched gradually due to the experienced
training mentors and overall structured innovative counselling opportunities as provided by the
organization. Productivity of the organization increased at higher levels and employee
satisfaction expanded.

The study illustrates the performance and satisfaction level of employees based on leader traits.
The study revealed that majority of the organizational employees have received assistance from
the leaders in terms of organizational work. The managers or leaders of the organization are quite
supportive in handling the overall objectives of the organization. But there are differences based
on this matter due to the complicated procedures being followed by the local corporate firms.
There are still distinctions and the leaders have the knack to prioritize the organizational
objectives more than that of the employee emphasis or perspectives.

The trend analysis of the last 5 years (2016-2020) regarding the changing pattern of leadership
style has provided valuable information about the impact of different strategies and
communication tactics utilized by the leaders. Due to changing trends, various changes have
been imminent in the global phenomenon of communication prospects. The leaders of the
organization have become more flexible and cooperative towards employee communication and
to some extent has provided necessary assistance as required. Although, the study also provided
data and information regarding the fact that there are still many organizations who still follow

45 | P a g e
the organizational hierarchy only and are accustomed on undertaking decisions solely based on
the employee’s seniority level instead of looking or welcoming forward the creative solutions to
complicated new problems.

The level of satisfaction becomes high and the employees are willing to put much effort for the
organization and meeting the necessary objectives as needed. The number of highly satisfied is
comparatively less based on the reason that majority of the organizations do not provide the
same level of rewards and there is gender biasness involved. The trend analysis of the study has
helped understand the gradual changes that has taken place within the last 5 years and the
necessary increase and decrease of satisfaction and commitment of employees willing to take
necessary actions for the benefit of the organization in the long run. The survey analysis made a
clear assumption of the various aspects of the corporate environment in the premises of Dhaka
city and the various changes it has brought in the consecutive years from leader’s contribution,
behavioral change patterns to employee commitment, satisfaction and the levels of efforts they
pursue based on the systematic changes.

46 | P a g e
5.1 Recommendations
According to the study, better reward systems, working conditions, performance appraisal and
appropriate leadership practices are extremely essential for organizations to implement to get the
best out of its employees. Effective communication needs to be ensured between the leader and
the employees of the organization. Supportive leadership practices along with standard working
conditions and working environment needs to be assessed.

Leaders or supervisors of the organization expect loyalty and commitment of the employees
working within the organization. The study provides a detailed understanding of the preference
of leadership practices that employees prefer. The data can be assessed and can be utilized as
part of the organizational strategy and develop the company structure for superior profitability.

The study also illustrates that transformational leadership practices is the best suited leadership
strategy and approach that can help the organization reach a new goal. The leaders of the
organization need to give more emphasis on the employee development and encourage creativity
of the employees for higher profit of the organization. Proper innovation practices need to be
initiated by the leaders of the organization. Proper respect and positive relationship practices is
needed to be initiated by the organization.

Transactional leadership practices can be initiated. Proper reward system, benefits, incentives is
one of the most influential acts that can be used. This will smoothen the efforts of the employees
and increase performance of the employees of the organization. Employees will receive sense of
accomplishments and performance appraisal which will create an excellent environment within
the organization and exceed the overall objectives of the organization.

Based on the study, it can be recommended that leadership development program can be
initiated. The main purpose of this program would be to educate the current as well as the
experienced leaders to maintain a congenial environment within the workplace, to ensure open
ended environment and value the employees of the organization.

Psychological interventions can be established to smoothen and strengthen the working

relationship between leaders and employees. Proper involvement of employees in decision
making can be ensured for future prosperity as well as increase employee satisfaction and
commitment towards the organization.

47 | P a g e
5.2 Conclusion
Leadership in the corporate sector needs to be appropriate and effective. Leaders or managers of
the organization are the most important personnel and the profitability of the organization
depends on how they coordinate or manage the employees of the organization and reach
organizational objectives. The leadership approaches need to be selected in ways that benefit the
organization and its employees. Proper communication channel of the employees with the
leaders of the organization can ensure a better coordinated work placement. The leadership
approaches that maximize opportunities, participate in decision making, encourage creativity,
innovation, motivate through performance appraisal, ensure greater training facilities, show
support, assistance towards the employees can be considered as the feasible approach necessary
for the beneficial and profitable measure of the organization. The various corporate firms
operating in Dhaka city have gradually changed their patterns of leadership style based on the
needs of the present circumstances. Organizations following the right leadership methods and
approaches has achieved committed, satisfied and motivated employees willing to put the highest
possible efforts in meeting the organizational needs due to the benefits and incentives provided
by the organization. The organizations not following proper approaches eventually falls behind.
So, in conclusion it can be said that, the organizational leaders should follow proper approaches,
strategies and methods that assist the organization to reach new heights of profit in the present
competitive business environment and ensure a more suitable and standard work environment for
the organizational employees.

48 | P a g e

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52 | P a g e

Impacts of Leadership Styles on Employee’s Motivation at Workplace and Job

Performance -Empirical Study of Privately Owned Companies

1. Gender



2. Age



3. Education
Post- Graduation
4. Marital Status
5. Does the leader’s characteristics create positive impact in your job?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
6. Do the superiors communicate effectively with the subordinates?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

53 | P a g e
7. Do you feel motivated to work as hard as possible?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
8. Does the organizational training opportunities motivate you to perform better?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
9. Do you have the opportunities to utilize your capabilities in the job?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
10. Are you satisfied with the actions undertaken by your supervisor?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
11. Are the superiors supportive towards subordinates even when they make mistakes?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

54 | P a g e
12. Are you committed to work with your supervisors in the organization?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
13. Does work make the best use of your abilities?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
14. Are you satisfied in working with your organization?
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

55 | P a g e

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