Vendor and Customer Entry and Auto Payment Process

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Customer creation :
Accounting => Financial Accounting => Account Receivable => Master Records =>
Create (FD01)

Click on green button.

Enter mandatory fields
Click on Company code data
Enter reconciliation account,
Click on Payment Transaction Tab
Enter Term of Payment, click “save”
Click green button on message box
Note new customer created 0000500002
Vendor creation :

Accounting=> Financial Accounting => Accounts Payable => Master Records => Create (FK01)

Enter Vendor # (your choice), Enter Account Group from dropdown list
Choose Goto => Next screen ie to “Control”
Choose Goto => Next screen ie to “Payment Transactions”
Choose Goto => Next screen ie to “Contact Person”
Choose Goto => Next screen ie to “Accounting information Accounting”
Enter “Recon Account” and “Cash Mgt group”
Choose Goto => Next screen ie to “ Payment Transaction Accounting”
Enter “Payment Terms” Click “Save”
Click on green button on dialog box
Note new vendor created “ AB_VED_001
Vendor invoice booking
Accounting => Financial Accounting => Account Payable => Document Entry => Invoice (FB60)

Click Simulate
Check message “GL a/c 231000 is relevant to tax code” in yellow. Press enter.
Click “SAVE” to post the invoice.
Booking Customer invoice
Accounting => Financial Accounting => Account Receivable => Document Entry => Invoice (FB70)

Click “Simulate”
Click “SAVE” to post document.
Payment Program configuration
Accounting => Financial Accounting => Accounts Payable => Periodic Processing => Payment (F110)
IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Payable => Business Transaction =>
Outgoing Payments => Automatic Outgoing Payments => Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment

Click on Environment => Maintain Config

Click “Payment method in country”
Goto Country “IN” by using “Position” button.
Goto “New Entry”
Enter values in required fields and press “SAVE”
Click Green back arrow.
You will find new entry Q in country “IN”
In the same manner you can add payment method in company code but ensure that the same payment
method is already created in the country of that company code.
Configuring check #
Enter Lot Number, Check number, To click green tick and “SAVE”
Note new entry with check no from 100000 to 100099.
Automatic payment process
Accounting => Financial Accounting => Accounts Payable => Periodic Processing => Payments (F110)

Enter Run Date <today’s date> and Identification (any number)

Select “Parameter” tab enter values

Select “Additional log” tab
Press “SAVE”
Note status as : “ Parameters have been entered”

Click on “Proposal” and click on “Start immediately”

Click on green button from dialog box
Note status as “Proposal is ready to be started”
Press enter and note status as “Payment proposal has been created”
Click on “Proposal” (Edit Proposal)
Press enter
You get one line item with exception.
Click on green arrow button to come back to previous screen.

Click on Payment run and tick on Start immediately choose “Enter” until status shows message as
“Posting orders : 1 generated, 1 completed”

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