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What is Sedimentation?

• Sedimentation is the gravitational

accumulation of solids at the bottom of
• Basically it is a solid-liquid separation by
gravity settling
• Particles in water will settle by gravity
within a reasonable period of time
• Particles can be removed by
"sedimentation" in sedimentation basins
(also known as "clarifiers")
Types of Settling (Illustration)
Particle Settling - Sedimentation Tank
Particle Removal
• Particles move horizontally at the same
velocity as water
• Particles are removed by gravity once
they reach the bottom of basin
• Particle trajectories depend on particle
settling velocity (vs ) and the water
velocity (vf)
• Settling velocity for discrete particles is
constant because particles do not
interfere with one another
Discrete Particle Trajectories in
Rectangular Sedimentation Tank
• Particle 2 that enters at the top of tank and
settles just before its flows out of the tank is
called a critical particle
• Its settling velocity is
called the critical
particle settling
velocity vc
Particle Removal in Rectangular
Sedimentation Tank
• Vc = ho / t
where Vc is the critical particle settling velocity,
ho is the depth of sedimentation tank, and
t is the hydraulic detention time
• As Q = V/t, therefore t = V/Q
• Vc = ho.Q/V = ho.Q/ho A = Q/A =OR
• A is surface area of top of tank (m2), Q is process
flow rate (m3/h)
OR = Overflow Rate (m3/ critical settling
velocity vc
Particle Removal in Rectangular
Sedimentation Tank
• Any particle with settling velocity equal to greater
than Vc (or the OR) will be removed
• Particles with settling velocity Vs <Vc can also be
removed depending on their position at the tank
• Particle 3 will be removed (VS3 < Vc ), because of
its inlet position
• Particle 1 will not be removed (VS1 < Vc ), because
of its inlet position
• Percent of particles removed = Vs x 100
How to Determine Settling Velocity?
Q) Calculate the terminal settling velocity for a
sand particle that has a diameter of 100 µm
and a density of 2650 kg/m3. The absolute
viscosity of water at given temperature is 1.307
x 10-3 N.s/m2 and density is 999.7 kg/m3.
Hint: Calculate Vs using Stoke’s law and then
calculate Reynolds number for checking
laminar flow conditions
Q) Calculate the terminal settling velocity for a
sand particle that has a diameter of 200 µm
and a density of 2650 kg/m3. The absolute
viscosity of water at given temperature is 1.139
x 10-3 N.s/m2 and density is 999.1 kg/m3.
Hint: Calculate Vs using Stoke’s law and then
calculate Reynolds number for checking
laminar flow conditions. If Reynolds number >1,
then Stoke’s law is invalid; apply Newton’s law ,
determine Vs by trial and error method
Trial Re Cd Vs (m/h)
0 5.55 5.94 97.1
1 4.74 6.78 90.8
… … … …

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