Does Obesity Paradox Exist?: Prem Ratan Degawat - Rajeev Gupta

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Chapter 4

Does Obesity Paradox Exist?


INTRODUCTION 22.6–27.5. Among persons with BMI either higher

or lower than this range, the risk was elevated. An
The worldwide prevalence of obesity and over- increase by a factor of up to 1.5 was seen among
weight has increased dramatically in the last few those with a BMI ⬎ 35.0 and by a factor of 2.8
decades1. Currently obesity is defined as body mass among those with a BMI ⱕ 15.0. A U-shaped asso-
index (BMI; weight in kg/height in m2) of ⱖ30.0 ciation was also seen between BMI and the risk of
units and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, death from cancer, CVD and some of the other
diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease and many causes as studied. The risks of death were increased
cancers2,3. In this chapter, we review that epidemi- among persons with a BMI ⱕ 20.0, as compared
ology of obesity and association of increasing (or with those with a BMI of 22.6–25.0, from any cause
decreasing) BMI with all-cause and cardiovascular in the cohorts comprising Indians and Bangla-
mortality, the pathophysiology or obesity and deshis. Whereas no excess risk of either death from
a critical review of the so-called obesity paradox: any cause or cause-specific death was seen to be as-
increasing obesity is associated with lower cardio- sociated with a higher BMI. Underweight group of
vascular mortality in patients with pre-existing patients were associated with a substantially in-
cardiovascular disease. creased risk of death in all Asian populations. Among
East Asians, an excess risk of death associated with a
EPIDEMIOLOGY high BMI; however, this was not noted among Indi-
ans and Bangladeshis (Fig. 4-1).
De Gonzalez et al.4 examined the relationship be- Regarding cardiovascular mortality, most of the
tween BMI and all-cause mortality in a pooled data of BMI are from developed countries and show
analysis of 19 prospective studies in White adults. U-shaped associations similar to all-cause mortality
The age-standardized rate of death from any cause trends. Yusuf et al. studied correlation of BMI and
was lowest among patients with BMI of 22.5–24.9. other measures of obesity (waist circumference and
The hazard ratios increased with progressively waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]) with incidence of acute
higher and lower levels of BMI. In this study, the myocardial infarction in a large case–control IN-
sequential exclusion of current and former smokers, TERHEART study6. This study was a standardized
patients reporting cancer or heart disease at base- case–control study of first myocardial infarction in
line changed the shape of the relationship between 262 centres in 52 countries in Asia including India,
BMI and the hazard ratio for death. The hazard Europe, Middle East, Africa, and North and South
ratio increased for a BMI of 25.0 or higher and America. The study reported that WHR had a
decreased for a BMI of less than 22.5, with each graded and highly significant association with myo-
exclusion. cardial infarction risk worldwide. Fig. 4-2 shows the
Zheng et al.5 examined association between BMI age-adjusted percentage of cases and controls with
and the risk of death among more than 1.1 million abdominal obesity (WHR) and by region. BMI,
persons of 19 cohorts in Asia (mainly China, Korea, however, was only modestly associated with risk of
Japan and India). The lowest risk of death was myocardial infarction. The risk was further dra-
seen among persons with a BMI in the range of matically reduced when adjusted for WHR and

32 SECTION II — Preventive Cardiology

Death from CVD Death from cancer Death from other causes

A East Asians B Indians and Bangladeshis

3.0 3.0
Hazard Ratio

Hazard Ratio
2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0
.1 0

.6 5

.1 0

.6 5

.1 0


.1 0

.6 5

.1 0

.6 5

.1 0



22 22.

25 25.

27 27.

30 30.



2 0 0.

2 2 22.

25 25.

27 27.

30 30.












C East Asians D Indians and Bangladeshis

3.0 3.0
Hazard Ratio

Hazard Ratio

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0
20 0.0

22 22.5

25 25.0

27 27.5

30 30.0

20 0.0

22 22.5

25 25.0

27 27.5

30 30.0

.6 5

.6 5























Figure 4-1. Association of BMI with all-cause mortality in Asian cohorts5. The associations are U-shaped among East Asian co-
horts and Reverse J-shaped in South Asian cohorts. (Source: From The New England Journal of Medicine, Zheng et al., Association
between Body-Mass Index and Risk of Death in More Than 1 Million Asians, 364, 719-29. Copyright © (2017) Massachusetts Medical
Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.)

became nonsignificant with adjustment of other OBESITY PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

risk factors. In contrast to BMI, for WHR, the odds
ratios for every successive quintile were signifi- Obesity typically evolves slowly over time and is a
cantly greater than that of previous one even after result of long-term positive energy balance. Accu-
multiple adjustments. WHR and waist circumfer- mulation of lipids, mainly triglycerides, in the adi-
ences were closely associated with risk of myocar- pose tissue occurs in conjunction with volume
dial infarction even after adjustment for other risk excess in skeletal muscle, liver, and other organs
factors (P ⬍ .0001). It was suggested that obesity and tissues7. Subcutaneous adipose tissue holds
should be redefined according to WHR instead of most of the stored lipid at a variety of anatomical
BMI to estimate of myocardial infarction risk in sites that differ in metabolic and physiological
most ethnic groups. characteristics8.
Chapter 4 — Does Obesity Paradox Exist? 33

Adjusted for age, sex, smoking, and region Adjusted for age, sex, smoking, and region
Adjusted for age, sex, smoking, region, and WHR Adjusted for age, sex, smoking, region, and BMI
Adjusted for all other INTERHEART risk factors Adjusted for all other INTERHEART risk factors


OR (95% CI)



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Controls 2860 2936 2906 2890 2906 2866 2870 2865 2862 2869
Cases 2122 2235 2568 2480 2651 1629 1816 2105 2750 3507

BMI quintiles WHR quintile

Figure 4-2. Association of BMI and WHR with risk of acute myocardial infarction in the INTERHEART study6. The risk of increas-
ing BMI quintiles declines with adjustments for various risk factors while increased risk of greater WHR remains after multiple
adjustments. (Source: Reprinted from The Lancet, 366, Yusuf et al., Obesity and the risk of myocardial infarction in 27000 participants
from 52 countries: a case-control study, 1640-49., Copyright (2005), with permission from Elsevier.)

An obese person with stable weight, as compared compression may contribute to the hypertension
with a person without overweight or obesity, thus frequently observed in patients who are obese10.
has larger fat and lean mass, along with higher rest- Obesity is often accompanied by an increase in pha-
ing energy expenditure, cardiac output, and blood ryngeal soft tissues, which can block airways during
pressure and greater pancreatic ␤-cell mass8–12. With sleep and lead to obstructive sleep apnoea14. Excess
weight gain over time, excess lipids are distributed adiposity also imposes a mechanical load on joints,
to many body compartments. Obesity is accompa- making obesity a risk factor for the development of
nied by increases in macrophages and other im- osteoarthritis15. An increase in intra-abdominal
mune cells in adipose tissue, in part because of tissue pressure purportedly accounts for the elevated risks
remodelling in response to adipocyte apoptosis13. of gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett oesopha-
These immune cells secrete proinflammatory cyto- gus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma among per-
kines, which contribute to the insulin resistance in sons who are overweight or obese16.
patients with obesity. Visceral adipose tissue is a Adipocytes synthesize adipokines (cell-signalling
smaller storage compartment for lipids than is sub- proteins) and hormones, the secretion rates and ef-
cutaneous adipose tissue, with omental and mesen- fects of which depend on the distribution and
teric fat mechanistically linked to many of the amount of adipose tissue present. Excessive secre-
metabolic disturbances and adverse outcomes asso- tion of proinflammatory adipokines by adipocytes
ciated with obesity12. Adipose tissue surrounds the and macrophages within adipose tissue leads to a
kidney, and the blood pressure increase with renal low-grade systemic inflammatory state in some
34 SECTION II — Preventive Cardiology

persons with obesity. Hydrolysis of triglycerides where overweight and obese patients with cardiovas-
within adipocytes releases free fatty acids, which cular disease show a better outcome than do their
are then transported in plasma to sites where they leaner counterparts22. Lavie et al.23 reported in an-
can be useful metabolically. Plasma free fatty acid other review that mechanism/s of this paradox are
levels are often high in patients with obesity, re- difficult to understand but few possible explanations
flecting several sources that include the enlarged that need to be considered include a younger age of
adipose tissue mass12. presentation in this group with greater metabolic
In addition to being found in adipose tissue, lip- reserves and greater muscle mass and muscular
ids are also found in liposomes, with excess adipos- strength. The prevalence of smoking and cachexia
ity, liposomes in hepatocytes can increase in size may also be lower. Lower atrial natriuretic peptides
(steatosis), forming large vacuoles that are accom- and attenuated response to renin–angiotensin–
panied by a series of pathological states, including aldosterone system are also contributing factors.
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, steatohepatitis and Higher blood pressure, greater intake of cardiac
cirrhosis. Accumulation of excess lipid intermedi- medications and differing aetiologies may be associ-
ates (e.g. ceramides) in some nonadipose tissues can ated with better prognosis.
lead to lipotoxicity with cellular dysfunction and Uretsky et al.24 investigated the effects of obesity
apoptosis12. Elevated levels of free fatty acids, in- on outcomes in 22,576 patients with treated hyper-
flammatory cytokines, and lipid intermediates in tension. The all-cause mortality was 30% lower in
nonadipose tissues contribute to impaired insulin overweight and obese and hypertensive patients
signalling and the insulin-resistant state that is compared with their leaner counterparts. Similarly, a
present in many patients who are overweight or meta-analysis of 40 cohort studies with more than
obese12,17. Insulin resistance is also strongly associ- 250,000 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD)
ated with excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue12,17. performed by Romero-Corral et al.25 reported a lower
These metabolic and anatomical findings are one risk of total and cardiovascular mortality in over-
of several pathophysiological mechanisms underly- weight and obese patients as compared with under-
ing the dyslipidaemia of obesity (elevated fasting weight and normal-weight CHD. It appears that
plasma triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein cho- there is a strong obesity paradox with the best prog-
lesterol levels and low levels of high-density lipopro- nosis noted in overweight CHD patients, as opposed
tein cholesterol), type 2 diabetes, obesity-related liver to those with more severe obesity26.
disease and osteoarthritis. Elevated bioavailable levels In a study of 550 nondiabetic subjects, increased
of insulin-like growth factor 1 and other tumour- BMI on its own was not seen to be associated with
promoting molecules have been implicated in the an increased risk of heart failure; however, meta-
development of some cancers18. Chronic overactivity bolic syndrome showed a 2.5-fold increased risk of
of the sympathetic nervous system is present in some heart failure27. In this study, metabolically healthy
patients with obesity and may account in part for obese subjects had a decreased heart failure risk
multiple pathophysiological processes, including when compared with normal weight metabolic syn-
high blood pressure9. Heart diseases, stroke and drome patients in a 6-year follow-up. Oreopoulous
chronic kidney diseases all have as their main patho- et al.28 reported reductions in cardiovascular risk in
physiological mechanisms high blood pressure and overweight and obese heart failure patients (–19%
the cluster of findings associated with insulin resis- and –40%, respectively) when compared with pa-
tance, obesity-associated dyslipidaemia and type 2 tients with normal BMI. In a follow-up of 2.7 years,
diabetes. Fig. 4-3 (see ref 19) shows some of the path- total mortality was also reduced in overweight and
ways by which the mechanical, metabolic and physi- obese heart failure patients (–16% and –33%, re-
ological effects of excess adiposity lead to coexisting spectively).
chronic diseases. Obesity is also associated with an Wanahita et al.29 conducted a meta-analysis of 16
increased prevalence of mood, anxiety and other psy- studies with more than 120,000 patients. Obese pa-
chiatric disorders, particularly among persons with tients reported a 50% increased risk of developing
severe obesity and those seeking bariatric surgery20,21. atrial fibrillation. However, these overweight and
obese patients with atrial fibrillation as in patients
OBESITY PARADOX with hypertension, CHD and heart failure, had a con-
siderably better prognosis than those patients with
Overweight and obesity are associated with adverse normal BMI.
cardiovascular outcome. Despite this, some studies On the other hand, multiple pathophysiological
in past few decades demonstrate an obesity paradox, and clinical studies have reported direct association
Chapter 4 — Does Obesity Paradox Exist? 35

↑ Adiposity

↑ Adipokine synthesis ↑ Lipid production ↑ Activity of ↑ Activity of the Mechanical stress

the sympathetic renin–angiotensin–
nervous system aldosterone system

↑ Adipose tissue
macrophages and other Hydrolysis of
inflammatory cells triglycerides

↑ Proinflammatory Release of
cytokines free fatty acids

Renal ↑ Pharyngeal ↑ Mechanical ↑ Intraabdominal

compression soft tissue load on joints pressure
Impaired insulin
signaling and
↑ insulin resistance Lipotoxicity Dyslipidemia

↑ Insulin Systemic and


fatty liver disease

Steatohepatitis Coronary Obstructive

Type 2 diabetes Osteoarthritis Gastroesophageal
artery disease sleep apnea reflux disease
Barrett’s esophagus


Congestive heart failure


Chronic kidney disease

Figure 4-3. Effects of excessive obesity (adiposity) on multiple cellular pathways19. (Source: From The New England Journal
of Medicine, Steven B. Heymsfield, Thomas A. Wadden, Mechanisms, Pathophysiology, and Management of Obesity, 376, 254-66.
Copyright © (2017) Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.)

of increasing obesity (BMI or WHR) with various microbiome. This is also associated with incidence
biological pathways linking obesity with abnormal CHD and mortality (Fig. 4-4)30.
adipokine alterations, insulin resistance, sympa- In a meta-analysis, Oga et al.31 reviewed the evi-
thetic nervous system and renin–angiotensin– dence of the relationship between heart failure sur-
aldosterone system activation, OSA, renal abnor- vival and mortality against the weight status of an
malities, maladaptive immunity and abnormal gut individual. In the initial search, 10 studies met the
36 SECTION II — Preventive Cardiology

Figure 4-4. Pathophysiological pathways of obesity with cardiovascular risk30. (Source: Reprinted from Nature Reviews Endocrinology,
Vincent G. DeMarco, Annayya R. Aroor, James R. Sowers, The pathophysiology of hypertension in patients with obesity, (2014);10(6):364-376.)

inclusion criteria. Of these, one study was a ran- a measure of body fatness and New York Heart As-
domized clinical trial while the other nine were sociation Classification of Heart Failure. All had a
observational cohort studies: six prospective and single outcome, death, as study end point. The
three retrospective studies. In all these studies, BMI, studies were longitudinal studies and all reported
waist circumference or triceps skin fold was used as improved outcomes for obese heart failure patients
Chapter 4 — Does Obesity Paradox Exist? 37

as compared with their normal weight counter- appears valid there are major concerns with this
parts. However, worse prognosis was demonstrated concept. These concerns and counterarguments
for those presenting with extreme obesity (BMI ⬎ against the phenomenon are summarized below:
40 kg/m2). The findings of this review are of signifi-
• Obesity paradox has been mostly reported in ret-
cance when recommending weight loss in obese
rospective studies.
persons with heart failure. However, any such study
• There is a greater chance of early presentation to
results and recommendation on weight loss can be
the clinician in case of obese patients with HF,
made only on better understanding of the mecha-
leading to lag-time bias.
nisms of the obesity paradox in heart failure pa-
• Use of alternative fat assessment tools such as
tients and exclusion of collider bias. Clearly more
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry have been as-
work is to be done in this area and the last word has
sociated with conflicting results.
not been said.
• Obese patients usually have a higher level of arte-
Thus, although BMI may not necessarily be the
rial blood pressure which may be responsible for
most accurate measure of adiposity, as it is a height-
a better tolerance of the guideline-directed medi-
normalized sum of fat mass and fat-free mass, it re-
cal therapy.
mains the most commonly used metric to delineate
• An attenuated renin–angiotensin–aldosterone sys-
obesity and is a strong predictor of cardiovascular
tem in obese patients may also be responsible for a
outcomes. Although several reasons have been sug-
favourable prognosis.
gested to explain the obesity paradox (i.e. marked
weight loss or frailty in those with low or normal Clearly, there is a need to perform large epide-
BMI, younger age at presentation among the obese, miological studies to evaluate the possible existence
less tobacco use, and possibly unmeasured con- of studies on obesity paradox. Large randomized
founders and genetic factors), cardiorespiratory trials are also needed for identification of strategies
fitness appears to be an important mediator of out- to improve prognosis in this cohort.
comes32. Cardiorespiratory or physical fitness appears
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