Trần Thị Lệ Thúy - 1912210187

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TASK 1: (40´) GROUP WORK (3 -4 members)

● Do the following listening tasks:

1. Language review – part B - CD2.17
2. Listening – part A - CD2.18
3. Listening – part B – CD2.19
4. Listening – part C – CD2.20
5. Skills – part D – CD2.21
● Type your answers in file WORD
1. Part B - CD2.17
1. order

2. we'll

3. would you be able

4. order

5. was

6. were

7. we would offer

8. I would love

2. Part A -CD2.18
- Create an environment where people can do
- keep the learning fresh
- look at the feedback from negotiations
3. Part B - CD1.19
1. appropriateness
2. different
3. competitive
4. conflict
5. co-operative
6. win-win
8. the circumstances
4. Part C - CD2.20
1. Be versatile, be adaptable, be able to change behaviour according to circumstances, be
able to manage conflict and the pressure of face-to-face negotiation, be able to plan
effectively, be analytical, be open-minded and creative, have self-discipline
2. Listen for certain language cues - soft exposing give - away.
5. Part D - CD2.21
1. c

2. e

3. g

4. b

5. f

6. d

7. a

TASK 2: (40´) GROUP WORK (3 -4 members)

What do you think makes a really good negotiator?

Negotiation is one of the most important skills in their life. A question often asked is
whether good negotiators are trained or born? From my point of view, having a quality is
very good, but without daily practice, that quality will gradually fade away. I think there
are many factors that determine the ability of a negotiator. Therefore, in the following, I
will discuss this topic with three points.

A person who wants to be a negotiator shall first understand and shall have
knowledge on the item or subject for which he is negotiating. He shall also understand
the demand supply gap and market factors . Other parties may have several positive
points about them , but the negotiator shall have a mechanism to verify. The other party's
keenness in doing business with you shall be gauged.
The next skill is the ability to ask questions without the other side feeling as if it is
an inquisition. You need to couch your questions in an easy to answer format. Rather
than ask an outright question build up to it. Example: You don’t ask “How much profit
are you making now?”, instead you ask about the growth of sales, what the effect of
costs has been on margins, etc. Eventually you will get to the profits, but with a lot more
helpful information and some free advice as well!

Finally, it is caution. A good negotiator must always be careful in every word,

behaviour, and decision. Because even a single word can affect the outcome of that
negotiation. Therefore, we must always keep a calm and careful attitude in all situations
to get the best negotiation results.

In conclusion, a good negotiator can be shaped by many factors. The important thing
is that we have to practice, cultivate more experience so that we can improve all our
skills, and then gradually become a talented negotiator.

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