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Assignment 1

You are required to investigate the relationship between the length of pendulum and the
period of oscillations of the pendulum.

Your scientific investigation report should consist of :

(a) Aim of experiment

(b) Problem statement
(c) Hypothesis
(d) Variables : manipulated/responding and constant
(e) Apparatus and materials
(f) Diagram of experiment
(g) Procedure
(h) Data /Observersation result
(i) Data interpretation /Line graph
(j) Discussion
(k) Conclusion

During the experiment,manipulative skill and scientific attitude and noble values will be
observed and recorded.
Assesment : Planning of experiment, Carrying out of experiment , Collecting and
recording of data,Interpreting data and making conclusion.
Name :


Topic : Scientific Investigation

Aim To study how the length of pendulum affects the period of oscillations
of the pendulum.
Problem statement What can you infer about the relationship between the length of the
pendulum ant the period of oscillations of the pendulum.
Hypothesis The longer the pendulum is,the longer will be the period of
oscillations(time taken for one oscillation)//the slower the pendulum
1. Manipulated : Length of pendulum
2. Responding : Time taken for one oscillation
3. Constant : Type of pendulum / Type of string

Apparatus and Materials Retort stand,thread,metre ruler,stopwatch,pendulum bob and cork.

Procedure/Method 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the above diagram.

2. The length of pendulum is adjusted to 100 cm with metre ruler.
3.The time taken for 20 oscillations is measured with stopwatch and
recorded in the table as below.Then calculate the time taken for 1
oscillation as in the table.
4. The experiment is repeated using pendulums of lengths 80cm,
60cm, 40 cm and 20 cm.
5. Draw a graph of the period of oscillations [ time taken for 1
oscillation]( y –axis) against the length of pendulum (x-axis) .
Data/Result Length of pendulum (cm) 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0
Time taken for 20
oscillation (seconds)
Time taken for 1
oscillation (seconds)

Data Interpretation

(a)Based on the graph that you have drawn ,what can you infer
about the relationship between the length of the pendulum and
the time taken for one oscillation?

(b) Predict the time taken to make one oscillation by a pendulum of

length 120.0 cm.
(c). Is the hypothesis accepted?
Conclusion The longer the length of pendulum is the slower the pendulum swing.

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