Trial Test Advanced Grammar 2015

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I. Identify the sentence patterns of the superordinate clauses of the following sentences and
state the name and function of each finite subordinating clause. (2 marks)
E.g. The fishermen / think/ that the company polluted the bay.
S V O (noun clause – object of “think”)
1. The most important part of homeopathic treatment lies in the lengthy interview which the
homeopath conducts with the patient.

2. The homeopath sees the symptoms as signs of the way the body is attempting to help itself.

3. Their study concluded that no formal training could replace these first experiences.

4. They are really surprised at the news that they should give the company their unconditional loyalty
and in return they would have security and a job for life.

5. For children, sport remains a special kind of discovery and learning, no matter how much adults
limit and control the practice of early intensive training.

6. Many sports organizations are now forced to do this type of training because of what is called ‘the
golden age’ to acquire the physical skills.
7. Since social interaction plays an important role during teamwork, team learning has an added
advantage for students who are not comfortable in traditional classroom settings.

8. This also enables them to deal with conflicts between members before they escalate to crises.
II. Analyse the following sentences by Descriptive Linguistic (3 marks)
E.g. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child.
M 1 : I’m glad
S 1 : that my mother made me take piano lessons: noun clause, complement of “glad”
S.1.1 : when I was a child: adverbial clause, Adjunct.
1. Since most college graduates who choose to go into an IT work environment will encounter some
form of team work at work, it is to their advantage that they are educated using collaborative learning
and that they are taught the tools needed to work with different people in achieving common goals or

2. A few relief programs were eventually implemented, such as soup kitchens and workhouses;
however, these were poorly - run institutions that facilitated the spread of disease, tore apart families,
and offered inadequate food supplies considering the extent of Ireland’s shortages.

III. Combine the sets of simple sentences into complex/compound complex sentences (2
1. The fishermen on the Bay of Bengal can now receive online weather reports. The reports tell
them the news. It is when it is safe to go out.
2. Stocks of fish declined at a very fast rate. It can be slowly replaced by natural means of
reproduction. The report concluded so. The conclusion is not a new phenomenon.

IV. Draw a tree diagram for the following sentence (2 marks)

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V. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous; analyze the two different sentence
structures (SVOCA) to show both possible meanings. (1 mark)
I’m going to sleep.

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