Property Maintenance Guide: MICROS Systems, Inc. Columbia, MD USA Part Number: MD0006-008

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Large Enterprise Solutions


Copyright 2001-2003
MICROS Systems, Inc.
Columbia, MD USA
Part Number: MD0006-008

Although the best efforts are made to ensure that the information in this manual is
complete and correct, MICROS Systems, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with
regard to this material, including but not limited to the implied warranties of
marketability and fitness for a particular purpose. Information in this manual is
subject to change without notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or information recording and retrieval systems, for any
purpose other than for personal use, without the express written permission of
MICROS Systems, Inc.
MICROS Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,
performance, or use of this manual.

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
FrameMaker is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation.

Printing History
New editions of this manual incorporate new and changed material since the
previous edition. Minor corrections and updates may be incorporated into reprints
of the current edition without changing the publication date or the edition number.

Edition Month Year Software Version

1st October 2001 1.21

2nd January 2002 1.50

3rd July 2002 1.70

4th October 2002 2.00

5th January 2003 2.10

6th August 2003 2.50

Table of Contents


vi Why Read This Manual?

3-vi Purpose
3-vi Who Should use This Manual?
vii Finding Additional Information
ix Symbols
ix Design and Production

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1-2 Welcome
1-2 About the 9700 Remote Management Console
1-7 Block Copy/Insert and Copy/Paste Functionality
1-12 Enhanced Search Functionality for Menu Items
1-13 Print Selected Portion of Menu Item Information

Chapter 2 - Hardware

2-2 Devices
2-2 Sorting Devices
2-4 Setting Up Devices
2-6 Related Device Files
2-6 Devices Forms
2-16 Add a Device
2-17 Delete a Device

9700 Property Maintenance Guide iii

Table of Contents

Chapter 3 - Menu Items

3-2 Menu Item Maintenance

3-5 Definition, by Maj/Fam Grp
3-6 Master, by Maj/Fam Grp
3-7 Class
3-8 Related Menu Item Files
3-9 Add a Major Group
3-10 Add a Family Group
3-11 Add a Menu Item Master
3-14 Add a Menu Item Definition
3-18 Add a Menu Item Price
3-20 Add a Menu Item Class
3-24 Search for a Major/Family Group, Menu Item, or Class
3-24 Delete a Major/Family Group, Menu Item, or Class

Chapter 4 - Employees

4-2 Employee Maintenance

4-4 Related Personnel Files
4-5 Class Form
4-7 Employee Form
4-8 Operator Form
4-9 Add a Class
4-17 Add an Employee
4-21 Add an Operator
4-22 Search for a Class, Employee, or Operator Record
4-22 Delete a Class, Employee, or Operator Record



In This Preface
In this preface, you will find information about the organization,
conventions, and contents of this manual.

Why Read This Manual?.......................................................................... vi

Finding Additional Information ..............................................................vii
Symbols.................................................................................................... ix
Design and Production ............................................................................. ix

9700 Property Maintenance Guide v

Why Read This Manual?

Why Read This Manual?

The purpose of this manual is to provide you with basic instructions on how to
maintain and update your existing 9700 System database on an “as needed” basis.

Who Should use This Manual?

This manual is intended for the following audiences:

w MICROS Installers/Programmers

w MICROS Dealers

w MICROS Customer Service Representatives

w MICROS Training Personnel

w MIS Personnel

This manual assumes that you have the following knowledge or expertise:

w Operational understanding of PCs

w Working knowledge of Microsoft Windows NT / Windows 2000

w Understanding of POS terminology and concepts

Familiarity with the MICROS HMS (e.g., installation experience, classes

provided by the MICROS Training Department, etc.) is strongly recommended.

Finding Additional Information

Finding Additional Information

The MICROS 9700 HMS System’s documentation suite is comprised of hardware

and software manuals which support the 9700 System.
Our documentation is provided in Portable Document Format (PDF) and online
help (CHM) files. You must have Adobe® Acrobat® (conveniently located in the
Adobe Reader folder on the 9700 HMS installation CD) installed to view the PDF
files. All software documentation is available on the 9700 HMS installation CD,
stored in the \MICROS\LES\Pos\9700\Documentation directory. You can view
the documentation from there, or open it from Start | Programs | MICROS
Systems 9700 | 9700 Documentation after you’ve installed the 9700 HMS
Our manuals are listed in the table below. They can be ordered by part number
directly from MICROS Systems, Inc.

The 9700 and can be

is comprised of these which include information
HMS ordered by part
manuals... about...
System... number...

9700 HMS A to Z Feature w all 9700 System features 100151-506

Reference Manual w modifying the database for
each feature
9700 Feature Overview w an introduction to the 9700 100151-523
Manual System and descriptions of
major features
9700 HMS Property w basic instructions on how to MD0006-008
Maintenance Guide maintain and update an
Software existing 9700 System
Library database
9700 HMS SQL Manual w importing and exporting data 100151-502
into and out of the 9700
w 9700 System files, fields, and
status flags
9700 HMS System Setup w installing/upgrading the 9700 100151-507
Manual System software

Hardware 9700 Site Preparation w preparing a site for MICROS 100151-508

Library Guide equipment installation
w AC power requirements
w environmental considerations

9700 Property Maintenance Guide vii

Finding Additional Information

Our online help system (CHM files) are listed in the table below. These files are
available on the 9700 HMS installation CD.

This online help system... includes information about...

w installation and setup procdures for the 9700 Credit

9700 CA/EDC
Authorization/Electronic Draft Capture drivers

9700 Mobile MICROS w configuration procedures and functional information

Setup & Usage for the Mobile MICROS hand-held device

9700 Programming w programming a 9700 System, file by file

9700 Remote Management w basic navigation and usage of the 9700 Remote
Console Tour Management Console

9700 Report Writer w designing and generating reports, and using the
(with Autosequencer) Autosequencer module

w configuration procedures and functional information

9700 SAR Setup and Usage
for the 9700 Stand Alone Resilient POS Client
w software modules used for administrative tasks, such
9700 System Administration as reloading the system and viewing system activity
w setting up an EBUTO System

9700 User’s w step-by-step instructions for various operator tasks



This symbol is used to bring special attention to a related


This symbol is used to indicate a special tip for using the

current feature.

This symbol indicates that care should be exercised when

programming a feature or performing an action.

Design and Production

This manual was written with Adobe FrameMaker. Some illustrations and
diagrams were designed in CorelDraw and Microsoft Visio.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide ix

Design and Production


Chapter 1


In This Chapter
This chapter provides an overview of how to use the 9700 Remote
Management Console to complete your day-to-day database
maintenance tasks.

Basics ..................................................................................................1-3
Navigation Window ............................................................................1-3
Block Copy/Insert and Copy/Paste Functionality...............................1-7
Enhanced Search Functionality for Menu Items...............................1-12
Print Selected Portion of Menu Item Information............................ 1-13

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 1-1



Welcome to the 9700 Property Maintenance Guide. Your 9700 System database
has been created to reflect the unique requirements of your property. The chapters
in this guide will provide you with basic instructions on how to maintain and
update your 9700 System database on an “as needed” basis.
Your 9700 System Property Experts should be familiar with the design of the
database. They will be responsible for routine database maintenance, such as
adding and modifying menu item and employee records.
The chapters in the 9700 Property Maintenance Guide cover these topics:

w Hardware—How to modify the System Hardware | Devices file.

w Menu Items—How to modify the Menu Items | Menu Item Maintenance file.

w Employees—How to modify the Personnel | Employee Maintenance file.

w Touchscreens—How to modify the Touchscreens & Keyboards |

Touchscreens file.

About the 9700 Remote Management Console

The look and feel of the 9700 Remote Management Console is based on the
familiar Windows environment. It incorporates folder-tree navigation, tabbed
dialog forms, and quick-view icons.
The two-paned window view allows you to swiftly move between forms and
database files, taking much of the effort out of programming your 9700 System. A
customized Toolbar adds to the 9700 Remote Management Console's ease of use,
by providing one-button access to common functions and tasks located in the
Menu Bar drop-down menus, such as print, save, undo, insert, and record
navigation. The Database and Utilities tabs at the bottom of the screen provide
easy access to the 9700 database files and reporting modules.

Form View vs. Table View

Many of the forms in the 9700 Remote Management Console can be viewed in
two modes: Form View (the GUI) and Table View (the SQL database table). All
forms will open in Form View. From there, you can change it to Table View, if it is
available for the selected form. If a form is available in Table View, the icon
will be active in the Toolbar. A simple click on this icon will toggle the form back
and forth from Form View to Table View.


Most forms can be printed, however, they can only be printed in Table View
mode. All Table View printing is set, by default, to print in portrait format.

This section covers the basic navigation elements in the 9700 Remote
Management Console.

Navigation Window Click here to move the Navigation

Window to another position.
This is the left window pane that contains
the 9700 directory tree. Select a folder in
the directory tree to navigate to a specific
The Navigation Window displays on the
left side of the main screen by default, but
you can move it to another location on the
screen (e.g., to the right side of the main
screen). Just click the thin gray horizontal
bar above the Navigation Window and drag
it to another position.
You may also choose to hide the
Navigation Window by selecting View |
Toggle Navigation from the Menu Bar. By
hiding the Navigation Window, the right
window pane will be resized to encompass
the entire screen.
To re-display the Navigation Window,
select View | Toggle Navigation again.

Directory Tree
The directory tree contains all of the folders and files that comprise the
9700 Remote Management Console. To navigate to a selection, you can
point and click with the mouse or use the arrow keys on the keyboard to
move between the folders in the directory tree.
To make a selection, you can:

w Click on a + sign or press the Space Bar to expand a folder and view
its contents (files).

w Double-click on a file to open it.

w Click on a - sign to collapse a folder.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 1-3


A folder contains all components related to the
selected module in the 9700 Remote Management
Console. For example, System Information is a
folder on the directory tree. It contains eight files.
If you right-click on a folder, you will see the
following options:

w Docking View—This selection allows you to move the Navigation

Window to another position (e.g., to the right side of the main screen).

w Hide—This selection functions the same as the (Toggle

Navigation) icon. It allows you to hide the Navigation Window,
which enables the right window pane to resize to encompass the
entire screen.

If you use the Hide option, click the icon to re-display the
Navigation Window at any time.

A file contains one or more forms with fields,
buttons, and tabs to access and program features and
functionality. For example, Taxes is a file in the
System Information folder.
If you right-click on a folder, you will see the
following options:

w Open—This selection will open the selected file.

w Open in Secondary Pane—This selection allows you to view two

forms at the same time in a split screen. It will open the selected file
and display it in the lower half of the screen.

You can also open a secondary pane by simultaneously pressing the

Ctrl key and double-clicking on a file.

w Docking View—This selection allows you to move the Navigation

Window to another position (e.g., to the right side of the main screen).


w Hide—This selection functions the same as the (Toggle

Navigation) icon. It allows you to hide the Navigation Window,
which enables the right window pane to resize to encompass the
entire screen.

If you use the Hide option, click the icon to re-display the
Navigation Window at any time.

A form is the generic term for the screen that displays when you open a
file. Many of the forms in the 9700 Remote Management Console can be
viewed in two modes: Form View (the GUI, which displays the traditional
fields, check boxes, drop-down lists, etc.) and Table View (the SQL
database table). All forms will open in Form View. From there, you can
change it to Table View, if it is available for the selected form.
If a form is available in Table View, the icon will be active in the
Toolbar. A simple click on this icon will toggle the form back and forth
from Form View to Table View.
Where applicable, Form View will warn you of possible data
inconsistencies and incomplete entries. In addition, it will prevent you
from enabling certain options at the same time. For example, if you are
setting up a Preset Percentage Discount, the Amount field is
automatically disabled on the form.

If a file consists of more than one “page”
(form), tabs automatically display. The
tabs are used to access each form in the
file. Click once on a tab to access its form.
For example, Tax Class is a tab in the Taxes file. It includes tax class
names and their tax types.

A section is a labeled portion of a form that identifies a specific group of

For example, the Global Tax Options section on the General tab in the
Taxes file defines how the system should apply tax, and the non-tax
descriptor that will display on financial reports.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 1-5


Menu Bar
The Menu Bar provides support for the most
common functions and tasks, such as print,
save, undo, insert, and record navigation.
As you navigate the 9700 Remote Management Console, the Menu Bar
remains static. No matter where you are in the software, these selections
will always display. When a particular selection is not available, it will be
disabled (inactive).
The Toolbar contains icons which provide one-click access to the same
common functions and tasks that are found in the Menu Bar selections.

The Click here to move the Toolbar to another position.
which provide one-click access to the same common functions and tasks
in the Menu Bar. Depending on where you are in the system, if a
particular selection is not available, it will be disabled (inactive).
The Toolbar displays on the main screen, below the Menu Bar by default.
You can move it to another location on the screen (e.g., to the bottom of
the main screen)—just click the thin gray vertical bar next to the Save
icon, and drag it to another position.


Block Copy/Insert and Copy/Paste Functionality

To facilitate database maintenance, the Table View mode in the Remote
Management Console provides the functionality to block copy and insert new
database records, and copy and paste data into existing records.
These editing functions can be used to add data to another location in the same
file, or to the same file in a different Revenue Center (i.e., copy a block of menu
items from Revenue Center #1 and paste them into Revenue Center #2).

Click to switch from Form View to Table View.

Click to switch to a different Revenue Center.

Which Modules Support This Functionality in Table View?

The following Remote Management Console modules support the Block Copy/
Insert and Copy/Paste functionality in Table View:

Module File

System Hardware w Devices*

w International LDS
System Information w Totals Sets

w Tender Media

w Discounts
w Service Charge
RVC Information w Serving Periods

w Time Periods

w Macros
Menu Items w Menu Item Maintenance*

w MI Recipe Link

w Bar Code

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 1-7


Module File

Personnel w Employee Maintenance*

w Cashiers

w Job Code

w Schedules
Touchscreens & w WS Touchscreens
w HHT Touchscreens

* Indicates that you can also use the Find feature ( ) in Table View.


Which Editing Functions are Supported in Table View?

The following table identifies the editing functions that can be used in Table View
with Block Copy/Insert and Copy/Paste.

This selection... can be used with...

(copy icon) on the Remote Management copy/paste only

Console’s Toolbar block copy/insert

(paste icon) on the Remote Management copy/paste only

Console’s Toolbar

Edit | Copy from the Menu Bar copy/paste

block copy/insert

Edit | Paste from the Menu Bar copy/paste only

Ctrl+C copy/paste
block copy/insert

Ctrl+V copy/paste only

[F3] (MICROS hotkey - copy) copy/paste

block copy/insert

[F4] (MICROS hotkey - paste) copy/paste only

After the records are block copy/insert only

copied, right-click in
the far-left grey column
to display this pop-up

Refer to page 1-11 for a

description of each
menu selection.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 1-9


Helpful Hints—Using Block Copy/Insert or Copy/Paste

1. When block copying and inserting menu items into a different Revenue
Center, Menu Item Master records must already exist before Menu Item
Definition records can be inserted.

2. When block copying and inserting menu items into a different Revenue Cen-
ter, Menu Item Definition records must already exist before Menu Item Price
records can be inserted.

3. When using Block Copy/Insert, the modifications to the database are immedi-
ately saved.

4. You must have access level permissions to Edit and Add records to use the
Block Copy/Insert feature.

5. If a menu item has multiple definitions, you must copy all of its definitions.
Otherwise, an error message will display when you attempt to insert the cop-
ied data.

For example, if MI Number 101, Filet Mignon, has two definitions (e.g., two
different prices), you must copy both records for MI Number 101.

6. The size of the block being copied does not have to be the exact size of the
destination area. Prior to Version 2.50, the blocks had to be identical in size.

7. To block copy/insert:

w Open the file that contains the records to be copied.

w Click to switch from Form View to Table View.

w Click in the far-left grey column and highlight all cells in the selected

w Select Edit | Copy from the Menu Bar, or use Ctrl+C or [F3].

w Go to the location to insert the copied records (in the same file, or in a
file in a different Revenue Center).


w Right-click in the far-left grey column. The entire row must be

highlighted to insert the records. The following menu displays:

w Select Insert Before to paste the record(s) above the highlighted


w Select Insert After to paste the record(s) below the highlighted


w Select Insert By Object Num to paste the record(s) in the

appropriate numerical location, determined by object number.

If an action is not allowed, it is disabled in the pop-up


For example, the Insert Before selection will be

disabled if you try to insert records prior to record
number 1.

8. You must have access level permissions to Edit and Add records to use the
Copy/Paste functions. These permissions apply to the usage of:

w the paste icon

w Ctrl+V

w [F4] MICROS hotkey

9. When using Copy/Paste, you can copy and paste a single cell, multiple cells,
or an entire row (all cells in the record).

10. When using Copy/Paste, you can use the Shift+Up/Down arrows or
Shift+Page Up/Down keys to select the data.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 1-11


Enhanced Search Functionality for Menu Items

The Find function includes additional search criteria to narrow your search for
menu item data. You can perform a search specifically on Menu Item Master,
Menu Item Definition, Menu Item Class, Major Group, or Family Group. In Form
View, the search criteria is slightly different than in Table View.
1. While in either Form View or Table View, open the Find window by one of
the following methods:

w Edit | Record | Find

w Ctrl+F

w icon

2. Enter the search criteria in the Find window and click Find Next to initiate
the search.

Form View

Select the database table to search for

from the drop-down list.

Table View

Select the database field to

locate from the drop-down list.


Print Selected Portion of Menu Item

You can now block and print all or a selected portion of the Menu Item file in
Table View.
1. Select Menu Items | MI Maintenance.

2. Click to switch to Table View.

3. Locate and highlight the section to print.

4. Click the Print icon on the Toolbar. The following Print Options screen now

5. Select Print All to print the entire table, or select Print Current Selection to
print the highlighted section only.

6. Click OK.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 1-13



Chapter 2


In This Chapter
This chapter explains how to perform device-related maintenance in the
System Hardware module.

Devices Forms ....................................................................................2-6
Add a Device.....................................................................................2-16
Delete a Device .................................................................................2-17

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-1



Devices are set up and maintained in System Hardware | Devices. The Devices
file contains all 9700 devices (PCs, workstations, slip printers, VDUs, etc.).

Sorting Devices
The Devices file consists of three “Sortt By” criteria—By Connection, By Type/
Subtype, and By Location Descriptor.

This sorting mechanism can organize the Devices tree view, to help someone new
to the property find and identify specific hardware devices.


w By Connection—This selection is the default, and the same view provided in

previous versions of the 9700. This selection provides a view of the system by
each device’s physical connection.

w By Type/Subtype—This selection provides a view of the system by device

type and subtype. Rather than having to know the device to which something
is connected, the user simply needs to know what kind of device it is, in order
to find it in the tree view. For example, workstations will display in a subtype
folder directly under a PC (type folder), rather than under an SCC, if you view
the devices By Connection.

Inactive devices (a broken link to a parent device, i.e., a workstation is not

linked to a PC) will display as an inactive device icon rather than its true

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-3


w By Location Descriptor—This selection provides a view of the system by

the physical location of each device. Viewing devices by location allows a
user who is unfamiliar with the property to easily locate a particular
device, and understand the device hierarchy. Locations must be defined
before this sorting method can be used.

Setting Up Devices
It is recommended to set up devices following this hierarchy:

w Servers (PCs)

w Communications Devices (i.e., NetCCs, SCCs, and RCCs)

w Workstations, Printers, and VDUs

w Other (i.e., Disk Files and LDS)

As you select a device to add, the form that displays will change, depending on
your device selection. Each device that you add will display in the Devices tree to
the left of the form. Devices that are added, but not linked to another device are
automatically assigned under the Inactive Devices folder (shown above, right).
The “+” sign to the left of a device name indicates that there are other devices
linked to that device (i.e., a PC may have NetCCs and SCCs linked to it). To
display the linked devices, click the “+” sign.


Tree View
In tree view, the “+” sign to the left of an item indicates there are other records
linked to it. To display the linked records, expand the item by clicking the “+”

w A “+” sign to the left of a Major Group name indicates that there is at least
one Family Group linked to it.

w A“+” sign to the left of a Family Group name indicates at least one menu item
is linked to it.

w A “+” sign to the left of a Class name indicates that there is at least one menu
item linked to it.

The following example shows the Major Groups and Family Groups that exist in
the database, and the menu items which are linked to them.

Major Group Name

Family Groups linked to

“parent” Major Group

Menu Items
linked to Family Group
and “parent” Major Group

The following example shows the Classes that exist in the database, and the menu
items which are linked to them.

Class Name

Menu Items linked to class

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-5


Related Device Files

The other related files in the System Hardware module are:

w Order Devices—The Order Devices file defines the operating and default
characteristics of all local and remote order devices which are defined in the
Devices file.

Local devices are typically used to print requisition chits which are hand-
delivered to the person filling the order. Remote order devices typically print
or display (on a VDU) an order in the location where the order will be filled.

w Interface—The Interfaces file defines each type of service that

communicates with a 9700 System, such as: PMS interface, CA/EDC, Video
Security interface, SIM interface, and Table Management interface.

w International LDS—The International LDS (Liquor Dispensing System) file

defines the devices to which LDS sales are posted and printed.

w Credit Card Drivers—The Credit Card Drivers file defines the credit card
drivers used by the 9700 Sytem, and the Revenue Centers to which the drivers
are assigned.

Devices Forms
When you add a device, it will display in the Devices tree to the left of the form.
Each device is represented by a unique icon. The icons are shown in the table

This icon... ...represents

a PC

a NetCC
(Network Cluster Controller)

an SCC
(Software Cluster Controller)

(IP Cluster Controller)

an RCC
(Remote Cluster Controller)


This icon... ...represents

an Inactive Device

a Roll Printer

a Slip Printer

an IP Printer

(video display unit)

a Disk File

an LDS
(Liquor Dispensing System)

a UWS/3
(User Workstation/3)

(PC Workstation)

(Keyboard Workstation)

a Hand-held Terminal
(EHT or Mobile MICROS)

a SAR Client

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-7


This section includes visual representations of each Devices form to add a new
device. Before you add a device, refer to these forms to help you gather the
information you will need (i.e., IP address or baud rate).

Right-click on a field or check box for a definition of the selected element. A

check box option is disabled if it is empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.

PC Form

NetCC Form


SCC Form


9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-9


RCC Form

Inactive Device Form


Roll Printer Form

Slip Printer Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-11


IP Printer Form

VDU Form


Disk File Form

Liquor Dispensing System Form

UWS/3 Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-13



EHT Form

Mobile MICROS Form


SAR Client Form

KWS Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-15


Add a Device
1. Select System Hardware | Devices.
2. Click on the device to which the new device will be attached. If no device is
selected, the new device is automatically assigned under the Inactive Devices
3. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

This icon
on the selection
in the Type field.

4. Select a device to add from the Type drop-down list. The form (and its
associated icon) will change, depending on your device selection.

The 9700 System will not allow you to add (attach) an

invalid device to another device (i.e., you cannot attach a
NetCC to a PCWS).

5. Fill in all of the fields and select the appropriate options for the device. Refer
to the form examples starting on page 2-9 as references.

Use the context-sensitive help to set up the new device.

6. Click OK. The new device record is added to the Devices file.
7. Click to save your changes before you exit the Devices file.


Delete a Device
A record is deleted using one of the following methods:

w By clicking on the Toolbar

w By selecting Edit | Delete from the Menu Bar

A record must be selected (highlighted) in the tree before you select a delete
option. Once you make a selection, the deletion options are enabled.
You cannot delete a device if it has other devices attached to it (e.g., you cannot
delete a PCWS if it has printers attached to it). In this scenario, you would have to
start by deleting the devices that are attached to the device you wish to delete.

A “+” sign to the left of a record indicates that it has other

records linked to it. To display the linked records, click the “+”

When you delete any type of device record, the following warning message will

Select Yes to confirm the deletion, or No to cancel the action.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 2-17


Menu Items

Chapter 3

Menu Items

In This Chapter
This chapter explains how to perform menu item-related maintenance in
the Menu Items module.

Menu Item Maintenance .....................................................................3-2

Definition, by Maj/Fam Grp ...............................................................3-5
Master, by Maj/Fam Grp.....................................................................3-6
Class ....................................................................................................3-7
Related Menu Item Files .....................................................................3-8
Add a Major Group .............................................................................3-9
Add a Family Group .........................................................................3-10
Add a Menu Item Master ..................................................................3-11
Add a Menu Item Definition.............................................................3-14
Add a Menu Item Price .....................................................................3-18
Add a Menu Item Class.....................................................................3-20
Search for a Major/Family Group, Menu Item, or Class ..................3-24
Delete a Major/Family Group, Menu Item, or Class ........................3-24

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-1

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Menu Item Maintenance

Menu items are set up and maintained in Menu Items | Menu Item Maintenance.
The Menu Item Maintenance file consists of three menu item “Sort By” criteria—
Definition by Major/Family Group, Master by Major/Family Group, and Class.

The form that displays in the Menu Item Maintenance file depends on the Sort By
criteria you choose. Each Sort By selection displays a tree view, shown below.

Refer to pages 3-5 through 3-7 for descriptions of each Sort By criteria.

To help you set up your menu items, remember to use the context-
sensitive help. Right-click on a field or check box for a definition
of the selected element. A check box option is disabled if it is
empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Tree View
In tree view, the “+” sign to the left of an item indicates there are other records
linked to it. To display the linked records, expand the item by clicking the “+”

w A “+” sign to the left of a Major Group name indicates that there is at least
one Family Group linked to it.

w A“+” sign to the left of a Family Group name indicates at least one menu item
is linked to it.

w A “+” sign to the left of a Class name indicates that there is at least one menu
item linked to it.

The following example shows the Major Groups and Family Groups that exist in
the database, and the menu items which are linked to them.

Major Group Name

Family Groups linked to

“parent” Major Group

Menu Items
linked to Family Group
and “parent” Major Group

The following example shows the Classes that exist in the database, and the menu
items which are linked to them.

Class Name

Menu Items linked to class

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-3

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Form View
When you select a menu item from the tree view, its master and definition
information displays in a form to the right of the tree view. If the definition
information does not display on the form, it has not been defined for the selected
menu item, shown below.

Menu Item

Menu Item
has not been

After you define at least one definition for a menu item, it displays on the form,
beneath the menu item’s master information, shown below.

Menu Item

Menu Item

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Definition, by Maj/Fam Grp

The Definition, by Maj/Fam Grp form defines the Major Group and Family Group
names, and up to 64 definitions per menu item, per Revenue Center. Menu item
definitions should be defined once master menu items have been created in the
Master, by Maj/Fam Grp form (described on page 3-6).
All menu items must belong to a Major Group and a Family Group—they are used
to categorize menu items for reporting purposes. Each group operates
independently, although they are often organized as if they are interdependent
(i.e., major groups are often considered the “parent” of a set of family groups).
When you sort by Definition, by Maj/Fam Grp, the following items display in the
tree view:

w Unassigned Menu Items—These are menu items that have not been assigned
to major groups and family groups.

w Unassigned Major Groups—These are major groups that have not been
assigned to menu items.

w Unassigned Family Groups—These are family groups that have not been
assigned to menu items.

w Major Groups—These are major groups that have assigned menu items.
Expand a major group in the tree view (click the “+”) to display its family

w Family Groups—These are family groups that have assigned menu

items. Expand a family group in the tree view (click the “+”) to display its
assigned menu items.

w Menu Items—These are menu items that have been assigned to

major groups and family groups. Menu items display beneath family
groups in the tree view.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-5

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Master, by Maj/Fam Grp

The Master, by Maj/Fam Grp form defines the general system-wide information
about each major group, family group, and menu item. Menu items that have
defined definitions and are active in (assigned to) the selected Revenue Center are
shaded in pale green, shown below.

Major Group Name

Family Groups linked to

Major Group

Menu Items linked to the

selected Revenue Center

Menu Items NOT linked to the

selected Revenue Center

When you sort by Master, by Maj/Fam Grp, the following items display in the
tree view:

w Unassigned Menu Items—These are menu items that have not been assigned
to major groups and family groups.

w Unassigned Major Groups—These are major groups that have not been
assigned to menu items.

w Unassigned Family Groups—These are family groups that have not been
assigned to menu items.

w Major Groups—These are major groups that have assigned menu items.
Expand a major group in the tree view (click the “+”) to display its family

w Family Groups—These are family groups that have assigned menu

items. Expand a family group in the tree view (click the “+”) to display its
assigned menu items.

w Menu Items—These are menu items that have been assigned to

major groups and family groups. Menu items display beneath family
groups in the tree view.

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

The Class form defines the general operational and printing characteristics which
are shared among a group of menu items. Using classes eliminates the redundancy
of having to repeat the same information for each menu item.
When you sort by Class, the following items display in the tree view:

w Unassigned Menu Items—These are menu items that have not been assigned
to classes.

w Regular—These are regular menu items.

w Condiment—These are condiment menu items that modify regular menu


Regular and condiment menu items are determined using one of the following
methods on the Class form:

w On the General tab, in the Type Definition section, select option 2 if the item
is a condiment. If it is not selected, the item is a regular menu item.

Using these options is the same as using the Menu Item Type radio buttons on
the Condiment Groups tab. If you change the option here, the same change
will be reflected on the Condiment Groups tab.


w On the Condiment Groups tab, in the Menu Item Type section, select one of
the radio buttons to define the item’s type.

Using these options is the same as using the Type Definition on the General
tab. If you change the option here, the same change will be reflected on the
General tab.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-7

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Related Menu Item Files

The other files in the Menu Item Maintenance module also link to menu items.
They are:

w MI Recipe Link (optional)—The MI Recipe Link file defines the link

between the 9700 System and the MICROS Food & Beverage Management

w Bar Code (optional)—The Bar Code file defines the barcode NLU and
optional price information for records in the Menu Item Maintenance file.

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Add a Major Group

1. Select Menu Items| Menu Item Maintenance.
2. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

3. The Type should default to Major Group. If not, select Major Group from
the drop-down list, and click OK.

This is the recommended order in which a

menu item should be set up from scratch—
Major Group, then Family Group, then Master, etc.

4. In the Name field, type the name of the new major group.
5. In the Report Number field, enter a report group number. This number
determines the order in which this major group will sort and subtotal on Major
Group reports. If the value is zero, this major group will not print on reports.
6. Click OK.

The new major group will automatically be placed under

Unassigned Major Groups until you assign menu items to

7. Assign the appropriate menu items to the new major group.

w Open the Master, by Maj/Fam Grp form and select a menu item.

w Select the major group assignment from the Major Group drop-down

8. Click to save your changes before you exit the Menu Item Maintenance

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-9

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Add a Family Group

1. Select Menu Items| Menu Item Maintenance.
2. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

3. Select Family Group from the Type drop-down list, and click OK.

4. In the Name field, type the name of the new family group.
5. In the Report Number field, enter a report group number. This number
determines the order in which this family group will sort and subtotal on
Family Group reports. If the value is zero, this family group will not print on
6. Click OK.

The new family group will automatically be placed under

Unassigned Family Groups until you assign menu items
to it.

7. Assign the appropriate menu items to the new major group.

w Open the Master, by Maj/Fam Grp form and select a menu item.

w Select the family group assignment from the Family Group drop-down

8. Click to save your changes before you exit the Menu Item Maintenance

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Add a Menu Item Master

1. Select Menu Items| Menu Item Maintenance.
2. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

3. Select Master from the Type drop-down list, and click OK.

The following screen displays:

4. In the Report Name field, type the name of the new menu item master record.
5. In the Report Number field, enter a report group number. This number
determines the order in which this menu item master will sort and subtotal on
Menu Item reports. If the value is zero, this menu item master will not print on

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-11

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

6. Select where the new record will be added.

w Select Next Available Position to use the first available record number in
the file.


w Select Record Number or Range to specify a single record number or a

range of record numbers to add. If you select this option, the field to the
right of the option is enabled. Enter the record number or range of
numbers in this field.

7. In the Major Group drop-down list, select a major group to assign to the new
8. In the Family Group drop-down list, select a family group to assign to the
new record(s).
9. Click OK.

The new menu items will automatically be placed under

Unassigned Menu Items unless you assign them to a
major group and family group.

10. Click to save your changes before you exit the Menu Item Maintenance

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Master Forms
This section includes visual representations of each Master form. Right-click on a
field or check box for a definition of the selected element. A check box option is
disabled if it is empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.
The Master forms are the same as the Definition forms on page 3-17. Only the top
portion of the General form displays information until you set up a definition.

General Form

Menu Item

Menu Item
has not been

When a definition is added for the menu item, that information displays in the
Menu Item Definition section on the General form, and the Pricing form will also
be accessible, shown below.
Pricing Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-13

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Add a Menu Item Definition

1. Select Menu Items| Menu Item Maintenance.
2. In the Sort By window, locate and select the menu item’s master record.
3. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

4. Select Definition from the Type drop-down list, and click OK.

The following screen displays:

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

5. In the Name 1 field, type the name of the new menu item.
6. (Optional) In the Name 2 field, type an alternate name.
7. In the Number of Records to Add field, type the number of definition
records to add to this menu item.

If you add multiple definitions to a menu item, the Name 1

field for each of the added definitions defaults to the Menu
Item Master’s Report Name. This name can be changed
for each definition, if necessary.

8. In the Revenue Centers drop-down list, select the Revenue Centers to which
the menu item definition record(s) should be added.
9. To copy the attributes and price of an existing menu item definition:

w Select the Use Selected Definition as Template check box.

w Select the definition to copy from the Definition Record to Use as

Template drop-down list.

w To add the definition to a different master record, select the Master

Record to Receive Definition drop-down list.

To create a blank menu item definition and price:

w Do not select the Use Selected Definition as Template check box.

w To add the definition to a different master record, select the Master

Record to Receive Definition drop-down list.

w In the Class drop-down list, select a menu item class to which this
definition belongs.

w (Optional) Select the Add Price Records check box. If this box is
enabled, the Count and Default Price fields are active. You can also skip
these last three pricing fields and program them later (see page 3-18).

w In the Count field, enter the number of price records to add.

w In the Default Price field, enter the price associated with the new

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-15

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

10. Click OK.

The new menu items will automatically be placed under

Unassigned Menu Items until you assign them to a major
group and family group.

11. Click to save your changes before you exit the Menu Item Maintenance

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Definition Forms
This section includes visual representations of each Definition form. Right-click
on a field or check box for a definition of the selected element. A check box
option is disabled if it is empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.
General Form

Pricing Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-17

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Add a Menu Item Price

1. Select Menu Items| Menu Item Maintenance.
2. In the Sort By window, locate and select the menu item’s definition record.
3. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

4. Select Price from the Type drop-down list, and click OK.

The following screen displays:

5. In the Definition drop-down list, select the definition record to which this
price will be assigned.
6. In the Count field, enter the number of price records to add.
7. In the Default Price field, enter the price associated with the new
8. Click OK.
9. Click to save your changes before you exit the Menu Item Maintenance

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Pricing Form
This section includes visual representations of the Pricing form. Right-click on a
field or check box for a definition of the selected element. A check box option is
disabled if it is empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.
This is the same form as shown on page 3-17.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-19

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Add a Menu Item Class

1. Select Menu Items| Menu Item Maintenance.
2. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

3. Select Class from the Type drop-down list, and click OK.

The following screen displays:

4. In the Name field, type the name of the new menu item class record.

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

5. From the Class as Template drop-down list:

w Select an existing class to use as a template to create the new class. This
method copies all of the attributes of the selected class. Verify that these
settings apply to the new class. You may need to change them.


w Select 0-None if you do not want to copy a record. Fill in all of the
appropriate fields on each form.

6. Click OK. The new class displays in the Class form. Refer to the form
examples starting on page 3-22, and use the context-sensitive help to set up or
make changes to the new class.

The new class will automatically be placed under the

appropriate Class category in the tree view—Unassigned
Menu Items, Regular, or Condiment.

7. Click to save your changes before you exit the Menu Item Maintenance

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-21

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Class Forms
This section includes visual representations of each Class form. Right-click on a
field or check box for a definition of the selected element. A check box option is
disabled if it is empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.
General Form

Condiment Groups Form

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Output Form

Fixed Price Meals Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-23

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Search for a Major/Family Group, Menu Item,

or Class
To make modifications to a record or view its contents, you’ll need to locate it in
the database. A record is located using one of the following methods:

w By scrolling through the tree to locate the record (use the scroll bar to the right
of the window, if available)

w By clicking on the Toolbar, entering the key word(s) in the Find field,
selecting a table in the Table to Search field, and then clicking Find Next to
start the search

If you make modifications to a record (e.g., change a menu item’s price or

availability), make sure you save the information before you exit the Menu Items

Delete a Major/Family Group, Menu Item, or

A record is deleted using one of the following methods:

w By clicking on the Toolbar

w By selecting Edit | Delete from the Menu Bar

A record must be selected (highlighted) in the tree before you select a delete
option. Once you make a selection, the deletion options are enabled.

A “+” sign to the left of a record indicates that it has other

records linked to it. To display the linked records, click the “+”

When you delete any type of menu item record, a warning message will display.
Refer to page 3-25 for examples of warning messages.

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance

Warning Messages
When deleting a menu item master record with menu items assigned to it, you will
see the following warning:

When deleting a class that is assigned to menu items, you will see the following

Menu items are required to have a valid family group link. If a family group is
selected for deletion, the system checks for any menu items that are associated
with the highlighted family group before deleting it. If there are menu items
linked to the highlighted family group, you will see the following message:

All menu items that have the selected family group assigned must be edited to
remove the family group before the family group can be deleted.

Menu items are required to have a valid major group link. If a major group is
selected for deletion, the system checks for any menu items that are associated
with the highlighted major group before deleting it. If there are menu items linked
to the highlighted major group, you will see the following message:

All menu items that have the selected major group assigned must be edited to
remove the major group before the major group can be deleted.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 3-25

Menu Items
Menu Item Maintenance


Chapter 4


In This Chapter
This chapter explains how to perform employee-related maintenance in
the Personnel module.

Class Form ..........................................................................................4-5

Employee Form...................................................................................4-7
Operator Form.....................................................................................4-8
Add a Class .........................................................................................4-9
Add an Employee..............................................................................4-17
Add an Operator................................................................................4-21
Search for a Class, Employee, or Operator Record ..........................4-22
Delete a Class, Employee, or Operator Record ................................4-22

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-1

Employee Maintenance

Employee Maintenance

Employees are set up and maintained in Personnel | Employee Maintenance. The

Employee Maintenance file consists of three “Sort By” criteria—Class,
Employee, and Operator.

It is recommended to set up employees following this hierarchy (i.e., set up

classes before employees, and employees before operators). The form that
displays in the Employee Maintenance file depends on the sorting criteria you

w Class—The Class form defines the general operational characteristics of a

group of employees (see page 4-5). The Sort By window displays a tree view
of the classes (in alphabetical order) that exist in the database.

Class Name
Employee linked to class

Revenue Centers
linked to employee
Employee linked to class
Employee linked to class

The “+” sign to the left of the class name indicates that there are employees
linked to that class. To display the linked employees, expand the class group
by clicking the “+” sign.

If a “+” sign displays to the left of an employee name, at least one Revenue
Center is linked to that employee. To display the linked Revenue Centers,
expand the employee by clicking the “+” sign.

Employee Maintenance

w Employee—The Employee form defines the specific information about each

person (see page 4-7). The Sort By window displays a tree view of the
employees (in alphabetical order) that exist in the database.

Employee Name
Revenue Centers where
employees are linked
as operators
Employee Name
Employee Name

The “+” sign to the left of the employee name indicates that there are Revenue
Centers linked to that employee. To display the linked Revenue Centers,
expand the employee by clicking the “+” sign.

w Operator—The Operator form defines the individual operational

characteristics of an employee linked to a specific Revenue Center (see page
4-8). Employees can be linked to several Operator records if they have
different responsibilities in different Revenue Centers (e.g., an employee can
be a Bartender in one Revenue Center, and an Assistant Manager in another).
The Sort By window displays a tree view (in alphabetical order) of the
Revenue Centers that exist in the database.

Revenue Center

Employees linked to
Revenue Center

The “+” sign to the left of the Revenue Center name indicates that there are
employees linked to that Revenue Center. To display the linked employees,
expand the Revenue Center group by clicking the “+” sign.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-3

Employee Maintenance

Related Personnel Files

The other files in the Personnel module also link to employees. They are:

w Access Levels—Access levels define security level options for each

employee or a group of employees. These levels are used to allow or prohibit
specific users to perform functions such as adding, editing, and deleting
information, or accessing specific database files.

You can set up access levels prior to setting up employees, or vice-versa. All
employees must be assigned an access level.

Access levels are numbered 0 through 8. The lower the access level number,
the more access that is granted to the employee (e.g., an employee with an
access level of 3 can perform more functions than an employee with an access
level of 4 through 8).

w Cashiers (optional)—Cashier totals designation is used to assign

responsibility and accountability of revenue to individual operators. These
totals are used to balance the flow of money into and out of a UWS’s cash

w Report Writer Access Levels—Report Writer access levels define security

level options for each employee or a group of employees. These levels are
used to allow or prohibit specific users to run and/or reset reports in the 9700

w Job Code (optional)—Job codes are categories used to group employees to

track labor activity. Each employee can be linked to up to eight job codes.
Once job codes are set up, you can link them to employees in Employee
Maintenance | Sort By: Employee | Job Codes/Pay Rates.

w Schedules (optional)—Schedules are used to define when employees are

appointed to work and under which job code assignment. This schedule is
used for labor reporting purposes.

Employee Maintenance

Class Form
The Class form defines the general operational characteristics which are shared
among a group of employees with similar duties, such as servers or managers.
Using classes eliminates the redundancy of having to repeat the same information
for each employee.
This form is your starting point if you are setting up employees in a blank
database. All employees must be linked to a class. If your database is already
programmed, some classes will exist, but you can always add more.
In the Class form, you will define the transaction, supervisory, time clock, access
level, and other privileges an employee class has when using the system.
When you select Sort By: Class, the following form displays:

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-5

Employee Maintenance

The Class form consists of the following forms:

w General—This form defines the employee class name and number, its
overtime accumulation parameters, default transaction touchscreens, and
timekeeping and transaction privileges.

w Guest Checks—This form defines guest check editing and control

authorization privileges for the employee class.

w Printing—This form defines the check, receipt, and tender media

authorization privileges for the employee class.

w Voids & Returns—This form defines the void and return authorization
privileges for the employee class.

w Privileges—This form defines access to specific utilities, the Control Panel,

and ISL scripts for the employee class.

w Procedures & Reports—This form defines access and usage of UWS

Procedures and Autosequences for the employee class.

w Transactions—This form defines posting and authorization privileges for

transactions, service charges, tender, and other employee’s checks for the
employee class.

w Options—This form defines miscellaneous authorization privileges for the

employee class.

Employee Maintenance

Employee Form
The Employee form defines specific information about each employee in the
system, such as name and address, ID number, Payroll ID (e.g., Social Security
Number), Revenue Center assignment, and class.
All employees must be linked to a class. It is recommended to set up employee
classes before you define your employees.
When you select Sort By: Employee, the following form displays:

The Employee form consists of the following forms:

w General—This form defines specific personal information about the

employee, such as name and address, Social Security Number, and ID

w Job Codes/Pay Rates—This form defines the job categories and their
specific wage rates that can be linked to each employee. These job categories
are defined in the Job Codes form (see page 4-4). Each employee can be
assigned up to eight different job codes. The regular and overtime pay rates
for each job code are specific to each employee.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-7

Employee Maintenance

Operator Form
The Operator form defines the individual operational characteristics of an
employee linked to a specific Revenue Center. An operator is an employee who is
privileged to place orders. Examples of operators may include servers or other
order takers who record sales. Each operator maintains a set of sales totals.
When you select Sort By: Operator, the following form displays:

The Operator form consists of the following forms:

w General—This form defines the tracking group totals, cashier link selections,
and default touchscreen and cash drawer assignments for a selected employee.

w Options—This form defines a variety of transaction and printing privileges,

and characteristics for the employee in the selected Revenue Center.

Employee Maintenance

Add a Class
1. Select Personnel | Employee Maintenance.
2. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

3. The Type should default to Class. If not, select Class from the drop-down list.
4. In the Class Name field, type the name of the new class.
5. From the Use Existing Class as Template drop-down list:

w Select a class record to use as a template to create the new record. This
method copies all of the attributes of the selected class, except for the
employees assigned to this class (see Step 7). Verify that the attributes
apply to the new class. You may need to change them.


w Select 0-None if you do not want to copy a record. Fill in all of the fields
on each form.

(Refer to the form examples starting on page 4-11, and use the context-
sensitive help to set up the new class.)

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-9

Employee Maintenance

6. In the Assign Employees to Class window, select the employees who should
belong to this class. The selections that display are derived from the Employee
form. This window will be empty if there are no employees in the database. If
this is the case, make sure you come back to the Class form and assign
employees once they’ve been added to the database. If an employee currently
has a class assignment and you change it to the new class added here, then the
previous class assignment is removed.
7. Click OK. The new class record is added to the Employee Maintenance file.

If you need to make modifications to this new class (i.e., enable or disable
specific options), you may do so at this point. (Refer to the form examples
below, and use the context-sensitive help to set up the new class.)
8. Click to save your changes before you exit the Employee Maintenance

Employee Maintenance

Class Forms
This section includes visual representations of each Class form. Right-click on a
field or check box for a definition of the selected element. A check box option is
disabled if it is empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.

The Class Number and Employee Class fields on each form cannot
be edited. The Class Number is automatically assigned by the
system when the record is added to the database.

General Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-11

Employee Maintenance

Guest Checks Form

Printing Form

Employee Maintenance

Voids & Returns Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-13

Employee Maintenance

Privileges Form

Employee Maintenance

Procedures & Reports Form

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-15

Employee Maintenance

Transactions Form

Options Form

Employee Maintenance

Add an Employee
1. Select Personnel | Employee Maintenance.
2. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

3. The Type should default to Employee. If not, select Employee from the drop-
down list.
4. In the Insert After Employee Number field, enter the employee number
after which to insert the new record.

To use the next available record, enter 1.

5. In the Last Name and First Name fields, enter the employee’s name.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-17

Employee Maintenance

6. From the Use Existing Employee as Template drop-down list:

w Select an employee record to use as a template to create the new record.

This method copies attributes of the selected employee. (For example, if
you are adding a new bartender, select an existing bartender employee
from the drop-down list.) The following field values are copied:

w Information Lines 1-4—You will need to customize these lines for

the new employee.

w Employee Class

w Current RVC

w Level

w Group

w Allowances—Verify that these settings apply to the new employee.

You may need to change them.

w Job Codes—Job code links are copied to the new record, but the pay
rates are not. Make sure you open the Job Codes/ Pay Rates form and
fill in the appropriate Regular Pay Rate and Overtime Pay Rate
fields for the new employee.


w Select 0-None if you do not want to use an existing employee to create a

new record. Fill in all of the appropriate fields on the General and Job
Codes/Pay Rates forms.

(Refer to the form examples starting on page 4-20, and use the context-
sensitive help to set up the new employee.)

7. If you selected a template in Step 7, skip this step.

If you selected 0-None in Step 7, select a class to assign to this employee from
the Employee Class drop-down list.
8. In the Add to Revenue Centers window, select the Revenue Centers to which
the employee is linked to for labor totals posting and operator totals selection.
If no Revenue Centers are selected, then operator totals cannot be linked to
the employee.

The selections that display are derived from the RVC Information| RVC
Configuration form. (If there are no Revenue Centers programmed in the
database, this window will be empty.)

Employee Maintenance

9. Click OK. The new employee record is added to the Employee Maintenance
10. If you created the new employee from a template (in Step 7), you only need to
fill in the top portion of the General form and then enter the employee’s pay
rates on the Job Codes/Pay Rates form.

If you did not use a template to create the new employee, you need to fill in all
of the fields and select the appropriate options on all forms.

(Refer to the form examples starting on page 4-20, and use the context-
sensitive help to set up the new employee.).
11. Click to save your changes before you exit the Employee Maintenance

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-19

Employee Maintenance

Employee Forms
This section includes visual representations of each Employee form. Right-click
on a field or check box for a definition of the selected element. A check box
option is disabled if it is empty, and enabled if it contains a check mark.

General Form

The Employee # field cannot be edited. The number is

automatically assigned by the system when the record is added to
the database.

Job Codes/Pay Rates Form

The Last Name and First Name fields cannot be edited on this

Employee Maintenance

Add an Operator
1. Select Personnel | Employee Maintenance.
2. Click or select Edit | Insert from the Menu Bar. The following screen

3. The Type should default to Operator. If not, select Operator from the drop-
down list.
4. From the Operator Revenue Center drop-down list, select the Revenue
Center to which you are adding the new operator.
5. From the Use Existing Operator as Template drop-down list:

w Select an operator to use as a template to create the new record. This

method copies all of the attributes of the selected operator. Verify that the
attributes apply to the new operator. You may need to change them.


w Select 0-None if you do not want to copy a record. Fill in all of the fields
on each form.

(Use the context-sensitive help to set up the new class.)

6. In the Add Employees to Revenue Centers window, select the employee(s) to

link to the Operator Revenue Center (selected in Step 5) for operator totals
posting. Employees who are already assigned to this Revenue Center do not
display in the drop-down list.
7. Click OK.

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-21

Employee Maintenance

Search for a Class, Employee, or Operator

To make modifications to a record or view its contents, you’ll need to locate it in
the database. A record is located using one of the following methods:

w By scrolling through the tree to locate the record (use the scroll bar to the right
of the window, if available)

w By clicking on the Toolbar, entering the key word(s) in the Find field,
and then clicking Find Next to start the search

If you make modifications to a record (e.g., change an employee’s pay rate or

update a phone number), make sure you save the information before you exit the
Personnel module.

Delete a Class, Employee, or Operator Record

A record is deleted using one of the following methods:

w By clicking on the Toolbar

w By selecting Edit | Delete from the Menu Bar

A record must be selected (highlighted) in the tree before you select a delete
option. Once you make a selection, the deletion options are enabled. A record that
is deleted will also remove all definitions attached to them (e.g., deleting a class
will also delete any employee assignments).

A “+” sign to the left of a record indicates that it has other

records linked to it. To display the linked records, click the “+”

When you delete any type of employee record, a warning message will display.
Refer to page 4-23 for examples of warning messages.

Employee Maintenance

Warning Messages
When deleting an employee class with employees assigned to it, you will see the
following confirmation prompt:

When deleting an employee with operators assigned to it, you will see the
following confirmation prompt:

When deleting a class, employee, or operator without other record assignments

(e.g., a class with employees assigned), you will see the following confirmation

9700 Property Maintenance Guide 4-23

Employee Maintenance


Add a Device 2-16 Employee
Add a Family Group 3-10 add 4-17
Add a Major Group 3-9 delete 4-22
Add a Menu Item Class 3-20 Employee Class 4-2
Add a Menu Item Definition 3-14 add 4-9
Add a Menu Item Master 3-11 delete 4-22
Add a Menu Item Price 3-18 Employee Class Forms 4-5, 4-11
Add an Employee 4-17 Employee Forms 4-7, 4-20
Add an Employee Class 4-9 Employee Maintenance 4-2
Add an Operator 4-21 Employees 4-2
hierarchy 4-2
B related files 4-4
sort by criteria 4-2
Block Copy/Insert 1-7
Family Group 3-5, 3-6
Condiment Menu Items 3-7 add 3-10
Copy/Paste 1-7 delete 3-24
Files 1-4
D docking view 1-4
hide 1-5
Delete a Device 2-17
open 1-4
Delete a Family Group 3-24
open in secondary pane 1-4
Delete a Major Group 3-24
Folders 1-4
Delete a Menu Item 3-24
docking view 1-4
Delete a Menu Item Class 3-24
hide 1-4
Delete an Employee 4-22
Form View vs. Table View 1-2
Delete an Employee Class 4-22
Forms 1-5
Delete an Operator 4-22
sections 1-5
Devices 2-2
tabs 1-5
add 2-16
delete 2-17
forms 2-6 M
hierarchy 2-4 Major Group 3-5, 3-6
icons 2-6 add 3-9
related files 2-6 delete 3-24
setting up 2-4 Menu Bar 1-6
sorting 2-2 Menu Item
Directory Tree 1-3 Sort By Class 3-7
collapse a folder 1-3 Sort By Definition, by Maj/Fam Grp 3-5
expand a folder 1-3 Sort By Master, by Maj/Fam Grp 3-6
files 1-4 Menu Item Class 3-7
folders 1-4 add 3-20
open a file 1-3 forms 3-22
Docking View 1-4

9700 Property Maintenance Guide Index-1


Menu Item Definition Sort By Criteria

add 3-14 Definition, by Maj/Fam Grp 3-5
forms 3-17 Employee 4-2, 4-3
Menu Item Maintenance 3-2 Employee Class 4-2
Menu Item Master Master, by Maj/Fam Grp 3-6
add 3-11 Menu Item Class 3-7
forms 3-13 Operator 4-2, 4-3
Menu Item Pricing System Hardware Module 2-1
add 3-18
form 3-19 T
Menu Items 3-2, 3-5
form view 3-4 Table View
related files 3-8 block copy/insert 1-7
sorting 3-2 copy/paste 1-7
tree view 2-5, 3-3 Table View vs. Form View 1-2
Menu Items Module 3-1 Toolbar 1-6

Navigation Window 1-3 Unassigned Family Groups 3-5, 3-6
docking view 1-4 Unassigned Major Groups 3-5, 3-6
hide 1-4 Unassigned Menu Items 3-5, 3-6, 3-7

Operator Warning Messages 3-25, 4-23
add 4-21
delete 4-22 Numerics
forms 4-8
9700 Remote Management Console 1-2
directory tree 1-3
P form 1-5
Personnel Module 4-1 form sections 1-5
Print form tabs 1-5
Select a Protion of Menu Item Information 1- form view vs. table view 1-2
13 Menu Bar 1-2, 1-6
Navigation Window 1-3
R Toolbar 1-2, 1-6

Regular Menu Items 3-7

Search for
Employee 4-22
Employee Class 4-22
Family Group 3-24
Major Group 3-24
Menu Item 1-12, 3-24
Menu Item Class 3-24
Operator 4-22


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