Course Schedule Course Description: Learning Outcomes

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Syllabus MPS 504 History of Modern Leadership Spring 2021

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Course Schedule
Course Description
This course reviews the roots of leadership studies beginning in the late nineteenth century and
progresses to examine the skills and competencies needed for outstanding 21st century
leaders.  Contrary to what early modern leadership theories maintained, leaders are not born
but instead master skills and develop competencies for effective leadership.  Emphasis in this
course will be placed upon guiding students to explore and challenge what makes great leaders
along with identifying individual improvements needed to become more effective leaders in their
As a result of this course, students will be able to…
1. Create a learning community as a foundation for achieving outcomes
2. Critique the impact of historical leadership theories on 21st century leadership and
determine the significance for individual career advancement and on the job application.
3. Compare and contrast various leadership theories and identify differences between
effective and ineffective leadership best practices.
4. Evaluate Family Owned Business leadership challenges and contributions to the
 TEXT: No textbook is required for this course; however, we will use many online resources as
well as traditional written materials to facilitate learning.
Grading and Assignments:   The following points may be earned:
Total possible points:                       900 points
Letter grade values:                        
 A= 900-720 points-- AND participating in ALL 6 weekly sessions
including timely posting in every Forum to allow for quality interaction
                        B= 719-539 points-- AND participating in at least 5 weekly sessions
including timely posting in each Forum to allow for quality interaction
C= 538-358 points-- AND participating in at least 4 weekly sessions
including timely posting in weekly Forums to allow for quality interaction
                                     D= 357-177 points –AND participating in at least 3 weekly sessions   
                                      E= 176-0  points
The following weekly module course framework includes the Grade possibilities per module.

Weekly Course Framework

As a practitioner in leadership development my “day job” is helping leaders change and grow.
This course was developed with your skill enhancement in mind and, like the rest of my career,
is based on Malcolm Knowles adult learner theory of Andragogy. Applying Knowles’ principles
of Andragogy (adult learning), I examine how the learning has relevance and can impact the
lives of you the learners. All material was chosen with application in mind and, hopefully, you
will approach each weekly session asking yourself how the material can be useful to you in
present/future leadership roles. Although the role of leaders has been critical to the growth and
decline of civilizations throughout the world, the formal study of leadership was formalized in the
United States in the early 20th century and has grown to focus on skills needed for 21st century
leaders. This course purposely focuses on the study of modern leadership in the United States .
I am confident you will gain information each week that will help you become a more
transformative leader in the many roles you play in life.  Enjoy!
Each week begins at 12:00 AM on Saturday and ends on Fridays at 7:00 PM.

WLU eLearning is very clear that our online courses are not self-paced with students working at
paced self-agendas that would qualify as “correspondence courses” by the Higher Learning
Commission. Following HLC guidelines WLU online courses establish learning communities
that have student/faculty interaction as an integral component of learning. To accomplish
successful interaction, those weeks with Forums as our discussion modes will have
both a Tuesday and a Friday deadline. Read Syllabus/ Module/Forum carefully to post on

Please be aware that Week 6 closes on Friday, April 2 at 5:00 PM


Module One:  February 20 12:00 AM- February 26 7:00 PM

In Module One you will: Create a learning community as a foundation for achieving outcomes
 Create a Learning Community
 Share and learn about each of your classmates
 Review syllabus and guidelines for successful course completion
 Compare and contrast Trait and Great Man leadership theories 
WHY this learning is important:
Being a member of a learning community creates support in a totally online learning format.
Students who read and understand the Syllabus have a higher success rate in online courses. 
How leaders are chosen today often reflects historical precedent and a comfort with old
methods that won’t allow out of the box thinking.  One must recognize our history in order not to
repeat it. i.e. are traits playing a role selecting leaders in your organization?
Possible total points to be earned in Module One  (145)
 FORUM 1.1 Creating a Learning Community (30) (Deadline to post Tuesday 11:00 PM)
 FORUM 1.2 Syllabus                               (40) (Deadline to post Tuesday 11:00 PM)
 FORUM 1.3 Compare and Contrast Trait and Great Man theories
(75) (Deadline to post Friday 7:00 PM)
Module Two: February 27 12:00 AM-March 5 7:00 PM
In Module Two you will: Compare and contrast various leadership theories and identify
differences between effective and ineffective leadership best practices
 Review and summarize Taylor’s Scientific Management
 Define the potential impact of Logan’s Tribal leadership
 Compare and contrast Logan and Taylor leadership theories and best practices
WHY this learning is important
Despite the technological advances that have been made in the past thirty years, human
leadership behavior often reverts to “old theories”.  Bringing with us what works from previous
eras but leaving behind outdated behavior is more difficult than one assumes.  Comparing and
contrasting Logan’s beliefs about working tribes with Taylor’s previously popular scientific
management will encourage you to evaluate what will work in your cultural climate while
assessing behaviors of your “working tribe.”
Possible total points to be earned in Module Two   (150)
 FORUM 2.1 Taylor Scientific Management (35) (Deadline to post Tuesday, 11:00 PM)
 FORUM 2.2 Logan Tribal Leadership (45) (Deadline to post Friday, 7:00 PM)
 FORUM 2.3 Compare effective and ineffective leadership styles
(70) (Deadline to post Friday, 7:00 PM
Module Three: March 6 12:00 AM –March 12 7:00 pm
In Module Three you will: Critique the impact of historical leadership theories on 21st century
leadership and determine the significance for individual career advancement and on the job
 Evaluate past and current leadership approaches to identify and apply best practices
 Read, review, and summarize Behaviorist theory of leadership
 Discern your personal leadership style through Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid
 Critique Mary Parker Follett’s contribution to leadership theory
 Compare and evaluate 21st century leadership and behaviorist theory
WHY this learning is important
Self assessment is a valuable tool for leaders.  Although the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid
is not the latest or greatest assessment, it was the tool of its time in the historical development
of leadership theory.  In spite of its age, students/clients find merit in determining their
Behaviorist styles. Mary Parker Follett’s contribution to leadership theory is often overshadowed
and overlooked despite the impact she had on teamwork.
Possible total points to be earned in Week Three            (100)
 FORUM 3.1 Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Assessment (40)
(Deadline to post Tuesday 11:00 PM)
 FORUM 3.2 Contribution of the Behaviorists to 21st century leadership (60)
(Deadline to post Friday, 7:00 PM)
Module Four:  March 13 12:00 AM-March 19 7:00 PM
 In Module Four you will: Evaluate Family Owned business leadership challenges and
contributions to the economy
 Discover the role of Family Owned business leaders in the economy
 Review a Case Study on family business leadership
 Submit a written essay answering questions about the case study

WHY this learning is important

This week is a shift from the chronological study of the history of leadership.  Family owned
businesses continue to be the economic backbone of the world economy.  While the largest
employer in the world, Wal-Mart, is a publicly traded company, it is influenced by the family of
origin—Walton.  Take a break from historical leadership perspective and shift to relearning
about the importance of leadership in family owned/run businesses.  ( i.e.NASCAR, Ford,
Hewlett Packard, Zildjian etc.)    
Possible total points to be earned Module Four                  (125)
 : Family Business Case Study paper (125) (Deadline for submission March 19 7:00 PM)
Module Five:  March 20 12:00 AM-March 26 7:00 pm
 In Module Five you will: Critique the impact of historical leadership theories on 21st century
leadership and the significance for individual career advancement and on the job application
 Critique the impact of historical leadership theories and cite examples of 21st century
 Clarify Douglas McGregor’s contribution to leadership theory
 Discern the transition to Fiedler’s Contingency theory
 Critique the impact of Situational leadership theories and cite examples of 21st century
WHY this learning is important
Organizational culture takes on a life of its own.  The leader influences the members of the
culture and the members of the culture influence the leader.  Being aware of what is happening
within your culture allows you to get “a handle” on the behaviors that support or get in the way of
growth.  Each of these theories remains active within organizations and sometimes become the
comfort zone during transitions.
It is imperative that we clearly discern what leadership style fits the cultural environment.  As
organizations change, so must the leadership styles.  Knowing when to discard the "old" to
move forward is a cutting edge skill.  
I propose that understanding how/why helps decrease the chaotic feelings.

Possible points to be earned in Module Five:                  (150)

 FORUM 5.1 Situational Leadership (75) (Deadline to post Tuesday 11:00 PM)
 FORUM 5.2 Leadership skills needed in 21st century organizational cultures
                                (75) (Deadline to post Friday 7:00 PM)
Module Six: March 27 12:00 AM-April 2 5:00 PM (NOTE: CLASS CLOSES AT 5:00 PM)
In Module Six you will: Compare and contrast various leadership theories and identify
differences between effective and ineffective leadership best practices; you will also reflect on
the importance to your career advancement and on the job application
 Reflect on and evaluate Meg Whitman’s leadership beliefs
 Reflect on and evaluate Simon Sinek’s contribution to leadership
 Compare and contrast Whitman and Sinek to an earlier theorist and determine the
importance to your career advancement
WHY is this learning important?
Information without reflection remains just that….information.  I am hoping that each week you
will have reflected on the shared discussion and apply the learning to your present situation. 
The final week is an opportunity to reflect and summarize your learning and application.
Possible points to be earned in Module Six:                                              (230) 
 Forum 6.1 Whitman and Sinek (85) (Deadline to post Tuesday 11:00 PM)
 Forum 6.2 On the Job application (145) (Deadline to post Friday 5:00 PM)
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