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January 2022
Special Supplement to Looking to keep up a New Year’s
Long-Term solutions to protect joints
Physical Therapy vs Opiods for pain management

The pros and cons

of running

soft tissue

How different
vitamins affect
the body

And more!...
2 • January 2022 Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness January 2022 • 3

Looking to keep up a New Year’s resolution?

The experts say to start small...
Michael Lee “There are just so many forces and responsibilities and
The Columbus Dispatch pressures that make it very unrealistic that we have the ca-
pacity, the energy, to make a big change,” she said.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (TNS) -- It’s the start of 2022, which And an overbearing pressure the past couple of years?
for many means once again setting New Year’s resolu- The COVID-19 pandemic.
tions. Lazarus said the pandemic has made everyday deci-
According to a 2020 survey from comparison website sions a lot more difficult and has disrupted people’s abil-
Finder, 45.6% of 141.1 million American adults said they ity to access things that often reinforce and support their
wanted to make health-related New Year’s resolutions for moods, like in-person book clubs, exercise classes and
2021. But another 2020 survey from data analytics site even meetings at work.
YouGov found that 49% of people who made resolutions “We were hoping if we just kind of held out long enough
kept some but not all, while 16% did not keep any at all. that they would return,” she said. “But I think we’re realiz-
So for those who want to keep up their resolutions this ing we have to be adaptable, and find new and different (Barbara J. Perenic/Columbus Dispatch/TNS)
year, experts say to start small. sources of support and reinforcement for our mood, be- Lead Trainer Megan Dressel works with a client at
cause things are not quite returning to exactly how they Personal Level Fitness on Lane Avenue.
What’s in a New Year’s resolution were.”
Sophie Lazarus, a clinical psychologist at Ohio State And so when people fall off track from a habit, such as to start fresh this afternoon.’”
University’s Wexner Medical Center, said one of the big- a resolution, Lazarus said it can reinforce a problematic
gest reasons why people make New Year’s resolutions in avoidance mindset. But it’s best not to keep putting it off Starting small, setting goals
the first place is that it’s a “strong, cultural piece” in today’s when you fall off track, she said. Lazarus said it’s best for people to set smaller goals in
society. “It reinforces this way of thinking of like, ‘I fell off track the new year instead of large, sweeping resolutions.
She added that New Year’s resolutions can be hard to with this habit, I’ll just start next week, or I’ll just start next Personal trainer Alexandra Craig agrees that smaller
stick with because in general, habits are powerful and that month,’” Lazarus said. “Why not start fresh or start new in
it’s really hard to change behavior. the next moment, ... ‘So I fell off track here today, I’m going (Continued on next page.)


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4 • January 2022 Health & Wellness
by Linda Bacon so they can have
a better understanding of what
Resolution healthy eating means for their
(Continued from page 3.)
“I want people to ultimately be
goals are the way to go. Craig is educated, but to develop a sense
the owner of personal fitness gym of compassion toward themselves
Personal Level Fitness, just outside to get curious rather than be judg-
of Upper Arlington. mental,” she said. “Get started no
Her gym helps clients with set- matter how small it seems.”
ting long-term goals instead of
resolutions like trying to lose 10
pounds in a month.
“I think they set themselves up
to fail because they don’t know
where to start a lot of times,” she
said. “When people first do their
New Year’s resolutions, it’s that
short-term tunnel vision instead
of, ‘I’m going to work on this one
thing, and then add, and add,
and add and do more of a hab-
it-based program.”
She added that in order for
people to keep up with these
smaller goals, they can just make
tweaks to their goals to make
them more realistic.
“I always give people a 1 to 10
confidence scale. One is abso-
lutely not, I am not going to climb
Mount Everest tomorrow, and
10 is like, ‘Yeah, I can walk out
to my car and grab my cellphone
for you,” Craig said. “If you can’t
do it forever, then you probably
shouldn’t be doing it.”
And that’s the same for resolu-
tions like healthy eating — keep
the pressure low. In fact, local li-
censed dietitian Lindsey Mathes
said not to focus on weight loss,
as it can be dangerous.
Mathes, who focuses on pre-
venting eating disorders and dis-
ordered eating with her clients,
said things like diets don’t work,
and that healthy eating is more
about a behavior change.
“The vast majority of eating
disorders get started very inno-
cently — there is a drive for feel-
ing healthier, losing weight, and
it flips a switch,” she said.
Mathes said those who want
to start healthy food habits in the
New Year should contact an in-
tuitive eating dietitian in order to
overcome barriers — like emo-
tional eating as a coping mecha-
nism — that would prevent some-
one from making the changes
they want.
But for those who cannot or
do not want to, she said to read
books like “Health at Every Size”
Health & Wellness January 2022 • 5

Long-Term solutions
to protect joints
Periodic aches and pains less stress on the joints.
can affect anyone. Individuals In recognition of the threat
who are physically active and posed by chronic joint pain, the
even those who live largely Arthritis Foundation® recom-
sedentary lifestyles may expe- mends individuals take various
rience pain from time to time. steps to protect their joints over
In fact, many professional and the long haul.
amateur athletes experience · Focus less on fashion in
relatively minor, short-term in- regard to footwear. High heels
juries at one point or another, may be the epitome of glamor-
and rest is often the best reme- ous footwear, but women who
dy to overcome such obstacles. routinely wear high heels will
Though minor tweaks may be pay a steep price. The AF notes
somewhat normal, long-term that heels put added stress on and standing throughout the ple effect that impacts the en- easier on the joints than fitness
issues like persistent joint pain the knees and increase risk for day. Joint stiffness and strain tire body, including the joints. classes that involve high-inten-
should not be written off as par osteoporosis, and experts indi- can develop when individuals The AF notes that researchers sity dancing and kickboxing.
for the course. It can be tempt- cate that three-inch heels are spend lengthy periods of time have determined that losing In addition, when choosing
ing to write joint pain off as a seven times more stressful on sitting or standing. The AF 11 pounds can reduce risk for between a treadmill and ellip-
concern only serious athletes feet than one-inch heels. But recommends taking a break osteoarthritis of the knee by 50 tical machine, the Mayo Clinic
need to worry about. Terms like women aren’t the only ones to stand up or sit down every percent. On the flip side, each notes that ellipticals are gener-
“tennis elbow” and “runner’s whose footwear fashion sense 30 minutes. Professionals who extra pound an individual car- ally considered low-impact ma-
knee” can give less physically could be hurting their joints. sit at a desk all day may want ries puts four times the stress chines that are less stressful on
active individuals a false im- Men also must pay attention to switch to height-adjustable on his or her knees. Exercising the knees, hips and back than
pression of joint pain and what to what they’re putting on their desks that make it easy for to lose weight can provide the running on a treadmill or even
causes it. But the Mayo Clinic feet. For example, sandals them to transition from sitting to added benefit of preventing outdoors.
notes that lack of exercise can without a back strap force toes standing and still get their work joint stiffness. Various strategies can help
contribute to pain and stiffness to overgrip the edge of the san- done. · Opt for low-impact activi- individuals maintain healthy,
in the joints. That’s because ex- dal, putting needless strain on · Maintain a healthy weight. ties. Low-impact activities like pain-free joints over the long
ercise strengthens the muscles each foot and potentially caus- Being overweight causes a rip- cycling and swimming are haul.
and tissues that surround the ing issues with the toes.
joints. That added strength puts · Alternate between sitting
A Healthy Start to the New Year...

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6 • January 2022 Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness January 2022 • 7

Physical Therapy vs Opioids for pain management

Some facts about opioids... cations are at an all time high and people addicted to
prescription opioids are 40 times more likely to turn
• in 2012, so many opioid prescriptions were to illicit drugs like heroin. We know most prescription
written that every American adult could have had medicines have a laundry list of possible side effects,
their own bottle of pills. we also know that these can be eliminated when saf-
• 1 in 4 patients with long term opioid prescrip- er alternatives are recognized and utilized. There are
tions struggle with addiction. times when prescription painkillers are appropriate and
• more than 1,000 people are treated daily in ER’s useful. Examples include cancer, palliative, and end-
for prescription opioid misuse. of-life care, but for most of us, safer alternatives and
• 46 people die everyday from prescription pain- PT for many other conditions actually provides more
killer overdoses, quadruple the number from 15 benefit than just masking the pain. Improved function,
years ago. flexibility, strength, coordination, and self efficacy are
• in 2015, opioids killed 33,000 people. More all well researched and published for back pain, hip
than half of those were taking them with a pre- and knee arthritis, and Fibromyalgia. Medical exer-
scription. cise prescriptions can treat pain with movement and
improve quality of life, overall mobility, and reduce or • PT is as, or more effective than arthroscopy for
eliminate the need for opioids. Partnering with patients relieving knee osteoarthritis pain and for treating
No one wants to live in pain, but no one should put meniscal tears.
their overall health and well being at risk in an effort and their families in education and exercise should be
a routine first line therapy for treatment of pain and • PT does not have side effects such as depression,
to be pain free. The overuse of opioids for the treat- addiction, overdose, or withdrawal.
ment of chronic pain is finally being recognized as a dysfunction. Everyone can benefit from these types of
preferred treatments and the health benefits of exercise • PT does not just mask pain, but decreases it, along
major health epidemic and the Centers for Disease with improved function, mobility, and overall well-
Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended non- can not be emphasized enough.
drug approaches, such as Physical Therapy (PT), as a
healthy alternative to addictive prescription painkillers. Some facts about Physical Therapy... Are you, or someone you know, struggling with
Our country’s use of pain medication such as Vico- pain management? Encourage them to talk with their
din, Percocet, Methodone, OxyContin and Opana has • PT as a first line treatment reduces costs and im- Physical Therapist or Physician about safe and effective
quadrupled in recent years. Addiction to these medi- proves outcomes for low back pain. non-prescription alternatives.

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8 • January 2022 Health & Wellness

The pros and cons

of running benefit brain power. Researchers
at the University of Ulm in Ger-
many found that individuals who
jogged for 30 minutes per day
three times a week benefitted from
Few physical activities inspire that running can reduce individ- a substantial improvement in con-
the devotion that avid runners uals’ risk for heart disease by a centration and visual memory.
have for running. Millions of in- significant percentage.
dividuals across the globe lace up Cons
their sneakers and run for miles · Running and mental health: · Running and joint health:
on end each day, and the fitness “Runner’s high” is a well-docu- Though many medical profes-
experts at Fitbit note that running mented yet not entirely under- sionals now dispute that there’s
is the most popular activity in the stood phenomenon. Thought it’s a link between running and os-
world. often associated with the release teoarthritis, running can lead to
The global popularity of run- of mood-enhancing hormones wear and tear on the joints over
ning suggests it’s an activity that’s known as endorphins and char- time. It’s important to note that
all gravy and no grief. However, acterized as a routine and eu- such degeneration can occur even
running can take a toll on a body, phoric byproduct of running, ex- in non-runners, especially those
and individuals who can’t wait to perts at Johns Hopkins Medicine who live sedentary lifestyles. Be-
lace up their sneakers and hit the note that research indicates very ing physically active is an import-
road should consider the pros and few runners actually experience ant part of maintaining long-term
cons of running before doing so. runner’s high. Instead, runners joint health, but individuals who
may feel good after running be- like to run should be sure to devise immune to such risks. The Cleve- which can have a significant and
Pros cause physical activity increases a balanced workout regimen that land Clinic notes as many as 60 adverse effect on runners’ overall
· Running and heart health: levels of endocannabinoids in includes strength training to make percent of runners will experience health.
Running generally has a positive the bloodstream. Higher levels of the muscles and tissues around injuries that sideline them for Though medical experts gen-
effect on heart health. The heart endocannabinoids may promote joints stronger. Running without several weeks or months. Plan- erally suggest the rewards of run-
is a muscle, and much like weight short-term responses like reduced strength training could contribute tar fasciitis, runner’s knee, shin ning outweigh the risks for healthy
training can help strengthen mus- anxiety and a greater feeling of to unhealthy joints. splits, and Achilles tendinitis are individuals, it’s still important that
cles like biceps and triceps, run- calm. This is an important distinc- · Running and injury risk: All some injuries commonly suffered men and women weigh the pros
ning can strengthen the heart and tion, as runners who don’t feel physical activities involve some by runners. Common running and cons before lacing up their
make it more efficient. Cardiolo- runner’s high after a long run measure of injury risk, but it’s still injuries can make it hard to per- running shoes.
gists with the Copenhagen City should know that they’re likely still worth noting that runners are not form any cardiovascular exercise,
Heart Study noted that jogging gaining some mental benefit from
increases oxygen uptake, which running, even if a long run makes
makes it easier for the heart to them feel more nauseous than eu-
pump a larger amount of blood phoric.
and do its job more easily. In ad- · Running and brain power:
dition, various studies have found Running also has been found to
Health & Wellness January 2022 • 9
weekend warriors and fitness
enthusiasts. That reality makes

efforts to learn about soft tissue in-
juries a worthwhile undertaking.

What are soft tissue

soft tissue injuries injuries?

Soft tissue injuries affect
muscles, tendons or ligaments.
Fans of professional baseball that sidelined some of the game’s Sprains, strains, tendinitis, and
are no doubt familiar with soft biggest stars. bursitis are some common exam-
tissue injuries, especially after One of the more confound- ples of soft tissue injuries.
the 2021 Major League Baseball ing parts of the seemingly sud-
season. After a pandemic-short- den spike of soft tissue injuries in How do soft tissue injuries
ened 2020 season in which teams professional baseball was how
played just a 60-game regular innocuous they initially seemed
season schedule, 2021 marked to the untrained eye. A seeming-
The American Academy of
a return to a normal 162-game ly minor hamstring tweak on a
Orthopaedic Surgeons notes
schedule for MLB. The 2021 cam- routine groundout may not have
that soft tissue injuries often oc-
paign had its up and downs, in- seemed like something that would
cur when individuals are playing ger recovery times than broken
cluding what seemed like an un- sideline a professional athlete for injuries depends on a host of fac-
sports or exercising in some oth- bones.
usual number of soft tissue injuries very long, but baseball fans soon tors, including age and overall
er way. However, it’s also possi- Soft tissue injuries became a
realized that such setbacks were health. Those experts also note
ble to suffer a soft tissue injury in hot topic throughout professional
sidelining players for weeks, if that certain soft tissue injuries
Can soft tissue injuries not months. And if professional
normal everyday situations. For
can cause permanent damage to baseball in 2021. Understand-
example, an individual may step ing soft tissue injuries and what
be prevented? athletes with unfettered access
awkwardly and suffer a soft tissue
affected muscles, tendons or lig-
they entail can help athletes tem-
to personal trainers and medical aments, which not only influences
The American Academy of injury. Athletes who don’t give per their expectations and take a
services could suffer such injuries recovery time but also increases
Orthopaedic Surgeons notes their bodies enough time to recov- measured approach to recovery
while performing, so, too, can the risk of injury recurrence and
that many soft tissue injuries er between workouts may suffer a should they be diagnosed with an
potentially threatens athletes’ ca-
can be prevented with prop- soft tissue injury as a result. injury to their muscles, tendons or
reers. Integrated Rehabilitation
er conditioning and training. Services also notes that certain ligaments.
Athletes also can employ some What is the recovery time soft tissue injuries can require lon-
additional strategies to reduce for soft tissue injuries?
their risk for soft tissue injuries.
· Use proper equipment. Rest, ice, compression, and
Wear loose-fitting clothing that elevation (RICE) is a part of the
promotes mobility and flexibili- recovery process for soft tissue
ty and replace athletic shoes as injuries. That rather simple ap-
they wear out. proach can give the false impres-
· Aim for balance in your sion that recovery from soft tissue
fitness routine. Adhere to a injuries will be quick. However,
fitness regimen that incorpo- the experts at Connecticut-based COSTLY EMERGENCY DENTAL VISITS ARE EASILY PREVENTABLE
rates cardiovascular exercise, Integrated Rehabilitation Services Hospital emergency room dental visits and treatment of preventable
strength training and flexibility. note that recovery from soft tissue dental conditions are estimated at billions of dollars annually. They
· Warm up. Warm up by account for a significant number of emergency department visits.
running for a few minutes or Patients who seek emergency treatment for dental conditions usually
are treated with quick fixes and pain medications, leaving essential
engaging in another mild phys-
dental repair to the patient’s dentist. However, quick-fix and last resort
ical activity before starting any treatments do not address underlying conditions and are an inefficient
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before, during and after exer- 585.344.2611 585.589.1158 treating “the symptom” versus focusing on “the cause.” Regular
cise. dental check-ups ensure patients receive the dental care necessary to
maintain proper oral and overall health and prevent unnecessary and
· Cool down. Gradually re-
costly emergency care.
duce the intensity of your move- It’s so much easier to prevent a dental tragedy than have to treat it
ments as your workout winds Peer/Family Support Social Club (Batavia) when it turns serious. Place your oral health in our capable hands at
down. Advocacy Drop-In Center (Albion) BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL. We’ll work together as a team with you to
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each stretch for 10 to 20 sec- trust us to help you keep on top of a healthy dental profile that will
serve you well into your future. For routine dental maintenance visits
onds before slowly and careful-
to late-breaking emergencies, you can reach us at 585.343.4246, here
ly releasing it. SOCIAL CLUBS HOURS: M - W - Th - F: 12pm-4pm • M - Tu - F: 5pm-8pm at 6 Batavia City Centre.
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10 • January 2022 Health & Wellness

How different vitamins affect the body

At the dawn of a new year, icine note that various products mitter. helps the body absorb calcium,
it’s not uncommon for people can provide some significant · Vitamin B9 (folate): Vital for which is vital for healthy bones
take inventory of their personal benefits. new cell creation, it helps pre- and teeth.
health and strive to make posi- · Vitamin A (retinoids/car- vent brain and spine birth de- · Vitamin E (tocopherol): An
tive changes. Being more con- otene): Beta carotene can be fects when taken early in preg- antioxidant that helps the body
scientious of the foods they put converted into vitamin A as nancy. It also may lower risk for form red blood cells and use
into their bodies is a start, but needed. It plays an important colon cancer risk. vitamin K. Scientists also are
some individuals may wonder if role in vision, keeps tissues and · Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): studying a potential relation- hip fractures.
supplementation can help them skin healthy, and also is in- Vitamin B12 is important for ship between vitamin E and a In addition to these vitamins,
go one step further. volved with bone growth. metabolism and energy pro- lower risk for Alzheimer’s dis- the body needs various min-
· Vitamin B1 (thiamin): Helps duction. It also helps form red ease. erals, including calcium, iron,
Nutrition Insight reports that convert food into energy, and is blood cells and maintain the · Vitamin K (menadione): Vi- copper, iodine, magnesium,
77 percent of American adults essential for brain health and central nervous system. tamin K activates proteins and and more. Speak with a doc-
consume dietary supplements, nerve function. · Biotin: Biotin helps to me- calcium essential to blood clot- tor or nutritionist to learn more
and Nutraceuticals World indi- · Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): This tabolize proteins and carbohy- ting. It also may help prevent about supplementation.
cates 98 percent of adult sup- works with other B vitamins by drates. It also promotes healthy
plement users are taking vita- promoting growth and the pro- bones and hair.
mins and minerals. Individuals duction of red blood cells. · Vitamin C (ascorbic acid):
considering supplements should · Vitamin B3 (niacin): Helps This is an important antioxidant
always discuss them with their convert food into energy. It’s that promotes healthy teeth and
physicians prior to including also essential for healthy skin, gums. It also helps the body
them in their health regimens. blood cells, brain, and nervous absorb iron and maintains
Even those who system function. healthy tissue by promoting
haven’t consid- · Vitamin B5 (pantothenic wound healing. Vitamin C may
ered supplements acid): Helps make lipids, neuro- help boost the immune system
can discuss them transmitters, steroid hormones, to help with illness prevention
with their physi- and hemoglobin in the body. or recovery.
cians, as Har- · Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): · Vitamin D (calciferol): Also
vard Health, This vitamin may reduce the known as the “sunshine vita-
MedlinePlus risk of heart disease by helping min,” vitamin D is made in the
and the U.S. to lower homocysteine levels. It body after individuals spend
National also helps convert tryptophan time in the sun. It is hard to get
Library into niacin and serotonin, a enough vitamin D from food
of Med- mood-regulating neurotrans- sources alone. Vitamin D also

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Health & Wellness January 2022 • 11

The nutritional value of

ation recommends that people ories, 9.22 grams fat, 16.92 The way fish is prepared can
eat at least two servings of fish grams protein alter its nutritional profile. Bak-
each week. Knowing how vari- · Tilapia: 81 calories, 1.44 ing, grilling or broiling without
ous types of fish stack up when grams fat, 17.07 grams protein adding fat are the most healthy

popular types of fish compared to one another can

help people decide which fish
to include in their diets. The fol-
· Tuna: 93 calories, 0.81
grams fat, 19.89 grams protein
ways to prepare fish. Enhance
the flavor of fish with fresh
herbs and citrus marinades.
lowing is some nutritional infor-
mation on some popular types Specializing In Individual Personalized Care
of fish, courtesy of the United
States Department of Agricul-
ture. Nutritional information for
raw fish is based on a standard
three-ounce serving size.
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Fish is an important compo- serving size. Plus, fish is an im- 0.60 grams fat, 15.72 grams
nent of a healthy diet. Com-
pared to many other sources
portant source of omega-3 fatty
acids, which have been linked
· Ocean perch: 81 calories,
of protein, including beef, pork to heart and brain health. 1.38 grams fat, 15.84 grams
and chicken, certain varieties protein
of fish are lower in calories per The American Heart Associ- · Salmon (farmed): 156 cal- 2714 POPLAR HILL ROAD • LIMA, NEW YORK 14485

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