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(Academic Session : 2018 - 2019)


Test Syllabus: Unit 6,7,8,9 & 10 Test # 02 Test Pattern : AIIMS
TEST DATE : 16 - 12 - 2018
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 4 1 4
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. 3 2 1 3 4 1 3 4 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 3
Que. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 2
Que. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans. 2 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 2 1 1 3 1
Que. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans. 4 1 4 4 4 2 2 4 3 3 4 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 1
Que. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans. 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 4
Que. 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans. 1 3 1 2 4 1 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 4 1
Que. 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
Ans. 3 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 4 1 4 3 4 1 3 3 3
Que. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
Ans. 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 4 1 4 1
Que. 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
Ans. 3 1 1 3 2 4 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 4

I PP ' Þ 3ma2 = I
MOI about OO' axis is ®

( ) ( )
2 2
I00' = m a / 2 +m a/ 2

= ma2 = I/3
2. Torque rt = rr ´ f
power associated with the torque is
r r r r r
p = t×w= r ´f ×w )
3. r r
t= r´f
MOI about axis PP' is ®
( )(
= 2iˆ + ˆj + kˆ ´ ˆi + ˆj - kˆ )
( ) ö+m
( 2a )
2 2
IPP' = 2 ç m a / 2 ÷
è ø = – 2iˆ + 3ˆj + kˆ
0999DMA310318002 LATS/HS-1/8
Target : Pre-Medical 2019/AIIMS/16-12-2018
4. Here I = 6 kg m2 , t = 10 sec, w0 = 0
gRT gP
150 5 9. Vsound = =
f = 150 rpm = rps = rps MW r
60 2

5 V1 r2 d2
w = 2pf = 2 p´ = 5p rad s–1 = = [same pressure]
2 V2 r1 d1

w - w0 5p - 0 p 10. AB ® P = constant; V ­ T ­
a= = = rad s–2
t 10 2 TB > TA = UB > UA
p By graph WAB > WBC
\ Torque t = I a = 6 × = 3p Nm
5. Let the cylinder go up the plane upto a height h.
11. T1 T2
let M and R be the mass and radius of the cylinder L
Heat flow =

K (pr 2 ) (T1 - T2 )
H1 =

K[ p(2r)2 (T1 - T2 )]
H2 =
According to law of conservation of mechanical
energy, we get on dividing & solving [H2 = 2H1]

1 æ k2 ö v2 æ 1 ö KADT KADT
mv 2 ç 1 + 2 ÷ = mgh Þ 1 + = gh 12. Heat conducted = +
2 è R ø 2 çè 2 ÷ø (L)ACB (L) ADB

3v 2 KADT é (L)ACB ù
h= H = (L) ê1 + ú
4g ACB ë (L) ADB û
let s be the distance travelled by the cylinder up
the plane. 4 KADT
= (L)
h h 3v 2
then sin q = or s = =
s sin q 4gsin q ADT K ' ADT
Now, H = K +
here q = 60° (L) ACB (L)ADB
3v 2 3v 2
s= =
4gsin 60 o 2g ADT é K '(L) ACB ù
2H = êK + ú
7. (L)ACB ë (L)ADB û
Y' = A + B Y" = (A + B) . AB

Y = (A + B). AB = (A + B) + AB 4KADT ADT

2´ = [K + K '´ 3]
= (A . B) + (A + B)
= AB + A + B = (A+1) B + A= B + A = AB Þ K' =
= Output of NAND gate.
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Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/AIIMS/16-12-2018
13. By ray diagram

2 cm
B A B' A'


For A, u = –10 cm, f = 6cm
q /

20° 90° 1 1 1 1 1 1
- = - =
// //

///////////////////////////// Since, Þ
20° v u f v -10 6
50° I3 V = 15 cm = OA'
I1 For B, u = –12 cm, f = 6 cm
1 1 1 1 1 1
Again, - = Þ = -
v u f v 6 12
I2 V = 12 cm = OB'
\ A'B' = OA' – OB' = 15–12 = 3 cm
So Size of image = 3 cm
n= 1 (stress)2
q 17. Energy stored U = ´ ´ volume
2 Y
360 UT = U1 + U2
= = 3.27 ; 3
1 éæ W ö ù
2 2
êç ´ A ´ L + ´ A ´ L ú
= 2Y ê A ÷ 1 ç ÷
A2 ø
14. d ë è 1 ø è û

30° W2L é 1 1 ù
= 2Y ê 2 + 2 ú
ëê A1 A 2 úû
15° 60° W 2L é 1 1 ù
= 2Y ê 2 + ú
d=i+e–A ëê pR p(2R) 2 ûú
30° = 15° + 60° – A
W 2L æ 1 ö 5W 2 L
A = 45° = ç 1 + ÷ =
For same deviation, i & e can be interchanged 2pYR 2 è 4 ø 8pYR 2
15. For the nearsighted person,
v = distance of image from glass
= distance of image from eye-separation 18. a
between glass and eye
q q
= 25 cm – 1 cm = 24 cm = 0.24m a
pseudo geff g
So, for the glass, u = ¥ and v = –24cm = –0.24m acc
1 1 1 1 1 L
So, = - = - = -4.2 D
f v u -0.24 ¥
a h
16. Now we have to calculate the image of A and B. tan q = =
g L
Let the images be A', B'.
So, length of A'B' = Size of image aL
\ h= g

0999DMA310318002 LATS/HS-3/8
Target : Pre-Medical 2019/AIIMS/16-12-2018
19. Case-I :- 26. From Kepler's law T µ r 3/2 ;
When the opening is closed by disc, force on the
3/2 3/2
disc ær ö æ 3R ö
T2 = T1 ç 2 ÷ = ( 24 hrs ) ç ÷ = 6 2 hrs
F1 = hydrostatic pr × area = rghA è r1 ø è 6R ø
Case-II: 27. When pendulum oscillates in air, it will loose
When liquid strikes the disc inelastically energy continuously in overcoming resistance due
Then F2 = rAV (Dp) = rAV2 to air. Therefore total mechanical energy
From bernaulli's theorm V2 = 2gh decreases continuously with time.
28. P.E. is maximum at extreme position and
F 1 minimum at mean position.
F2 = 2rAgh. \ 1 =
F2 2 Time to go from extreme position to mean position
2T is, t = ; where T is time period of SHM
21. hrg = = excess T
r 5s=
2T Þ T = 20 s.
h = rrg h 29. Both the spring are in series
K(2K ) 2K
(m - 1)t D \ Keq = =
22. shift = K + 2K 3
d Time period
1 m m1m 2
= (1.5 – 1) × 2.5 × 10–5 × T = 2p where m =
0.5 ´ 10-3 K eq m1 + m 2
shift = 2.5 cm
23. Dx = a sin q Here, m =
for 1st maxima
m 3 3m
(2n + 1)l \ T = 2p × = 2p
Dx = ,n=1 2 2K 4K
Dx = 238
2 [Before decay]
3l 2a sin q 30.
= a sin q Þ l =
2 3 v 234 4 u[After decay]
-7 X 2He
2 ´ 24 ´ 10 ´ 0.5
= = 8000 Å
3 Apply conservation of linear monetum, we get 0
Dl = 4u – 234v(–ve sign is for opposite direction)
24. b=
d 4u
Þ v=
3D l 6D l The residual nucleus will recoil with a velocity
b' = = = 6b
d/2 d 4u
of unit.
25. By conservation of mechanical energy 234
v0 m
-GMm -GMm 1 Recoil speed of residual nucleus is .
+0 = + mv 2 234
r R 2 r
R 31. R= = lN
GM 2GM M dt
but v0 = and v e =
r R R 1
R' = = R
4 22
mv 2e 1
Þ –mv02 = - + mv2 Þ v = v 2e - 2v 20 \ Two half life passed
2 2
LATS/HS-4/8 0999DMA310318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/AIIMS/16-12-2018
\ 2T = 5 ® T = 2.5 min T T
v= or v2 = or T = v2µ
ln 2 ln 2 m m
l= = = 0.4ln 2(min) -1 T = (180 ms–1)2 (2 × 10–2 kg m–1) = 648 N
T 2.5
36. y
32. Since 8 a-particles, 4b – -particles and 2b +
-particles are emitted , so new atomic number B
A x
Z' = Z – 8 × 2 + 4 × 1 – 2 × 1 E
= 92 – 16 + 4 – 2
= 92 – 14 = 78.
33. For wire if In the given figure, points C and E are in the same
M = mass, r = density, A = area of cross section phase.
V = volume, l = length, Dl = change in length 37. KE = 4hv0 – f
M Alr = 4hv0 – hv0 = 3hv0
Then mass per unit length m = = = Ar hc hv
l l = V+
38. el el 0
T/A hc hc
And Young's modules of elasticity Y =
Dl / l \ el = 4.8 + el ...(1)

YDlA hc hc
ÞT = . Hence lowest frequency of vibration = 1.6 + ...(2)
l e ´ 2l el 0

æ 3 ö hc hc
æ Dl ö 3 × (2)-(1) Þ ç - 1÷ = 0 + (3 - 1)
Yç ÷A è 2 ø el el 0
1 T 1
= è l ø = 1 YDl
2l m 2l Ar 2l lr 1 2
Þ 2l = l Þ l 0 = 4l

1 9 ´ 1010 ´ 4.9 ´10-4 41. R·SiCl3 ¾¾¾

® RSi ( OH )3 ® R
Þ n= = 35Hz
2 ´1 1´ 9 ´103
¾ O ¾ Si ¾ O - - -
34. After 2 sec the pulses will overlap completely. The –
string becomes straight and therefore does not 2e – 3C O
have any potential energy and its entire energy 42. H H H
must be kinetic. B B
35. The given equation is H

æ 2p ö 43. D
NH4 NO3 ¾¾ ® N 2O + H2 O
y(x, t) = 0.06sin ç x ÷ cos(120pt)
è 3 ø O.S. (N)=+1 O.S. (N) = +1
Compare it with y(x, t) = 2a sin kx cos wt 44. Due to Back Bonding
we get 45. Unstable at room temp. (BeCO3)
2p 2p 2p NH3
k= , or = or l = 3m Co
3 l 3 49. NH3
and w = 120 p or 2pv = 120 p en
or v = 60 Hz = 60 s–1 50. Due to synergic bonding bond order of C–O in
Velocity of wave, v = nl = (60 s–1)(3m) metal carbonyl decreases.
= 180 m s–1
51. NH3 NH 3
Mass per unit length of the string
en Pt Pt en
3 ´ 10-2 kg Cl Cl
µ= = 2 ´ 10 -2 kg m -1
1.5m Cl Cl
Velocity of transverse wave in the string, Cis (d) Cis (l)

0999DMA310318002 LATS/HS-5/8
Target : Pre-Medical 2019/AIIMS/16-12-2018

NH3 Cl O
Cl NH3 C
en Pt en Pt NH CH3 NO2
Cl NH3
NH3 Cl
> > >
Trans (NH3) Trans (Cl)

53. Au is least reactive than Ag. (explained by ECS) 68. R–Cl + KCN ¾® R–CºN
54. Strength of H-Bonding µ charge. 69. Rate SN1 µ Stability of CÅ
57. S2Cl2 70. Rate SN2 µ Leaving group nature
2x + 2(–1) = 0 LG nature : F1 < Cl1 < Br 1 < I1
2x – 2 = 0 71.
2x = +2
x = +1 CHCl 3+NaOH

+7 +6
58. M nO-4 ¾¾
® M nO 42 - CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3

For. 0.1 mole 0.1F is required 72. Fact (Name reactions)

59. CH 4 ¾¾¾
- HCl
® CH3e O–CH 3 OH
e e
C H 3 + C H 3 ¾¾
® CH 3 - CH 3 H/Br
73. + CH3–Br
(Chain termination
60. Chain propagation steps involves free radical on CH=O Cannizaro reaction
& 2,4 DNP test
both side of reaction
61. Fact from NCERT 74. AND

62. Rate of E2 µ stability of alkene

> > [O]
Hot. conc. KMnO4
63. R–C=C–H ¾¾¾¾¾
Amm. Cu2Cl2
® R – C º C Cu
(Red colour)
64. 4n+2 = 6 ; n = 1 (aromatic)
75. + CHCl3+KOH
65. Lowest energy is most stable intermediate s
complex. CH3 CH3
NO2 NO2 NO2 76. Fact
77. Alanine is non-essential amino acid.
E E E 78. Nylon-6, 6 —C–(CH2)4–C–NH–(CH2)6–NH—
Å n
Amide linkage
The charge is away from NO2 group.
66. EAR :
79. Terylene : —O–CH 2–CH2–O–C– –C–O—
C==CH2 > C==CH2 > C==CH2 Ester linkage
CH3–O (CH3) (CH3O)–CH2 80. E2 is anti-elimination reaction.
(+M) +H,+I –I
87. When 1 a-ketoglutarate converts into succinyl
67. Rate of ESR > [EDG on phenyl ring] CoA, then 1 NADP + H+ form which form 3ATP
by oxidative phosphorylation.
LATS/HS-6/8 0999DMA310318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/AIIMS/16-12-2018
89. NCERT XII Pg. # 126,128,138,140 (E) 121. Motion of a ceiling fan is an example of rotational
90. Correct matches : motion. The rotational occurs about an axis that
Ramapethicus ® More man like is fixed.
Australopethious ® 2mya 122. A hard boiled egg behaves as a rigid body where
Australopethicus East African grassland. as the raw egg has liquid in it which also moves
NCERT XII Pg. # 140-141 (E) on spinning both the eggs with the same external
NCERT XII Pg. # 151 (H) torque; the hard boiled egg spins faster and the
91. NCERT XII Pg. # 139 (E) rotation of the raw egg is slower. This is due to
NCERT XII Pg. # 150 (H) the liquid in the raw egg which tends to move
92. NCERT, Page # 150 (8.2.1) aways from the axis of rotation thereby decreasing
93. Reverse transcriptase of HIV forms viral DNA the effectiveness of the external torque.
from viral RNA after entry into human cells. 124. Free expansion W = 0, insulated wall (Q =0)
NCERT, Page # 155 (8.3) Q = DU + W Þ DU = 0
94. Module 161 125. First law is valid at all temperature & phase
95. Module 172 transformation.
96. Exotic breeds :
(1) Plymoth rock (2) White leg horn 127. f µ µl
(3) Rhode island red (4) New hampshire
(5) Minorca lRed > lviolet Þ fRe d > fviolet
97. NCERT, Page # 259 141. Due to charge spectrum in [Ti(H2O)6] +4
Statements (ii) and (iv) are correct. 144. Li+ & Mg+2 both have same value of Ionic potential.
98. NCERT, Page # 262 150. Buna-S is addition polymer.
99. NCERT, Page # 272 151. Glucose do not add NaHSO3
100. pO2 in alveoli = 104 mm Hg. 152. Isocyanide test is given by 1° amine
pO2 in blood (deoxygenated) = 40 mm Hg 153. Both can not as enophile and acceptor.
So oxygen diffuses from lungs to blood through
respiratory surface. OH OH OH
NCERT, Page # 272 +
154. ¾¾®
103. Crocodile has four chambered heart so pure and CS2

impure blood remain separated.

105. NCERT Pg # 233 Br
106. NCERT Pg # 235 155. Elimination gives Satzeff and Hoffmann alkene,
107. NCERT Pg # 244 not according to Markownikoff rule.
108. NCERT Pg # 265 156. Aryl halide are very less reactive towards SN
110. NCERT Pg # 233
111. NCERT Pg # 236
157. Peroxide effect gives FAR (Free radical addition
112. NCERT Pg # 235
reaction) of HBr + H2O2
114. Static balancing Þ Utriculus and saculus
158. –I effect of NO2 is greater than fluorine.
Dynamic balancing Þ Crista ampularis
Hearing Þ Cochlea CH2–Br CH2–OH
116. Walking Þ Isotonic contraction ¾¾¾
H2 O
159. (SN1 )
Pushing against immorable object like wall Þ
Isometric contraction
will follow SN1 mechanism, (Polar protic solvent)
120. In excited stage neither Na+ nor K+ ion move
160. Directive nature of bromine is due to its
outside from ICF by active transport. These ion
mesomeric effect and not due to its inductive
move according to concentration gradient through effect.
voltage gated channels.
0999DMA310318002 LATS/HS-7/8
Target : Pre-Medical 2019/AIIMS/16-12-2018
161. Having high redox potential oxygen is strong e– Now subtract (iii) from (ii), we get
acceptor as it is final hydrogen acceptor in ETS. 4y = 800
During ETS down hill e– movement occur which Therefore, y = 200
Now apply value of y in (iii)
releases energy essential for oxidative
=> x + 2 × 200 = 800
phosphorylation. Therefore x = 400
162. Marker enzymes have confined occurance not Solving (i) and (ii) we get x = 400, y = 200
ubiquitous. Cost of 12 shirts = Rs. (12 × 200) = Rs. 2400
164. For z-scheme PS-II and NADP-reductose both 186. The popularity of Ayurvedic or allopathic
required. medicines in India is not being talked about in the
statement. So, neither I nor II follows.
165. NCERT XII Pg. # 132, 134
187. The statement talks of number of cases of food
NCERT XII Pg. # 143, 145
poisoning due to consumption of liquor and not
166. Cancer is uncontrolled growth of cells because of the number of cases consuming liquor. So,
they show loss of contact inhibition that leads to I is not implicit. Besides, the statement indicates
continuous division of cells. that people in rural areas are getting spurious or
166. NCERT, Page # 157 (8.4) low-grade liquor and no check is being kept on
167. Module 153 shops selling liquor there. So, II is implicit.
169. Pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine 188. House is to tent as truck is to wagon. The house
portions so it is called as heterocrine gland. is a more sophisticated form of shelter than the
tent; the truck is a more sophisticated mode of
169. NCERT, Page # 261
transportation than the wagon.
170. NCERT, Page # 275
190. In all other figures, the lower element is an
171. Valves prevent backflow of blood because they
alphabet and the upper element is a number which
open in one direction. indicates the position of the lower element in the
181. The given word does not contain the alphabet 'E'. set of English alphabet.
Hence, option (3) will be the right answer. 191. Haryana was ranked as the best State while Satara
182. A cage is meant to keep something surrounded, so District of Maharashtra was ranked as the best
enclosure is the essential element. A prisoner district as per the ranking undertaken by Swachh
(choice 2) or an animal (choice 3) are two things Survekshan Grameen 2018.
that may be kept in cages, among many other things. 193. According to a World Health Organization report,
A zoo (choice 4) is only one place that has cages. India is the world's most depressed country,
183. Total number of voters, closely followed by China and the US.
who have not voted = 1 + 9 + 5 + 8 = 23; 194. As per the 2018 report on Economic Freedom in the
Total Voters = (45 + 40 +1) + (73 + 88 + 9) + World, released by the Centre for Civil Society (CCS)
(51 + 47 + 5) + (56 + 51 + 8) = 474; in conjunction with Canada's Fraser Institute, India
The required percentage = 23 ×100/474 = 4.85% stands at 96th rank out of 162 countries in economic
184. Marked Price = 1.2 × Cost price; ----- eq.(i.) freedom. Hong Kong and Singapore again topped the
Let the discount percentage = x%; index ranking first and second respectively.
(100 - x)% of Marked price = 1.08 × Cost price; 195. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been conferred
-------eq.(ii.) with the Seoul Peace Prize for 2018 for his
Divide eq.(ii.) by eq.(i.)- contribution to international cooperation and
(100-x)/100 = 1.08/1.2 => 100 - x = 0.9 ×100 fostering global economic growth. The Seoul Peace
=> x= 10% Prize was established in 1990 to commemorate the
185. Let the price of a saree and a shirt be Rs. x and success of the 24th Olympic Games held in Seoul.
Rs. y respectively. 199. World Rabies Day is celebrated on 28 September.
Then, 2x + 4y = 1600 …. (i) It is celebrated annually to raise awareness about
and x + 6y = 1600 …. (ii) rabies prevention and to highlight progress in
Divide equation (i) by 2, we get the below defeating this horrifying disease.
equation. 200. The World Trade Organization or GATT is
=> x + 2y = 800 --- (iii) located at Geneva, Switzerland.

LATS/HS-8/8 0999DMA310318002

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