Final-Garbage Free Cities Flyer

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under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)

a seven star rating programme for making cities Garbage Free


“All cities achieve “Garbage Free” status wherein RATING METHODOLOGY
at any point of time in the day, no garbage or litter
is found in any public*, commercial or residential « Door-to-Door Collection
locations (including storm drains and water bodies) « Segregation at source
in the city (except in litter bins or transfer stations), « Sweeping of public, commercial and residential
100 per cent of waste generated is scientifically areas (no visible eyesores on streets)
managed, all legacy waste has been remediated « Waste Storage Bins, Litter Bins and material
and city is scientifically managing its municipal solid recovery facility
waste, plastic waste and construction & demolition « Bulk Waste Generators compliance
waste. Additionally, there must be a steady « Scientific Waste Processing, Scientific Landfilling
reduction in the waste generated by the city and and C&D Waste Management
visible beautification of the city to achieve a clean « User Fees, Penalties, Spot Fines for littering and
& aesthetically pleasing city.” Enforcement of Ban on Plastic
« Citizen grievance redressal and feedback system
DEFINITION « Eradication of crude dumping of garbage and
A city can be declared as “Garbage Free” if it dump remediation
complies with the conditions as prescribed under « Cleaning of storm drains and surface of water
this protocol. bodies
« Waste Reduction
« Visible beautification in the city

VERIFICATION MECHANISM – to ensure a standardised, transparent and robust rating system

• Cities fulfilling the necessary conditions for Garbage Free Star Rating (any rating of 1 to 7 stars) will have to carry out self-
assessment and self-verification as per the methodology of the protocol. Upon satisfactory verification, the Municipal Commissioner/
Chief Officer/ Chairperson of the city may self-declare Garbage-Free Star Rating (any rating of 1 to 7 stars) of the city and notify it
by a public notification and communicate the same to MoHUA through the State Government
• To ensure robustness of Garbage Free Star Rating, MoHUA will take up independent verification and validation through a third party
agency. MoHUA’s third party verification and certification will be carried out only for 3-star, 5-star and 7-star garbage free
ratings. The State Governments at their discretion may take up similar third party verification for the remaining 1-star, 2-star and 4-star
ratings. It may be noted that there is no 6-star rating.
• The city has to be certified as Open Defecation Free in order to apply for 3 Star and above Garbage Free Star Rating.
• The third party certification will be valid for one (1) year. The process will have to be re-assessed and re-certified every 12 months.

* Public places are areas with open access to public, especially those with high footfall including but not limited to roads, streets, market areas, parks &
gardens, transport hubs (railway stations, airports, bus stations, etc.), religious areas, historic sites and other tourist sites, etc.
Conditions 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Star 7 Star

I. D2D collection
‘X’ percent of households/ premises in the city are covered by door-to-door At least 60 per cent Atleast 80 per cent 100 per cent
collection and transportation of solid waste (through ULB/ULB-authorised garbage
II. Segregation at source
‘X’ percent of all households/ premises have segregation at source (wet, dry & Atleast 25 percent Atleast 50 percent Atleast 80 percent 100 percent
domestic hazardous) maintained till processing
III. Sweeping of public, commercial and residential areas
‘X’ percent of the public & commercial (and residential, if applicable) areas have 100 per cent Public & commercial areas 100 per cent Public, commercial & 100 per cent Public & commercial areas have
daily (twice sweeping, if applicable) sweeping residential areas twice daily sweeping, including night sweeping
and residential areas have daily sweeping
IV. Litter Bins, Waste Storage and Material recovery facility*
A. Litter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated (Blue & Green) Litter bins are available in ‘X’ At least 25 per cent At least 50 per cent At least 80 per cent 100 percent
percent of public and commercial areas, at every 50 – 100 meters, as required in
the town/city
(Waste is only deposited in such bins - No Littering or Spill over of waste)
B. Waste Storage (secondary storage): Waste storage bins are placed at 100 per cent Remark: City is exempt from this condition if the city is binless, i.e. it does not have waste storage bins ( no secondary storage).
strategic locations Waste is directly transferred from generators premises to transport chain vehicles with or without transfer station, to processing centre
(verification will be done)
C. Availability of Material recovery facility (for garbage collection, storage, Plan drawn up, space identified for facility Facility fully functional
recycle, processing and sale) in adequate numbers, (within maximum 5 km radius)
V. Bulk Waste Generators Compliance
Bulk Waste Generators in all premises are: - (i) doing onsite processing of wet Yet to start All Bulk Waste All commercial Bulk Waste Generators, as All Bulk Waste All Bulk Waste
waste generated, including kitchen and garden waste OR Organic waste from Generators, as defined defined by SWM Rules 2016 Generators, as Generators, as defined
BWGs is collected by mobile composting vehicles/sent to ULB’s decentralized by SWM Rules 2016, defined by SWM by SWM Rules 2016,
composting processing plants. In such cases the Bulk Garbage Generators will including RWAs Rules 2016, including including RWAs as
have to pay the processing fee at a prevalent commercial rates. (ii) Handing over identified and issued RWAs well as non-domestic
segregated dry wastes to authorised waste pickers or waste collectors official notice for establishments
compliance with SWM generating more than
Rules 2016; 50 kilograms of waste
per day
VI. User Charges, Penalties &Spot Fines and Enforcement of Ban on Plastic
A. User Charges
i. Affordable & differential user charges for waste collection and transportation Byelaws have been Collected at least Collected from all households/ premises
being collected framed including from commercial, including residential, commercial, institutional
user charges for institutional and industrial establishments
waste collection and and industrial
transportation establishments
ii. Viable & sustainable user charges for waste collection and transportation Collected from all households/ premises
being collected including residential, commercial, institutional
and industrial establishments
B. Penalties and spot fines: deterrent penalty /spot fines for non- segregation, Notified Implemented in 100% premises including littering in storm water drains and water bodies
anti-littering and non-compliance of SWM Rules 2016
C. Plastic Ban: ban on the use, sale and storage of non-biodegradable plastic Implementation of ban Notification and enforcement of ban as well Complete ban on all plastic bags
bags less than 50 microns (Carry bag not less than fifty microns only shall be as enforcement of user fee by ULB on use,
permitted), in compliance with Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 sale and storage of plastic bags more than
50 microns
VII. Scientific Waste Processing, Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste Management
A. Waste Processing: ‘X’ percentage of waste generated is processed Atleast 25 per cent Atleast 50 percent Atleast 75 percent 100 percent
B. Scientific Landfill Land for dumping identified either in own city or Remaining Only Process rejects are transported to Scientific Landfill either within
other city; may not be scientific landfill unprocessed waste the city or to another city
is transported to
Scientific Landfill
either within the city
or to another city
C. C&D Waste Management
a. Facilitation of use/ processing or recycling of C&D waste (primarily for bulk Notification of Designated Facility Designated Facility operators exists- 75 100 percent of C&D waste generated is used/
waste generators) charges for collection, operators exist- 50 percent of C&D waste generated is used/ processed within municipal limits or  in a
transportation, percent of C&D waste processed within municipal limits  or in a designated C&D recycling plant
processing and generated is used/ designated C&D recycling plant
disposal of C&D processed within
Waste municipal limits or in
a designated C&D
recycling plant
b. Facilitation of collection of C&D waste from premises of retail (non-bulk) 75 per cent of municipal limits covered 100 per cent of municipal limits covered
occasional generators or designation of collection points with reasonable
distance (Max 5 KM).
c. Provisions made for use of material made out of C&D Waste in ‘X’ percent 5 percent of municipal construction 10 percent of More than 10 percent of
of municipal construction activity-  including in non-structural concrete, paving activities municipal construction municipal construction
blocks, lower layers of road pavements, inner colony roads etc. activities activities

VIII. Citizen Grievance Redressal and Feedback System

Atleast ‘X’ percent of households (atleast 1 member in each household) should Swachhata App/ Atleast 5 per cent of Atleast 10 per cent of Atleast 25 per cent Atleast 25 per cent of Atleast 50 per cent of
have downloaded the App/ equivalent grievance redressal platform and ‘Y’ equivalent grievance households households of households households households
percentage of complaints related to Solid Waste Management received on redressal platform is
Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance redressal platform are resolved within SLA in place and Atleast 5
per cent of households 50 per cent 75 per cent 75 per cent 90 per cent 100 per cent
have downloaded
IX. Dumpsite Remediation
Remediation of all identified dumpsites in the city Yet to start Plan has been Plan has been 50 per cent work 75 per cent work 100 per cent work as per
approved including approved and work as per remediation as per remediation remediation project plan
financial closure commenced project plan has been project plan has been has been completed
completed completed
X. Drains and Water Bodies
No visible solid waste in storm water drains and water bodies in 100 percent of 100 per cent of 100 per cent of water 100 per cent of water bodies and storm water drains under ULB jurisdiction
premises under ULB jurisdiction water bodies bodies (including but
(including but not not limited to ponds,
limited to ponds, lakes, tanks, rivers,
lakes, tanks, rivers, etc.) under ULB
etc.) under ULB jurisdiction
XI.Waste Reduction* – Application of 3R Principles in MSWM
Quantifiable reduction in waste generated by the city on a per capita basis, in the past year (previous year from date of self-declaration)
XII. City Beautification
Visible beautification of city, including repairs and maintenance of infrastructure under ULB jurisdiction to achieve a clean and aesthetically pleasing city
Protocol for
Making Cities Garbage Free

Hardeep S Puri The Swachh Bharat Mission, which aims to make India a clean
Hon’ble Minister of State nation by October 2019, is now well on its way to achieve its
(Independent Charge) intended objective.
Ministry of Housing
& Urban Affairs At the beginning of the Mission, it was decided that inculcating a
spirit of competition among states and cities would help hasten their
progress on SBM components. To this end, the Government of India
has brought out a protocol for ODF status of cities and its verification
through a third party. Further, the Swachh Survekshan, a survey
for ranking cities on the basis of their cleanliness status through
independent third party evaluation, has created a sense of healthy
competition among cities in their race towards ‘swachh’ status.

In order to institutionalize a mechanism for cities to achieve Garbage

Free status, and to motivate them to achieve higher degrees of
cleanliness, I am happy to launch the Star-rating Protocol for
Garbage Free cities, which builds on aspirations of cities to progress
towards higher standards of “Swachhata” and its sustainability.

I hope that this protocol document becomes a handy tool for cities,
not only to get themselves rated, but also as a developmental tool to
help cities improve their overall cleanliness.

Durga ShankEr Mishra With Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) having completed a journey
Secretary of 3 years, it becomes imperative for us to expedite efforts towards
Ministry of Housing making our urban areas clean, healthy and liveable. Under the
& Urban Affairs Mission, substantial progress has been made, especially when it
comes to making our cities open defecation free. Nonetheless,
public perception continues to be slightly sceptical, given that our
urban public places continue to suffer from littering and dumping.

In view of this, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is launching

the Protocol for Star Rating of Garbage Free cities that has been
developed for our cities. The star rating conditions have been
designed in a way as to enable cities to gradually evolve into a
model (7-star) city, with progressive improvements in their overall
cleanliness. The protocol, with increasing levels of stringency with
increasing star rating, will also be aspirational in nature, feeding
cities’ ambitions and dreams of becoming an ideal city for its
residents, and a role model for other cities to follow.

When we launched the ODF certification protocol for cities, it was

heartening to see the enthusiasm with which cities responded to
certify themselves as ODF. I look forward to cities responding with
even greater enthusiasm and zeal to get themselves star-rated in
garbage-free status in our collective journey towards ‘swachhata’.


Vinod Kumar Jindal India is undergoing rapid urbanisation with the country’s population
Joint Secretary & National expected to increase to 600 million by 2031. This trend, along with
Mission Director, Swachh changing lifestyles and increase in consumerism has resulted in
Bharat Mission (Urban), high levels of solid waste being generated in our cities. The current
Ministry of Housing and practice of littering and crude dumping of garbage within and on the
outskirts of our cities not only poses public health & environmental
Urban Affairs
concerns but also impacts the aesthetic value of these areas.

In order to address this issue in a mission mode along with citizen

participation, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is launching
the Protocol for Star Rating of Garbage Free cities. The star rating
conditions are based on 11 key parameters across the solid waste
management spectrum and has been designed to both help cities
assess their progress while encouraging them to move towards a
better rating thereby improving their cities’ overall cleanliness and

The Star Rating is supported by a robust verification mechanism

to ensure transparency and standardisation. Cities are required to
carry out self-assessment and self-verification for achieving a certain
star rating. This self-declaration will be further verified through an
independent third party agency appointed by MoHUA for 3-star,
5-star and 7-star garbage free ratings. To ensure that the star rating
is aligned with our vision of making SBM a Jan Andolan, citizen
groups have to be involved through the system of self-declaration.

The highlight of the rating protocol is that it is an outcome-based

tool rather than process based. Hence, it will help MoHUA and other
stakeholders to evaluate cities on the basis of this single rating,
which encapsulates multiple factors which contribute to a city’s
cleanliness and garbage free status.

I hope that the Garbage-Free Star Rating will encourage ULBs to

strengthen the solid waste management system in their cities thereby
improving the liveability and public health of citizens.

1. Definitions and Salient Features 10

2. Necessary conditions for achieving Garbage-Free Star Rating 12

3. Protocol for self-declaration by city for Garbage Free Star Rating 23

4. Third Party Verification for Garbage Free Star Rating 24

5. Annexure
I. Star Rating Declaration Formats 27
II. Means of Verification for Third Party Certification 30

1. Definitions and
Salient Features
Vision 1.2 Salient Features of the Star
“All cities achieve “Garbage Free” status Rating Framework
wherein at any point of time in the day, no To achieve garbage-free and clean cities, it
garbage or litter is found in any public*, is imperative that requisite processes and
commercial or residential locations systems are in place across the Municipal
(including storm drains and water bodies) Solid Waste Management (MSWM) chain.
in the city (except in litter bins or transfer In this context, a seven-star rating
stations), 100 per cent of waste generated framework has been devised by the
is scientifically managed, all legacy Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
waste has been remediated and city is (MoHUA) to rate cities/towns on key
scientifically managing its municipal solid
components of MSWM, in accordance
waste, plastic waste and construction
with Solid Waste Management Rules
& demolition waste. Additionally, there
2016, as given below:
must be a steady reduction in the
waste generated by the city and visible
• Door-to-Door Collection
beautification of the city to achieve a clean
• Segregation at source
& aesthetically pleasing city.”
• Sweeping of public, commercial and
residential areas (no visible eyesores on
1.1 Definition of Garbage Free
city / ward
A city can be declared as “Garbage • Waste Storage Bins, Litter Bins and
Free” if it complies with the conditions as Material Recovery Facility
prescribed under this protocol. • Bulk Waste Generators compliance
• Scientific Waste Processing,
Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste
• User Fees, Penalties, Spot Fines for
littering and enforcement of ban on
• Citizen grievance redressal and
feedback system
• Eradication of crude dumping of
garbage and dump remediation
• Cleaning of storm water drains and
surface of water bodies
• Visible beautification in the city

A city has to be certified as Open

Defecation Free in order to apply for
3 Star and above Garbage Free Star

4. The third party certification will be valid

for one (1) year. The process will have to
be re-assessed and re-certified every 12

5. For achieving any star rating, citizen

groups have to be involved through the
system of self-declarations. This will be
instrumental in enhancing the robustness
of rating framework while also involving
citizens in making their cities garbage-free.

2. Cities fulfilling the necessary conditions

1.3 Envisaged Advantages of
for Garbage Free Star Rating (any rating
Star Rating Framework
of 1 to 7 stars) will have to carry out self-
The garbage-free star rating framework
assessment and self-verification as per
has been established with the aim of of
the methodology of the protocol. Upon
institutionalizing a mechanism for cities
satisfactory verification, the Municipal
to achieve Garbage Free status, and to
Commissioner/ Chief Officer/ Chairperson
motivate them to achieve higher degrees
of the city may self-declare Garbage-Free
of cleanliness. This will also serve to
Star Rating (any rating of 1 to 7 stars) of
complement and build on the spirit of
the city and notify it by a public notification
healthy competition and aspiration among
and communicate the same to MoHUA
cities already existing due to Swachh
through the State Government.
Survekshan. The underlying purpose of
rating framework is reinforce the mission’s
3. To ensure robustness of Garbage
focus on sustainable cleanliness. Since
Free Star Rating, MoHUA will take up
the rating is conducted at a city level, it
independent verification and validation
makes the process easier to implement
through a third party agency. MoHUA’s
and helps the cities incrementally improve
third party verification and certification
their overall cleanliness. The rating
will be carried out only for 3-star, 5-star
framework introduces increasing levels
and 7-star garbage free ratings. The state
of stringency with every additional star
Governments at their discretion may take
in order to enable cities to achieve their
up similar third party verification for the
aspirations of becoming clean, healthy
remaining 1-star, 2-star and 4-star ratings.
and liveable cities, and help realise a New
It may be noted that there is no 6-star

2. Necessary conditions
for achieving Garbage-
Free Star Rating

2.1 Necessary conditions to • Waste Storage (secondary storage):

be achieved before declaring Waste storage bins are placed at
a city as Garbage Free 1-Star strategic locations. City is exempt from
Rating this condition if the city is bin-less, i.e.
• Door-to-Door Collection: At least 60 it does not have waste storage bins (no
per cent of all households/ premises in secondary storage). Waste is directly
the city are covered by door-to-door transferred from generators premises
collection and transportation of solid to transport chain vehicles with or
waste (through ULB/ULB-authorised without transfer station, to processing
garbage collectors); center (verification will be done)
• Segregation at source : At least 25
• Availability of Material Recovery
per cent of all households/premises Facility: Plan drawn up and space
have segregation at source (wet, dry identified for MRF (for garbage
& domestic hazardous) maintained till
collection, sorting, storage, recycle,
processing; processing and sale) in adequate
• Sweeping of public and commercial numbers, within maximum 5 km radius
areas: 100 per cent of the public and • User Fees, Penalties, Spot Fines for
commercial areas have daily sweeping; littering and enforcement of ban on
• Litter Bins, Waste Storage and thin plastic
Material Recovery Facility : 3
- User Charges: Byelaws have been
- Litter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated (Blue framed including user charges for waste
& Green) Litter bins are available in, in at collection and transportation
least 25 per cent of public & commercial - Penalties and Spot Fines: Deterrent
areas at every 50-100 meters, as per penalty/ spot fines notified for non-
requirement (Waste is only deposited in segregation, anti-littering including in
such bins - No Littering or Spill over of water bodies and non-compliance of
waste) SWM Rules 2016

Waste collector must check that waste is segregated properly by household/ premises before collection
Domestic hazardous waste to be disposed in a separate bag
Litter Bin: Litter bins ranging in capacity 60-100 litre twin bins placed along roadside to cater to the needs of the
public for throwing garbage along roadside including commercial, public, non-commercial and residential areas.
Waste Storage: Waste storage bins ranging in capacity 1.1 – 4.5 cubic metres or so placed at strategic locations
along roads/in public/commercial/residential areas to receive waste collected from houses/commercial

- Plastic Ban: Implementation of ban ponds, lakes, tanks, rivers, etc.) under
on the use, sale and storage of non- ULB jurisdiction
biodegradable plastic bags less than
50 microns (Carry bags not less than
2.2 Necessary conditions to
fifty microns in thickness only shall be
be achieved before declaring
permitted), in compliance with Plastic
a city/ ward as Garbage Free
Waste Management Rules 2016
2-Star rating
• Scientific Waste Processing,
• Door-to-Door Collection: Atleast 80
Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste
per cent of all households/ premises in
the city are covered by door-to-door
- Scientific Waste Processing: Atleast
collection and transportation of solid
25 per cent of waste generated is
waste (through ULB/ULB-authorised
garbage collectors);
- Scientific Landfilling: Land for
• Segregation at source: Atleast 50
dumping identified either in own city or
per cent of all households/ premises
other city; may not be scientific landfill
have segregation at source (wet, dry
- C&D Waste management:
& domestic hazardous) maintained till
~ Notification
 of charges for collection,
transportation, processing and
• Sweeping of public and commercial
disposal of C&D waste, primarily for
areas: 100 per cent of the public and
bulk waste generators.
commercial areas have daily sweeping;
• Citizen Grievance Redressal and
• Litter Bins, Waste Storage and
Feedback System: Swachhata App/
Material Recovery Facility:
equivalent grievance redressal platform
- Litter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated (Blue
are in place and at least 5 per cent of
& Green) Litter bins are available in, in at
households should have downloaded
least 50 per cent of public & commercial
the App/ equivalent grievance redressal
areas at every 50-100 meters, as per
requirement (Waste is only deposited in
• Drains and Water Bodies: No visible
such bins - No Littering or Spill over of
solid waste in 100 per cent of water
bodies (including but not limited to

- Waste Storage (secondary storage): - Plastic Ban: Implementation of ban

Waste storage bins are placed at on the use, sale and storage of non-
strategic locations. City is exempt from biodegradable plastic bags less than
this condition if the city is bin-less, i.e. 50 microns (Carry bags not less than
it does not have waste storage bins (no fifty microns in thickness only shall be
secondary storage). Waste is directly permitted), in compliance with Plastic
transferred from generators premises to Waste Management Rules 2016
transport chain vehicles with or without • Scientific Waste Processing,
transfer station, to processing center Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste
(verification will be done) Management:
- Availability of Material Recovery - Scientific Waste Processing: Atleast
Facility: Plan drawn up and space 50 per cent of waste generated is
identified for MRF (for garbage processed
collection, sorting, storage, recycle, - Scientific Landfilling: Land for
processing and sale) in adequate dumping identified either in own city or
numbers, within maximum 5 km radius other city; may not be scientific landfill
• Bulk Waste Generators Compliance: - C&D Waste management:
All Bulk Waste Generators (BWGs) as ~ Designated Facility Operators exist –
defined by SWM Rules 2016, including 50 per cent of C&D waste generated,
RWAs, identified and issued official primarily by bulk waste generators, is
notice for compliance with SWM Rules used/ processed within municipal limits
2016; or in a designated C&D recycling plant
• User Fees, Penalties, Spot Fines for • Citizen Grievance Redressal and
littering and enforcement of ban on Feedback System: 50 per cent of
thin plastic citizen complaints related to Solid
- User Charges: Affordable and Waste Management received on
differential User charges for waste Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance
collection & transportation being redressal platform are resolved
collected at least from commercial, within SLA, and at least 5 per cent of
institutional and industrial households should have downloaded
establishments the App/ equivalent grievance redressal
- Penalties and Spot Fines: Deterrent platform
penalty/ spot fines notified for non- • Dumpsite Remediation: Plan for
segregation, anti-littering including in remediation of all identified dumpsites
water bodies and non-compliance of in the city has been approved including
SWM Rules 2016; financial closure

• Drains and Water Bodies: No visible - Waste Storage (secondary storage):

solid waste in 100 per cent of water Waste storage bins are placed at
bodies (including but not limited to strategic locations. City is exempt from
ponds, lakes, tanks, rivers, etc.) under this condition if the city is bin-less, i.e.
ULB jurisdiction it does not have waste storage bins (no
secondary storage). Waste is directly
transferred from generators premises to
2.3 Necessary conditions to
transport chain vehicles with or without
be achieved before declaring
transfer station, to processing center
a city/ ward as Garbage Free
(verification will be done)
Star Rating 3
- Availability of Material Recovery
• Door-to-Door Collection: All
Facility: Fully functional MRF (for
households/ premises in the city are
garbage collection, sorting, storage,
covered by door-to-door collection
recycle, processing and sale) in
and transportation of solid waste
adequate numbers, within maximum
(through ULB/ULB-authorised garbage
5 km radius. Households/ premises may
deposit waste at MRF on payment basis
• Segregation at source: Atleast 80
• Bulk Waste Generators Compliance:
per cent of all households/ premises
All commercial Bulk Waste Generators,
have segregation at source (wet, dry
as defined by SWM Rules 2016,
& domestic hazardous) maintained till
are:- (i) doing onsite processing of wet
waste generated, including kitchen
• Sweeping of public, commercial and
and garden waste OR Organic waste
residential areas: 100 per cent of the
from BWGs is collected by mobile
public, commercial and residential areas
composting vehicles/sent to ULB’s
have daily sweeping (no visible eyesores
compost processing plants. In such
or garbage spots);
cases the Bulk Garbage Generators
• Litter Bins, Waste Storage and
will have to pay processing fee at
Material Recovery Facility:
commercial rates. (ii) Handing over
- Litter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated
segregated dry wastes to authorised
(Blue & Green) Litter bins are available
waste pickers or waste collectors;
in atleast 80 per cent of public &
• User Charges, Penalties and Spot
commercial areas at every 50-100 Fines:
meters, as per requirement (Waste - User Charges: Affordable and
is only deposited in such bins - No differential User charges for waste
Littering or Spill over of waste) collection & transportation being

collected at least from commercial, made out of C&D waste in 5 per cent
institutional and industrial establishments of municipal construction activities –
- Penalties and Spot Fines: Deterrent including in non-structural concrete,
penalty/ spot fines for non- segregation, paving blocks, lower layers of road
anti-littering including littering in storm pavements, inner colony roads, etc.
water drains & water bodies and non- • Citizen Grievance Redressal and
compliance of SWM Rules 2016 in 100 Feedback System: 75 per cent of
per cent premises; citizen complaints related to Solid
- Plastic Ban: Notification and Waste Management received on
enforcement of ban on the use, sale Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance
and storage of non-biodegradable redressal platform are resolved within
plastic bags less than 50 microns, SLA and at least 10 per cent of
(Carry bags not less than fifty microns households should have downloaded
in thickness only shall be permitted), the App/ equivalent grievance redressal
in compliance with Plastic Waste platform.
Management Rules 2016 as well as • Dumpsite Remediation: Plan for
enforcement of user fee by ULB on use, remediation of all identified dumpsites
sale and storage of plastic bags more in the city has been approved and work
than 50 microns commenced
• Scientific Waste Processing, • Drains and Water Bodies:
Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste - No visible solid waste in 100 per cent
Management: storm water drains and water bodies
- Scientific Waste Processing: Atleast under ULB jurisdiction
75 per cent of waste generated is
2.4 Necessary conditions to
- Scientific Landfilling: Remaining
be achieved before declaring
unprocessed waste is transported to
a city/ ward as Garbage Free
Scientific Landfill either within the city or
4-Star Rating
to another city
• Door-to-Door Collection: All
- Construction & Demolition Waste
households/ premises in the city are
covered by door-to-door collection
~ Designated Facility Operators exist –
and transportation of solid waste
75 per cent of C&D waste generated
(through ULB/ULB-authorised garbage
(primarily by bulk waste generators)
is used/ processed within municipal
• Segregation at source: All households/
limits or in a designated C&D recycling
premises have segregation at source
(wet, dry & domestic hazardous)
~ Facilitation of collection of C&D waste
maintained till processing
from premises of retail (non-bulk)
• Sweeping of public, commercial and
occasional generators or designation
residential areas: 100 per cent of the
of collection points within reasonable
public, commercial and residential areas
distance (max. 5 kilometres) – 75 per
have daily sweeping
cent of municipal limits covered
• Litter Bins, Waste Storage and
~ Provisions made for use of material
Material Recovery Facility:

- Litter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated (Blue including kitchen and garden waste OR
& Green) Litter bins are available in, Organic waste from BWGs is collected
in 100 per cent public & commercial by mobile composting vehicles/sent
areas at every 50-100 meters, as per to ULB’s decentralized composting
requirement (Waste is only deposited in processing plants. In such cases the
such bins - No Littering or Spill over of Bulk Garbage Generators will have to
waste) pay the processing fee at a prevalent
- Waste Storage (secondary storage): commercial rates. (ii) Handing over
Waste storage bins are placed at segregated dry wastes to authorised
strategic locations. City is exempt from waste pickers or waste collectors;
this condition if the city is bin-less, i.e. • User Charges, Penalties/ Spot Fines:
it does not have waste storage bins (no - User Charges: Affordable and
secondary storage). Waste is directly differential User charges for waste
transferred from generators premises to collection & transportation being
transport chain vehicles with or without collected at least from commercial,
transfer station, to processing center institutional and industrial
(verification will be done) establishments
- Availability of Material Recovery - Penalties and Spot Fines: Deterrent
Facility: Fully functional MRF (for penalty/ spot fines for non- segregation,
garbage collection, sorting, storage, anti-littering including littering in storm
recycle, processing and sale) in water drains & water bodies and non-
adequate numbers, within maximum compliance of SWM Rules 2016 in
5 km radius. Households/ premises may 100% premises;
deposit waste at MRF on payment basis - Plastic Ban: Notification and
• Bulk Waste Generators Compliance: enforcement of ban on the use, sale and
All commercial Bulk Waste Generators, storage of non-biodegradable plastic
as defined by SWM Rules 2016, in bags less than 50 microns, (Carry bags
their premises are: - (i) doing onsite not less than fifty microns in thickness
processing of wet waste generated, only shall be permitted), in compliance

with Plastic Waste Management Rules paving blocks, lower layers of road
2016 as well as enforcement of user pavements, inner colony roads, etc.
fee by ULB on use, sale and storage of • Citizen Grievance Redressal and
plastic bags more than 50 microns Feedback System: 75 per cent of
• Scientific Waste Processing, citizen complaints related to Solid
Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste Waste Management received on
Management: Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance
- Scientific Waste Processing: 100 per redressal platform are resolved within
cent waste generated is processed SLA and at least 25 per cent of
- Scientific Landfilling: Only process households should have downloaded
rejects are transported to Scientific the App/ equivalent grievance redressal
Landfill either within the city or to platform
another city • Dumpsite Remediation: 50 per cent
- Construction & Demolition Waste work as per remediation project plan
management: has been completed, in all identified
~ 100 per cent of C&D waste generated dumps
is used/ processed within municipal • Drains and Water Bodies:
limits or in a designated C&D recycling - No visible solid waste in 100 per cent
plant storm water drains and water bodies
~ Facilitation of collection of C&D waste under ULB jurisdiction
from premises of retail (non-bulk)
occasional generators or designation
2.5 Necessary conditions to
of collection points within reasonable
be achieved before declaring
distance (max. 5 kilometres) – 100 per
a city/ ward as Garbage Free
cent of municipal limits covered
5-Star Rating
~ Provisions made for use of material
• Door-to-Door Collection: All
made out of C&D waste in 5 per cent
households/ premises in the city are
of municipal construction activities –
covered by door-to-door collection
including in non-structural concrete,
and transportation of solid waste

(through ULB/ULB-authorised garbage to ULB’s decentralized composting

collectors) processing plants. In such cases the
• Segregation at source: All households/ Bulk Garbage Generators will have to
premises have segregation at source pay the processing fee at a prevalent
(wet, dry & domestic hazardous) commercial rates. (ii) Handing over
maintained till processing segregated dry wastes to authorised
• Sweeping of public, commercial waste pickers or waste collectors
and residential areas: All public and • User Charges, Penalties/ Spot Fines:
commercial areas have twice daily - User Charges: Viable and sustainable
sweeping, including night sweeping and User charges for waste collection and
residential areas have daily sweeping transportation being collected from
• Litter Bins, Waste Storage and all households/ premises including
Material Recovery Facility: residential, commercial, institutional and
- Litter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated (Blue industrial establishments
& Green) Litter bins are available in 100 - Penalties and Spot Fines: Deterrent
per cent in public & commercial areas penalty/ spot fines for non- segregation,
at every 50-100 meters (Waste is only anti-littering including littering in storm
deposited in such bins - No Littering or water drains and water bodies and
Spill over of waste) non-compliance of SWM Rules 2016 in
- Waste Storage (secondary storage): 100% premises;
Waste storage bins are placed at - Plastic Ban: Complete ban on all
strategic locations. City is exempt from plastic bags
this condition if the city is bin-less, i.e. • Scientific Waste Processing,
it does not have waste storage bins (no Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste
secondary storage). Waste is directly Management:
transferred from generators premises to - Scientific Waste Processing: 100 per
transport chain vehicles with or without cent waste generated is processed
transfer station, to processing center - Scientific Landfilling: Only process
(verification will be done) rejects are transported to Scientific
- Availability of Material Recovery Landfill either within the city or to
Facility: Fully functional MRF (for another city
garbage collection, sorting, storage, - Construction & Demolition Waste
recycle, processing and sale) in management:
adequate numbers, within maximum ~ 100 per cent of C&D waste generated
5 km radius. Households/ premises may is used/ processed within municipal
deposit waste at MRF on payment basis limits or in a designated C&D recycling
• Bulk Waste Generators Compliance: plant
All Bulk Waste Generators, as defined ~ Facilitation of collection of C&D waste
by SWM Rules 2016, including RWAs, from premises of retail (non-bulk)
in all premises are: - (i) doing onsite occasional generators or designation
processing of wet waste generated, of collection points within reasonable
including kitchen and garden waste OR distance (max. 5 kilometres) – 100 per
Organic waste from BWGs is collected cent of municipal limits covered
by mobile composting vehicles/sent ~ Provisions made for use of material

made out of C&D waste in 10 per cent households/ premises in the city are
of municipal construction activities – covered by door-to-door collection
including in non-structural concrete, and transportation of solid waste
paving blocks, lower layers of road (through ULB/ULB-authorised garbage
pavements, inner colony roads, etc. collectors)
• Citizen Grievance Redressal and • Segregation at source: All households/
Feedback System: 90 per cent of premises have segregation at source
citizen complaints related to Solid (wet, dry & domestic hazardous)
Waste Management received on maintained till processing
Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance • Sweeping of public, commercial
redressal platform are resolved within and residential areas: All public and
SLA and at least 25 per cent of commercial areas have twice daily
households should have downloaded sweeping, including night sweeping and
the App/ equivalent grievance redressal residential areas have daily sweeping.
platform • Litter Bins, Waste Storage and
• Dumpsite Remediation: 75 per cent Material Recovery Facility:
work as per remediation project plan - Litter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated (Blue
has been completed, in all identified & Green) Litter bins are available in,
dumps in 100 per cent public & commercial
• Drains and Water Bodies: areas at every 50-100 meters, as per
- No visible solid waste in storm water requirement (Waste is only deposited in
drains and water bodies under ULB such bins - No Littering or Spill over of
jurisdiction waste)
- Waste Storage (secondary storage):
Waste storage bins are placed at
2.6 Necessary conditions to
strategic locations. City is exempt from
be achieved before declaring
this condition if the city is bin-less, i.e.
a city/ ward as Garbage Free
it does not have waste storage bins (no
7-Star Rating
secondary storage). Waste is directly
• Door-to-Door Collection: All

transferred from generators premises to Landfill either within the city or to

transport chain vehicles with or without another city
transfer station, to processing center - Construction & Demolition Waste
(verification will be done) management:
- Availability of Material Recovery ~ 100 per cent of C&D waste generated
Facility: Fully functional MRF (for is used/ processed within municipal
garbage collection, sorting, storage, limits or in a designated C&D recycling
recycle, processing and sale) in plant
adequate numbers, within maximum ~ Facilitation of collection of C&D waste
5 km radius. Households/ premises may from premises of retail (non-bulk)
deposit waste at MRF on payment basis occasional generators or designation
• Bulk Waste Generators Compliance: of collection points within reasonable
All Bulk Waste Generators, as defined distance (max. 5 kilometres) – 100 per
by SWM Rules 2016, including RWAs cent of municipal limits covered
AND non-domestic establishments ~ Provisions made for use of material
generating more than 50 kilograms of made out of C&D waste in more than
waste per day, in all premises are: - (i) 10 per cent of municipal construction
doing onsite processing of wet waste activities – including in non-structural
generated, including kitchen and garden concrete, paving blocks, lower layers
waste OR Organic waste from BWGs of road pavements, inner colony
is collected by mobile composting roads, etc.
vehicles/sent to ULB’s decentralized • User Charges, Penalties/ Spot Fines:
composting processing plants. In such - User Charges: Viable and sustainable
cases the Bulk Garbage Generators User charges for waste collection and
will have to pay the processing fee transportation being collected from
at a prevalent commercial rates. (ii) all households/ premises including
Handing over segregated dry wastes residential, commercial, institutional and
to authorised waste pickers or waste industrial establishments
collectors - Penalties & Spot Fines: Deterrent
• Scientific Waste Processing, penalty/ spot fines for non- segregation,
Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste anti-littering including littering in storm
Management: water drains and water bodies and non-
- Scientific Waste Processing: 100 per compliance of SWM Rules 2016 in 100
cent waste generated is processed per cent premises;
- Scientific Landfilling: Only process - Plastic Ban: Complete ban on all
rejects are transported to Scientific plastic bags

• Citizen Grievance Redressal and year (previous year from date of self-
Feedback System: 100 per cent of declaration)
citizen complaints related to Solid • City Beautification: Visible
Waste Management received on beautification of city, including repairs
Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance and maintenance of infrastructure under
redressal platform are resolved within ULB jurisdiction to achieve a clean and
SLA and at least 50 per cent of aesthetically pleasing city. The following
households should have downloaded can be used as an indicative but not
the App/ equivalent grievance redressal restrictive list:
platform. - High quality and adequate street
• Dumpsite Remediation: Remediation furniture
of all identified dumpsites has been - Wall paintings
completed - Landscaping/creation of parks beneath
• Drains and Water Bodies: flyovers
- No visible solid waste in storm water - Creation of green spaces around the
drains and water bodies under ULB city
jurisdiction - Incorporation of local art, cultural and
heritage elements, wherever possible
Additional conditions (all additional
conditions to be fulfilled for 7-star
• Waste Reduction – Application of
3R Principles in MSWM: Quantifiable
reduction in waste generated by the
city on a per capita basis, in the past

3. Protocol for self-

declaration by city for
Garbage Free Star Rating
The protocols for each star are elaborated - All bulk generators in the ward should
below. The declaration formats are provide self-declaration that they
provided in Annexure – I. are managing their bulk waste in
compliance with SWM Rules 2016 and
3.1 Protocol for declaring city Municipal Byelaws (only applicable for
as ‘Garbage Free - Star Rating ‘1’ Star Rating ‘4’ and above)
to ‘7’ • Once the above declarations have
Self-Declaration and Third Party been obtained from all wards by the
Certification of Garbage Free Star Rating respective City administration, the
• All
 the ‘necessary conditions’ for the City Council may pass a preliminary
relevant Star Rating have been met by resolution declaring the city to be
all the wards of the city. Additionally, Garbage Free as per relevant star
for Star Rating ‘7’, all the additional rating. It is important to note that the
conditions have been met by all wards lowest star rating obtained by a ward
of the city. Further, the city should will becoming the rating for the city.
be certified ODF through third party • A suitable public announcement may
verification for it to be eligible to apply be made for the same.
for 3 Star and above Garbage Free • Following such resolution and
Rating. announcement, public objections/
• Following the fulfilment of (a) above, feedback may be invited, with a
declarations have to be obtained fifteen day timeline. If no objections
from all ward members of the city/ are received at the end of this time, a
town, without exception, self-declaring final resolution is adopted by the City
respective wards as garbage free, as Council and the same is communicated
per the relevant star rating and submit to respective State Governments.
to city municipal administration as • On receipt of the said communication,
per due process (interpretation- the the State Government may write
lowest rating obtained by any ward will formally to MoHUA communicating
become that of the city) the self-declared star rating of the
• The following sub-declarations are to city for further necessary certification
be obtained within ward/s in order to for 3-Star, 5-Star and 7-Star Ratings.
facilitate the above self-declaration: For remaining ratings (1-Star, 2-Star
- Self-declaration from 5 citizen and 4-Star), State Government may
categories4 (5 representatives in each itself, through a third party, carry out
category) that the city fulfils all conditions certification and communicate the same
for the specific star rating to MoHUA.

Citizen categories – Resident Welfare Associations, School Children & Staff, Self-Help Groups, Non-Governmental
Organisations, Private Sector Organisations, Senior Central Government/ State Bank Officials, Hospital authorities,
Transport Authorities, Market Association, Hotel Association, Prominent Persons, Community Champions

4. Third Party Verification for

Garbage Free Star Rating
(Applicable for Garbage Free Star Rating ‘3’, ‘5’ and ‘7’)

Once a city has communicated, through b. Upon request by State or MoHUA, a

State Government, to MoHUA the final third party (appointed by MoHUA) will
resolution declaring the city as Garbage mobilize assessors to conduct the
Free Star Rating ‘3’, ‘5’ or ‘7’, a third party verification within a period of 30 days.
verification and validation process is to be c. For the initial verification, the third
carried out, for the final certification of the party agency will assess both
star rating. Subsequently, recertification of Service Level Delivery Status, as per
parameters defined, as well as conduct
Garbage Free Star Rating will happen at
Independent Observation
fixed intervals (every one year), to ensure
d. Based upon the assessment,
that there is no slippage of the garbage
the third party agency will make
free status, thereby facilitating cities to
recommendations to MoHUA for
sustain the cleanliness. MoHUA will only
cities to be rated as per self-declared
recognise the certified/ re-certified cities.
Garbage Free Star Rating, as per the
It is to be noted that city needs to be
certified as ODF through third party e. MoHUA will subsequently issue the
verification in order to apply for 3 Star and relevant Star Rating to the city for the
above Garbage Free Star Rating. This pre- same based upon the recommendation
requisite will be verified by the Ministry of of the Third Party
Housing and Urban Affairs. f. The Garbage Free Star Rating
certificate will need to be recertified
4.1 Protocol to be followed annually (every 12 months)
for Third Party Certification g. For recertification, upon receiving
of cities for Garbage Free Star request, the third party will repeat step
Rating (c) for the city within a period of 30
The following protocol will need to be days.
followed for receiving the Garbage Free
Star Rating certification:

a. City self-declares itself as “Garbage

Free ‘3’, ‘5’ or ‘7’ (as applicable) Star”
for the first time and communicates
the same to MoHUA through the State
SBM Mission Directorate.

4.2 Methodology for Third & gardens), residential areas, water

Party Certification of cities for bodies, storm drainage system, roads
Garbage Free Star Rating and streets, and other relevant areas –
The verification process will be conducted by the third party assessors.
in two parts: • The third party will also interact with
• Service Level Delivery Status citizen groups in schools, colleges,
• Independent Observations RWAs, hospitals, transport areas,
hotels, market areas (including
• Service Level Status : agriculture and meat markets), religious
• Preliminary data will be collected areas, institutional areas, industrial
in advance by a process of self- areas, prominent persons, government
assessment from cities as per the & private offices, hotel associations,
defined protocol BWGs and general public, to collect
• Third party assessors will visit cities their feedback on the city’s garbage-
to review the documentation and free status, in the form of structured
collect the data systematically ensuring questionnaires, and photographic
that the process is independent and evidences as necessary.5
unbiased (refer Annexure II – Means of • The questionnaire to facilitate data
Verification) collection will be created by the third
party in consultation with Ministry of
• Independent Observations : Housing and Urban Affairs.
• The collection of data will be based on • The survey assessors will use IT
physical observation of the households/ enabled devices to record their
premises – public & commercial observations and findings along with
areas (including market areas, railway photographs.
stations, bus stations, other transport • The third party will systematically
hubs, schools, colleges, hospitals, collect photos as evidence for field
offices, religious areas, industrial areas, observations ensuring that the location,
institutional areas, ULB managed date and time are tagged on all the
parking areas, ULB managed parks photographs.

For cities with less than 10 Lakh population, questionnaire should be obtained from minimum 0.05% of population.
For cities with greater than 10 lakh population, questionnaires from minimum 500 citizens should be obtained. The
questionnaires maybe in online or offline form.

• For the assessment, cities will be 10 lakh, the city will be divided atleast
classified based on population as into 4 zones
below. Based upon the size of the city, • For cities with population less than 5
it will be divided into zones. lakh, the city will be divided atleast into
• For cities with greater than 10 lakh 2 zones
population, the city will be divided • All locations will be independently
atleast into 6 zones decided by the third party after
• For cities with population between 5 – preliminary discussion with the city.

Location Type No. of locations No. of location No. of location No. of loca-
per zone per city (10 lakh per city (5-10 tion per city
+) lakh) (less than 5

Slum 3 18 12 6

School 3 18 12 6

Roads and Streets Roads and Streets to be checked across the city

Market Areas (including 5 30 20 10

agriculture mandis and
meat markets,
if applicable)

Parks & Gardens 3 18 12 6

Residential Areas 5 30 20 10

Bulk Waste Generators BWGs should be checked across the city

Railway Stations, Bus Railway Stations, Bus Stations and other Transport Hubs should be checked
Stations and other across the city
Transport Hubs

Industrial Areas Industrial and Institutional areas should be checked across the city (if ap-

Water Bodies & Storm All water bodies and Storm Water Drains should be checked across the city
Water Drains

MSW Processing Plants All functional plants

Scientific Landfill Existing SLF in the city

Dumpsite All identified dumpsites in the city

Tourist areas (high footfall All tourist areas (with high footfall) in the city (if applicable)
market areas, religious
areas, historic sites, etc.)

Total 19+ 114+ 76+ 38+


Annexure – I:
Star Rating Declaration

• Format for declaration to be submitted by City / town

I, ….......... Mayor / Municipal Commissioner / Chief Officer/ Chairperson of

………………….. (name of ULB/ Municipal corporation / municipality / town panchayat)
do hereby declare that:

• All Councillors/ Ward Members in the city / town have submitted their self-declarations
regarding garbage free status (as per relevant star rating)
• Preliminary resolution has been passed declaring the city / town as Garbage Free
….1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (strike off as applicable)…. Star;
• Above resolution has been publicly announced (in print media), inviting public feedback
/ objection within 15 days of announcement.
• Since no objections have been received within the stipulated time period / since
objections and feedback received from the public have been rectified, a final resolution
has been adopted by this ULB to declare the city as Garbage Free ….1/2/3/4/5/6/7
(strike off as applicable)… Star
• This final resolution is being communicated to the Government of ….(State/Union
Territory)…. for further communication to MoHUA for record and further third-party
verification (applicable for Star Rating ‘3’, ‘5’ and ‘7’) (Resolution Number ……….)

Accordingly, ………………….. (name of city/ town) is hereby self-declared Garbage Free

….1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (strike off as applicable)…Star

(Signature, and Name of Mayor / Chairperson/ Chief Officer/ Municipal Commissioner)



• Format for declaration to be submitted by Ward Councillor

I, Ward councillor of …………………………………….. (ward details), under

…………………………….. (name of ULB/ Municipal corporation / municipality /
town panchayat) do hereby declare that the ward is in compliance with all necessary
conditions of Garbage Free Star Rating …1/2/3/4/5/7 (strike off as applicable)….

(Signature, and Name of Ward Councillor)
Phone Number:



• Format for self-declaration to be submitted by Bulk Waste

Generators (wherever applicable)

I, …………………..(name), authorized representative on behalf of ………………………

(name and address of bulk waste generator) in …….. (name of ULB/ Municipal
corporation / municipality / town panchayat) do hereby declare that we are managing all
our generated waste in compliance with SWM Rules 2016

(Signature and Name of authorized representative of bulk waste generator)
Phone Number:


• Format for self-declaration to be submitted by citizen

representatives (wherever applicable)

I, …………………..(name), authorized representative on behalf of ………………………

(name of citizen category) in …….. (name of ULB/ Municipal corporation / municipality
/ town panchayat) do hereby declare that the city is in compliance with all necessary
conditions of Garbage Free Star Rating ….1/2/3/4/5/7 (strike off as applicable)…

(Signature and Name of authorized representative of citizen category)
Phone Number:


Annexure – II:
Means of Verification for
Third Party Certification

This section lays down the means of wise record for waste collection from
verification that will be followed for commercial areas and residential areas
assessing service level delivery as part of from the previous two quarters prior to
the Third Party Certification process. date of self-declaration of star rating.
• Copy of contract and payment/
activity report if this service has been
outsourced. Contract should be signed
(Applicable to all Star Ratings)
atleast six months prior to date of self-
declaration of star rating.
Door-to-Door Collection
Segregation at Source
Atleast ‘X’ percentage of households/
premises in the city are covered by door-
Atleast ‘X’ percentage of all households/
to-door collection and transportation of
premises have segregation at source (wet,
solid waste (through ULB/ULB-authorised
dry & domestic hazardous) maintained till
garbage collectors)

Means of Verification
Means of Verification
• Ward wise staff deployment plan/
• Number of vehicles with partition/
Copy of Log Book or any other ward-
separate containers for carrying dry
and wet waste OR number of vehicles
deployed separately for dry and wet
waste collection OR seperate days
are fixed for collection of dry and wet
waste (1-2 days in a week is earmarked
for dry waste collection; wet waste is
collected everyday)
• Waste carrying capacity of these
vehicles and number of trips
• Total quantity of wet/dry waste
generated daily as per population

criteria or real actual available with the

• Log books of transfer stations/
processing plant (centralised or
decentralised) indicating daily tonnage
of dry and wet wastes received and
processed separately

Sweeping of residential, public

in ‘X’ per cent of commercial & public
and commercial areas
areas at every 50-100 meters, as per
requirement, (Waste is only deposited
‘X’ percentage of commercial, public and
in such bins - No Littering or Spill over
residential areas have sweeping (one time
of waste)
or twice, including night sweeping)
B. Waste Storage: Waste storage bins
are placed in 100 percent of premises
Means of Verification
(City is exempt from this condition
• Ward wise list of commercial areas,
if the city is bin-less, i.e. it does not
public areas and residential areas
have waste storage/transfer stations
• Evidence of sweeping commercial,
as waste is directly transported to
public and residential areas as per
processing center)
frequency stated in the specific rating
C. Material Recovery Facility: Availability
condition, in the form of activity log/
of Material Recovery Facility (for
roster report/ attendance of sanitation
garbage collection, sorting, storage,
recycle, processing and sale) in
• If work is outsourced to an external
adequate numbers (within maximum
agency, the contract document which
5 km radius)
has a clause for sweeping commercial
- Star Rating 1-2: Plan drawn up and
areas, public areas and residential areas
space identified for facility
and its stated frequency should be
- Star Rating 3-7: Facility fully functional
• Survey indicating total garbage heaps/
Means of Verification
dumps which have not been attended
• Number of litter bins and waste storage
in the daily collection schedule. Before
required for the quantity of waste
and after photographs of such points.
generated from the location
• Evidence of mechanism in place for
• Copy of installation log of litter
continuous identification and monitoring
bins/ waste storage or Copy of the
of visible eyesores/garbage spots
document/ map showing litter bin/
waste storage locations/ numbers
Waste Storage, Litter Bins and • Copy of the list of public, commercial
Material Recovery Facility and non-commercial areas that are
Condition covered by door to door collection and
 itter Bins: Twin-Bin/ Segregated
A. L directly transfer the collected waste to
(Blue & Green) Litter bins are available the processing/ disposal

• Mapping of waste storage and litter

• Image of waste storage and litter bins
clearly displaying the labels/ stickers
• Copy of plan and site selection for
establishing Material Recovery Facility
• Details of quantity of garbage received,
stored, recycled, processed, sold and
waste deposit fees received at MRF
(applicable for star rating 3 & above)
• Copy of mapping/location list along with
water bodies and non-compliance of
photographic evidence of MRF sites
SWM Rules 2016 in 100% premises;
(applicable for star rating 3 & above)
C. Plastic Ban: Implementation of
ban on the use, sale and storage of
User Charges, Penalties and
non-biodegradable plastic bags less
Spot Fines
than 50 microns (Carry bag made of
virgin or recycled plastic, shall not be
Star Rating 1
A. User Charges: Byelaws have been less than fifty microns in thickness),

framed including user charges for in compliance with Plastic Waste

waste collection and transportation Management Rules 2016
B. Penalties & Spot Fines: Deterrent
penalty/ spot fines for non- Star Rating 3 & 4
segregation, anti-littering including in A. User Charges: Affordable and
water bodies and non-compliance of differential User charges for waste
SWM Rules 2016 in 100% premises; collection & transportation being
C. Plastic Ban: Implementation of collected at least from commercial,
ban on the use, sale and storage of institutional and industrial
non-biodegradable plastic bags less establishments
than 50 microns (Carry bag made of B. Penalties & Spot Fines: Deterrent
virgin or recycled plastic, shall not be penalty/ spot fines for non-
less than fifty microns in thickness), segregation, anti-littering including in
in compliance with Plastic Waste storm water drains & water bodies and
Management Rules 2016 non-compliance of SWM Rules 2016 in
100% premises;
Star Rating 2 C. Plastic Ban: Notification and
A. User Charges: Affordable and enforcement of ban on the use, sale
differential User charges for waste and storage of non-biodegradable
collection & transportation being
plastic bags less than 50 microns,
collected at least from commercial,
(Carry bag made of virgin or recycled
institutional and industrial
plastic, shall not be less than fifty
microns in thickness), in compliance
B. Penalties & Spot Fines: Deterrent
with Plastic Waste Management Rules
penalty/ spot fines for non-
2016 as well as enforcement of user
segregation, anti-littering including in
fee by ULB on use, sale and storage of

collections in the city must be no less

than the sum of litter spots

Star Rating 2
• Total number of households and
commercial establishments and the
user charges per each household/
establishment for solid waste
• Evidence of user charges being
collected in the form of log book, online
plastic bags more than 50 microns
record, etc.
• List of litter spots – this will be
Star Rating 5 & 7
cross-checked through independent
A. User Charges: Viable and sustainable
User charges for waste collection and
• Copy of notification of spot fine/penalty
transportation being collected from
for littering
all households/ premises including
• Copy of fines collected post release of
residential, commercial, institutional and
spot fine/ penalty notification for non-
industrial establishments
segregation, anti-littering and plastic
 enalties & Spot Fines: Deterrent
B: P
penalty/ spot fines for non-
• Copy of chalaan/ receipt books for
segregation, anti-littering including
collecting spot fines/ penalties for non-
in drains and water bodies and non-
segregation, anti-littering and plastic
compliance of SWM Rules 2016 in 100
per cent premises;
• Minimum number of spot fine
C. Plastic Ban: Complete ban on all
collections in the city must be no less
plastic bags
than the sum of litter spots

Means of Verification
Star Rating 3 & 4
Star Rating 1
• Total number of households and
• Copy of draft byelaws including user
commercial establishments and the
charges for waste collection and
user charges per each household/
establishment for solid waste
• Copy of notification of spot fine/penalty
for littering
• Evidence of user charges being
• Copy of fines collected post release of
collected in the form of log book, online
spot fine/ penalty notification for non-
record, etc.
segregation, anti-littering and plastic
• List of litter spots – this will be
cross-checked through independent
• Copy of chalaan/ receipt books for
collecting spot fines/ penalties for non-
• Copy of notification of spot fine/penalty
segregation, anti-littering and plastic
for littering
• Copy of notification of ban on the use,
• Minimum number of spot fine

sale and storage of non-biodegradable • Copy of notification of spot fine/penalty

plastic bags less than 50 microns, in for littering
the city • Copy of notification on complete ban
• Copy of fines collected post release of on the use, sale and storage of non-
spot fine/ penalty notification for non- biodegradable plastic bags less than 50
segregation, anti-littering and plastic microns, in the city
ban • Copy of fines collected post release of
• Copy of chalaan/ receipt books for spot fine/ penalty notification for non-
collecting spot fines/ penalties for non- segregation, anti-littering and plastic
segregation, anti-littering and plastic ban
ban • Copy of chalaan/ receipt books for
• Minimum number of spot fine
collecting spot fines/ penalties for non-
collections in the city must be no less
segregation, anti-littering and plastic
than the sum of litter spots
• Evidence of user fees being collected
• Minimum number of spot fine
by ULB on use, sale and storage of
collections in the city must be no less
plastic bags more than 50 microns
than the sum of litter spots

Star Rating 5 & 7

• Total number of households and
commercial establishments and the Bulk Waste Generators
user charges per each household/ Compliance
establishment for solid waste
Star Rating 2: All Bulk Waste Generators
• Evidence of user charges being
(BWGs) as defined by SWM Rules 2016,
collected in the form of log book, online
including RWAs, identified and issued
record, etc.
official notice for compliance with SWM
• Evidence of user charges covering
Rules 2016;
operating costs of SWM
• List of litter spots – this will be
Star Rating 3 & 4: All Bulk Waste
cross-checked through independent
Generators, as defined by SWM Rules

2016, in all premises are: - (i) doing onsite Star Rating 7:

processing of wet waste generated, All Bulk Waste Generators, as defined by
including kitchen and garden waste OR SWM Rules 2016, including RWAs AND
Organic waste from BWGs is collected by non-domestic establishments generating
mobile composting vehicles/sent to ULB’s more than 50 kilograms of waste per
decentralized composting processing day, in all premises are: - (i) doing onsite
plants. In such cases the Bulk Garbage processing of wet waste generated,
Generators will have to pay the processing including kitchen and garden waste OR
fee at a prevalent commercial rates. (ii) Organic waste from BWGs is collected by
Handing over segregated dry wastes mobile composting vehicles/sent to ULB’s
to authorised waste pickers or waste decentralized composting processing
collectors; plants. In such cases the Bulk Garbage
Generators will have to pay the processing
Star Rating 5: All Bulk Waste Generators, fee at a prevalent commercial rates. (ii)
as defined by SWM Rules 2016, including Handing over segregated dry wastes
RWAs, in all premises are: - (i) doing to authorised waste pickers or waste
onsite processing of wet waste generated, collectors
including kitchen and garden waste OR
Organic waste from BWGs is collected by Means of Verification
mobile composting vehicles/sent to ULB’s Applicable to all Star Ratings:
decentralized composting processing • List of all Bulk Waste Generators
plants. In such cases the Bulk Garbage (BWGs), as defined by SWM Rules
Generators will have to pay the processing 2016, including RWAs, identified in the
fee at a prevalent commercial rates. (ii) city
Handing over segregated dry wastes • Copy of official notice issued to all
to authorised waste pickers or waste BWGs regarding compliance with SWM
collectors Rules 2016

Additional verification parameters for conditions stated in the rating

Star Rating 3, 4 & 5: framework
• Total quantity of wet/dry waste
generated daily by each BWG Scientific Waste Processing,
• Evidence (in the form of log books, Scientific Landfilling and C&D
photographs, contract documents, Waste Management
etc.) of non-domestic BWGs complying
with conditions stated in the rating
Star Rating 1:
A. Waste Processing: Atleast ‘X’ per cent
of waste generated is processed;
Additional verification parameters for
B. Scientific Landfill: Land for dumping
Star Rating 7:
identified either in own city or other city;
• List of all non-domestic establishments
may not be scientific landfill
generating more than 50 kilograms of
C. C&D Waste Management:
waste per day, in all premises
• Notification of charges for collection,
• Copy of official notice issued to all non-
transportation, processing and disposal
domestic establishments generating
of C&D Waste
more than 50 kilograms of waste per
day regarding decentralised waste Star Rating 2:
management A. Waste Processing: Atleast ‘X’ per cent
• Total quantity of wet/dry waste of waste generated is processed;
generated daily by all non-domestic B. Scientific Landfill: Land for dumping
establishments generating more than identified either in own city or other city;
50 kilograms of waste per day may not be scientific landfill
• Evidence (in the form of log books, C. C&D Waste Management:
photographs, contract documents, • Designated Facility operators exist- ‘X’
etc.) of non-domestic establishments percent of C&D waste generated is
generating more than 50 kilograms used/ processed within municipal limits
of waste per day complying with or in a designated C&D recycling plant

Star Rating 3: made out of C&D Waste in ‘X’ percent

A. Waste Processing: Atleast ‘X’ per cent of municipal construction activity-
of waste generated is processed; including in non-structural concrete,
 cientific Landfill: Remaining
B. S paving blocks, lower layers of road
unprocessed waste is transported to pavements, inner colony roads etc.
Scientific Landfill either within the city or
to another city Means of Verification
C. C&D Waste Management: Applicable to all Star Rating 1 to 7
• Designated Facility operators exist – ‘X’ • Total wet and dry waste generated daily
percent of C&D waste generated is using per capita criteria
used/ processed within municipal limits • SWM DPR or action plan indicating
or in a designated C&D recycling plant quantity of segregated collection of
• Facilitation of collection of C&D waste waste
from premises of retail (non-bulk) • Survey report indicating total ragpickers
occasional generators or designation included in MSW and dry waste
of collection points with reasonable collection centres in the city
distance (Max 5 KM) – ‘X’ per cent of • Total number of functional decentralised
municipal limits covered waste processing units in the city –
• Provisions made for use of material waste processing capacity and waste
made out of C&D Waste in ‘X’ percent processed per day (including RWAs and
of municipal construction activity- Bulk Waste Generators), over the past
including in non-structural concrete, year
paving blocks, lower layers of road • Evidence of functional centralised
pavements, inner colony roads etc. waste processing facility in the city –
waste processing capacity and waste
Star Rating 4, 5 & 7: processed per day, over the past year
A. Waste Processing: Atleast ‘X’ per cent • Evidence of contract with external
of waste generated is processed; vendors that process dry waste
 cientific Landfill: Only process
B. S • Evidence of identification of land for
rejects are transported to Scientific dumping, in city or other city (for star
Landfill either within the city or to rating 1 & 2)
another city • Quantity of C&D waste generated in the
C. C&D Waste Management: city per month
• Designated Facility operators exist – ‘X’ • Copy of C&D waste management plan
percent of C&D waste generated is • Copy of notification of charges for
used/ processed within municipal limits collection, transportation, processing
or in a designated C&D recycling plant and disposal of C&D Waste
• Facilitation of collection of C&D waste • Evidence of quantity of C&D waste
from premises of retail (non-bulk) used/processed within municipal limit
occasional generators or designation AND/OR Copy of contract of C&D
of collection points with reasonable recycling plant & evidence of quantity
distance (Max 5 KM) – ‘X’ per cent of of C&D waste processed at designated
municipal limits covered recycling plant (whichever applicable)
• Provisions made for use of material

Additional verification parameters for And

Star Rating 3 to 7 ‘Y’ percentage of complaints related to
• Evidence of quantity of C&D waste Solid Waste Management received on
being collected from premises of retail Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance
(non-bulk) occasional generators OR redressal platform are resolved within SLA
list/mapping along with photographic
evidence of collection points within Means of Verification
reasonable distance (Max 5 KM) • Evidence of number of downloads of
(whichever applicable) App/ equivalent grievance redressal
• Evidence of use of material made out platform equivalent to atleast ‘X’ per
of C&D Waste in municipal construction cent of households
activity, as per rating condition • Log of complaints received on
Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance
redressal platform in the past six
Citizen Grievance Redressal
and Feedback System
• Evidence of redressal of complaints
related to SWM within SLA
Swachhata App/ equivalent grievance
• Independent verification through visit to
redressal platform are in place and
sample number of households in each
atleast ‘X’ per cent of households should
ward of the city
have downloaded the App/ equivalent
grievance redressal platform

Dumpsite Remediation Means of Verification

Condition • List/ Map of all water bodies and storm
Star Rating 3: Plan for remediation of all water drains
identified dumpsites in the city has been • This parameter will be verified only
approved including financial closure through independent observation and
Star Rating 3: Plan for remediation of all citizen feedback
identified dumpsites in the city has been
approved and work commenced
Star Rating 4, 5 & 7: ‘X’ per cent work
(Applicable to Star Rating 7)
as per remediation project plan has been
completed, for all identified dumpsites
Waste Reduction – Application

Means of Verification of 3R Principles in MSWM

All Star Ratings Condition

• List of dumps identified in the city Waste Reduction – Application of

• Copy of approved plan for remediation 3R Principles in MSWM: Quantifiable

of all identified dumpsites in the city has reduction in waste generated by the

been approved city on a per capita basis, in the past

year (previous year from date of self-

Additional verification for Star Rating 3 declaration)

• Evidence of work commenced (copy of

contract, detailed project report, etc.) Means of Verification
• Log of waste generated on per capita

Additional verification for basis for the previous year, prior to date

Star Rating 4, 5 & 7 of self-declaration

• Evidence of ‘X’ per cent work • Evidence of application of 3R principles

completion (copy of completion/ closure in SWM interventions in the city

report, etc.)
City Beautification

Drains and Water Bodies Condition

Condition Visible beautification of city, including

Star Rating 1 & 2: repairs and maintenance of infrastructure

• No visible solid waste in 100 per cent of under ULB jurisdiction to achieve a clean

water bodies (including but not limited and aesthetically pleasing city

to ponds, lakes, tanks, rivers, etc.)

under ULB jurisdiction Means of Verification
This parameter will be verified only through

Star Rating 3 & above: independent observation and citizen

• No visible solid waste in storm water feedback

drains and water bodies under ULB





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