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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, K.K.

Birla Goa Campus

ME F343 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Comprehensive Examination (Closed Book)
DATE: 13/05/2017 Duration: 60min Maximum Marks: 40
INSTRUCTIONS: Write the answers in the space provided. Use supplementary sheet to do the rough
work and submit it along with this question paper.
Question 1: Choose the correct alternative and write the option in the space provided in last column
(2 X 10 =20 Marks)
Question Correct
1. When a two-degree-of-freedom system is subjected to a harmonic force, the system
vibrates at the
a. frequency of applied force b. smaller natural frequency
c. larger natural frequency d. None of these
2. The number of degrees of freedom of a vibrating system depends on
a. number of masses b. number of masses &
degrees of freedom of
each mass
c. number of coordinates used to d. None of these
describe the position of each mass
3. A two-degree-of-freedom system has
a. one normal mode b. two normal modes
c. many normal modes d. None of these
4. The configuration of a system vibrating at one of its natural frequencies is called
a. Natural mode b. Natural frequency
c. solution d. None of these
5. Negative damping leads to
a. instability b. fast convergence
c. oscillations d. None of these
6. Modal analysis can be used conveniently to find the response of a multi-degree of
freedom system
a. under arbitrary forcing b. under free-vibration
conditions conditions
c. involving several modes d. None of these
7. The transient part of the solution arises from
a. forcing function b. initial conditions
c. bounding conditions d. none of these
8. If a system is subjected to suddenly applied nonperiodic force, the response will be
a. steady-state solution b. transient solution
c. total solution d. None of these
9. For a critically damped system, the motion will be
a. Periodic b. Aperiodic
c. Harmonic d. None of these
10. In Coulomb damping, the amplitude of motion is reduced in each cycle by
(all symbols have usual meaning)
a. 𝜇𝑁/𝑘 𝑏. 2𝜇𝑁/𝑘
𝑐. 4𝜇𝑁/𝑘 d.None of these
Question 2: Write answers in the space provided in the units mentioned in the question. (4 X 5 =20 M)

A. Free vibration response of an electric motor of weight 500 N mounted (i)

on different types of foundations are shown in Figure a and b.
(i) Identify the type of damping provided by the foundation in each case.
(ii) time period of oscillations in each case in seconds.


B. A uniform bar of mass m is pivoted at point O and supported at the ends

by two springs as shown in Figure. End P of spring PQ is subjected to
sinusoidal displacement x(t) = x0 sin 𝜔𝑡 , Write the equation of motion
with 𝜽 as a variable.

C. A shaft, having a stiffness of 4.00 MN/m, rotates at 3600 rpm. A rotor,

having a mass of 60 kg and eccentricity of 1000 micron, is mounted on
the shaft. Determine the steady state whirl amplitude of the rotor in
meters. Assume the damping ratio = 0.01.
D. A spring mass damper system, having an undamped natural frequency of
100 Hz and damping constant of 20 N-s/m, is used as an accelerometer
to measure the vibration of a machine operating at a speed of 3000 rpm.
If the actual acceleration is 10 m/s2 and recorded acceleration is 9 m/s2,
find the mass of the accelerometer in grams.
E. Write a unified mathematical expression for the excitation shown in
Figure using unit step function.
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, K.K.Birla Goa Campus
Comprehensive Examination (Closed Book)
DATE: 13/05/2017 Duration: 120min Maximum Marks: 80

Question 1: Find the equation of motion of the car system shown in Figure Question 1 using Lagrange’s
equation in matrix form. Stiffness of each spring is k, assume center of mass at G, total mass as m,
moment of inertia about G as J. Use x and 𝜽 as generalized co-ordinates. [16M]

Figure Question 1

Question 2:

Find the stiffness influence coefficients of the system shown in Figure Question 2. Draw the free body
diagrams in each step and write equations of equilibrium to find stiffness influence coefficient. Write the
stiffness matrix obtained. Take displacement of masses m1, m2, m3 as x1, x2, x3 (rightword positive)
respectively. [16M]

Figure Question 2
Question 3: Using Rayleigh’s method estimate the fundamental frequency of the system shown in
Figure Question 3. Assume k1 = k, k2 = 2k, k3 = 3k, m1 = m, m2 =2m, m3= 3m. Assume the initial guess of
modal vector { 1 2 3}T. Perform only one iteration. [16M]

Figure Question 3

Question 4:

a. Find the natural frequencies for torsional vibration of a fixed-fixed circular shaft. (Take I0 – mass
polar moment of inertia of shaft per unit length, J – polar moment of inertia of the cross section)
b. Find the fundamental frequency for torsional vibration of this shaft with the given data:
Length, L= 2 m, diameter, D = 50 mm, density of material, 𝜌 = 7800 kg / m3,
modulus of rigidity, G = 8 X 1010 N/m2. [16M]

Question 5: Find the natural frequency and mode shapes of the system shown in Figure Question 5.
Assume k1 = k2 = k, m1 = m, m2 =2m, m3= 3m. Check for orthogonality of any two modes with respect to
mass matrix. [16M]

Figure Question 5

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