Під Вечір Виходить На Вулицю Він

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Під вечір виходить на вулицю він.

Флоренція плаче йому навздогін.

Ці сльози вже зайві. Минуло життя.
Йому вже в це місто нема вороття.
Флоренція плаче: він звідси, він наш!
Колись прокляла і прогнала вона ж.
Високий вигнанець говорить їй: ні.
У тебе ж є той кондотьєр на коні.
І площі тієї кільце кам'яне,
де ти присудила спалити мене.
Вважай, що спалила. Згорів я. Помер.
Сім міст сперечались, що їхній Гомер.
А ти ж, моє місто, — єдине, одне! —
О, як ти цькувало і гнало мене!
Прославилось, рідне. Осанна тобі.
Хай ірис цвіте на твоєму гербі...
Дарує їй профіль. Вінків не бере.
Де хоче — воскресне, де хоче — умре.
Одежа у нього з тонкого сукна.
На скронях його молода сивина.
Він тихо іде, він повільно іде.
У нього й чоло ще таке молоде!
Хто скаже про нього: старий він як світ?
Він — Данте. Йому тільки тисяча літ.
In this picture we can see some unusual
people and animals whose bodies are
strange. Maybe these people are scared. The Persistence of Memory
At first glance, this picture is weird and
In this picture we can see 3 clock faces that
perhaps depressing. It causes some
seem to melt, a sea and rocks. We can see a
embarrassment and sadness. The picture is
sleeping human face too. On the one hand,
painted on canvas with oil paints in the style
this picture is relaxing and interesting. But on
of Cubism. The gray, black and white
the other hand, this picture shows loneliness.
painting, which is 349.3 cm tall and 776.6 cm
The picture was painted on canvas
across, is called Guernica. The picture is a
handmade with oil paints in the style of
long-standing symbol of the negative effects
surrealism. This picture isn’t large, only 24
of war and death. The bull symbolizes
cm by 33 cm. And name of this picture is The
cruelty, and the horse symbolizes the
Persistence of Memory. The artist explains
suffering of the innocent. And the lamp that
the name of the painting by the fact that
can be seen to the right of the horse is a
looking at the painting once, you will never
symbol of hope. According to the author’s
forget them. In fact, this picture shows 11
plan, Guernica was to draw the world’s
objects. And each of them means something.
attention to the bombing of the Basque city
Those clocks hanging on a bare tree mark the
of Guernica by German bombers during the
past. On the table, flowing into the abyss -
Spanish Civil War. The artist of this picture is
the real thing. The future is on the sleeping
Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso was born on
object. At the front of the table is also a
October 25, 1881 in the Spanish city of
clock. But they, unlike the other three, are
Málaga. From his early years, Picasso had an
solid because they symbolize linear time,
interest in drawing. His father taught him to
where past and present no longer exist
draw and draw. Picasso was admitted to one
simultaneously. Ants mean rot, decay and
of the best art schools in Spain when he was
death. In the mousse, the author encrypted
13. Between 1900 and 1904 Picasso suffered
the inspiration that visited him when writing
many difficulties and depressions. It was
the picture. The artist's self-portrait is
called the "blue period". During this period,
depicted on the ground. Mirror means
his paintings were mainly made in blue and
variability and inconsistency. The tree in the
green shades, expressing the difficulties he
picture is an olive, a symbol of wisdom in
faced. Picasso had a better life since 1905. He
antiquity. The shore is the personification of
overcame depression and the difficulties he
the longing and emptiness of the author in
experienced early. The new period is called
that period. For the artist, the sea was a
the "Rose Period". Guernika is undoubtedly a
symbol of eternity, immortality and an ideal
great picture. This is one of the most
place to travel. In the picture - Cape Creus
memorable political statements displayed in
near the city of Figueras, the birthplace of
the picture. 
Dali. Egg is a symbol of change and the birth
of something new. So, the main meaning of
the picture is that time, but constantly in
motion, and memory is short-lived, but
stable. The artist of The Persistence of
Memory is Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali was wooden board. The artist painted a
born on May 11, 1904. He painted his first masterpiece in 1931, when he was only 27
picture when he was 6 years old. It was years old.
landscape painted with oil paints on a

Під вечір виходить на вулицю він.

Флоренція плаче йому навздогін.
Ці сльози вже зайві. Минуло життя.
Йому вже в це місто нема вороття.
Флоренція плаче: він звідси, він наш!
Колись прокляла і прогнала вона ж.
Високий вигнанець говорить їй: ні.
У тебе ж є той кондотьєр на коні.
І площі тієї кільце кам'яне,
де ти присудила спалити мене.
Вважай, що спалила. Згорів я. Помер.
Сім міст сперечались, що їхній Гомер.
А ти ж, моє місто, — єдине, одне! —
О, як ти цькувало і гнало мене!
Прославилось, рідне. Осанна тобі.
Хай ірис цвіте на твоєму гербі...
Дарує їй профіль. Вінків не бере.
Де хоче — воскресне, де хоче — умре.
Одежа у нього з тонкого сукна.
На скронях його молода сивина.
Він тихо іде, він повільно іде.
У нього й чоло ще таке молоде!
Хто скаже про нього: старий він як світ?
Він — Данте. Йому тільки тисяча літ.

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