The Kalergi Plan, A Jewish Zionist Plot To Destroy The Genuine - Diversity, Culture, and Identities of All Nations (Excluding - Israel)

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The Kalergi Plan: A Jewish Zionist Plot To Destroy The Genuine

Diversity, Culture, And Identities Of All Nations (Excluding

“Israel”) – Redpilled Reality

The Kalergi Plan is a serious threat to Western and Eastern peoples, Christians and

Imagine for a moment the world has only type of dog. Imagine the world having only one
type of cat. Imagine the world having only one type of bird. Imagine the world having
only one type of tree. Imagine for a moment that there is only one type of food. Imagine
for a moment there is only one type of building. Would you be happy with any of those

The human race is filled with different cultures, customs, religions, ethnicities, and races,
each is unique and has a history whether big or small. We are opposed around the world
by a ruthless conspiracy of largely Jewish and Zionist forces who seek to destroy the
genuine diversity of the human race. What they seek would be like merging all marker
colors into one dark boring color instead of keeping the different colors and their

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was born to an Austrian diplomat in 1894. In 1915 he

married 13-year-old Jewish actress Ida Roland who was very active with him in the
movement which would become the Kalergi Plan. He also is viewed as a founding father
of the European Union. Richard was able to gather a lot of attention and support from
high ranking officials given his father was a diplomat who spoke many languages
including Hebrew. His father was friends with none other than one of the founders of
Zionism, Theodore Herzl.

The agenda that the powers that be behind this had was nothing short of pure evil and

Placing their agents everywhere.

Take control of the media to use it for their propaganda for their evil plans.

Start fights between different races, religions, and classes.

Use bribery, threats, and blackmail to get their way.

Use Free Masonic lodges to attract potential public officials.

Appeal to successful people’s egos.

Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail.

Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communist rule, then despotism.

Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by the Zionists.

Sacrifice people when necessary.

Eliminate religion (not Judaism); replace it with science and materialism.

Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect.

Rewrite history to their benefit.

Create entertaining distractions.

Corrupt minds with filth and perversion.

Encourage people to spy on one another.

Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor.

Take possessions of all wealth, property, and especially gold.

Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

Introduce a progressive tax on wealth.

Replace sound investments with speculation.

Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments.

Give bad advice to governments and everyone else.

In 1921, Kalergi joined a Masonic lodge and had the full support of free masonry in his
evil agenda.

In Vienna in 1922, he founded the Pan European Movement which sought to create a
new world order and destroying the nation states.

Two years later according to Kalergi in his biography, he received a call from none other
than Louis de Rothschild. Rothschild said that Max Warburg read his book about his Pan
European manifesto and he wanted to get to know them. Max Warburg is a Jewish
Rothschild banker and brother of Paul Warburg, one of the architects of the Federal
Reserve in the United States. Max Warburg offered 60,000 Gold Marks to finance the
movement for the first three years.

In 1925, he went to the United States and started to get support from Paul Warburg,
Bernard Baruch, and Ludwig Von Misses. All of them are Jewish Zionist financial elites of

Paul’s brother Felix Warburg was married to none other than Freida Schiff who’s father
was none other than the Jewish Zionist banker Jacob Schiff. This is the same Jacon Schiff
who funded the Bolshevik revolution which killed tens of millions of European
Christians and millions of Central Asian Muslims.
Jacob Schiff hailed the Bolshevik butchers according even to the New York Times.

Paul Warburg’s son James Warburg said before the Senate of the United States, “We shall
have world government, whether we like it or not, by consent or by conquest.
From AZ Quotes

In 1925, Kalergi wrote a book called Practical Idealism, and he outlined the fact he
wanted to destroy the previous identities of Europeans. He called for Europeans to mix
with Asians, Arabs, and Africans. These people of course don’t do this out of some desire
for Europeans to get along better with Asians, Arabs, and Africans. The banking elites
and other oligarchs have ruthlessly exploited the Asia, Africa, and the Arab World. More
than that these are the Jewish Zionists who have been massacring Arabs for over 80
years with the goal of expelling them from their land. Of course he never calls for Jews to
mix with other races. He and his Jewish banker supporters have sought to destroy
identity and the routes of the peoples of the world so they are more easy to control.

As is well known, none other than “Israeli” government NGOs, and Jewish groups are
leading the fight for mass immigration into the west. In “Israel” also they are the ones
who not only don’t take the immigrants they demand the West take, but Jews can’t even
marry non Jews.

The way this agenda gets carried out is by having their puppets in government
destabilize, go to war with, and ruthlessly exploit the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin

Theodore Herzl and the criminal Jewish Zionist cabal have gotten just about everything
they could ask for and then some.

Placing their agents everywhere. One doesn’t need to look any further than AIPAC, the
Zionist Organization of America, the American Jewish Committee, and the ADL.

Take control of the media to use it for their propaganda for their evil plans. 90% of the
American media is owned by six corporations. General Electric, Newscorp, Disney,
Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. In the media of course you see a disproportionate
number of Jews and even more Zionists. Outlets such as CNN if you are involved in
supporting the Palestinian people, like Marc Lamont Hill, they fire you.

There is one common thing about Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Michael
Lynton, Gary Barber, Steven Spielberg, Harvey Weinstein, Larry David, Woody Allen, Bob
Iger, Jeff Zucker, Summer Rothstein, Steven Hirsch, Steve Orenstein, Greg Lansky, Ezra
Levant, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, Michael Dell, and countless more. They are
Jewish and Zionist, as they have gotten their guys into the corporate and media world.

Start fights between different races, religions, and classes. In the Middle East they
supported terrorist groups in Lebanon that tried to set the Christians against the
Muslims. In Palestine they have been trying to set off religious conflict for a long time
between the Palestinian Christians and the Palestinian Muslims. In Syria, they have been
supporting the terrorist rebel opposition in Syria. That support came for both groups like
the FSA and its allies (including Al Qaeda), ISIS, and the Marxist terrorist SDF. The former
Mossad head Efraim Halevy told the world why, and it was because Al Qaeda has never
attacked “Israel”. In Iraq, “Israel” continues to support the breaking up of Iraq, and have
attacked the forces for stability in that troubled country.

Ex-Mossad head on Israel medical aid to al-Nusra Front - UpFront

The reason “Israel” supports the mass immigration of largely Wahhabi men into Europe
is because they know about the violence that they bring, and subsequently many
Westerners turn their resentment to the Islamic community as a whole and not just the
Wahhabis and the Jewish Zionist groups that they bring in. Their nightmare is seeing the
Christian European/Western world, having excellent relations with stable peaceful
countries in the Arab world and wider Islamic world where the people don’t have to
leave their homes.

Use bribery, threats, and blackmail to get their way. As said earlier, the “Israel” lobby is
absolutely massive and corrupt. The oligarchs in America are disproportionately Jewish
and Zionist. “Israel” bombed the USS Liberty deliberately and then threatened to share
intelligence with the Soviet Union if the US didn’t stop the investigation. As for blackmail
look no further than what Jeffrey Epstein was, as he was a Mossad agent who
blackmailed countless numbers of elites.

Use Free Masonic lodges to attract potential public officials. America has had masons in
the political system dating all the way back to the founding.
Appeal to successful people’s egos. The Zionist elites are always pumping up Donald
Trump’s ego as they have even put it in his head that he’s like a King of “Israel”.

Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail. All AIPAC has to do is just
flood the two major candidates in an individual race and they have that goal solidly

Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communist rule, then despotism. This was
written at a time where the monarchy was far more prevalent and had much more
powers. Moses Hess was a founding Zionist who preceded Theodore Herzl, and he was
known as the communist rabbi. Hess helped to write the communist manifesto with the
Jews Karl Marx and Frederich Engels. Major Bolshevik leaders like Lev Davidovich
Bronstein, Lev Kamenev, Felix Dzherzhinsky, Lazar Kaganovich and Genrikh Yagoda.
Vladimir Putin himself admitted the first Soviet government was predominantly Jewish.
Meanwhile noble prize winning historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn explained that without
Jews there would not have been Bolshevism.

From Holodomor.Info

Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by the Zionists. The Zionist
occupiers are able to basically get away with whatever they want while Palestinians are
subjected to apartheid and absolutely hellish living conditions.

Sacrifice people when necessary. That is what the elites do when they send American and
Western troops to go and fight another war for “Israel”.
Eliminate religion (not Judaism); replace it with science and materialism. In the White
House the only religious symbols you will see there allowed are Jewish. Prayer in school
is no more, teaching of the ten commandments is no more, God has been removed from
the culture, but there is no shortage of Jewish symbols.

Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect. The US spends
more on education per capita than everywhere else in the world and the performance of
our students continues to worsen.

Rewrite history to their benefit. Just one example of this is the Katyn Massacre has been
falsely attributed to the Nazis, even when the CIA exposed the fact the US covered up the
fact that it was Stalin’s butchers who carried it out.

Create entertaining distractions. Sports, Hollywood, Music, and other such items serve to
distract people from the realities they and their country face.

Corrupt minds with filth and perversion. Hollywood is a cesspool of filth and perversion
in its own right, but the situation as it pertains to pornography in the West is even worse.
Millions of people are addicted, children at younger and younger ages are seeing
pornography and they are getting addicted. Pornography is a weapon of control and
none other than the Zionist occupation regime used it against the Palestinians in
Ramallah when they illegally occupied that Palestinian land. The pornography industry
is disproportionately Jewish, with many of the famous pornographers and site owners
being Jewish. Greg Lansky, Steve Orenstein, Ron Jeremy, and Al Goldstein are well known
examples of this reality.

From AZ Quotes.
Al Goldstein made clear why his brethren were in this industry, “the only reason that
Jews are in pornography is that we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks”.

Encourage people to spy on one another. America has a surveillance state that not even
the East German Stasi could have dreamed to have. One of the primary authors of the
Patriot Act, was US-“Israeli” dual citizen Michael Chertoff after all.

Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor. America and the West overall has seen a
rather consistent trend of stagnation in wages, while the costs of everything continue to
rise. That is a mix of outsourcing and flooding the community with cheap labor.
Meanwhile these same people are the ones exploiting the third world and keeping in a
cycle where they are very unlikely to grow and prosper.

Take possessions of all wealth, property, and especially gold. They got their wish when
Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the seizure of the gold of Americans.

Introduce a progressive tax on wealth. That has long since been implemented and of
course the elites don’t pay taxes at a rate their employee does.

Replace sound investments with speculation. That is exactly what happened in Thailand
in 1997 with the George Soros orchestrated financial crisis in that country, and also what
happened in the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 and 2009.

Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments. This kind of debt trap and usury
has been used all over the world especially countries like Greece and Argentina who get
crushed by the devastating interest totals.

Give bad advice to governments and everyone else. They regularly give the puppets in
government horrible advice whether it is pertaining to economic policies, or foreign
policy. The West does not economically win anymore despite having all the resources to
do so.

We face a ruthless and evil enemy who seeks to destroy our religions, identities, and
races. They want the Christian and the Muslim, the Westerner and Arab, the Westerner
and Persian, among many others to fight while they screw us over and destroy what
makes us unique and different forever. We must fight as best as we can to stop the wars
and corruption that lead to mass immigration, while focusing on the real enemy.

Orthodox Christian
American Nationalist
Social Conservative
Anti Communist
Anti Capitalist
Anti Zionist
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