A Graveyard Shift: A Short Dungeons & Dragons 4 Edition Adventure by Bruce Paris

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A Graveyard Shift
A Short Dungeons & Dragons 4th
Edition Adventure

By Bruce Paris

A D&D 4E preview adventure for Level 3 characters.

This adventure is designed to take 2 hours to play.
Delgar has some good information that the
murderers are hold up near an old graveyard. He
Adventure Background suggests that you go north into the woods
The town of Marsten has been thriving of late. One (about 7 kilometers along a disused trail). There
hundred years ago, village elder, Boranis Tiomkin you will find the remnants of the old village of
persuaded the folk of the village to move south to Marsten – along with an old graveyard.
the riverbank – some 5 miles from the original site of
their village. Here, he set up the town of Marsten When/if the PCs agree, continue.
and, because of the river trade; the village flourished
and became a town.
The move, however, caused the villagers to
leave behind an old graveyard – which had housed
the village dead for over 1000 years. Up until they
moved to the riverbank, the graveyard was well kept
and held a place of reverence in the hearts of the
simple village-folk.
But since the move, the graveyard has fallen
into disrepair and been forgotten. This angered the
spirits of the graveyard. At first they were just angry
– but as the years turned into decades, they became
wrathful and vengeful. Led by an intelligent spirit
(Corruption Corpse) called Vangrine, the evil dead
have been visiting townsfolk in the night and slaying
them in their beds.
At first, nobody knew what was going on, but
now Delgar Tiomkin (grandson of Boranis) has
evidence that the murderers might be hold up in the
… old graveyard …

Player’s Introduction
Read or paraphrase the following to the players:

The town of Marsten has been thriving of late.

One hundred years ago, village elder, Boranis
Tiomkin persuaded the folk of the village to
move south to the riverbank – some 5 miles from
the original site of their village. Here, he set up
the town of Marsten and, because of the river
trade; the village flourished and became a town.
Recently, however, there has been a spate of
grisly murders. Mostly, the dead are folk from
outlying farmhouses – though the last few
murders are closer into town. Some of the dead
have had their limbs ripped off (including their
heads). Some of the dead have been clawed to
death. Other dead have been bitten, then chewed
upon by something much bigger than a rat.
There appears to be no motive, or pattern.
Everybody is very scared.
As you sit in the local tavern, you are visited
by Delgar Tiomkin (grandson of the founding
father). He introduces himself as the local
mayor, and he wants you to help him find the
murderers and, when you do, put a stop to their
evil once and for all. Delgar tells you that the
townsfolk are good people who are pious and
lawful. He does not know why such evil has
come to his town.
end their turns in the magic circle to spend a healing
Undead Extravaganza surge if they can.

Encounter Level 5 Scaling the Encounter

Make the following adjustments to the combat based
Setup on the number of PCs present.
This encounter uses the graveyard map from KotS Three PCs: Remove 1 x grave-hound and 1 x
and includes the following creatures. zombie brute.
2 Skeletons (Bottom Right Graveyard) Four PCs: Remove one of the grave-hounds.
2 Zombie Brutes (Top Left Graveyard) Six PCs: Add another skeleton.
3 Grave-hounds (Bottom Left Graveyard)
Ending the Encounter
As the adventurers reach the gates of the
Once the PCs defeat the undead, Vangrine appears
graveyard, get them to place their figures on the
in the doorway of his crypt and beckons the PCs
map and, read:
Vangrine speaks to the PCs. He is surprised that
After about an hour’s trek along an overgrown
the cowardly and immoral townsfolk decided to
trail, you reach the outskirts of the long deserted
make a stand against him and his minions.
village of Marsten. This was where the townsfolk
used to live (before they moved to nicer pastures
“And tell me why I should NOT destroy you ALL
along the riverfront).
right now? If you can persuade me, I MIGHT let
Just off to your left is the old graveyard. You
you go … you might even be able to persuade
see a set of rusty iron gates in front of you.
me NOT to continue murdering townsfolk. But
There is also a rusty fence around the perimeter
why should I … stop … when I enjoy hearing
of the graveyard.
them scream so much?”
Describe what they can see from behind the gate.
The gate is not locked, but it squeaks as it opens Skill Challenge
(unless the opener makes a DC 20 Stealth check). Level 3
This sound alerts the undead and allows them to get Successes: 6 needed before 3 failures.
some surprise on the PCs later on.
The PCs need to use the full range of their skills to
Features of the Area try and persuade Vangrine NOT to kill them and/or
to stop haunting the townsfolk.
This area has a few important features.
Illumination: There are numerous strange
shadows hanging over the graveyard. This makes Conclusion A: Vangrine Persuaded
the graveyard appear to be draped in perpetual Read:
twilight (even at the height of the noonday sun).
Undead skeletons alerted to the arrival of the PCs Vangrine smiles – almost pleased that you were
get +5 to their Stealth checks to hide whilst trying to able to persuade him to be at peace … at last. He
surprise PCs. turns, faces his tomb, and disappears. The crypt
Gravestones: Provide +2 cover. door seal shut. Forever. Now you can return to
Crypts: Provide +5 cover. They are sealed and Marsten town and inform the mayor that all is,
cannot be entered. Except for the END crypt. That once again, right with the world. For the time
belongs to Vangrine. being, that is …
Circle of Undead Power: The blue circle
radiates necrotic energy. Any bloodied undead
ending their turn in this circle can spend a Healing
Conclusion B: Vangrine Not
Tactics Read:
If the PCs alert the skeletons, they wait until the
party are along the path, then attack from behind as Vangrine snarls. “Words! Words! Words! You
have failed to persuade me! For that, you will
a surprise attack. The gravehounds then attack, and
try to draw the PCs back down the path towards the
magic circle. At this point, the zombies rise up and
Vangrine (Corruption Corpse) attacks.
attack. Both the gravehounds and zombies will try to
Vangrine either gives the PCs a treasure chest (or
they find it when they loot his tomb). Inside the chest
• 1000 gold pieces
• A +4 weapon of the party’s choice from the

Experience Points
Everybody gets 750 experience points.

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