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Introduction This chapter presents the structural details of the studied cases, material properties and loading

conditions. The lateral force resisting system of the studied cases was moment resisting frames and shear

walls. As we previous mentioned, this study has three basics aims. The first aim is to evaluate the
fundamental period of vibration for moment resisting frames and shear wall buildings by taking height of
structure, length to width ratio, size of vertical elements and area of structure into consideration.

The second aim is to compare the resulted fundamental periods with the calculated periods by codes formula.

The third aim is to develop new formulas to calculate the fundamental period using analytical methods instead

of measured periods of vibration during earthquakes. Moment Resisting Frames Description of the building.

The studied structure is a ten-storey reinforced concrete residential building. The structure consists of four

bays in each direction, the typical bay width is five meters in the both directions. The height of each storey is
three meters.

The base columns are assumed to be fixed at the base level. Fig 4.1 shows general layout of studied

building. / A) 3D Modeling / B) Elevation / C) Plan View Figure 4.1: General Layout of studied building.
Materials Properties, Gravity and Seismic Load Assumptions Material Properties The properties of reinforced

concrete are: weight per unit volume, ? =25 ???? ?? 3 . mass per unit volume = 2500 ???? ?? 2 ?? 2 .

Concrete cube compressive strength, ?? ???? = 30MPa. Isotropic material data. Young`s modulus, E


Poisson s ratio, = 0.2 The properties of steel bars reinforcement are: Weight per unit volume, ?

=78 ???? ?? 3 Minimum yield strength, fy = 360 MPa Slab Dimension According to ECP203-2007 [20], The

thickness of solid slab with span 5m will be 150mm. Gravity and Lateral Loads The gravity loads consist

mainly of two parts: Dead loads that include the self-weight of the members, floor covering, ceiling, and wall
loads. Live loads that include the occupancy s weighs. The following assumptions were permitted: ETABS


calculates the self-weight of members, by multiplying the specific weight by the volume of the element. The

flooring cover= 1.50 ???? ?? 2 . Equivalent uniform wall load = 1.5 ???? ?? 2 . Uniform Live Load=
2.5 ???? ?? 2 For Seismic load, the following assumptions were made: Seismic zone: Zone 5B ?? ?? =0.3???

Soil type C and a soil factor, S=1.5 Importance factor is 1 Response modification factor, R=6 Correction
Factor, ??=1 The floors are Rigid diaphragm Beam and column Dimensions All the beam member sections

were assumed as 250 mm by 600 mm. Square columns sections have been checked under seismic actions

using the Egyptian code for load and forces ECP203-2007 [20].

The safe column cross section under static and dynamic loads, to satisfy the Egyptian code requirements
ECP203-2007 [20], is 0.6 0.6 m. Elements Reinforcement The below figures show the reinforcement steel

bars that is used according to design of the three sections, one at both ends and the third one at the middle,

due to gravity loads and seismic-loads straining actions: For the 1st, 2nd and 3rd storeys: / For the 4th, 5th
and 6th storeys: / For the 7th, 8th,9th and 10th storeys: / Figure 4.2: Reinforcement details of Beams and

Columns (Base case).

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Description of case studies In this study, the effect of building height, length to width ratio (L/W), columns size

and area of structure on the fundamental period were taken into consideration. The study is distributed to four

groups with four cases for each group, where each group represents the effect of each of these parameters on
the fundamental period. For example, the first group includes the effect of building height.

Each case has a designation beginning with MRF followed by 1,2,3 or 4 representing first, second, third and
fourth group, respectively; Following is a numerical designation indicating the case number. For example,

MRF-1-3 represents that this structure is the third case in the first group. Likewise, the designation MRF-2-4

represents that this structure is the fourth case in the second group. First Group: Effect of building height Four
cases were chosen to study the effect of building height; each case has a plan of four bays with typical bay
width equal five meters in the both directions. The floor height is varying from 3, 3.3, 3.6 and 3.9 m, all

members have the same reinforcement details in the base case.

The purpose of representing the variance in height of structure by changing floor height and keeping number
of stories the same for the four cases is to keep the mass of building constant for these cases and to have the

height of structure as the only varied parameter. The incremental of mass caused by increasing vertical
element length could be ignored. The chosen cases are shown in Fig 4.3, Fig 4.4 and Fig 4.5; the considered
and varied parameter for this group are summarized in table 4.1. / Figure 4.3: MRF-1-2 with total

height=33m. / Figure 4.4: MRF-1-3 with total height=36m.

/ Figure 4.5: MRF-1-4 with total height=39m. Table 4.1: Summary table for the considered and varied
parameters of the first group Height of structure(m) Young`s Modulus in Y- direction (MPA) Young`s Modulus

in X- direction (MPA) Columns Size (mm) Area L/W Ratio Cases 30 24000 24000 600x600 20x20 1 MRF-1-1

33 24000 24000 600x600 20x20 1 MRF-1-2 36 24000 24000 600x600 20x20 1 MRF-1-3 39 24000 24000

600x600 20x20 1 MRF-1-4 Second Group: Effect of Length to Width Ratio (L/W) Four cases were chosen to

study the effect of length to width ratio (L/W). The ratio is varying from 1,2,3 and 4 with floor area equal to

20x20, 20x40, 20x6 and 20x80, respectively.

All members in this group have the same size and reinforcement details of the base case. Gravity loads were

adjusted in the models in ordered to keep mass of structure constant in the four cases and to study effect of

changing stiffness of structure with changing its length to width ratio. The chosen cases are shown in Fig 4.6,

Fig 4.7 and Fig 4.8; the considered and varied parameter for this group are summarized in table 4.2. / Figure

4.6: MRF-2-2 with length to width ratio (L/W)= 2. Figure 4.7:

MRF-2-3 with length to width ratio (L/W)=3. / Figure 4.8: MRF-2-4 with length to width ratio (L/W)=4. Table

4.2: Summary table for the considered and varied parameters of the second group. 0.56 0.83 1.25 2.5 LL

(Kn/ ?? 2 ) 0.75 1 1.5 3 SDL (Kn/ ?? 2 ) 6.34 8.40 12.50 25 Specific Weight (Kn/ ?? 3 ) 30 30 30 30 Height of

structure(m) 24000 24000 24000 24000 Young`s Modulus in Y- direction (MPA) 24000 24000 24000 24000
Young`s Modulus in X- direction (MPA) 600x600 600x600 600x600 600x600 Columns Size (mm) 20x80
20x60 20x40 20x20 Area 4 3 2 1 L/W Ratio MRF-2-4 MRF-2-3 MRF-2-2 MRF-2-1 Cases Third Group:

Effect of Column Size. Four cases were chosen to study the effect of column size.

The columns size is varying from 600x600, 800x800, 1000x1000 and 1200x1200; the same reinforcement

ratio was used for the four cases. The lateral stiffness of structure was increased with increasing the columns
size and the incremental of mass caused by increasing vertical element size could be ignored. The chosen

cases are shown in Fig 4.9, Fig 4.10 and Fig 4.11; the considered and varied parameter for this group are

summarized in table 4.3. / Figure 4.9: MRF-3-2 with columns size= 800x800mm. / Figure 4.10:MRF-3-2
with columns size=1000x1000mm. / Figure 4.11: MRF-2-4 with columns size=1200x1200. Table 4.3:

Summary table for the considered and varied parameters of the third group. Height of structure(m) Young`s

Modulus in Y- direction (MPA) Young`s Modulus in X- direction (MPA) Columns Size (mm) Area L/W Ratio

Cases 30 24000 24000 600x600 20x20 1 MRF-3-1 30 24000 24000 800x800 20x20 1 MRF-3-2 30 24000
24000 1000x1000 20x20 1 MRF-3-3 30 24000 24000 1200x1200 20x20 1 MRF-3-4 Fourth Group: Effect of

Area of Structure. Four cases were chosen to study the effect of area of structure.

Area of structure is varying from 20x20, 30x30, 40x40 and 50x50 meters square, the same reinforcement

details was used for the four cases. In order to keep the mass as the only varied parameter, Lateral stiffness

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was decreased by decreasing Young`s modulus values to 11961, 7389 and 5202 MPA for MRF-4-2, MRF-4-3
and MRF-4-4, respectively. The chosen cases are shown in Fig 4.12, Fig 4.13 and Fig 4.14; the considered
and varied parameter for this group are summarized in table 4.4. / Figure 4.12: MRF-4-2 with floor area=
30x30 meters square. / Figure 4.13: MRF-4-3 with floor area= 40x40 meters square. / Figure 4.14: MRF-
4-4 with floor area=50x50 meters square. Table 4.4:

Summary table for the considered and varied parameters of the fourth group. Height of structure(m) Young`s
Modulus in Y- direction (MPA) Young`s Modulus in X- direction (MPA) Columns Size (mm) Area L/W Ratio

Cases 30 24000 24000 600x600 20x20 1 MRF-4-1 30 11961 11961 600x600 30x30 1 MRF-4-2 30 7389

7389 600x600 40x40 1 MRF-4-3 30 5202 5202 600x600 50x50 1 MRF-4-4 Each structure has a designation
beginning with MRF followed by 1,2,3 or 4 representing first, second, third and fourth group, respectively;
Following is a numerical designation indicating the case number. For example, MRF-1-3 represents that this

structure is the third case in the first group.

Likewise, the designation MRF-2-4 represents that this structure is the fourth case in the second group. Shear
Wall Buildings Description of the Building The studied structure is a ten-storey reinforced concrete residential

building. The structure consists of seven bays in each direction, the typical bay width is five meters in the both
directions. The height of each storey is three meters. The base columns and shear walls are assumed to be
fixed at the base level. Fig 4.15 shows general layout of studied building.

/ A) 3D Modeling / B) Elevation / C) Plan View Figure 4.15: A 3D view of the building. Materials Properties,

Gravity and Seismic Load Assumptions Material Properties The lateral force resisting system is RC shear wall.
Then, the following are the properties of the materials. The reinforced concrete has the following properties:

Specific weight, ? =25 ???? ?? 3 . mass per unit volume = 2500 ???? ?? 2 ?? 2 . Concrete cube compressive

strength, ?? ???? = 30MPa. isotropic material data. Young`s modulus, E =24GPa.

Poisson s ratio, = 0.2. The steel bar reinforcement has the following properties: Specific weight, ?

=78 ???? ?? 3 Minimum yield strength, fy = 360 MPa Slab Dimension According to ECP203-2007 [20], the

slab thickness for Flat slab system with bays of dimensions 5.0 m by 5.0 m is 220 mm. Gravity and Lateral

Loads The gravity loads consist mainly of two parts: Dead loads that include the self-weight of the members,

floor covering, ceiling, and wall loads. Live loads that include the occupancy s weighs. The following

assumptions were permitted: ETABS 15.2.2

calculates the self-weight of members, by multiplying the specific weight by the volume of the element. The

flooring cover= 2.0 ???? ?? 2 . Equivalent uniform wall load =2.5 ???? ?? 2 . Uniform Live Load= 2.0 ???? ??

2 For Seismic load, the following assumptions were made: Seismic zone: Zone 3 ?? ?? =0.15??? Soil type C

and a soil factor, S=1.5 Importance factor is 1 Response modification factor, R=4.5

Correction Factor, ??=1 The floors are Rigid diaphragm Beam and column Dimensions The minimum safe
column cross section under static and dynamic loads, to satisfy the Egyptian code requirements ECP203-

2007 [20] is 0.6 0.6 m from foundation to 4th floor four, 0.5x0.5 form 4th floor to 7th floor and 0.4x0.4 m from

7th floor to 10th floor. The minimum wall cross section under dynamic loads, to satisfy the Egyptian code
requirements, is 0.3x5.0 m and the walls will continue with this section in all floors.

Elements Reinforcement For the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th storeys: / For the 5th, 6th and 7th storeys: / For the 8th,
9th and 10th storeys: / Figure 4.16: Reinforcement details of shear Walls (Base case). Description of case

studies As we previous mentioned, this study takes into consideration the effect of building height, length to

width ratio (L/W), columns size and area of structure on the fundamental period.

The study is distributed to four groups with four cases for each group, where each group represents the effect
of each of these parameters on the fundamental period. For example, the first group includes the effect of

building height. Each case has a designation beginning with SW followed by 1,2,3 or 4 representing first,

second, third and fourth group, respectively; Following is a numerical designation indicating the case number.
For example, SW-1-3 represents that this structure is the third case in the first group.

Likewise, the designation SW-2-4 represents that this structure is the fourth case in the second group. First
Group: Effect of building height Four cases were chosen to study the effect of building height; each case has a

plan of seven bays with typical bay width equal five meters in the both directions. The floor height is varying

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from 3, 3.3, 3.6 and 3.9 m, all members have the same reinforcement details in the base case. The purpose of
representing the variance in height of structure by changing floor height and keeping number of stories the

same for the four cases is to keep the mass of building constant for these cases and to have the height of

structure as the only varied parameter.

The incremental of mass caused by increasing vertical element length could be ignored. The chosen cases

are shown in Fig 4.17, Fig 4.18 and Fig 4.19; the considered and varied parameter for this group are
summarized in table 4.7. / Figure 4.17: SW-1-2 with total height=33m. / Figure 4.18: SW-1-3 with total
height=36m. / Figure 4.19: SW-1-4 with total height=39m. Table 4.5: Summary table for the considered

and varied parameters of the first group Height of structure(m) Young`s Modulus in Y- direction (MPA)
Young`s Modulus in X- direction (MPA) Wall Length(m) Area L/W Ratio Cases 30 24000 24000 5 35x35 1

SW-1-1 33 24000 24000 5 35x35 1 SW-1-2 36 24000 24000 5 35x35 1 SW-1-3 39 24000 24000 5 35x35 1

SW-1-4 Second Group: Effect of Length to Width Ratio (L/W) Four cases were chosen to study the effect of
length to width ratio (L/W). The ratio is varying from 1,2,3 and 4 with floor area equal to 35x35, 35x70, 35x105

and 35x150, respectively.

All members in this group have the same size and reinforcement details of the base case. Gravity loads were

adjusted in the models in ordered to keep mass of structure constant in the four cases and to study effect of
changing stiffness of structure with changing its length to width ratio. The chosen cases are shown in Fig 4.20,
Fig 4.21 and Fig 4.22; the considered and varied parameter for this group are summarized in table 4.8. /
Figure 4.20: SW-2-2 with length to width ratio=2. / Figure 4.21: SW-2-3 with length to width ratio=3. /

Figure 4.22: SW-2-4 with length to width ratio=4. Table 4.6:

Summary table for the considered and varied parameters of the second group. 0.47 0.67 1.00 2.00 LL (Kn/ ??

2 ) 1.00 1.50 2.25 4.50 SDL (Kn/ ?? 2 ) 6.30 8.40 12.50 25 Specific Weight (Kn/ ?? 3 ) 30 30 30 30 Height of

structure(m) 24000 24000 24000 24000 Young`s Modulus in Y- direction (MPA) 24000 24000 24000 24000

Young`s Modulus in X- direction (MPA) 5.00. 5.00. 5.00. 5.00.

Wall Length (m) 35x140 35x105 35x70 35x35 Area 4 3 2 1 L/W Ratio SW-2-4 SW-2-3 SW-2-2 SW-2-1

Cases Third Group: Effect of Wall Length. Four cases were chosen to study the effect of wall length. The wall

length is varying from 5, 6, 7 and 8m; the same reinforcement ratio was used for the four cases. The lateral

stiffness of structure was increased with increasing wall length and the incremental of mass caused by

increasing its length could be ignored. The chosen cases are shown in Fig 4.23, Fig 4.24 and Fig 4.25; the

considered and varied parameter for this group are summarized in table 4.9. / Figure 4.23: SW-3-3 with wall

length=6m. / Figure 4.24: SW-3-3 with wall length=7m. / Figure 4.25: SW-3-4 with wall length=8m. Table


The considered and varied parameters of the third group. Height of structure(m) Young`s Modulus in Y-

direction (MPA) Young`s Modulus in X- direction (MPA) Wall Length(m) Area L/W Ratio Cases 30 24000
24000 5 35x35 1 SW-3-1 30 24000 24000 6 35x35 1 SW-3-2 30 24000 24000 7 35x35 1 SW-3-3 30 24000

24000 8 35x35 1 SW-3-4 Fourth Group: Effect of Area of Structure. Four cases were chosen to study the

effect of area of structure.

Area of structure is varying from 35x35, 40x40, 45x45 and 50x50 meters square, the same reinforcement

details was used for the four cases. In order to keep the mass as the only varied parameter, Lateral stiffness
was decreased by decreasing Young`s modulus values to 22894, 21062 and 19377 MPA for SW-4-2, SW-4-3

and SW-4-4, respectively. The chosen cases are shown in Fig 4.26, Fig 4.27 and Fig 4.28; the considered and

varied parameter for this group are summarized in table 4.10. / Figure 4.26: SW-4-2 with floor area=40x40
meters square. / Figure 4.27: SW-4-3 with floor area=45x45 meters square. / Figure 4.28: SW-4-4 with

floor area=50x50 meters square. Table 4.8:

The considered and varied parameters of the fourth group. Height of structure(m) Young`s modulus in Y-

direction (MPA) Young`s modulus in X- direction (MPA) Wall Length(m) Area L/W Ratio Cases 30 24000
24000 5 35x35 1 SW-4-1 30 22894 22894 5 40x40 1 SW-4-2 30 21062 21062 5 45x45 1 SW-4-3 30 19377

19377 5 50x50 1 SW-4-4 The Stiffness of RC Members in linear Eigenvalue Analysis.

Concrete members are cracking due to gravity loads and if it isn t occurred before the design seismic level,

unlikely as the structure would with all probability has been preceded with lower intensity levels, members

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would subject to reversal moment along their length that produce flexural cracking at the ends and un-cracked
regions at central that is resulting to have a varied moment of inertia along the length of members. Therefore,
Codes provided stiffness reduction factors, shown in table 4.9, to reflect this reduction in member s stiffness.

The two cases of member s stiffness, cracked and gross stiffness, have been applied to the case studies and

eigenvalue analysis has been performed to find the corresponding fundamental period at each case. Table
4.9: Effective Moment of Inertia of members in ECP201-2012 [1] ComponentsEffective Moment of Inertia

Columns0.7 ?? ?? Un-cracked shear walls0.7 ?? ?? Cracked shear walls0.35 ?? ?? Beams (with taking

contribution of slabs in to account) 0.5 ?? ?? Flat slabs 0.25 ?? ?? Where: ?? ?? = Gross Moment of Inertia.

Stiffness reduction for members could be undertaken in ETABS by using stiffness modifiers.

The use of this modifiers is to decrease or increase some properties for members such as area, torsional

constant and inertia. It is usually used to represent the reduction of stiffness of RC members due to cracking.
In the fourth group, with increasing the area of structure the number of bays will increase and so the lateral

stiffness will increase. As the determination of fundamental period is dependent on the mass and stiffness,
Young`s modulus is decreased in order to keep the lateral stiffness constant in all cases and to keep the mass

of structure as the varied parameter.

The constant and varied parameters for the fourth group in case of analyzing models with its gross stiffness
are showed in the below table. Table 4.10: Summary table for the considered and varied parameters of the
fourth group for MRFs. Height of structure(m) Young`s modulus in Y- direction (MPA) Young`s modulus in X-

direction (MPA) Columns Size (mm) Area L/W Ratio Cases 30 24000 24000 600x600 20x20 1 MRF-4-1 30
11961 11961 600x600 30x30 1 MRF-4-2 30 6857 6857 600x600 35x35 1 MRF-4-3 30 4592 4592 600x600

40x40 1 MRF-4-4 Table 4.11: Summary table for the considered and varied parameters of the fourth group

for shear wall buildings.

Height of structure(m) Young`s modulus in Y- direction (MPA) Young`s modulus in X- direction (MPA) Wall

Length(m) Area L/W Ratio Cases 30 24000 24000 5 35x35 1 SW-4-1 30 22894 22894 5 40x40 1 SW-4-2 30

19166 19166 5 45x45 1 SW-4-3 30 16858 16858 5 50x50 1 SW-4-4 Time History Records Each of the

studied cases has undergone non-linear dynamic analysis by using Extreme Loading of Structures software

(ELS). The chosen accelerograms were scaled such that structures reach yield and then fundamental period

is determined.

In this study, the peak ground magnitude for the design earthquake acceleration equals 0.3g. The ground

acceleration is obtained by converting the ECP 201-2012 response spectrum, as shown in Fig 4.30, into time

history function by using SIMQKE program and then this function imported in ELS to represent the ground

motion. The ground acceleration for our case is shown below in Fig. 4.31. / Figure 4.29:Interface of

(SIMQKE) software / Figure 4.30: Elastic response spectrum of the studied cases. / Figure 4.31:

Acceleration time history of earthquakes Equal to (0.3g).

Determining the Fundamental Period from Dynamic Time History Analysis. Codes equations were calibrated

according to the period at first yield of buildings which obtained from the available data of these buildings
during their motions records. The same criteria were used in our study in determining the fundamental period.

The first time at which reinforcement springs reach yield stress is determined from Time-Springs stresses

chart, as shown in Fig 4.32.

Then, the yield period is the period which corresponds to the first time at which reinforcement springs stresses

is the yield stress in Time- Period chart, shown in Fig 4.33. / Figure 4.32: Time-Reinforcement Springs
Stresses Chart in ELS. / Figure 4.33: Time-Period Chart in ELS. According to Fig 4.32, the first time at which

reinforcement springs stress reach yield stress is 4.5 sec, which does actually correspond to the period 1.8
sec in Fig. 4.19. So, the fundamental period at first yield of this building is 1.8

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