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Work Integrated Political Studies, 120 HE credits

Arbetsintegrerade politiska studier, masterprogram, 120 hp

Programme code: SAWIP

Higher education qualification: Degree of Master of Arts (120 credits) with a major in Work
Integrated Learning
Cycle: Second cycle
Established: 2020-10-13
Established by: School of Business, Economics and IT
Applies for: H21

Courses that the study programme comprices

By main field of study: Work Integrated Learning:

VTM620, Theory of Science and Applied Research Methods, Second Cycle, 15 HE credits,

AIL600, WIL in Theory and Practice, Second Cycle, 15 HE credits, A1N

AIL611, WIL Reflection & Portfolio II, Second Cycle, 7,5 HE credits, A1F

AIL610, WIL: Reflection & Portfolio I, Second Cycle, 7,5 HE credits, A1F

EXS610, Degree Compilation Thesis in Work Integrated Political Studies, master, 45 HE

credits, A2E

Options within the study programme

The programme include elective courses, out of which the student must choose courses of 30
credits in total. The programme offers a number of elective courses in the main field of
political science. The number of these course options offered for each semester may vary
depending on the number of seats.

Note: The elective course modules JOP600, EUP600, POK600 and POV601, are only given at
certain times, and students have no guarantee to obtain a seat.

Within the framework of options within the programme, the student, depending on the focus
of research internships and/or thesis work, also has the opportunity to choose other optional
courses. Such elective courses must be at an advanced level. Such elective courses cannot
overlap with compulsory courses or elective courses given within the programme. Before any

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Högskolan Väst 0520 22 30 00 1
461 86 Trollhättan
Utskriven 2022-01-19 14:11

course is completed, the student must have the course accepted by the programme manager
as appropriate to be credited within the framework of the programme. The student must
individually submit "application for acknowledgement of the entire course" to get any course
approved within the framework of the programme's degree title.

By main field of study: Political Science:

JOP600, Comparative Public Policy, 15 HE credits, A1N

EUP600, European Politics, 15 HE credits, A1N

IPE600, International Political Economy, 15 HE credits, A1N

FKS600, Peace, Conflict and Security Studies, 15 HE credits, A1N

POK600, Political Communication, 15 HE credits, A1N

PPS600, Political perspectives of gender and sexuality, 15 HE credits, A1N

POV601, Political Violence, 15 HE credits, A1N

TPR600, Theoretical Perspectives of Race and Freedom, 15 HE credits, A1N

Entry requirements
Bachelot degree of 180 HE credits within the field of Social Science, or equivalent. Verified
knowledge of English corresponding to the course English B/English 6 in the Swedish Upper
Secondary School or equivalent.

Other regulations
In order to begin your final year of studies in the programme, including the course module
Degree Compilation Thesis in Work Integrated Political Studies, master, 45 HE credits
(EXS610), you are required to have completed the course module WIL in Theory and Practice,
Second Cycle, 15 HE credits (AIL600). It is practically impossible to complete the final course
module EXS610 and the included applied research project without fulfilling the course
examination requirements in the course module AIL600. If you do not fulfil the requirements
stated above, you must first complete the compulsory course module AIL600. Only then may
you enrol in the course module EXS610. Re-examinations of AIL600 are offered during the
regular course period each year. Additional re-examination can under certain circumstances
also be offered in connection to the start of the academic year, if the course-coordinator
formally announce it before the end of the academic year.

A student who has been admitted to a programme with this programme syllabus is
guaranteed a place on courses according to the study plan above, provided that the student
follows the programme according to the study plan. The study plan and its courses may

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461 86 Trollhättan
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however be subject to change, within the framework of the qualitative targets, when
revisions of education plans and syllabi are being made. Should the programme involve
choosing a specialization, the student is guaranteed a place on courses concerning the chosen

Qualitative target
National outcomes

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Högskolan Väst 0520 22 30 00 3
461 86 Trollhättan
Utskriven 2022-01-19 14:11

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