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Lea los siguientes abstracts e identifique: metodología – objetivos – muestra y conclusiones



Inside every organization is necessary the existence of a warm organizational climate for personnel
members can meet their functions without any type of inconvenience, or discomfort, making all the
processes take place over time This research work has a as purpose to determine the aspects that within
the organizational culture of the Punto Fijo Bolivarian Primary School need to be intervened so that the
organization reaches its proposed objectives, allowing a continuous improvement and initiating a future
transformation in its personnel, as well as in all its areas. The epistemological approach of the
investigation was framed in a Prospective approach and the methodological process was based on a
qualitative paradigm, resorting for them to in-depth interview as a technique, whose data obtained were
processed with the help of the software for the prospective analysis MICMAC. Which yielded as key
variables personnel’s individual and group functions, organizational climate and responses to
contingencies. For these variables the following strategies were applied; development of a formal
mentoring program, establishment of interfunctional and functional teams, implementation of a quality
circle; resulting in staff training about planning, the unification of the group to provide solutions to the
organization and the right answers to existing problems. Taking as a perspective that the institution can
have an elite group that works as a guard against eventualities that arise in the organization, as well as
eliminate deficiencies through collaborative work, fostering socialization through team meetings and
through the network of mentors

Keywords: organizational development, strategies, continuous improvement, collaborative work.

En este abstract la muestra es el personal de la institución, esta se encuentra reflejada en el

propósito de la investigación


One of the most controvertible subjects in Martin Heidegger´s thinking is that about Deity; this article is an
attempt to clarify his argument about it. In order to reach this point this article explain silence in Heidegger´s
studies about God, and his critical approach, both topics address a nihilist and technical border surrounding the
world, and this is an approach to Heidegger´s negative thinking. However, pessimism is not the goal of
Heidegger´s approach to the World, instead of it embraces an arrival of the last God, and this is the first sign to
the other beginning, in other words his positive thinking.

Key words: god, passivity, nihilism, technical, other beginning


Poverty, Life and Animality in Heidegger`s Thought

"Poverty, Life and Animality in Heidegger’s Thought". Heidegger’s 1929 lectures published under the title The
Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude inquire about the animality of the animal.
Their intention is to elucidate the aspect in which the peculiarity of life resides and that, eluding every attempt of
getting caught under mechanistic or biological interpretations, Heidegger finds in what he names "poverty". In
this context, this paper intends to investigate the link between this poverty, the one that characterizes the animal
in 1929, and the consideration of the peculiarity of man in the same terms since 1945. Through this
investigation, our goal will be to make explicit the ontological bond between humanity, animality and
corporealness present in men.

Key words: Heidegger; life; animality; poverty; world.


Jürgen Habermas on Practical Reason and the Discourse Principle

Discourse Theory claims that what was traditionally conceived of as moral and political reason can be
reformulated by means of a practical-communicative reason that is embedded in the dialogue processes and in
the argumentative procedures. This article examines both Habermas arguments for such a transformation of
practical reason and the status of discourse principle as a general principle of justification based on the
communicative rationality. The fundamental concepts in the formulation of discourse principle are analyzed.
Finally, the article exposes some implications of the discursive transformation for the public use of practical

Key words: Habermas, discourse theory, practical reason, discourse principle.

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