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Unit 1 An Overview of Strategic Management and Analysis, the Product

Lifecycle, and Strategic Drift

Strategic Management process and concepts, value of vision, mission and corporate objectives, the
role of corporate governance and stakeholder management, coherence in strategic direction. It
concerns the future, the direction a company moving forward say 5 years from now.
Strategic management involves making decisions for the whole organization
integrating the different functions of management -- marketing, finance/accounting,
production/operations, research and development, and information systems to achieve
organizational success (David, 2011).

Strategy can be defined as using 5Ps-- Plan, Ploy, Pattern,

Position and Perspective.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

• demonstrate effective application of concepts, tools & techniques to practical situations for
diagnosing and solving organizational problems
• develop their capacity to think and execute strategically.
• Ensure to be aware of all the terms that are used in this course.

Examines what Strategic Marketing cover. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the following questions and encircle the letter of the correct answer. You may
view this test at ______. Use the code _____.

1. Discrete processes required to create, produce, sell, and deliver products?

a. marketing
b. Analysis
c. Activities
d. Acquisition
2. The process of gaining a better understanding of a complex topic by breaking it into smaller
a. Activities

b. Analysis
c. Acquisition
d. Action plan

3. Describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.
a. Business model
b. Capability
c. Scope
d. Competence
4. The orchestration and use of firm resources
a. Capability
b. Competence
c. Challenge
d. Core business
5. A unique ability that a company develops and that cannot be easily imitated.
a. Core competence
b. Competence
c. Core Business
d. Competitive advantage
6. The primary activity that defines a fir’s main emphasis
a. Core competence
b. Competitive advantage
c. Corporate level
d. Core Business
7. Factual and verifiable statements
a. Findings
b. Feasibility
c. Fit
d. Factual information
8. Specific and quantifiable outcomes that when achieved propel the firm towards it goals.
a. Oligopoly
b. Objectives
c. Outcomes
d. Conclusions
9. The assessment of a firm’s current competitive position and the identification of future
valuable competitive positions and how to achieve them. a. Strategic Alliance
b. Strategic business unit
c. Strategic Analysis
d. Stakeholders
10. A collection of businesses (assets) owned by a single entity.
a. competition
b. Portfolio
c. Core Business
d. Objective

Activity No. 1 The Last Kodak Moment Case

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes
which are provided in your departments/college, or to google class on or before the date as
reflected in your study schedule. Click this link _________ and read it thoroughly and analyse
carefully. Answers the questions and use the space below for your answer. See attach rubrics in the
google class or you may access on your module on page____.

Question #1 Identify four errors in strategy that Kodak made.

The four errors in strategy that KODAK made are this, not adapt ing changing business
consition they used the prices on films and chemistry they sold of intellectual property and lastly
they failed the property compete with canon
Question #2 Identify four positive strategic moves that Fuji made.
The four positive Strategic moves that FUGI made are this, first rate Technology, a sound
Financial footing a reputable brand, and Last is Excellence in its divers work force.

Activity 2. Case Study Assessment

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are
provided in your departments/college, or to google class on or before the date as reflected in your
study schedule. See attach rubrics in the google class or you may access on your module on
page____. Make an assessment on the case that you have read. What is the major lesson you can
take away from this case study? Use the space for your writing. Use the space below as your draft.

Case study: Assesment- Last Kodak

Kodak is often characterized aa a company whose managers didn’t recognize Soon enough that
Digital Technology would deciminate its Traditional business. However what really happened at
Kodak is much more complicated and instructive. East an Kodak co. is often site as an iconic example
of a company that failed to grasp the significance of a technological cars transition that threatened
its business.


Directions: Read the following statements, and identify your correct answer and write your answer
on the space provided before each number. See page _____. The case study “The last Kodak
Moment” is also uploaded in our google class under classwork. Use this class code: __________.

Operational-level strategy 1. Dictates how a firm should operate within specific functional areas.

Corporate-level strategy 2. Explains what businesses or markets a firm should compete in. Answers
what the firm’s overall portfolio of businesses should contain.
Business-level strategy 3. Relates to how a firm should operate with its selected businesses.

Growth 4. Profits start to decline when competition means you have to spend more money on
promotion to keep sales going

Maturity 5. The market is saturated.

Strategic Drift 6. Company goes slowly off course and return decrease.

Evolution 7. Managers have planned for change and fostered cultural

components to be able to support gradual but significant change

Revolution 8. Requires major culture change and rapid and major strategic transformation

To Porter(1996) 9. Performing different activities to those performed by rivals or performing the

same activities differently.

To Thompson and Strickland III (1995)10. The assessment of a firm’s current competitive position
and the identification of future valuable competitive positions and how to achieved them.


Examines what Strategic Marketing cover. Objective Type

Directions: Read the following questions. Select the most appropriate out of the various
alternatives given in each of the following questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
You may view this test at ______. Use the code _____.

1. Describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.
a. Business model
b. Business Analysis
c. Model Analysis
d. Business management
2. Describes what creates value for a targeted customer segment
a. Customer segment
b. Value propositions
c. channels
d. value analysis
3. Delivered to customers through communication, distribution and sales channels. a.
b. sales
c. channels
d. customer relationships
4. the types of relationships the firm establishes with its customers.
a. Suppliers relationship
b. Owners relationship
c. Channel relationship
d. Customer relationship
5. The most important assets required to deliver our value proposition, distribution channel,
and customer relationships
a. Key capabilities
b. Key resources
c. Key result area
d. None of the above
6. The most important activities a company must do, in order to deliver its value proposition
a. Key capabilities
b. Key result area
c. Key resources
d. Key informants
7. The most important costs inherent in deliver the value proposition
a. structure
b. cost infrastructure
c. cost structure
d. infrastructure
8. For what value are our customers really willing to pay?
a. Revenue
b. Streams
c. Revenue streams
d. Economic streams
9. Motivations for partnership
a. Industry
b. supplier
c. Key partner
d. partnership
10. A tool to help you understand a business model in a straightforward, structured way.
a. Model canvas
b. Business canvas
c. Business model
d. Business model canvas


Learning Activities
Activity 1: Reflection Paper Writing and Publishing

Activity No. 1 The Business Model Canvas

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are
provided in your departments/college, or to google class on or before the date as reflected in your
study schedule. Click this link business-modelcanvas/. Read
and analyze the blog and check if every customer segment is linked to a value proposition and a
revenue stream. Make sure everything on the left side of the canvas is needed to support the right
side of the canvas. Answers the questions and rank your business model’s performance from 1 to 10
(0:bad, 10:excellent) for each of the following questions and use the space below for your answer.
See attach rubrics in the google class or you may access on your module on page____.

1. How much does switching costs prevent your customers from churning?

Any cost that a customer incurse by trading one Product or survives for another is reffered to as
switching cost.

2. How scalable is your business model?

Just making sure that my business is a choosen business model is more scalable in order to
maintain and improve profit margin while sales Volume increase.

3. Does your business model produce recurring revenues?

Subscription Business Model keeps customers over long-term contact and recurring
revenues from them through repeating the purchase,

4. Do you earn before you spend?

NO! Because if we were Planning for a business we have to spend before we earn. We cant
build a business without sending.

5. How much of the work can be done by others?

It simply depending of what exactly work they have. Subscription business model focus on
the way of revenue

6. Does your business model provide built-in protection from competition?

A gret business model can provide us with a long term protection from competition than
just a Great Product.

7. On what cost structure is your business model based?

In Subscription based pricing model, customer pay on a Regular basis for a service or

Activity 2. Visualizing model canvas

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are
provided in your departments/college, or to google class on or before the date as reflected in your
study schedule. See attach rubrics in the google class or you may access on your module on
page____. Visualize your business model base on the given instruction. Take a snapshot picture of
any established business model canvas and discuss the model. Filter out the design criteria and test
your assumptions. Click the links for your reference.

• ;
• ;

Use the space for your writing. Use the space below as your draft.

Directions: Read the following statements, and identify your correct answer and write your answer
on the space provided before each number. See page _____ for more readings. Use this class code:

Business Model Analysis 1. Business model can help to determine whether a venture is, or will be,
viable and valuable.

Business Model Canvas 2. A shared language for describing, visualizing, assessing and changing
business models.

Business Model Canvas 3. Describe the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and
captures value.

Phrase 2: Evaluation4. This is the promotion or ‘Try me before you buy me’ phase.
Phrase 5: after sale5. This stage provides a person for the customer to call when they have a
problem or question about the product.
Phrase 1: awareness 6. This is the marketing and advertising phase.

Phrase 3: purchase7. This is the sale process and indicates money that is exchanged for specific
goods and services.

Phrase 4: delivery8. This is the fulfillment stage and defines how the product will reach the

Customer segments 9. Look for the segments that provide the most revenue.
Value proposition 10. Describes what creates value for a targeted customer segment such as
accessibility, convenience, usability, design, performance, and brand/status.



Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the following questions and encircle the letter of the correct answer. You may
view this test at ______. Use the code _____.
1. The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism.
a. External environment
b. Internal environment
c. Environment
d. Surroundings

2. Consisting of the general and global (or national) factors which might influence the lower
layers in the economic activities. a. Internal environment
b. Environment
c. Macro environment
d. Geographical
3. Group of companies producing the same products and services
a. Customer
b. Industry
c. Supplier
d. Intermediaries
4. A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective
a. Company

b. Organization
c. Society
d. Customer
5. An analysis examines the influences of political, economic, social, and technological factors
of a business a. PESTEl
d. All of the above

Activity No. 1 PEST ANALYSIS

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are
provided in your departments/college, or turn in to google class on or before the date as reflected in
your studly schedule. Create a PEST analysis of Coronavirus that the whole world experience right
now. Identify important issues NOW and what are likely to be issues in the FUTURE. Use the
template below for your answer. See attach rubrics in the google class or you may access on your
module on page____. Refer below as your guide of your output:

Political factors: Explanation of how political factors can affect your business. Specifically
breaking down laws and regulations you must follow for products to be sold legally.
Economic factors: Address current sales and revenue; where the money is coming from.
What expenses and which laws/taxes/inflation percentages are affecting the current cash flow.

Social factors: Looking at your target customer. Who are they? Why do they need your
product? What is affecting their spending habits?

Technological factors: What technology does your business rely on each day? Go into depth,
from manufacturing to website design, and everything in between.

Political Economic
Governmenta can raise or lower corporation
tax which impact on profit. They can also
Tax cuts boost demand by increasing
bring and new laws like the national
disposal income and by encouraging
maximum wage.
business to hire and invest more

Socio-cultural Technological

The target audience for the business is the

Technology can have an impact on how
group of people that are intended
organization is structure structured and
consumers of your product.
how works flaws
Directions: Read the following statements and analyze. Write COBID 19 if the

statement is True and COVID Free if the statement if False. Write your answer on the

space provided before each number. See page _____. This material is also uploaded in

our google class under classwork. Use this class code: __________.

____________1. Action Plan is a sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that

must be successfully performed for a strategy to succeed.

____________2. Analysis is the process of gaining a better understanding of a complex

topic by breaking it into smaller parts.

-------------------3. External forces is a feature of the business environment, either internal

or external, which necessitates the intelligent application of resources and capabilities to


____________4. Relative advantage is how a business is able to orchestrate its

activities to offer its customers greater value, either by means of lower prices, or by

providing greater benefits and services that justifies a higher price.

____________5. Market Penetration is a measure of the amount of sales or adoption of

a product compared to the total theoretical market for that product.

____________6. Market Segment is a group of customers who have similar needs that

are different from customer needs in other parts of the market.

____________7. Vision statement aims to provide the employees and the stakeholders

with clarity about the overriding purpose of the organization.

____________8. Mission statement is specific and quantifiable outcomes that when

achieved propel the firm towards it goals.

____________9. TQM is a framework that is used to organize the activities a business

must perform to create, make, distribute, sell, and service a product.

____________10. Values is the guiding principles of the firm. Creates procedure for

How a firm will fulfill its mission and achieve its vision.

Define the following using your own words of at least 50 words per terminology: Write
your answer in any sheet of paper using blue or black ball pen and turn in in the Google


1. Industry

2. Analysis

3. Industry analysis

4. Sector

5. Segment

6. Competition

7. Concentration


Activity No. 1 iPad –The PC Killer case study

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon

boxes which are provided in your departments/college, or to Google class on or before

the date as reflected in your study schedule. Click this link or and read it thoroughly

and analyse carefully. Answers the questions and use the space below for your answer.

See attach rubrics in the Google class or you may access on your module on page____.

Answer the following questions:

1.Identify the two most important of the Five Forces factors that are
affecting the

2. Why will it be difficult to dislodge iPad as the clear market leader in

the tablet

3. In addition to PC markets, what other two companies are clearly

affected by iPad‘s success?
Activity 2. Essay Writing

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon

boxes which are provided in your departments/college, or to Google class on or before

the date as reflected in your study schedule. See attach rubrics in the Google class or

you may access on your module on page____. Choose one company (among the top 10 performing
companies worldwide) by using Google search. Use the space for your

writing and answer the following questions:

1. Identify the competitors you primary and secondary players?









2. Identify which competitors are the ones firms should be most concerned with and









3. Choose two likely competitive dimensions that describes the key strategies

decisions in the industry You can use your own matrix in plotting your answer.

4. Briefly describe the CSFs for the chosen company?






Assessment #1. Identification.

Directions: Read the following statements, and identify your correct answer and write

your answer on the space provided before each number. See page _____ for your key


_____________1. Characterized by many buyers and sellers, many products that are

similar in nature and, as a result, many substitutes.

_____________2. A type of competition within an industry where all firms produce

similar yet not perfectly substitutable products.

_____________3. Occurs when there are only few firms that make up an industry.

_____________4. A market structure in which there is only one producer/seller for a

product. In other words, the single business is the industry.

_____________5. A group of companies that are related based on their

primary business activities.

_____________6. Refers to the number of different items your company offers for sale..

_____________7. Is the set of places with which a Web resource is associated.

_____________8. Is a market assessment tool designed to provide a business with an

idea of the complexity of a particular industry

_____________9. It examines the influences of political, economic, social, and

technological factors of a business.

_____________10. One of a few general segments in the economy within which a large

group of companies can be categorized.

Assessment #2 Creation of Original Case Study

Direction: Create your own case study analysis applying the Porters Five Forces to your

modular or online class. Be sure to indicate: the place/location where you conducted

your study in; the geographic region your strategy will deal, whether the power of the
force is high/medium/low, whether the force presents a threat or opportunity-briefly

explain why. Turn in your answer/output in our Google class using the required format as

given in unit 1 requirements. Use the space below for your draft.


Directions: Define the following terms in 50 words each.

1. Analysis?

2. Internal Analysis?

3. Competitive advantage?

Activity No. 1 Essay Writing “The Prrils of Bad Strategy”

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon

boxes which are provided in your departments/college, or to Google class on or before

the date as reflected in your study schedule. Click this link


insights/the-perils-of-bad-strategy and read it thoroughly and analyze carefully. Answers

the questions and use the space below for your answer. See attach rubrics in the

Google class or you may access on your module on page____.

1. Identify the key resources and capabilties.







2. Ascertain the Competitive advantage for the company and have it summarized.

Illustrate your answer with examples.

Directions: Read the following statements, and identify your correct answer and write
your answer on the space provided before each number. See page _____. Upload your

output in our Google class under classwork. Use this class code: __________.

________________1. This is what the organization does to get the resources it needs to

operate. This includes finding vendors and negotiating best prices.

________________2. This is how well a company recruits, hires, trains, motivates,

rewards, and retains its workers

________________3. These activities relate to managing and processing information,

as well as protecting a company's knowledge base.

________________4. These are a company's support systems, and the functions that

allow it to maintain daily operations.

________________5. These are all the processes related to receiving, storing, and

distributing inputs internally. Your supplier relationships are a key factor in creating value


________________6. These are the transformation activities that change inputs into

outputs that are sold to customers. Here, your operational systems create value.

________________7. These activities deliver your product or service to your customer.

These are things like collection, storage, and distribution systems, and they may be

internal or external to your organization.

________________8. These are the processes you use to persuade clients to purchase

from you instead of your competitors.

________________9. These are the activities related to maintaining the value of your

product or service to your customers, once it's been purchased.

________________10. List all the activities the firm is performing.

Assessment #2

Direction: Conduct and internal Audit of a certain company of your choice. Follow the

lecture in the module and you can use SWOT analysis flat form for answering. Use the

space below for your draft.


Directions: Answer the following questions with your words/ideas at least 150

words. Upload your answer in our Google class.

1. What is a business strategy?

2. What is innovation.

3. Compare and contrast Innovation and Blue Ocean strategy?

Activity No. 1 Value chain analysis

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon

boxes which are provided in your departments/college, or turn in to Google class on or

before the date as reflected in your study schedule. Create a value chain analysis by

answering the questions below. Use the template below for your answer. See attach

rubrics in the Google class or you may access on your module on page_. Refer below as

your guide of your output:

1. Construct the value chain for a traditionaal furniture manufacturer (Six basic

steps starting with design? Refer this diagram below.

Diagram of IKEA furniture

2. Given the above the diagram of IKEA, depict the value chain

3. Idnedity the advantages it gives the company








4.Determine the four key capabilties IKEA needs to make its business model work.
Assessment #1: Case study analysis

Direction: Read the case study on Symphony or click this link

: three alternatives

and then make a single recommendation to put Symphony back on sound financial

footing. Use the space below for your draft.

Assessment #2. Read the case study on Cirque du Soleil or click this link and then answer the

following questions: Use the flatform below.

1. Using the Four Framework, identify what Cirque de Soleil eliminated/reduced

from traditional circuses and what unique additions they created/raised.

Eliminate Raise

Reduce Create

2. Using the Business Model Canvass (BMC) insert the elements noted aboveinto

the correct building and then identify the other building block elements that are

impated by the first set.




C$ R$

3. What is the primary lesson learned from the Cirque du Soleil case?









4. What barriers to entry has Cirque du Soleil established to deter competitors.








Directions: Give your thoughts about the words below in 100 words. Turn in your work

output in our Google class.

1. strategy

2. Corporate strategy

3. Strategic business unit

4. Strategic Decisions

5. Diversification

Learning Activity #1 Growth Strategy Analysis

Direction: Using the flat form below, draw the circle to represent the size of the market.

Then draw and answer the following questions. Use the space below for your


High Medium Low




1. Indicate the size of the SBUs market share within the market circle (sales/Total

Market share)

2. Select one of the SBUs-easiest to us either the strongest or weakest SBU

(Examine their relative market position-sales and profitability).

3. Position the SBU along one of the axes (determine the place of the market circle

on one of the axis (either industry attractiveness or SBU Strength-choose the

most obvious axis).

4. Now that you have the SBU on one axis determine the position on the second


Learning Activity # 2 Case Study Analysis

Direction: Read the case study on Fuller‘s and answer the following questions.

1. Who are the potential stakeholders that are affected by this acquisition and why?

2. Identify all the potential benefits to Fuller‘s of this purchase.

3. Describe in some details the three primary reasons for Fuller‘s making this


4. Prior to the completion of the acquisition, what do you believe are the biggest risk

Fuller‘s is making in this purchase.

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