Essentials API - v1.1 - EN

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Essential API – BioSlap

BioSlap Ten-Print Scanner

Essentials API
Version 1.1

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This BioSlap fingerprint scanner contains commercial or trade secrets of Shenzhen Bio Technologies Co.,Ltd. Disclosure of any such information
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Essential API – BioSlap

1 Application Requirements for the PC and System ................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 CPU ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PC Main Memory .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Installation of Interface ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 PC Graphics Adapter ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 PC Operating System ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 SDK Usage .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 SDK Implementation ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Generic Notes ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Typical Workflow to Acquire Images ................................................................................................................................ 2
3 Integrating with a Scanner .................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Getting Started.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Acquiring Image info ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Closing a Device ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.4 Accessing Maintenance Data ............................................................................................................................................ 5
4 Function Reference ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.1 M_Main_Initialize ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 M_Main_DeInitialize ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 M_Capture_SetMode ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 M_Capture_Start .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 M_Capture_TakeResultImage ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.6 M_Capture_AcquireResultImage ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.7 M_Contorls_Beeper .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Essential API – BioSlap

4.8 M_Capture_SetRollParameters ........................................................................................................................................ 9

Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.9 M_Capture_Calibration................................................................................................................................................... 10
Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Return Value ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.10 M_Control_RemoveFog .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Parameters 10
Return Value 10
4.11 M_Capture_FPSegment .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Parameters 11
Return Value ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.12 M_Main_GetDeviceInfo .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Return Value 11
4.13 M_Capture_Raw2Wsq .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Parameters 12
Return Value 12
4.14 M_Capture_GetTemplate ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Parameters 12
Return Value 13
4.15 M_Capture_RegisterCallbackPreviewImage ................................................................................................................... 13
Parameters 13
Return Value 13
4.16 M_Capture_RegisterCallbackTakingResultImage ........................................................................................................... 13
Parameters 13
Return Value 13
4.17 M_Capture_RegisterCallbackResultImage ...................................................................................................................... 14
Parameters 14
Return Value 14
4.18 M_Capture_IsTrueFinger ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Parameters 14
Return Value 14
5 Callback Function Reference ............................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 CallbackPreviewImage .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 CallbackTakingResultImage ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Essential API – BioSlap

5.3 CallbackResultImage ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6 Structs Reference................................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.1 ImageData ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Member Data ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.2 DTFPropertyInfo .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Member Data .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.3 DTFRunningInfo .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Member Data .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
6.4 ImageResolution ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Member data documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.5 DTFImageType ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Member data documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.6 SegFPData ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Member data documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 20
6.7 DFRollParameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Member data documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 20

Essential API – BioSlap

1 Application Requirements for the PC and System

1.1 PC CPU
• Intel Core i3, 2.0GHZ or better

1.2 PC Main Memory

• 2 GB RAM or better

1.3 Installation of Interface

• USB 2.0 or over

1.4 PC Graphics Adapter

• Fast XGA graphics (1280 x 1024 x 24bit colors) with Direct Draw support and 1 GB memory,
on AGP (2x) bus

1.5 PC Operating System

• Microsoft Windows 7 32bit/64bit
• Microsoft Windows 10 64bit

Essential API – BioSlap

2 SDK Usage

2.1 Overview
This Essentials API provides access to the BioSlap ten print scanner. It is designed to be usable in a multi- threaded
environment. The interface is provided as a DLL that exports C functions.

2.2 SDK Implementation

In order to use the Essentials API, please include the following header files to your project:
• DTFEssentialsAPIM.h DTFEssentialsAPI.h – interface function, type definitions, constants, enumerations, and SDK
related return codes.

If you plan to load the DLL statically, then the following files needs to be specified for linkage:
• BioIDFScanner.lib
At runtime, the following files need to be accessible:
• BioIDFScanner.dll – the main runtime library.
• BioIDFinger.dll, DTF.dll, etc… – mosaic arithmetic runtime library.

2.3 Generic Notes

If the function returns a status which is not 0, then return parameter values might be invalid.

2.4 Typical Workflow to Acquire Images

1. Call M_Main_Initialize() to initialize device for image acquisition.

2. Call M_Capture_RegisterCallbackPreviewImage()

Call M_Capture_RegisterCallbackTakingResultImage()

Call M_Capture_RegisterCallbackResultImage()

Call appropriate callback registration functions to retrieve required notifications

3. Call M_Capture_SetModel() to select correct acquisition type(Auto or manually).

4. Call M_Capture_Start() to start running

5. Call M_Capture_AcquireResultImage() to scanner document.

6. Result images and info that are passed as ImageData to callback

CallbackResultImage() can be obtained.

7. Call M_Capture_Abort() to Abort running image acquisition.

8. Call M_Main_DeInitialize() when finished using the device.

Essential API – BioSlap

3 Integrating with a Scanner

Applications utilize a BioSlap scanner by using the API in the following manner:

• Initialize a BioSlap scanner

• Call API functions of the BioSlap scanner to acquire images

• Close the BioSlap scanner

3.1 Getting Started

The Essentials API was designed to allow only one device to exist on the same computer. Before an application can use a
BioSlap device, it must:

1. Call M_Main_Initialize() to initialize the device

Call M_Capture_RegisterCallbackResultImage to initialize the callback functions.

2. Call M_Capture_SetAMode() to set capture mode

3. Call M_Capture _Start() to start running device

4. Call appropriate callback registration functions to retrieve the required notifications.

The following code is an example of initializing the device driver.

int nRc;
m_iCurIndex = 0;
SetInfo("Initialization device!",0);
nRc = M_Main_Initialize(m_iCurIndex,&m_DeviceHandle[m_iCurIndex]);
if (nRc != STATUS_OK) return;

m_iCurHandle = m_DeviceHandle[m_iCurIndex];


Essential API – BioSlap


3.2 Acquiring Image into

The BioSlap scanner communicates to the application using callback functions during the acquisition

Starting an Acquisition

Please call M_Capture_SetMode to set capture image mode and call M_Capture_Start to Getting the

final Image and Data.

The images and data received with the CallbackResultImage function reflects the final document images and data as it is

Important: The BioSlap scanner owns the image’s memory buffer. Do not keep pointers to this
buffer because address of the buffer may change next image acquisitions.

3.3 Closing a Device

An application can close a BioSlap scanner, frees all the resources that were allocated by it. The BioSlap scanner handle is no
longer valid when the BioSlap scanner references has been closed. In order to use the same BioSlap scanner again, the
application must reopen the device. An application closes a BioSlap scanner by calling the M_Main_DeInitialize function.

NOTE: If an application closes without closing any open BioSlap scanner then the device driver interface
will automatically close all the running BioSlap scanner. This happens before the DLL is unloaded.
This behavior holds true if the application loaded and unloaded the BioSlap scanner DLL

The following code shows an example of closing a BioSlap scanner:

• // NOTE: Error handling is kept simple for brevity


if (…) delete[] …;
if (…) delete[] …;
if (…) delete[] …;

Essential API – BioSlap

3.4 Accessing Maintenance Data

The BioSlap scanner records maintenance data to the device’s data store. Applications have access to this data and can read
the data from the device at any time. To read the data, call the function M_Main_GetDeviceInfo. The following code shows an

int nRet = 0;
DTFPropertyInfo info;

nRet = M_Main_GetDeviceInfo(ihandle,&info);

Essential API – BioSlap

4 Function Reference

• M_Main_Initialize

• M_Main_DeInitialize

• M_Capture_SetMode

• M_Capture_Start

• M_Capture_TakeResultImage

• M_Capture_AcquireResultImage

• M_Controls_Beeper

• M_Capture_SetRollParameters

• M_Capture_Caliebration

• M_Control_RemoveFog

• M_Capture_FPSegment

• M_Main_GetDeviceInfo

• M_Capture_Raw2Wsq

• M_Capture_GetTemplate

• M_Capture_RegisterCallbackPreviewImage

• M_Capture_RegisterCallbackResultTakingImage

• M_Capture_RegisterCallbackReusultImage

• M_Capture_IsTrueFinger

Essential API – BioSlap

4.1 M_Main_Initialize
Initialize the device.

BOOL WIN_API M_Main_Initialize(const int deviceIndex, int *handle);


• deviceIndex [in] Zero-based device index for device to init

• handle [out] Function returns device handle to be used for subsequent function calls

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else return<0.

4.2 M_Main_DeInitialize
DeInitialize the device.

int WIN_API M_Main_DeInitialize(const int handle);


• Handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else return <0.

4.3 M_Capture_SetMode
Set capture mode

int WINAPI M_Capture_SetMode(

const int handle,
const DTFImageType imageType,
const DTFImageResolution imageResolution,
BOOL AutoCapture,
BOOL AutoContrast,
int *resultWidth,
int *resultHeight,
int *baseResolutionX,
int *baseResolutionY

Essential API – BioSlap


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ imageType [in] Image type to capture

⚫ imageResolution[in] Requested capture resolution

⚫ AutoCapture[in] Flag to auto capture

⚫ AutoContrast[in] Flag to auto contrast

⚫ resultWidth[out] Returns width of captured result image in pixels

⚫ resultHeight[out] Returns height of captured result image in pixels

⚫ baseResolutionX[out] Returns image horizontal base resolution before processing

⚫ baseResolutionY[out] Returns image vertical base resolution before processing

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else return <0..

4.4 M_Capture_Start
Start image acquisition

int WINAPI M_Capture_Start(const int handle, const int numberOfObjects,

BOOL AutoAcquireResultImage=TRUE);

⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ numberofobject[in] Number of expected fingertips in the image

⚫ AutoAcquireResultImage[in] Auto acquire result image flag

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else return <0.

4.5 M_Capture_TakeResultImage
Initiate manual result image acquisition, This function needs to be called prior to M_Capture_AcquireResultImage().

int WINAPI M_Capture_TakeResultImage(const int handle);


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

Essential API – BioSlap

4.6 M_Capture_AcquireResultImage
Acquire the result image, it might take several seconds, expect a delay

int WINAPI M_Capture_AcquireResultImage(const int handle);


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.7 M_Contorls_Beeper
Send beep pattern to internal device beeper.

int WINAPI M_Controls_Beeper(const int handle, int BeepMode);


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ BeepMode [in] Beeper mode

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.8 M_Capture_SetRollParameters
Set roll parameters

int WINAPI M_Capture_SetRollParameters(const int handle, DFRollParameters


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ para [in] Roll construct parameters

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

Essential API – BioSlap

4.9 M_Capture_Calibration
Calibrate scanner

int WINAPI M_Capture_Calibration(const int handle);


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.10 M_Control_RemoveFog
Setting a flag of remove fog from image

int WINAPI M_Control_RemoveFog(const int handle,BOOL bFlag);


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ bFlag [in] Flag of remove fog(turn on/off)

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.11 M_Capture_FPSegment
Segment flat image

int WINAPI M_Capture_FPSegment(

const int handle,
const DTFImageType imageType,
BYTE* pRawImg,
int iWidth,
int iHeight,
SegFPData* pSegFPData,
int* NumSegFinger,
char* pszErrMsg

Essential API – BioSlap


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ imageType [in] flat type

⚫ pRawImg [in] flat image

⚫ iWidth [in] image width

⚫ iHeight [in] image height

⚫ pSegFPData[out] segment single finger image data of the flat image

⚫ NumSegFinger[out] Number of finger

⚫ pszErrMsg [out] error message

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.12 M_Main_GetDeviceInfo
Retrieve detailed device information

int WINAPI M_Main_GetDeviceInfo(const int handle, DTFPropertyInfo *info);


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ info [out] Basic device information; memory provided by caller
Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.13 M_Capture_Raw2Wsq
Save the image as WSQ format.

int WINAPI M_Capture_Raw2Wsq(

const int handle,
int nHeight,
int nWidth,
int nBitsCount,
UCHAR* pucRawBuf,
Int* pnWSQBufLen,
UCHAR** ppucWSQBuf,
Float fRatio

Essential API – BioSlap


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ nHeight [in] Image height

⚫ nWidth [in] Image width

⚫ nBitsCount [in] Image bits

⚫ pucRawBuf [in] Image raw data

⚫ pnWSQBufLen [out] Image size of WSQ

⚫ ppucWSQBuf [out] Image data of WSQ

⚫ fRatio [in] Compression ratio, default is 10

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.14 M_Capture_GetTemplate
Extract fingerprint feature data.
int WINAPI M_Capture_Raw2Wsq(
const int handle,
unsigned char* Image,
int ImgWidth,
int ImgHeight,
int FingerPosition,
Int TemplateType,
Unsigned char** Template,
Int* TemplateSize

⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ Image [in] Image buffer data

⚫ ImgWidth [in] Image width

⚫ ImgHeight [in] Image height

⚫ FingerPosition [in] Finger index, from right to left 0-9

⚫ TemplateType [in] Template type. 0x01

⚫ Template [out] Feature data

⚫ TemplateSize [out] Data size

Essential API – BioSlap

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.15 M_Capture_RegisterCallbackPreviewImage
Callback preview image availability

int WINAPI M_Capture_RegisterCallbackPreviewImage(

const int handle,
CallbackPreviewImage callback,
void *context

⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ callback [in] Pointer to the notification function

⚫ context [in] Pointer to user context; this value is used as parameter for callback

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.16 M_Capture_RegisterCallbackTakingResultImage
Callback for start of result image capture

int WINAPI M_Capture_RegisterCallbackTakingResultImage(

const int handle,
CallbackTakingResultImage callback,
void *context

⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ callback [in] Pointer to the notification function

⚫ context [in] Pointer to user context; this value is used as parameter for callback

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

Essential API – BioSlap

4.17 M_Capture_RegisterCallbackResultImage
Callback for completion of result image acquisition

int WINAPI M_Capture_RegisterCallbackResultImage(

const int handle,
CallbackResultImage callback,
void *context

⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ callback [in] Pointer to the notification function

⚫ context [in] Pointer to user context; this value is used as parameter for callback

Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is 0, else <0.

4.18 M_Capture_IsTrueFinger
To check if a live finger presented or fake finger detection
int WINAPI M_Capture_IsTrueFinger(
const int handle,
unsigned char* Image,
int ImgWidth,
int ImgHeight,


⚫ handle [in] Device handle obtained by M_Main_Initialize()

⚫ Image [in] Image buffer data

⚫ ImgWidth [in] Image width

⚫ ImgHeight [in] Image height

Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is 1, else <0.

5 Callback Function Reference

This section describes function prototypes for callback registration.

• CallbackPreviewImage

Essential API – BioSlap

• CallbackTakingResultImage

• CallbackResultIImage

5.1 CallbackPreviewImage
Preview image available notification.

typedef void ( CALLBACK *CallbackPreviewImage ) (

void* pContext,
const ImageData image


• pContext [in] caller defined context (e.g. handler object instance pointer)

• image [in/out] preview image (valid until callback function is exited)

5.2 CallbackTakingResultImage
This notification is sent to indicate begin of result image acquisition.
typedef void ( CALLBACK *CallbackTakingResultImage ) (
void* pContext


• pContext [in] caller defined context (e.g. handler object instance pointer)

5.3 CallbackResultImage
Result image acquisition completion notification.(only valid if imageStatus >= STATUS_OK)

typedef void ( CALLBACK *CallbackResultImage ) (

void* pContext,
const int imageStatus,
const ImageData image,
const DTFImageType imageType,
const int detectedObjects


• pContext [in] caller defined context (e.g. handler object instance pointer)

• imageStatus [in] result image status value (value >= STATUS_OK indicates success)

• image [in] preview image (valid until callback function is exited)

• imageType [in] result image type (e.g. LSCAN_ROLL_SINGLE_FINGER)

Essential API – BioSlap

• detectedObject [in] number of detected objects/fingers in result image

6 Structs Reference

• ImageData

• DTFPropertyInfo

• DTFRunningInfo

• DTFImageResolution

• DTFImageType

• SegFPData

• DFRollParameters

6.1 ImageData
Container to hold image data together with meta information

Member Data

• void* Buffer

• DWORD Width

• DWORD Height

• double ResolutionX

• double ResolutionY

• double FrameTime

• int Pitch

• BYTE BitsPerPixel

• ImageFormat Forma

• BOOL IsFinal

6.2 DTFPropertyInfo
Device information

Essential API – BioSlap

Member Data

• int nResolution

• char szMaker[MAX_STR_LEN]

• char szModel[MAX_STR_LEN]

• char szInterfaceType[MAX_STR_LEN]

• char szSerial[MAX_STR_LEN]

• char szVer[MAX_STR_LEN]

• char szManDate[MAX_STR_LEN]

• char szServDate[MAX_STR_LEN]

Essential API – BioSlap

6.3 DTFRunningInfo
Device running information

Member Data

• BOOL bIsInitialized

• BOOL bIsCaptueing;

• BOOL bIsCaptureAbort;

• BOOL bAutoCapture;

• BOOL bAutoContrast;

• BOOL bStartPreview;

• BOOL bIsCaptureOK;

• BOOL bIsStartRolling;

• int nErrorCode;

6.4 ImageResolution
Image resolution types

Member data documentation


• IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1000 = 1000

6.5 DTFImageType
Image types

Member data documentation

• ROLL_SINGLE_FINGER, ///< Rolled finger print image

• FLAT_SINGLE_FINGER, ///< Flat single finger

• FLAT_RIGHT_FINGERS, ///< Right flat fingers

• FLAT_LEFT_FINGERS, ///< Left flat fingers

• FLAT_TWO_THUMBS, ///< Two flat thumbs

• ROLL_RIGHT_THUMB, ///< Right thumb Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_LEFT_THUMB, ///< Left thumb Rolled finger print image

Essential API – BioSlap

• PALM_RIGHT_FULL, ///< Full right palm

• PALM_RIGHT_WRITERS, ///< Right writers palm

• PALM_RIGHT_LOWER, ///< Right lower palm

• PALM_RIGHT_UPPER, ///< Right upper palm

• PALM_LEFT_FULL, ///< Full left palm

• PALM_LEFT_WRITERS, ///< Left writers palm

• PALM_LEFT_LOWER, ///< Left lower palm

• PALM_LEFT_UPPER, ///< Left upper palm

• ROLL_RIGHT_INDEX, ///< Right index Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_RIGHT_MIDDLE, ///< Right middle Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_RIGHT_RING, ///< Right ring Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_RIGHT_SMALL, ///< Right small Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_LEFT_INDEX, ///< Left index Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_LEFT_MIDDLE, ///< Left middle Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_LEFT_RING, ///< Left ring Rolled finger print image

• ROLL_LEFT_SMALL, ///< Left small Rolled finger print image

• FLAT_RIGHT_THUMB, ///< Right flat thumb

• FLAT_RIGHT_INDEX, ///< Right flat index

• FLAT_RIGHT_MIDDLE, ///< Right flat middle

• FLAT_RIGHT_RING, ///< Right flat ring

• FLAT_RIGHT_SMALL, ///< Right flat small

• FLAT_LEFT_THUMB, ///< Left flat thumb

• FLAT_LEFT_INDEX, ///< Left flat index

• FLAT_LEFT_MIDDLE, ///< Left flat middle

• FLAT_LEFT_RING, ///< Left flat ring

• FLAT_LEFT_SMALL, ///< Left flat small

Essential API – BioSlap

• FLAT_TWO_THUMBS_R_IndexMiddle,


• FLAT_TWO_THUMBS_L_IndexMiddle,



• TYPE_NONE, ///< No image (default after initialization)

6.6 SegFPData
Single fingerprint data

Member data documentation

• int nFGP

• int nWidth

• int nHeight

• int nQuality

• int nRawImgLe

• unsigned char *pucRawImg;

6.7 DFRollParameters
Roll construct parameter

Member data documentation

• int MaxFrameNumber

• int SlideDetectionStatus

• float SlidingPercentageThreshold

• int SlidingSADMeanThreshlod

• int RollBackThreshold

• int CheckSensorThreshold


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