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INVERSION (inversiunea)

Inversiunile se folosesc atunci cand vrem sa accentuam o idee sau o actiune.

Intr-o propozitie afirmativa ordinea cuvintelor este:

S + Aux + Adv + Vb. + ... : e.g. I have never lied to her. (Eu nu am mintit-o pe ea niciodata.)

! Intr-o propozitie interogativa ordinea cuvintelor este:

Have you ever lied to her? (Aux + S + adverb + vb) (Ai mintit-o vreodata?)
Wh-word + Aux + S + Vb. + ...?: e.g. Why have I lied to her? (De ce am mintit-o?)

! Intr-o inversiune ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie este:

Adv + Aux + S + Vb. + ... : e.g. Never have I lied to her. (Eu nu am mintit-o pe ea

Dupa cum observam topica intr-o inversiune este aceeasi ca cea din intrebari cu singura diferenta ca o
inversiune incepe cu un adverb iar o intrebare incepe cu un cuvant cu WH-.

Inversiunile se pot forma numai cu anumite adverbe si constructii:

Little: He knows little about her. (El stie putin despre ea.) => Little does he know about her. (Putin stie el
despre ea.)
Seldom: She seldom spoke. (Ea rareori vorbea.) => Seldom did she speak. (Rareori vorbea ea.)
Rarely: They rarely help us. (Ei rareori ne ajuta.) => Rarely do they help us.
(Rareori ne ajuta ei.)
Never: I have never lied in my life. (Eu nu am mintit niciodata in viata mea.) => Never have I lied in my
life. (Niciodata nu am mintit eu in viata mea.)
In vain: We had tried to help her in vain. (Noi incercasem sa o ajutam in zadar.) => In vain had we tried
to help her. (In zadar incercasem sa o ajutam.)
Not for a moment: We didn't stop for a moment. (Nu ne-am optit nici un moment.) => Not for a
moment did we stop. (Nici un moment nu ne-am oprit.)
Nowhere (else): I haven't seen this anywhere else. (Nu am vazut asta in nici o alta parte.) => Nowhere
else have I seen this. (In nici o alta parte nu am vazut asta.)
Hardly + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had hardly left when the phone
rang. => Hardly had she left when the phone rang.
Scarcely + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had scarcely left when the
phone rang. => Scarcely had she left when the phone rang.
Barely + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had barely left when the phone
rang. => Barely had she left when the phone rang.
No sooner + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + THAN + S + P (Past Simple): She had no sooner left than the
phone rang. => No sooner had she left than the phone rang.
(Abia a plecat ea ca a sunat telefonul.)

On no account (sub nici o forma), Under no circumstances (in nici un caz), In no

way (in nici un fel) se pot pune in fata propozitiei si sunt urmate de verbe modale (must, should, can,
could, be to) + S + verb
You mustn’t lie under any circumstances. (Nu ai voie sa minti in nici un caz.) => Under no
circumstances must you lie. (In nici un caz nu ai voie sa minti.)
She shouldn’t come on any account. (Ea nu ar trebui sa vina sub nici o forma.) => On no account should
she come. (Sub nici o forma nu ar trebui sa vina.)
They should not steal in any way. (Ei nu ar trebui sa fure in nici un fel.) = > In no way are they to steal.
(In nici un fel nu trebuie ei sa fure.)

!! Atentie: in propozitia initiala negatia este la verbul modal si expresiile au ANY in ele (e.g. under any
circumstances) dar cand punem expresia in fata, negatia de la verbul modal il inlocuieste pe ANY si astfel
avem under NO circumstances, on NO account, in NO way.

Uneori se schimba topica in fraza si propozitia secundara trece inaintea propozitiei principale. In
acest caz propozitia secundara introdusa prin: only when (doar cand)/ only after (doar dupa)/ only
by + vb.-ing (doar facand ceva)/ only if (doar daca)/ not until (pana cand) este urmata de o virgula
iar INVERSIUNEA apare in PROPIZITIA PRINCIPALA, adica in a doua parte a frazei. Propozitia
secundara care a trecut in fata NU ARE INVERSIUNE.

Main Clause / Secondary Clause Secondary Clause (with no

inversion) / Main Clause (with inversion)
I will not come /until you ask me to. => Not until you ask me to, /will I come.
(Nu o sa vin pana nu ma rogi.) -> (Pana nu ma rogi, nu o sa vin.)
They will not leave /if you don’t help them. =>Only if you help them, /will they leave.
(Ei nu vor pleca daca nu ii ajuti.) -> (Doar daca ii ajuti, vor pleca ei.)
You will pass the exam / only by learning hard. => Only by learning hard, /will you pass the exam.
(Vei trece examenul doar daca inveti din greu.) -> (Doar daca inveti din greu, vei trece examenul.)
He told the truth / only after they had threatened him. => Only after they had threatened him, /did he tell
the truth.
(El a spus adevarul numai dupa ce ei l-au amenintat.) => (Numai dupa ce ei l-au amenintat, a spus el

ATENTIE: only then (doar atunci) este adverb de timp in propozitia principala si nu introduce o
propozitie secundara. Propozitia secundara nu trece inaintea celei principale. Inversiunea apare in
propozitia principala care o precede pe cea secundara; avem deci topica normala -> Propozitie Principala cu
inversiune in ea urmata de cea secundara fara inversiune in ea.
Main Clause / Secondary Clause Main Clause (with inversion) /
Secondary Clause (without inversion)
They realized only then / that they had been deceived. => Only then did they realize / that they had been
(Ei si-au dat seama doar atunci ca au fost inselati.) -> (Doar atunci si-au dat ei seama ca au fost inselati.)

SO (si) este urmat de Verb Auxiliar, care trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia
principala, si Subiect:
S + P + SO + Aux + S
I love her and so do you. (Eu o iubesc si la fel si tu.)
They have left early and so has she. (Ei au plecat devreme si la fel si ea.)
He hated me and so did his parents. (El ma ura si la fel si parintii lui.)
!!!!! Atentie: daca dupa SO nu avem inversiune ci avem S + P atunci se schimba sensul si inseamna
ca esti de acord cu ceea ce s-a spus.
You are sitting on my hat. (Stai pe palaria mea.)
So am I. (Si eu la fel.) (daca facem inversiune, spunem ca si noi facem acelasi lucru)
So I am. (Asa este, ai dreptate) (daca nu facem inversiune, inseamna ca suntem de accord cu ceea ce s-a
In expresiile cu either si neither ordinea in propozitie este urmatoarea:
S + P + AND + NEITHER + AUX Positive + S (si nici ...)
They didn’t like him and neither did I. (Ei nu il placeau pe el si nici eu.)
S + P + AND + S + AUX NEG. + EITHER (si nici ...)
They didn’t like him and I didn’t either. (Ei nu il placeau pe el si nici eu.)

!! Atentie: Verbul Auxiliar, trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia
principala. In conditionale inversiunea se face inlocuind IF cu SHOULD la tipul I si WERE la tipul
II si III. Tipul III mai poate inlocui IF cu HAD.

Type 1. IF + S + SHOULD + VB. INF. ... => SHOULD + S + Vb. INF. ...
If I should meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa ilintalnesc, ii voi spune vestile.) =>
Should I meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune vestile.)

Type 2. IF + S + PAST SIMPLE + ... => WERE + S + LONG INFINITIVE + ...

If I saw her there, I would be surprised. (Daca as vedea-o aici, as fi surprins.)
If I were to see her there, I would be surprised.
(PAST SIMPLE se transforma in WERE + Long Inf.) Were I to see her there, I would be surprised.

Tipul 3 de conditionala face inversiunea in doua feluri:

Type 3. IF + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => HAD + S + Vb. III/ -ED + ...
If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)
Had I seen him, I would have talked with him.
If + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => WERE + S + PERFECT INFINITIVE (to have + Vb. III/-ed) + ...
If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)
If I were to have seen him, I would have talked with him. (Past Perfect se transforma in WERE + TO
HAVE + Vb. III/ -ED)
Were I to have seen him, I would have talked with him.

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