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Web Institute of Souther Africa

Project : Web Education Literacy Series (WebElese)

Course : BSc (Hons) Web Engineering
Modules : 40 modules
Duration : 4 years
First year
1st year 1st semester 1st year 2nd semester
1. History of the Internet and the web 1. Maths For Engineers
2. Web Programming languages and concepts 2. Computer systems and Networks
3. Web Programming 1 (HTML/CSS) 3. Server Side Scripting1 (php)
4. Client Side Scripting (Java-script/Dom) 4. Database administration (MySQL)
5. Computer Architecture 5. Web Engineering 1
6. Web Publishing 6. Project

Second year
2nd year 1st semester 2nd year 2nd semester
1. Web Information Systems 1. Financial reporting on the web (Xbrl)
2. Ecommerce 2. Multimedia programming 1 (SVG)
3. Web Programming 2 (XML/XSLT) 3. Mobile Computing
4. Information Architecture 4. Web Engineering 2
5. Server Side Scripting 2 (python) 5. Web Server Administration (Apache)
6. Data Structures and Algorithms 6. Project

Third year
3rd year 1st semester 3rd year 2nd semester
1. Multimodal development 1. Usability Engineering
2. Object Oriented Programming (Java) 2. SMS server technology
3. Intelligent Systems 3. Multimedia Programming 2 (SMIL)
4. Web Law and ethics 4. Fundamentals of Web Entrepreneurship
5. Fundamentals of Web Marketing 5. Rich Internet Applications
6. Email Server technology 6. Project

Fourth Year
th st
4 year 1 semester 4th year 2nd semester
1. Network Security 1. Fundamentals of Web Science
2. Systems Administration (Linux) 2. Software Configuration Management
3. Semantic Web Technologies 3. Game Development (Flash/Action-script)
4. Computer Graphics 4. Distributed Systems
5. Web User Agents 1 (web browsers) 5. Web User Agents 2 (search engines)
6. Web Infrastructure 6. Project

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