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MODULE 8: Developing Instructional Plans for

Elementary Science
CMU Digital Academics

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to:

❑ Unpack the standards in the curriculum guide

❑ Determine the nature of competencies
❑ Identify topic or content of instruction
❑ Select assessment strategies
❑ Plan learning experiences

Local Flavor. Global Future


The curriculum guide serves as the teacher’s blueprint in planning and

designing the curriculum. It should not be taught as is. It will be your job to
interpret these standards using unpacking strategies. Unpacking means
extracting the component knowledge and skills required by a standard in order
to understand the learning expectations and clearly articulate those
expectations to the students and the parents. Unpacking serves three
a. to establish focus of standards and competencies;
b. to link standards, competencies, and teaching; and
c. to contextualize teaching.
The following are the steps you need to undertake when unpacking the
elements of the curriculum guide in order to plan for classroom instruction.
1. Analyze the standard.
2. Read the competencies. Determine the target domain of the competencies.
3. Determine the nature of competencies (knowledge, skills, values).
4. Determine the target topic or content. Identify time allotment.
5. Select assessment strategies.
6. Plan learning experiences.
7. Design learning materials
The first unpacking strategy involves analysis of the standards. Standards
articulate what a student should know, understand, and be able to do by the end
of the year; and they set equitable benchmarks across classrooms and schools.
Types of Standard

Content Standard Performance Standard

Answers the question, “What do the Answers the question, “What do we want
students want to know, be able to do, the students to do with their learning or
and understand?” understanding?” and “How do we want
them to use their learning or
Defines what the students are Defines the expected proficiency level
expected to know (knowledge: facts
and information), what they should be
able to do (process or skills) with what
they know
The meaning or understanding that Products and /or performances as
they construct or make as they process evidence that the students can transfer or
the facts and information use their learning in real-lie situations
Types of Standard

Core Learning Area Standard

(This defines the broad outcomes for the K-12 science)

e.g., The learners demonstrate understanding of basic science concepts and application
of science-inquiry skills. They exhibit scientific attitudes and values to solve problems
critically, innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources,
enhance the integrity and wellness of people, make informed decisions, and engage in
discussions relevant issues that involves science, technology, and environment.
Types of Standard

Key Stage Standard

(This defines the specific outcomes for key stages such as K-3, Grades 4-6, Grades 7-
10, and Grades 11-12.)

e.g., At the end of Grade 3, the learners should have acquired healthful habits and have
developed curiosity about self and their environment using basic process skills of
observing, communicating, comparing, classifying, measuring, inferring, and predicting.
This curiosity will help the learners value science as an important tool in helping them
continue to explore their natural and physical environment. This should also include
developing scientific knowledge or concepts.
Types of Standard

Grade Level Standard

(This defines the specific outcomes for each grade level.)

e.g., Kindergarten-The learners demonstrate an emerging understanding of the parts of

their body and their general functions; plants, animals, and varied materials in their
environment and their observable characteristics; general weather conditions and how
they influence what they wear; and other things in their environment. Understanding of
their bodies and what is around them is acquired through exploration, questioning, and
careful observation as they infer patterns, similarities, and differences that will allow
them to make sound conclusions.


(Physics, Earth, and Space Science )
• Science Beyond Borders Textbook Grade 3
• Science Beyond Borders Textbook Grade 4
• Science Beyond Borders Textbook Grade 5
• Science Beyond Borders Textbook Grade 6

Local Flavor. Global Future

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