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2ª Série do Ensino Médio Professor(a)

Turma ____Turno ___ MÁRIO ANDRÉ

Aluno(a): ___________________________________ Nº


Discurso Indireto

É possível relatar o que foi dito por alguém de duas formas: utilizando o discurso direto (nesse caso apenas transcreve-
se o que foi dito) e através do discurso indireto (quando optamos por contar com nossas próprias palavras o que foi
dito).Veja os exemplos:

Discurso direto: Bob said: “I love Mary”. (Bob disse: “Eu amo a Mary”).
Discurso indireto: Bob said that he loved Mary. (Bob disse que ele amavaa Mary).

Discurso direto: Bob told Mary: “I love you”. (Bob disse à Mary: “Eu te amo”).
Discurso indireto: Bob told Mary that he loved her. (Bob disse à Mary que a amava).

Diferença de “said” e “told”

Apesar de ambos significarem “disse”, devemos usar “said” toda vez em que na frase não for mencionado com quem
se está falando. O uso do “told”, no entanto, deve ser usado sempre que for mencionado com quem se está falando,
como no exemplo acima: Bob disse à Mary, logo, Bob told Mary, e nunca, Bob said Mary.

Ao passar a frase do discurso direto para o indireto, e vice-versa, é necessário ficar atento aos tempos verbais, assim
como aos pronomes e advérbios de tempo que acabam sofrendo alterações. Segue abaixo uma tabela para consulta:

They asked the fisherman, “Where did you leave your boat?”. In reported speech, this sentence is:

a) They asked the fisherman where the boat had been.

b) They asked the fisherman where he felt his boat.
c) They asked the fisherman where he had left his boat.
d) Theyasked the fisherman, “Did you leave your boat anywhere?”

Change this direct speech into reported speech:

1. “He works in a bank” She said __________________________________________________________________

2. “We went out last night” She told me_____________________________________________________________
3. “I’m coming!” She said _______________________________________________________________________
4. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived” She told me ______________________________________________
5. “I’d never been there before” She said ___________________________________________________________
6. “I didn’t go to the party” She told me ______________________________________________________________
7. “Lucy’ll come later” She said ___________________________________________________________________
8. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast” She told me ___________________________________________________________
9. “I can help you tomorrow” She said _______________________________________________________________
10. “You should go to bed early” She told me ________________________________________________________
11. “I don’t like chocolate” She told me ______________________________________________________________

Change these direct questions into reported speech:

Example: “Where is he?” /// She asked me She asked me where he was._________________________

2. “What are you doing?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

3. “Why did you go out last night?” She asked me ______________________________________________________
4. “Who was that beautiful woman?” She asked me ____________________________________________________
5. “How is your mother?” She asked me _____________________________________________________________
6. “What are you going to do at the weekend?” She asked me _____________________________________________
7. “Where will you live after graduation?” She asked me_________________________________________________
8. “What were you doing when I saw you?” She asked me _______________________________________________
9. “How was the journey?” She asked me _______________________________________________________

Mude agora as sentenças abaixo do discurso indireto para o discurso direto:

1. She told her mother that she was going to the market.
She said: _________________________________________________________
2. His friends told me that they would go home the following Sunday /
His friends said: _________________________________________________________
3. The teacher told Mark he had been very regular in his work /
The teacher said: _________________________________________________________
4. Marc told me that he had finished his work /
Marc said: _________________________________________________________
5. The teacher said the earth moves around the sun /
The teacher said: _________________________________________________________
6. He said that she was not going home that day /
He said: _________________________________________________________


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