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Understanding Individual

Organizational Behavior, Neubert, Dyck, Waller, and Medcof
Learning Objectives
1. Diversity and Surface Characteristics
 Identify diversity and surface characteristics and their
value to achieving organizational goals.
2. Abilities and Personality
 Discuss abilities and personality and their effect on
achievement and performance in organizational roles.
3. Core Self-Evaluations
 Explain what core self-evaluations are and how they
help to understand organizational behaviours and
4. Beliefs and Values
 Discuss beliefs and values and how they develop and
guide behaviour in relationships and organizations.
In Seminar, we ended with…
Individual Attributes
What is



Our focus today – Individual Level

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Did you Know?
 Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms Act
 Respect for multicultural diversity is a
fundamental value
 Multicultural mosaic – value and dignity of all
races, cultures & ethnicities, languages,
religions, sexual orientation, age, ability, gender

 Versus the United States

 Melting Pot and Assimilation (give up your old
culture to become American)
Understanding Individual
 If organizations are social structures created by
individuals to support the collaborative pursuit of
specific goal

 Then the study of individuals is important to

understanding and explaining organizations
 Individuals are complex with surface and deeper
attributes that we will look at to understand
individual and organizational behaviour
 Surface characteristics on the outside one part
 We will peel back layers of individual’s inner self
 Attitudes, beliefs and values
Why are Individual Attributes
 Layers of potential influences on individual

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What is Diversity?
 What is Diversity?
 A state of having or being composed of
differing attributes

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Valuing Diversity
 What is Social Categorization Theory
and what are its implications?
 Approach to how we categorize the
characteristics of others into groups
 Shapes our attitudes and behaviour to them
 Why are stereotypes important?
 General perceptions about a group of people with
similar characteristics

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Valuing Diversity

 Who needs to value diversity?

 In organizations, strategy emanates from
the top
 Leadership
 Teams & groups
 Individuals
 Why?

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Abilities and Personality
 What are Abilities?
 Innate capabilities to perform a specific task

 What is Personality?
 The unique and relatively stable pattern of
behaviours, thoughts, and emotions shown by

 There are many personality and behavioural

tests – our focus will be on using the DiSC

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Core Self-Evaluations
 On top of innate abilities and personality traits of
an individual are another set of individual
attributes, which together make up a person’s
sense of self
 Core Self-Evaluations (what do you think of
 What is your self esteem level?
 What is your self-efficacy
(self confidence) level?
 Do you have a level emotional
 What is your locus of control?

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Core Self-Evaluations
 Self-Esteem is your
self-evaluation of your worth

 Self-Efficacy is your belief that you will be

able to complete a task successfully

 How did you come to those evaluations of

yourself? (childhood experiences? Life
experiences? Other?)

 Why are these important?

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Let’s Look at Ourselves - Locus of

 Locus of Control (internal versus external)

 A person’s consistent belief about
the sources of success and failure

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Let’s Look at Ourselves
- Locus of Control

 You failed a test. Do you think?

 I could have been better prepared OR
 The teacher used all trick questions?

 Internal locus of control – his or her own

behaviour and effort are the primary reasons for
success or failure

 External locus of control – point to

circumstances or sources outside of themselves to
explain life’s outcomes
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Let’s Look at Ourselves
- Locus of Control

 Complete the Locus of Control Questionnaire

 Pause this lecture
 Use this link to complete your Locus of Control

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What’s My Locus of Control?
 This instrument taps a person's perception of the source of his or
her fate. Internals are people who believe that they are masters of their
own fate. They believe that they control their destinies. Externals see
themselves as pawns of fate, believing that what happens to them is due to luck
or chance.
 Your score can be interpreted as follows:

 Your locus of control score can provide you with insights into how well you
accept or blame for your actions. It may also help you understand your
feelings of alienation or dissatisfaction with work.
 Research shows that high externals are less satisfied with their jobs, are
more alienated from the work setting, and less involved in their jobs than are
 On the other hand, high internals seem to be most satisfied in jobs that are
well structured and routine and in which success depends heavily on
complying with the direction of others.
Beliefs and Values
 Beliefs are ideas or
opinions we hold to be

 Values are a set of

personal tenets that
guide a person’s
actions in evaluating
and adapting to his or
her world

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Beliefs - McGregor’s Theory X & Y
 Theory X –  Theory Y –
managers assume managers assume
people are: that people are:
 inherently lazy,  inherently motivated
 dislike work, to work
 will avoid working hard  feel unfulfilled if they
unless forced to do so do not have:
 the opportunity to work
 prefer to be directed
 make a contribution
rather than accepting society

How does this impact the people one works with?

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 What do you value achieving in life (terminal)?
 How do you want to achieve them (instrumental)?

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Four Types of Sustainability
 Human Sustainability  Economic
 maintain and develop people through
education, health/wellness, skills,
 maintenance of capital or keeping
knowledge, leadership and access to capital intact.
services.  businesses need to look at having a
 by helping people improve in these areas sustainable flow of raw material
they can reach the potential included
and energy (natural capital) from
within each individual
 it helps to sustain ourselves, and in turn environmental production sources
helps sustain a business, the to consumption of the product or
environment, and society. service & not overcapitalizing on
 Social (Moral/Ethical)
 maintaining and developing investments  Environmental
and services that help society effectively
function.  improve human welfare by
 working together as a community with protecting natural resources (water,
shared values, diverse cultural land, air, minerals, and ecosystem
interactions, corporate social services)
responsibility, shared rules, laws and
information help facilitate cooperation and  making sure consumption of these
community participation. resources is not exceeded to
prevent harm to humans.
Journey of Sustainability

 While watching the video, make note of

and bring to seminar:
1. 3 main things you have learned from the
Journey of Sustainability video
2. 2 issues or problems and its impact (Human,
Economic, Social, Environmental)
For Seminar…
1. DiSC Booklet ~ complete as much as you can in
 Refer To D2L in Advance:

➢ DiSC Dictionary
➢ DiSC Instructions

2. Locus of Control ~ bring your results to Seminar
For Seminar…
1. Bring:
i. Your Locus of Control Results and meaning
ii. Your notes on the Sustainability video including:
a. 3 main things you have learned from the Journey of
Sustainability video
b. 2 issues or problems and their impact (Human, Economic,
Social, Environmental)
2. Complete as much of DiSC Personal Profile scoring (Pg
5 graphs) as you can before seminar
 “When I am on a team I am…”
3. How to Access & Use Microsoft Teams (Watch before
week 3 seminar)
For Next Week…
 DiSC – Get to Know Yourself and Others
 Personal DiSC Result
 2% DiSC Activity Based on video segments
 You must know your DiSC type before lecture
 Reading: DiSC Handouts
Seminar: 3% DiSC In-class assignment

Challenge Yourself:
How open minded are you to outside advice?
Be open minded, and willing to learn from someone's perspective: Ask two people this
week that you trust what they see as two of your strengths, and two of your areas of

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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