Measures For The Administration of Registration of IPO Stocks On The ChiNext (For Trial Implementation)

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Measures for the Administration of Registration

of IPO Stocks on the ChiNext (for Trial


Order of the China Securities Regulatory Commission

(第 167 号)
(No. 167)

《创业板首次公开发行股票注册管理办法(试行)》已经 2020 年 6 月 1 日中国

证券监督管理委员会 2020 年第 5 次委务会议审议通过,现予公布,自公布之日
The Measures for the Administration of Registration of IPO Stocks on the ChiNext
(for Trial Implementation), as deliberated and adopted at the fifth executive meeting
of the China Securities Regulatory Commission for 2020 on June 1, 2020, are hereby
issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance.

Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission: Yi Huiman

2020 年 6 月 12 日
June 12, 2020

附件 1:创业板首次公开发行股票注册管理办法(试行)
Annex 1: Measures for the Administration of Registration of IPO Stocks on the
ChiNext (for Trial Implementation)

附件 2:《创业板首次公开发行股票注册管理办法(试行)》立法说明
Annex 2: Explanation for the Legislation of the Measures for the Administration of
Registration of IPO Stocks on the ChiNext (for Trial Implementation)

Measures for the Administration of Registration of IPO Stocks on the ChiNext (for
Trial Implementation)

第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions

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  第一条 为规范在深圳证券交易所创业板试点注册制首次公开发行股票相
Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the relevant activities of IPO of stocks under
the pilot registration system on the ChiNext of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
(“SZSE”), promoting the development of growth-type innovative and start-up
enterprises, and protecting investors' lawful rights and interests and the public
interests, these Measures are developed according to the Securities Law of the
People's Republic of China, the Notice by the General Office of the State Council of
the Work Concerning the Implementation of the Revised Securities Law, the Notice
by the General Office of the State Council of Forwarding the Several Opinions of the
China Securities Regulatory Commission on Implementing the Pilot Program of
Domestic Issuance of Stocks or Depository Receipts by Innovative Enterprises
(hereinafter referred to as the “Several Opinions”), and other relevant laws and

  第二条 在中华人民共和国境内首次公开发行并在深圳证券交易所创业板
Article 2 The Measures shall apply to the offering and registration of stocks that are
initially publicly offered in the territory of the People's Republic of China and listed
on the ChiNext of the SZSE (hereinafter referred to as the “ChiNext”).

  第三条 发行人申请首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市,应当符合创业板
Article 3 An issuer applying for IPO and listing on the ChiNext shall comply with the
positioning of the ChiNext.

The ChiNext shall deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy,
adapt to the development of more megatrends that rely on innovation, creation, and
creativity, mainly serve growth-type innovative and start-up enterprises, and support
the in-depth integration of traditional industries with new technologies, new
industries, new business types, and new models.

  第四条 中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称中国证监会)加强对审核注
Article 4 The China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) shall strengthen the
overall guidance for the registration examination, unify the examination concepts and
standards, and check the implementation of the examination standards and system of
the SZSE on a regular basis.

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  第五条 首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市,应当符合发行条件、上市条

Article 5 The IPO and listing of stocks on the ChiNext shall meet the offering
conditions, listing conditions and relevant information disclosure requirements, be
subject to the offering and listing examination of the SZSE in accordance with the
law, and be reported to the CSRC for registration.

  第六条 发行人应当诚实守信,依法充分披露投资者作出价值判断和投资
Article 6 An issuer shall have good faith, and fully disclose the information required
for investors to make value judgments and investment decisions according to the law.
The information disclosed must be authentic, accurate, complete, concise and clear,
and straightaway, without any false record, misleading statement or major omission.

An issuer shall, according to the requirements of the sponsor and securities service
institution, provide authentic, accurate, and complete financial and accounting
materials and other materials for them according to the law, and cooperate with the
relevant institutions on carrying out due diligence investigation and other relevant

An issuer's controlling shareholder, actual controller, directors, supervisors, and
senior executives shall cooperate with relevant institutions on carrying out due
diligence investigation and other relevant work, and shall not request or assist the
issuer's concealment of the materials that shall be provided or the information that
shall be disclosed.

  第七条 保荐人应当诚实守信,勤勉尽责,按照依法制定的业务规则和行
Article 7 A sponsor shall have good faith and perform duties in a diligent manner, and
in accordance with the requirements of legally developed business rules and industry
self-regulatory rules, fully understand an issuer's business operation and risks,
conduct comprehensive inspection and verification of registration application
documents and information disclosure materials, independently make professional
judgments on whether the issuer meets the offering and listing conditions, make
recommendation decisions in a prudential manner, and be responsible for the

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authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the prospectus and relevant documents issued
by it.

  第八条 证券服务机构应当严格遵守法律法规、中国证监会制定的监管规
Article 8 A securities service institution shall strictly comply with the laws and
regulations, the regulatory rules and business rules developed by the CSRC, and the
business standards and norm of morality recognized in the industry, establish and
maintain an effective quality control system, protect investors' lawful rights and
interests, perform duties prudently, make professional judgments and determinations,
and be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, and integrity of the contents relevant
to its professional duties in the prospectus or other information disclosure documents
as well as the documents issued by it.

The securities service institution and its relevant practitioners shall perform special
duty of care for business matters relating to the profession, perform ordinary duty of
care for other business matters, and assume corresponding legal liability.


A securities service institution and its practitioners shall, when providing securities
services, cooperate with the supervision and administration of the CSRC, provide,
submit or disclose the relevant materials or information within the prescribed time
limit, and ensure that the materials or information provided, submitted or disclosed by
them are authentic, accurate, and integral, without any false record, misleading
statement or major omission.

A securities service institution shall appropriately keep clients' entrustment
documents, inspection and verification materials, working papers, as well as
information and materials related to quality control, internal management, and
business operation.

  第九条 对发行人首次公开发行股票申请予以注册,不表明中国证监会和

Article 9 Approving registration of an issuer's application for IPO of a stock does not
indicate a substantial judgment or guarantee on the investment value of the stock or

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investors' return, or the guarantee of the CSRC or the SZSE on the authenticity,
accuracy or integrity of the registration application documents.

第二章 发行条件
Chapter II Offering Conditions

  第十条 发行人是依法设立且持续经营三年以上的股份有限公司,具备健
Article 10 An issuer is a legally formed company limited by shares that has conducted
business operation for three or more consecutive years, that has a sound and well-
functioning organizational structure, and whose relevant institutions and personnel
can perform duties in accordance with the law.

Where a limited liability company in its entirety is modified into a joint stock
company by conversion of the original book value of its net assets into shares, the
consecutive years of business operation may be calculated from the date of formation
of the limited liability company.

  第十一条 发行人会计基础工作规范,财务报表的编制和披露符合企业会
Article 11 The basic accounting work of an issuer shall be standardized, and its
financial statements shall be prepared and disclosed in accordance with the
accounting standards for business enterprises and the relevant information disclosure
rules, and fairly reflect the financial status, operating results and cash flow of the
issuer in all important aspects, for which audit reports with unqualified opinions in the
most recent three years shall be issued by a certified public accountant.


The internal control rules of the issuer shall be sound and effectively implemented,
and may rationally guarantee the operation efficiency, compliance with laws and
regulations, and reliability of financial reports of the company, for which an internal
control authentication report with an unqualified conclusion shall be issued by a
certified public accountant.

  第十二条 发行人业务完整,具有直接面向市场独立持续经营的能力:
Article 12 An issuer has complete business and is able to conduct business operation
in an independent and continuous manner in the market:

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(1) It has complete assets, independent business, personnel, finance and institution,
has no horizontal competition with the controlling shareholder, the actual controller
and other enterprises controlled by it, which has material adverse effects on the issuer,
and has no affiliated transaction which seriously affects its independence or is
evidently unfair.

(2) The main business, control power, and management team are stable. In the most
recent two years, the main business and directors, and senior executives do not have
any significant adverse change; the ownership of the issuer's shares held by the
controlling shareholder and shareholders controlled by the controlling shareholder and
the actual controller is clear, the actual controller has no change in the most recent
two years, and there is no significant dispute over ownership that may result in
possible change in the control power.

(3) It has no major disputes involving the ownership of major assets, core
technologies and trademarks, among others, major debt repayment risks, major
guarantee, litigation, arbitration, or other contingencies, and the business environment
has or will have major changes, or any other matter which has material adverse effects
on its sustainable business operation.

  第十三条 发行人生产经营符合法律、行政法规的规定,符合国家产业政
Article 13 An issuer shall conduct production and business operation in comply with
the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, and in line with the industrial
policies of the state.

In the most recent three years, the issuer and its controlling shareholder and actual
controller have no criminal offense of corruption, bribery, encroachment of property,
misappropriation of property or disrupting the order of the socialist market economy,
have no fraudulent offering, major violation of law in information disclosure or any
other major violation of law involving national security, public security, ecological
safety, work safety, public health and safety or any other field.

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No director, supervisor or senior executive has received any administrative
punishment imposed upon by the CSRC in the most recent three years, or is under
official investigation by the judicial authority for any suspected crime or by the CSRC
for any suspected violation of laws and regulations, and there is no specific conclusive

第三章 注册程序
Chapter III Registration Procedures

  第十四条 发行人董事会应当依法就本次发行股票的具体方案、本次募集
Article 14 The board of directors of an issuer shall make a resolution on the specific
plan for the current offering of a stock in accordance with the law, the feasibility of
the use of proceeds raised this time, and other matters that must be specified, and
submit a request to the shareholders' meeting for approval.

  第十五条 发行人股东大会应当就本次发行股票作出决议,决议至少应当
Article 15 The shareholders' meeting of an issuer shall make a resolution on the
current offering of a stock, which shall, at a minimum, include the following matters:

(1) Type and quantity of the stock offered to the public this time.

(2) Investors to which the stock is offered.

(3) Manner of offering.

(4) Uses of proceeds to be raised.

(5) Plan on the distribution of accumulated profits before the offering.

(6) Validity period of the resolution.

(7) Authorization to the board of directors for handling the specific matters
concerning the current offering.


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(8) Other matters that must be specified.

  第十六条 发行人申请首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市,应当按照中国
Article 16 An issuer applying for IPO and listing of a stock on the ChiNext shall
prepare registration application documents in accordance with the relevant provisions
of the CSRC, which shall be sponsored by a sponsor and declared to the SZSE.

After receiving the registration application documents, the SZSE shall make a
decision of whether to accept the application within five working days.

  第十七条 注册申请文件受理后,未经中国证监会或者交易所同意,不得
Article 17 After the registration application documents are accepted, they shall not be
modified without the consent of the CSRC or the SZSE.

Where a major matter occurs, the issuer, sponsor and securities service institution
shall report to the SZSE in a timely manner and update the registration application
documents and information disclosure materials as required.

  第十八条 交易所设立独立的审核部门,负责审核发行人公开发行并上市
Article 18 The SZSE shall set up an independent examination department to be
responsible for examining an issuers' application for public offering and listing; set up
an industry consulting expert database to be responsible for providing professional
consulting and policy suggestions for the construction of the ChiNext and the offering
and listing examination; and set up a ChiNext listing committee to be responsible for
offering deliberation opinions on the examination report issued by the examination
department and the issuer's application documents.

The SZSE shall conduct examination mainly by raising examination inquiries to an
issuer and an issuer's method of answering questions, and determine whether an issuer
meets the offering conditions, listing conditions and information disclosure

  第十九条 交易所按照规定的条件和程序,形成发行人是否符合发行条件

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Article 19 The SZSE shall, in accordance with the prescribed conditions and
procedures, form examination opinions on whether an issuer meets the offering
conditions and information disclosure requirements. Where it deems that an issuer
meets the offering conditions and information disclosure requirements, it shall file the
examination opinions, the issuer's registration application documents and the relevant
examination materials with the CSRC for registration; and where it deems that the
issuer does not meet the offering conditions or information disclosure requirements, it
shall make an examination decision of terminating the offering and listing.

  第二十条 交易所应当自受理注册申请文件之日起在规定的时限内形成审
Article 20 The SZSE shall form examination opinions within the prescribed time limit
from the date when the registration application documents are accepted. The time
when an issuer supplements and amends the registration application documents as
required, or the SZSE conducts on-site inspection of the issuer according to relevant
provisions, requires the sponsor and securities service institution to conduct special
inspection of relevant matters, or requires the issuer to make supplements to or amend
the application documents shall not be included.

  第二十一条 交易所应当提高审核工作透明度,接受社会监督,公开下列
Article 21 The SZSE shall improve the transparency of the examination work, accept
social supervision, and announce the following matters:

(1) The offering and listing examination standards and procedures and other business
rules for offering and listing examination, and the relevant business rules.

(2) The list of enterprises under examination, the profile of the enterprises and the
examination work progress.

(3) Offering and listing examination inquiries and replies, unless any state secret or
trade secret of the issuer is involved.

(4) The time when the meeting of the listing committee is convened, the list of
members attending the meeting, the list of the issuers under deliberation, the
deliberation results and on-site inquiries.

(5) The self-regulatory supervision measures or disciplinary actions taken against the
entities relating to the public offering and listing of stocks.

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(6) Other matters prescribed by the SZSE.

  第二十二条 中国证监会依法履行发行注册程序,发行注册主要关注交易
Article 22 The CSRC shall perform the offering registration procedures according to
the law, and shall, for offering registration, mainly pay attention to whether the
content subject to the SZSE's offering and listing examination has any omission,
whether the examination procedures comply with the provisions, and whether the
issuer complies with the relevant provisions in major respects of the offering
conditions and information disclosure requirements. Where the CSRC deems that any
matter shall be further explained or implemented, it may require the SZSE to make
further inquiries.

Where the CSRC deems that the SZSE fails to pay attention to major matters affecting
the offering conditions or the basis for the SZSE's examination opinion is evidently
insufficient, it may require the SZSE to conduct supplementary examination. If the
SZSE deems that an issuer meets the offering conditions and information disclosure
requirements after supplementary examination, it shall file the examination opinions
and relevant materials with the CSRC anew, and the registration period prescribed in
Article 23 of these Measures shall be recalculated.

  第二十三条 中国证监会在二十个工作日内对发行人的注册申请作出予以
Article 23 The CSRC shall, within 20 working days, decide whether to approve or
disapprove the registration on an issuer's registration application. The time when an
issuer supplements or amends the registration application documents as required, or
the CSRC requires the SZSE to conduct further inquiry, requires the sponsor and the
securities service institution, among others, to verify the relevant matters, conducts
on-site inspection over the issuer, and requires the issuer to supplement and amend the
application documents shall not be included.

  第二十四条 中国证监会的予以注册决定,自作出之日起一年内有效,发
Article 24 The decision of the CSRC to approve registration shall be effective within
one year from the date when the decision is made. An issuer shall offer a stock within

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the validity period of the registration decision, and the offering time shall be selected
by the issuer itself.

  第二十五条 中国证监会作出予以注册决定后、发行人股票上市交易前,
Article 25 After the CSRC makes a registration decision and before the listing and
trading of an issuer's stock, the issuer shall update the content of the information
disclosure documents in a timely manner, and if the financial statements expire, the
issuer shall supplement the financial statements and other documents; the sponsor and
securities service institution shall continuously fulfill due diligence investigation
duties; if a major matter occurs, the issuer and the sponsor shall report to the SZSE in
a timely manner.

The SZSE shall handle the aforesaid matters in a timely manner and if it finds that the
issuer has any major matter, which affects the offering conditions and listing
conditions, it shall offer specific opinions and report to the CSRC in a timely manner.

  第二十六条 中国证监会作出予以注册决定后、发行人股票上市交易前,
Article 26 Where the CSRC finds any major matter that may affect the current
offering after making a registration decision and before the listing and trading of the
issuer's stock, the CSRC may require the issuer to postpone the offering and listing. It
shall cancel the registration if the relevant major matter leads to the issuer's failure to
meet the offering conditions. Where the stock is not offered after the CSRC cancels
registration, the issuer shall cease the offering; and where the stock has been offered
but not listed, the issuer shall refund the issue price plus the interest on bank deposits
for the same period to stock holders.

  第二十七条 交易所认为发行人不符合发行条件或者信息披露要求,作出
Article 27 Where the SZSE deems that the issuer fails to meet the offering conditions
or information disclosure requirements, makes a decision to terminate offering and
listing examination, or the CSRC makes a decision to disapprove the registration, the
issuer may file a new application for public offering and listing of the stock six
months after the decision is made.

  第二十八条 中国证监会应当按规定公开股票发行注册行政许可事项相关

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Article 28 The CSRC shall, according to relevant provisions, disclose the regulatory
information concerning the administrative licensing matters on the public offering and
registration of stocks.

  第二十九条 存在下列情形之一的,发行人、保荐人应当及时书面报告交
Article 29 Under one of the following circumstances, an issuer and its sponsor shall,
in a timely manner, file a written report with the SZSE or the CSRC, and the SZSE or
the CSRC shall suspend the corresponding offering and listing examination
procedures or offering registration procedures:

(1) The relevant entity is subject to official investigation or investigation by the
judicial authority for any suspected violation of paragraph 2 of Article 13 of these
Measures, and the case has not been closed yet.

(2) The issuer's sponsor, law firm, accounting firm or any other securities service
institution is subject to official investigation by the CSRC or the judicial authority for
any suspected violation of laws and regulations in the IPO of stocks, securities
offering of listed companies and the merger, acquisition and restructuring business or
suspected violation of laws and regulations in any other business, which has a
significant impact on the market, and the case has not been closed yet.

(3) The issuer's signatory sponsor representative, signatory lawyer, signatory
accountant or any other signatory of the securities service institution is subject to
official investigation by the CSRC or the judicial authority for any suspected violation
of laws and regulations in the IPO of stocks, securities offering of listed companies
and the merger, acquisition and restructuring business or any suspected violation of
laws and regulations in any other business, which has a significant impact on the
market, and the case has not been closed yet.

(4) The issuer's sponsor, law firm, accounting firm or any other securities service
institution is legally taken against such measures as restricting business activities,
ordering the suspension of business operation for rectification, and designating
another institution for trusteeship or receivership by the CSRC, or is taken against the

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disciplinary action of not accepting the relevant documents issued by it within a

certain period by the SZSE, and it has not been removed.


(5) The issuer's signatory sponsor representative, signatory lawyer, signatory

accountant, or any other signatory of any other intermediary institution is legally
taken against such regulatory measures as being determined as inappropriate, or
prohibiting from entering the securities market by the CSRC, or is taken against the
disciplinary action of not accepting the relevant documents issued by it within a
certain period by the SZSE, and it has not been removed.

(6) The issuer and the sponsor take the initiative to request the suspension of the
offering and listing examination procedures or offering registration procedures with
justified reasons or the consent of the SZSE or the CSRC.

(7) The financial materials recorded in the issuer's registration application documents
have expired and need to be supplemented.

(8) Other circumstances prescribed by the CSRC.

前款所列情形消失后,发行人可以提交恢复申请;因前款第 (二)(三)项规
After the circumstances listed in the preceding paragraph disappear, the issuer may
file an application for resumption; if the circumstances prescribed in items (2) and (3)
of the preceding paragraph are suspended, the issuer may also file an application for
resumption after the sponsor, the law firm, the accounting firm and other securities
service institutions perform the review procedures in accordance with the relevant
provisions. The SZSE or the CSRC shall resume the offering and listing examination
procedures or offering registration procedures in accordance with the provisions.

  第三十条 存在下列情形之一的,交易所或者中国证监会应当终止相应发
Article 30 Under one of the following circumstances, the SZSE or the CSRC shall
terminate the corresponding offering and listing examination procedures or offering
registration procedures, and explain the reasons to the issuer:

(1) The issuer withdraws the registration application or the sponsor cancels the

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(2) The issuer fails to explain, supplement or amend the registration application
documents within the required time limit.

(3) The registration application documents have false records, misleading statements
or material omissions.


(4) The issuer obstructs or rejects the legal inspection and verification by the CSRC or
the SZSE.

(5) The issuer and its affiliate seriously disrupt the offering and listing examination or
the offering registration work by improper means.

(6) The issuer's legal person qualification is terminated.

(7) The registration application documents have a major defect, which seriously
affects investors' understanding and offering and listing examination or offering


(8) The financial materials recorded in the issuer's registration application documents
have expired and have not been updated within three months.

(9) The issuer has suspended offering and listing examination procedures beyond the
time limit prescribed by the SZSE or has suspended the offering registration
procedures for over three months, which have not been resumed.

(10) The SZSE believes that the issuer does not meet the offering conditions or the
information disclosure requirements.

(11) Other circumstances prescribed by the CSRC.

  第三十一条 中国证监会和交易所可以对发行人进行现场检查,可以要求

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Article 31 The CSRC and the SZSE may conduct on-site inspections of issuers, and
require sponsors and securities service institutions to conduct special inspections and
issue opinions on relevant matters.

The CSRC and the SZSE shall establish and improve the rules for the on-site
inspection of information disclosure quality, as well as the routine inspection of the
sponsorship business and the offering and underwriting business.

  第三十二条 中国证监会与交易所建立全流程电子化审核注册系统,实现
Article 32 The CSRC and the SZSE shall establish a full-process electronic
examination registration system to realize electronic acceptance, examination, and
real-time information sharing in all links of the offering registration, and announce the
relevant information to the public in accordance with the law.

第四章 信息披露
Chapter IV Information Disclosure

  第三十三条 发行人申请首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市,应当按照中
Article 33 An issuer applying for IPO and listing of a stock on the ChiNext shall
prepare and disclose the prospectus in accordance with the information disclosure
rules developed by the CSRC and guarantee that the relevant information is authentic,
accurate and integral. The content of information disclosure shall be concise, clear
and straightaway, without any false record, misleading statement or major omission.

The information disclosure rules developed by the CSRC are the minimum
requirements for information disclosure. An issuer shall disclose all the necessary
information for an investor to make value judgments and investment decisions in an
authentic, accurate and integral manner, no matter whether there are specific
provisions in the aforesaid rules.

  第三十四条 中国证监会依法制定招股说明书内容与格式准则、编报规则
Article 34 The CSRC shall develop information disclosure rules such as the standards
for content and formats of the prospectuses, and prospectus preparation and reporting

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rules, and prescribe the content, formats, preparation requirements, and disclosure
forms, among others, of the relevant information disclosure documents.

The SZSE may, in accordance with the departmental rules and regulatory documents
of the CSRC, develop detailed rules or guidelines for information disclosure, put
forward requirements for specifying and supplementing disclosed information within
the scope of information disclosure determined by the CSRC, and implement them
after reporting to the CSRC for approval.

  第三十五条 发行人及其董事、监事、高级管理人员应当在招股说明书上
Article 35 An issuer and its directors, supervisors and senior executives shall affix
their signatures and seals to the prospectus to guarantee that the content of the
prospectus is authentic, accurate and integral and contains no false record, misleading
statement or material omission, and the commitments will be fulfilled under the
principle of integrity, and declare to assume corresponding legal liability.

The controlling shareholder or actual controller of an issuer shall affix the signature
and seal to the prospectus to guarantee that the content of the prospectus is authentic,
accurate and integral and contains no false record, misleading statement or material
omission, fulfill the commitments under the principle of integrity, and declare to
assume corresponding legal liability.

  第三十六条 保荐人及其保荐代表人应当在招股说明书上签字、盖章,确
Article 36 The sponsor and its sponsor representative shall affix the signature and seal
to its prospectus to confirm that the content of the prospectus is authentic, accurate
and integral and contains no false record, misleading statement or material omission,
and declare to assume corresponding legal liability.

  第三十七条 为证券发行出具专项文件的律师、注册会计师、资产评估人
Article 37 Lawyers, certified public accountants, asset appraisers and credit rating
personnel that issue special documents for securities offering and institutions for
which they work shall affix their signatures and seals to the prospectus to confirm that
they have no objection to the professional opinions issued by them as cited in the

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issuer's information disclosure documents, the information disclosure documents have

no false record, misleading statement or material omission for the cited professional
opinions issued by them, and declare to assume corresponding legal liability.

  第三十八条 发行人应当以投资者需求为导向,结合所属行业的特点和发
Article 38 An issuer shall, under the guidance of the needs of investors and in
consideration of the characteristics and development trends of its industry, fully
disclose its innovation, creation, and creativity characteristics, disclose its
technological innovation, model innovation, or business format innovation situation
and its role in integrating new and old industries in a targeted manner, and fully
disclose business model, corporate governance, development strategies, operating
policies, accounting policies, analysis on financial position, and other information.

  第三十九条 发行人应当以投资者需求为导向,精准清晰充分地披露可能
Article 39 An issuer shall, under the guidance of the needs of investors, accurately,
clearly, and fully disclose various risk factors that may have a material adverse impact
on its business operation performance, core competitiveness, business stability, and
future development.

  第四十条 发行人尚未盈利的,应当充分披露尚未盈利的成因,以及对公
Article 40 An issuer that has not made profits shall fully disclose the causes for failure
to make profits, as well as the impact on the company's cash flow, business
development, talent attraction, team stability, research and development investment,
strategic investment, sustainability of production and business operation and other

  第四十一条 发行人应当披露募集资金的投向和使用管理制度,披露募集
Article 41 An issuer shall disclose the management system for the investment
direction and use of proceeds raised, the contribution of the proceeds raised to the
issuer's main business development, the impact of the proceeds raised on the future
business strategy and the role of the proceeds raised in supporting the issuer's business
innovation, creation, and creativity.

  第四十二条 符合相关规定、存在特别表决权股份的企业申请首次公开发

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Article 42 Where an enterprise that complies with the relevant provisions and has
shares with special voting rights applies for IPO and listing of a stock on the ChiNext,
the issuer shall, in the prospectus and other public offering documents, disclose and
make a special reminder on the major content of differentiated voting arrangements,
relevant risks and impact on corporate governance, and implement the various
measures for protecting investors' lawful rights and interests according to the law.

A sponsor and the lawyer of the issuer shall offer professional opinions on whether
such matters as the qualification of holders of shares with special voting rights,
arrangements for the proportion of the number of voting rights of shares with special
voting rights to the number of voting rights of common shares, the scope of matters of
the shareholders' meeting on which holders can vote based on shares held by them
with special voting rights, lock-up arrangements and transfer restrictions for shares
with special voting rights prescribed in the company's bylaws comply with the
relevant provisions.

  第四十三条 发行人应当在招股说明书中披露公开发行股份前已发行股份
Article 43 An issuer shall disclose in the prospectus the arrangements for the lock-up
period of the shares issued before the public offering of shares, especially the
arrangements for the lock-up period of shares of the issuer's controlling shareholder,
actual controller, directors, supervisors and senior executives if profits have not been

The sponsor and the issuer's lawyer shall give professional opinions on whether the
matters set forth in the preceding paragraph comply with the relevant provisions.

  第四十四条 招股说明书的有效期为六个月,自公开发行前最后一次签署
Article 44 A prospectus shall be valid for six months from the date when it is last
signed before the public offering.

The audited financial statements cited in a prospectus shall be valid for six months
from the ending date of the most recent reporting period. Under particular
circumstances, an issuer may apply for an appropriate extension, which, however,
shall not exceed three months. The ending date of financial statements shall be the
end of a year, the end of half a year, or the end of a quarter.

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  第四十五条 交易所受理注册申请文件后,发行人应当按规定,将招股说
Article 45 After the SZSE accepts registration application documents, an issuer shall,
according to the provisions, disclose in advance the prospectus, the sponsorship letter
for offering, the sponsorship letter for listing, the audit report, the legal opinion and
other documents on the website of the SZSE.

  第四十六条 预先披露的招股说明书及其他注册申请文件不能含有价格信
Article 46 The prospectus and other registration application documents disclosed in
advance shall not contain any price information, and an issuer shall not offer a stock
on such a basis.

An issuer shall, in a conspicuous position of the prospectus disclosed in advance,
make the following statements: “The offering application of this company shall be
subject to corresponding procedures by the SZSE and the CSRC. The prospectus does
not have the legal force for stock offering, and is for advance disclosure only.
Investors shall make investment decisions based on the prospectus officially

  第四十七条 交易所认为发行人符合发行条件和信息披露要求,将发行人
Article 47 When the SZSE deems that an issuer meets the issuance conditions and
information disclosure requirements and files the issuer's registration application
documents with the CSRC, the prospectus, the sponsorship letter for offering, the
sponsorship letter for listing, the audit report, the legal opinion and other documents
shall be concurrently announced on the website of the SZSE and the website of the

  第四十八条 发行人在发行股票前应当在交易所网站和符合中国证监会规
Article 48 Before offering a stock, an issuer shall publish the full text of the
prospectus on the website of the SZSE and a website meeting the conditions
prescribed by the CSRC, and concurrently publish an announcement on the
newspaper or journal meeting the conditions prescribed by the CSRC to inform
investors of the website address where the prospectus is published and the ways of
obtaining the documents.

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An issuer may publish its prospectus and relevant annexes on its website, but the
disclosed content shall be the same and the time of disclosure shall not be earlier than
that on the website of the SZSE or the website prescribed by the CSRC.

The sponsorship letter for offering issued by a sponsor, the documents issued by a
securities service institution and other important documents concerning the offering
shall be disclosed as annexes to the prospectus.

第五章 发行承销的特别规定
Chapter V Particular Provisions on Offering and Underwriting

  第四十九条 首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市的发行与承销行为,适用
Article 49 The offering and underwriting of IPO and listing of stocks on the ChiNext
shall be governed by the Measures for the Administration of the Offering and
Underwriting of Securities, unless as otherwise provided for in these Measures and
the Special Provisions on Offering and Underwriting in the Initial Public Offerings of
Securities on the ChiNext.

  第五十条 交易所应当根据《证券发行与承销管理办法》、本办法以及中
Article 50 The SZSE shall, in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of
the Offering and Underwriting of Securities, these Measures, and the relevant
provisions of the CSRC, develop the business rules for the offering and underwriting
of stocks on the ChiNext, and submit them to the CSRC for approval.

Pricing method for IPO of a stock on the ChiNext, investor quotation requirements,
ratio of excluding highest bids, determination of the offering price, ratio of initial
placement under the placing tranche, ratio of priority placement under the placing
tranche, claw-back mechanism under the public subscription tranche and placing
tranche, arrangements for categorized placement under the placing tranche, lock-up
arrangements for placement under placing tranche, strategic placement, over-
allotment option and other matters shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the

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  第五十一条 首次公开发行股票采用询价方式的,应当向证券公司、基金
Article 51 In the IPO of stocks adopting book building, book building under the
placing tranche shall be conducted from securities companies, fund management
companies, trust companies, finance companies, insurance companies, qualified
foreign institutional investors, privately offered fund managers and other specialized
institutional investors (hereinafter collectively referred to as “investors under the
place tranche”). Investors under the placing tranche participating in book building
shall register with the Securities Association of China and accept self-regulatory

An issuer and its lead underwriter may, under the premise of complying with the
relevant rules of the CSRC and the self-regulation rules of the SZSE and the
Securities Association of China, negotiate to set specific conditions for investors
under the placing tranche to participate in the book building and disclose them in
advance in the offering announcement.

  第五十二条 战略投资者在承诺的持有期限内,可以按规定向证券金融公
Article 52 Strategic investors may lend to the securities finance company the shares to
be placed in the promised holding period. After the expiration of the lending period,
the securities finance company shall return the borrowed shares to strategic investors.

  第五十三条 保荐人的相关子公司或者保荐人所属证券公司的相关子公司
Article 53 The specific rules for the relevant subsidiaries of a sponsor or the relevant
subsidiaries of the securities company to which the sponsor is affiliated to participate
in the issuer's stock placement shall be prescribed by the SZSE separately.

  第五十四条 中国证监会作出予以注册的决定后,发行人与主承销商应当
Article 54 After the CSRC makes a decision of approving registration, an issuer and
its lead underwriter shall, in a timely manner, file the offering and underwriting plan
with the SZSE for recordation. If the SZSE files no objection within five working
days, the issuer and the lead underwriter may publish a preliminary prospectus in
accordance with the law and initiate the offering work.

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  第五十五条 交易所对证券发行承销过程实施监管。发行承销涉嫌违法违
Article 55 The SZSE shall supervise and administrate the securities offering and
underwriting process. If the offering and underwriting are suspected of violating any
law or regulation or there is any abnormal circumstance, the CSRC may require the
SZSE to conduct investigation and handling, or directly order the issuer and the
underwriter to suspend or cease the offering.

第六章 监督管理和法律责任
Chapter VI Supervision and Administration and Legal Liabilities

  第五十六条 中国证监会负责建立健全以信息披露为中心的注册制规则体
Article 56 The CSRC shall be responsible for establishing and improving the rules
system for the registration system centering on information disclosure, developing
rules and regulations for the offering and listing of stocks, approving the relevant
business rules developed by the SZSE according to the law, and supervising the
implementation of the relevant business rules.

  第五十七条 中国证监会建立对交易所发行上市审核工作和发行承销过程
Article 57 The CSRC shall establish a supervision mechanism for the SZSE's offering
and listing examination and supervision over the offering and underwriting process,
and continuously pay attention to the examination of the SZSE and the supervision
over the offering and underwriting process.

  第五十八条 中国证监会对交易所发行上市审核和发行承销过程监管等相
Article 58 The CSRC shall conduct an annual routine inspection of the relevant work
such as the SZSE's offering and listing examination and supervision over the offering
and underwriting process, and may consult the examination work documents, and
attend relevant examination conferences as a nonvoting delegate during the
examination process.

The CSRC shall, on a regular and irregular basis, conduct random inspections of the
relevant work such as the SZSE's offering and listing examination and supervision
over the offering and underwriting process according to a certain ratio.

Where the CSRC finds any problem in the supervision course of inspection and
random inspection, the SZSE shall conduct rectification.

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  第五十九条 中国证监会建立对发行上市监管全流程的权力运行监督制约
Article 59 The CSRC shall establish a power operation supervision and restraint
mechanism for the entire process of offering and listing supervision, supervise and
inspect the operation of internal control rules concerning the offering and listing
examination procedures and offering registration procedures, and supervise and
inspect the implementation of clean administration disciplines and the performance of
functions of relevant personnel.

  第六十条 交易所应当建立内部防火墙制度,发行上市审核部门、发行承
Article 60 The SZSE shall develop internal firewall rules, and the offering and listing
examination department and the offering and underwriting regulatory department
shall be separated from other departments in operation. A person participating in the
offering and listing examination shall neither have any interest relationship with the
issuer and its controlling shareholder, actual controller, relevant sponsor or securities
service institution, directly or indirectly have interest relations with the issuer, the
sponsor or securities service institution, hold the issuer's stock, nor have private
contact with the issuer.

  第六十一条 交易所应当建立定期报告制度,及时总结发行上市审核和发
Article 61 The SZSE shall develop periodical reporting rules, summarize the work of
offering and listing examination and offering and underwriting supervision in a timely
manner, and report to the CSRC.

  第六十二条 交易所发行上市审核工作违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一
Article 62 Where the SZSE falls under one of the following circumstances in offering
and listing examination in violation of the provisions of these Measures, the CSRC
shall order it to take corrective action; and if the circumstances are serious, the
directly liable person shall accordingly held liable:

(1) It fails to conduct offering and listing examination according to the examination

(2) It fails to conduct offering and listing examination according to the examination

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(3) It fails to cooperate with the CSRC on the inspection and random inspection of the
offering and listing examination and the offering and underwriting supervision, or
fails to make rectification according to the rectification requirements of the CSRC.

  第六十三条 发行人在证券发行文件中隐瞒重要事实或者编造重大虚假内
Article 63 Where an issuer conceals important facts in the securities offering
documents or fabricates major false content, the CSRC shall take the regulatory
measure of not accepting documents concerning the issuer's public offering of
securities for five years; and for the relevant responsible personnel, the CSRC shall,
according to the seriousness of circumstances, take regulatory measures of being
determined as inappropriate, or take measures of forbidding them from entering the
securities market.

  第六十四条 发行人存在本办法第三十条第(三)项、第 (四)项、第
Article 64 Where an issuer falls under the circumstances prescribed in items (3), (4)
and (5) of Article 30 of these Measures, or fails to report or disclose any major matter,
or the signature or seal of the issuer or any of its directors, supervisors and senior
executives, the controlling shareholder or actual controller is forged or altered, the
CSRC shall, within three to five years, take regulatory measure of not accepting the
issuer's relevant documents on public offering of securities.

  第六十五条 发行人的控股股东、实际控制人违反本办法规定,致使发行
Article 65 Where the controlling shareholder or actual controller of an issuer violates
the provisions of these Measures, resulting in the fact that the registration application
documents filed by and information disclosed by the issuer have any false record,
misleading statement or material omission, or organizes or instigates the issuer's
financial fraud, profit manipulation or concealment of important information or
fabrication of major false contents in the offering documents of securities, the CSRC
may, according to the seriousness of circumstances, take such regulatory measures as
rejecting the documents of the relevant entity and subordinated entities controlled by
it on the public offering of securities within one to five years, and determining the
liable person as inappropriate against the relevant entity and liable persons or take the
measure of prohibiting the violator from entering the securities market.

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Where any of an issuer's directors, supervisors and senior executives violates the
provisions of these Measures, resulting in the fact that the registration application
documents filed by and information disclosed by the issuer have any false record,
misleading statement or material omission, the CSRC shall, according to the
seriousness of circumstances, take such regulatory measures as determining the liable
person as inappropriate, or take the measure of prohibiting the violator from entering
the securities market.

  第六十六条 保荐人未勤勉尽责,致使发行人信息披露资料存在虚假记载、
Article 66 Where a sponsor fails to perform due diligence, resulting in the fact that the
issuer's information disclosure materials have any false record, misleading statement
or material omission, the CSRC shall, according to the seriousness of circumstances,
take the regulatory measure of suspending the sponsor's business qualification for one
to three years or ordering the sponsor to replace the relevant person in charge; and if
the circumstances are serious, revoke the sponsor's business qualification, and take the
measure of prohibiting the relevant liable person from entering the securities market.

A sponsor representative that fails to perform due diligence, resulting in the fact that
the issuer's information disclosure materials have any false record, misleading
statement or material omission shall be determined as inappropriate according to the

Where a securities service institution fails to perform due diligence, resulting in the
fact that the content of the issuer's information disclosure materials relating to its
duties and the documents issued by it have any false record, misleading statement or
material omission, the CSRC may, according to the seriousness of circumstances, take
the regulatory measure of not accepting the special securities offering documents
issued by the relevant entity and its liable person for three months to three years; if the
circumstances are serious, take the measure of prohibiting the relevant liable person
of the securities service institution from entering the securities market.

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  第六十七条 保荐人存在下列情形之一的,中国证监会视情节轻重,采取
Article 67 Where the sponsor falls under one of the following circumstances, the
CSRC shall, according to the seriousness of circumstances, take the regulatory
measure of suspending the sponsor's business qualification for three months to three
years; if the circumstances are particularly serious, revoke the sponsor's business

(1) Forging or altering the signature or seal.

(2) Failing to report or disclose any major matter.

(3) Disrupting the registration examination work by illicit means.

(4) Failing to perform other statutory duties.

If the sponsor representative falls under one of the circumstances specified in the
preceding paragraph, the CSRC shall, according to the seriousness of circumstances,
refuse to accept the recommendations in the charge thereof for three months to three
years; if the circumstances are serious, determine him as inappropriate.

Where the securities service institution or its relevant staff member falls under the
circumstance prescribed in subparagraph 1, the CSRC shall, according to the
seriousness of circumstances, take the regulatory measure of rejecting the special
documents on securities offering issued by the relevant entity and its liable person for
three months to three years.

  第六十八条 保荐人、证券服务机构存在以下情形之一的,中国证监会视
Article 68 Where a sponsor or securities service institution falls under one of the
following circumstances, the CSRC shall, according to the seriousness of
circumstances, take such regulatory measures as ordering the violator to take
corrective action, holding a regulatory talk, issuing a warning letter, and rejecting the
documents concerning the registration application issued by the relevant entity and its
liable person within one year; if the circumstances are serious, it may also take the

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regulatory measure of rejecting the special securities offering documents issued by the
relevant entity and its liable person for three months to one year:

(1) The documents produced or issued are incomplete or fail to satisfy the

(2) The registration application documents, information disclosure materials or other
documents filed are altered without permission.

(3) The registration application documents or information disclosure materials are
contradictory or the same facts are inconsistent and have substantial difference.

(4) The content disclosed in the documents are unclear and confusing in logic, which
seriously affects the understanding of investors.

(5) A major matter is not reported or disclosed in a timely manner.

Where an issuer falls under any circumstance prescribed in the preceding paragraph,
the CSRC shall, according to the seriousness of circumstances, take the regulatory
measures of ordering taking of corrective action, holding a regulatory talk, issuing a
warning letter, and rejecting the issuer's documents on the public offering of securities
for six months to one year.

  第六十九条 发行人披露盈利预测,利润实现数如未达到盈利预测的百分
Article 69 Where an issuer discloses profit estimation and the realized profit fails to
reach 80% of the estimation, except for the case of force majeure, its legal
representative and person in charge of finance shall make a public interpretation and
apology at the shareholders' meeting, and on the website of the SZSE, and on the
media meeting the conditions prescribed by the CSRC; and the CSRC may give a
warning to its legal representative.

Where the realized profit fails to reach 50% of the estimation, except for the case of
force majeure, the CSRC shall refuse to accept the company's application for the
public offering of securities within three years.

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Where a certified public accountant fails to perform due diligence in the process of
issuing the examination report for the aforesaid profit estimation, the CSRC shall,
according to the seriousness of circumstances, take regulatory measures such as
holding regulatory talks with the relevant institution and its liable person; and if the
circumstances are serious, give a warning and impose other administrative penalties

  第七十条 发行人及其控股股东和实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管理人
Article 70 Where an issuer or any of its controlling shareholder or actual controller,
directors, supervisors, senior executives, sponsor, underwriter, securities service
institution and their relevant practitioners commits any other act in violation of these
Measures in the activities relating to the IPO and listing of the stock, the CSRC shall,
according to the seriousness of circumstances, take such regulatory measures as
ordering corrective action, holding a regulatory talk, issuing a warning letter, ordering
the violator to make a public explanation, ordering the violator to make periodical
reports, determining the violator as inappropriate, and rejecting the documents
relating to administrative licensing for the time being, or take the measure of
prohibiting the violator from entering the securities market.

  第七十一条 发行人及其控股股东、实际控制人、保荐人、证券服务机构
及其相关人员违反《中华人民共和国证券法》依法应予以行政处罚的, 中国
Article 71 Where an issuer, its controlling shareholder, actual controller, sponsor,
securities service institution or any of its relevant personnel violates the Securities
Law of the People's Republic of China and shall be given an administrative penalty in
accordance with the law, the CSRC shall punish the violator in accordance with the
law. Whoever is suspected of any crime shall be transferred to the judicial authority in
accordance with the law and be held criminally liable.

  第七十二条 交易所负责对发行人及其控股股东、实际控制人、保荐人、
Article 72 The SZSE shall be responsible for the self-regulatory supervision of the
issuers and their controlling shareholders, actual controllers, sponsors, underwriters
and securities service institutions, among others.

The Securities Association of China shall be responsible for developing the self-
regulatory supervision rules for the sponsorship business, offering and underwriting,

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and conducting self-regulatory supervision of sponsors, underwriters, sponsor

representatives, and investors under the placing tranche.

The SZSE and the Securities Association of China shall take self-regulatory
supervision measures against those who violate the self-regulatory supervision rules
during the offering and listing process and impose disciplinary punishment upon

  第七十三条 中国证监会将遵守本办法的情况记入证券市场诚信档案,会
Article 73 The CSRC will record the compliance with these Measures in the credit
files on the securities market, strengthen information sharing in conjunction with the
relevant departments, and implement the measures of encouraging honesty and
punishing dishonesty in accordance with the law.

第七章 附则
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

  第七十四条 符合《若干意见》等规定的红筹企业,申请首次公开发行股
Article 74 A red chip enterprise that complies with the Several Opinions and other
provisions and applies for IPO and listing of a stock on the ChiNext shall concurrently
comply with the relevant provisions of these Measures, but the corporate form may be
subject to the legal provisions of its place of registration; and where it applies for
offering of depository receipts and listing on the ChiNext, its offering and listing
examination registration procedures shall be governed by these Measures.

The offering and listing of a stock on the ChiNext by a red chip enterprise as
prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be governed by the specific standards of
the Several Opinions for “rapid growth of operating revenue, possessing
internationally leading technologies developed upon independent research, and having
comparative advantage in the competition of the same industry,” which shall be
developed by the SZSE and be reported to the CSRC for approval.

  第七十五条 本办法自公布之日起施行。《首次公开发行股票并在创业板
上市管理办法》(证监会令第 142 号)同时废止。
Article 75 These Measures shall come into force on the date of issuance. The
Measures for the Administration of the Initial Public Offerings and Listing of Stocks
on ChiNext (Order No. 142, CSRC) shall be concurrently repealed.

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  一、 立法背景




  二、 主要内容




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